Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I need not go over again what type of behaviors would be legal if your rules were legislated (many of them are already legal: adultery, homosexuality, cohabitation, pornography).
Except I'm no extremist nutter aCW, what we have now seems pretty reasonable to me.
(Al's a "moderate sexual anarchist"). You surely wouldn't deny legalizing 'close family relationships' or man-beast love (not to be confused with man-boy love, which Al is strictly against...don't let his constant defense of Peter the pedophile Tatchell fool you) if those movements were to seek the legalization of such acts?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hence the reason you and your movement are referred to as "sexual anarchists".
The real truth here is that anything you can't control with your fire and brimstone is deemed as anarchy. You personally seem to hate the idea of homosexuals ignoring your theocratic spin, which is the real reason you want to criminalise them rather than a more reasonable and tolerant celebration of human difference.
Anarchy is anarchy (i.e. the truth is the truth) no matter what stance I take on it.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(From the article:
Is a right invented by a judge the same as the law of the land?)
We hear from Hillary Clinton about upholding the law. She wants the clerks in Kentucky to obey the law and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (By the way, did Hillary Clinton call on President Obama to uphold the law when he refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, a real law passed by a real legislature and signed by President Clinton?)
But what law are we talking about today? What legislature passed this law? What executive signed it in a fancy ceremony?
Did President Obama ask Congress to send him a bill making marriage equality the law of the land? Frankly, I missed it if he did. I guess that I'm still watching that YouTube video from 2008 where he agrees with Kim Davis about marriage.
I get that you don't want to allow gay couples the right to be married aCW, yes it maybe hard for you to accept that despite the above most reasonable people do not seem to agree with you nor indeed want your theocratic doctrinal control enshrined into secular civil law, it's tough get over it.
(Note how Al doesn't want to talk about the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to ignoring laws that were actually passed by Congress and signed by the President as opposed to a judicial activist Judge's ruling).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, what law is Kim Davis violating?
Contempt of the law. for an unconstitutional judicial activist's ruling.
Fixed that for ya.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Same-sex marriage, or marriage equality, as some like to call it, was arrived at by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling that denied the American people the opportunity to debate the issue in the political arena...
Simple, get a new SCOTUS.
However I suspect you wouldn't be whinging if the vote was 4-5.
Except for SCOTUS isn't the law of the land, the United States Constitution is.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Like Roe v. Wade, it is the opinion of a judge who found something in the U.S. Constitution that isn't there. Also, there were deep divisions in the Court about creating this right.
Should we create rights this way? Do the happy supporters of same-sex marriage understand how dangerous it is for judges to invent rights?
As Judge Judy would say "That's just baloney".
How did I know that your so-called "knowledge" of the American legal system is owed to a television court judge?
I see that political prisoner Kim Davis has been released from jail,
Kim Davis Freed From Jail, Lawyers Say She Plans To Again Block Licenses
I'll follow this case for a few more days before I get started on the Education segment of the thread.