Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads aikido7. Fill us in on what you've been doing since the last time you graced us with your moral relativist presence:
How many homosexual 'weddings' have you attended?
How many homosexual funerals have you attended?
How many HRC/GLSEN/GLAAD meetings have you attended and what is new when it comes to the homosexual agenda?
I look to people like you to keep me informed aikido7, so don't let me down.
But still as spiritually dead as before.
You act as if you're ashamed to admit that you have friends that engage in homosexual behavior and partake in faux marriage ceremonies and because of their extremely harmful behavior, go to the grave way before they should.
Why is that?
I questioned the "original intent" behind those terribly confusing verses and passages in my last post. I'm currently looking into that extremely confusing verse "Thou shalt not commit adultery" to find what God really meant when He said that.
i.e. the Old and New Testaments will be burned and replaced with the new "state authorized version" :
The Queen James Bible.
I've been meaning to ask:
How many homosexual 'weddings' have you attended?
How many homosexual funerals have you attended?
How many HRC/GLSEN/GLAAD meetings have you attended and what is new when it comes to the homosexual agenda?
There is not a single Greek word or phrase in the entire New Testament that should be translated into English as "homosexual"
In fact, the very notion of homosexuality—like that of heterosexuality, bisexuality, and even sexual orientation—is essentially a modern concept that would simply have been unintelligible to the New Testament writers.
The word "homosexuality" came into use only in the latter part of the nineteenth century. You and your minions presume an understanding of human sexuality that was possible only with the advent of modern psychological and sociological analysis.
In other words, the ancient writers were operating without the vaguest conception of what we have learned to call "sexual orientation."
You are not only adding to the Word, you refuse to remove your
21st century modern glasses. Which actually makes sense, given the science and moral common sense the rest of the globe is concerned with.
You are making a "Purity Code" issue here: some things just don't belong together. The Jews of Jesus's day felt the same way.
But we all know what Jesus taught.