Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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aCW, remember when I used to call you, "Kentucky"? :think:

Anyhoo, can we count on you to join us?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So why would a supposed "social conservative" want to imprison a Christian (Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis) for standing up for God's Word?

It seems reasonable by federal standards, you first class idiot.

Has nothing to do with what I want or don't want. :AMR1:

Boy, you're all over the board. First you talk about a religious liberty rally supporting Kim Davis and then you talk about her backing down from her support of traditional marriage and incarcerating her.

I believe in religious liberty, but this is a civil job she has, and the law is the law, and she should either have issued the licenses or left her post.

Jail seems reasonable, and she is certainly not the only one to go for official misconduct.

Which is it? Do the citizens of our nation have unalienable rights when it comes to religious freedom or do all secular humanist laws supersede any right to religious beliefs?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've noticed that many pagans, atheists and even some "Evan-jellyfish" Christians have said that Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis should just resign.

Why aren't they comparing her to Rosa Parks* who refused to sit at the back of the bus even though the law said that she had to?

*Unlike Parks, who with her husband were regular attendees at Communist Party meetings in the 1930's,

Kim Davis is a follower of Christ.

Because they have nothing in common ...

Kim Davis would have been one of those demanding that Rosa Parks sits in the back of the bus ...

They both broke unjust laws and were punished for them.

You're partially right in your comparison: they have nothing in common.

Being a follower of Christ (whose 2nd greatest commandment is to "Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself"), Kim Davis would have given her seat up at the front of the bus for someone like Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks, being a supporter of communism (atheists that murdered hundreds of millions of people over a one hundred year period, the vast majority of them religious believers) most likely would have thrown a Christian like Kim Davis in jail and tossed away the key.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior Psssst, Al. Ask Town Heretic what gives him the legal right to determine what consenting family members do with one another in the privacy of their homes.
Once again you have it backwards aCW. Within reason whatever consenting people choose to do or teach in the privacy of their own homes with their own families is of course their business not civil law, but allowing say quack "reparative" therapists to publically ply their trade selling their snake oil cures to anyone who'll listen is a rather different matter.

Who is going to decide what's "within reason" Al?
As long as it's not someone like you aCW then we might have a chance.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who is going to decide what's "within reason" Al? (when it comes to what consenting people do and teach in the privacy of their own homes).

As long as it's not someone like you aCW then we might have a chance.

As I told the monologue wonder who constantly tells us that he's straight (The Horn, aka De Horn) :

I bet HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean would take on the job of bedroom czar, as he already has the equipment to videotape sex acts (he'd have to remove it from his bedroom ceiling first though).



New member
Which is it? Do the citizens of our nation have unalienable rights when it comes to religious freedom or do all secular humanist laws supersede any right to religious beliefs?
That's what the court will decide. :think: We are about to find out.

The Horn

I've never heard any stories of Rosa Parks and her husband having been communist sympathizers . I rather doubt this story . Even if they did attend communist rallies, this doesn't take away from Rosa Parks'
courage in refusing to go to the back of the bus.
It's absolutely outrageous to compare Kim Davis to Rosa parks . Christians are NOT being "persecuted " in America . She's not in jail because she's a Christian, but because she refused to do her job based on HER religious beliefs, which is totally unacceptable . Either do your job, or seek employment elsewhere .
Unfortunately, some Americans in the past were deluded about communism and showed enthusiasm for the former Soviet Union .
These people weren't evil, just misguided .
How the heck can a clerk claim to be "persecuted " for refusing to do her job ? This is absolutely ridiculous . What's it to her if gay couples get married ? How will this hurt her or her family or interfere with their rights and private lives ?
America is NOT a theocracy . People can't demand that the government deny other people civil rights just because they "disapprove " of their lifestyle . Not a theocracy - yet , that is.
And remember - over the centuries, countless innocent people have been killed by Christians ,including Christians of different denominations and Muslims . Religion has caused an enormous amount of senseless slaughter throughout world history .


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Which is it? Do the citizens of our nation have unalienable rights when it comes to religious freedom or do all secular humanist laws supersede any right to religious beliefs?

That's what the court will decide. :think: We are about to find out.

I was asking you, the same guy who has a degree in poly sci, who has relatives in government positions, who wanted me to join "us" (Mike Huckabee and social conservatives) at a pro Kim Davis rally in KY, yet at the same time said that Davis should be punished.

Again, which is it: Do the citizens of our nation have unalienable rights when it comes to religious freedom or do all secular humanist laws supersede any right to religious beliefs?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
They (Parks and Davis) both broke unjust laws and were punished for them.

I already stated she should simply be fired with no jail time.

So you believe that Rosa Parks should have been "fined with no jail time" for breaking an unjust law?

IF she wishes to follow her own rules at WORK, easy to remedy ... open her own business.

But which kind of business Sandy? A floral shop?

Attorney General sues Arlene's Flowers for discrimination

A bakery?

Bakers face $135,000 fine for refusing to make cake for gay wedding

A photography studio?

New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony

Etc. etc. etc.

Be more specific.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Rosa Parks, being a supporter of communism (atheists that murdered hundreds of millions of people over a one hundred year period, the vast majority of them religious believers) most likely would have thrown a Christian like Kim Davis in jail and tossed away the key.

How seamlessly you rush to supply misinformation while totally avoiding the actual point. :rolleyes:

Then make your point Al (I'm tired of talking about HRC founder and accused pederast/child rapist Terry Bean).


(And now yet another post from the monologue wonder. Let's see if he mentions again that he's straight).

I've never heard any stories of Rosa Parks and her husband having been communist sympathizers .

Now you have and I even provided a link. If that doesn't do it for you there's this thing called a "search engine".

I rather doubt this story .

If you doubt it then it can't be true.

Even if they did attend communist rallies, this doesn't take away from Rosa Parks'
courage in refusing to go to the back of the bus.

But Kim Davis doesn't have the same courage when it comes to loving sexually confused people so much that she won't play a part in leading them to their eternal damnation?

It's absolutely outrageous to compare Kim Davis to Rosa parks . Christians are NOT being "persecuted " in America .

Yet you admit in your next sentence that Davis is in jail. Did you consider it persecution when Rosa Parks was jailed for her beliefs?

She's not in jail because she's a Christian, but because she refused to do her job based on HER religious beliefs, which is totally unacceptable .

What are HER religious beliefs Einstein? (Christian).

And yes, it's been shown time and time again by the ever so tolerant drag queens, bull dykes and fairies of the LGBTQueer movement that religious beliefs are "totally unacceptable".

Either do your job, or seek employment elsewhere .

Refer to my post to Rusha (aka Sandy) as to where "elsewhere" would be: a florist, a baker or a photographer, etc. etc. etc.

Unfortunately, some Americans in the past were deluded about communism and showed enthusiasm for the former Soviet Union .
These people weren't evil, just misguided .

Yeah, supporting a regime that commits mass murder is just a matter of being "misguided".

How the heck can a clerk claim to be "persecuted " for refusing to do her job ? This is absolutely ridiculous . What's it to her if gay couples get married ? How will this hurt her or her family or interfere with their rights and private lives ?

Is this the part of your monologue where I'm supposed to reason with you?

America is NOT a theocracy . People can't demand that the government deny other people civil rights just because they "disapprove " of their lifestyle . Not a theocracy - yet , that is.
And remember - over the centuries, countless innocent people have been killed by Christians ,including Christians of different denominations and Muslims . Religion has caused an enormous amount of senseless slaughter throughout world history .

You forgot to mention that you're a heterosexual De Horn.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you believe that Rosa Parks should have been "fined with no jail time" for breaking an unjust law?

Nope ... Rosa did nothing wrong.

Like Kim Davis, she broke the law.

Moving the goalpost Sandy writes:

SHE was not an employee refusing to do her job.

But Kim Davis was doing her job. She was elected by the voters of Rowan County Kentucky to amongst other things issue marriage licenses to one man, who was marrying one woman. A marriage amendment was passed in Kentucky by a whopping 75% stating that marriage is between one man and one woman.

If you want to talk about what gives LGBTQueer activist judges the right to redefine marriage against the people's will, we can.
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Surprise surprise. The federal judge who ordered Rowan County Kentucy Clerk to be jailed for following her Christian teachings has a history with the LGBTQueer movement (Thank you A4T for bringing this to my attention).

Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis Ordered Students Who Opposed Homosexuality to Be Re-Educated

Sept. 4, 2015

ASHLAND, Ky. — Following yesterday’s jailing of a county clerk for stating that it is not possible for her to obey an order to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals against God’s law, it is now being noted that the same federal judge also once ordered Kentucky students to be re-educated about homosexuality despite their objections.

In 2003, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—the same group that filed suit against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis—sued the Boyd County Board of Education to force it to agree to allow a “gay-straight” alliance club to meet at Boyd County High School. A number of parents had strongly opposed the group following its initial formation, with approximately 70 attending a school council meeting to speak out on the matter.

The school board temporarily suspended the meeting of all student groups due to controversy over the matter, but the Bible and drama clubs allegedly continued to meet despite the ban. Students with the alliance subsequently contacted the ACLU, which filed suit over the matter.

Bunning then ordered Boyd County education officials to allow the alliance to meet on campus, declaring that they must be granted the same privileges as other groups, including using the intercom during school hours.

“Absent a preliminary injunction, plaintiffs will be unable to meet at school, unable to benefit from a forum for discussion with other students who are suffering the effects of harassment based on sexual orientation, and unable to work with other students to foster tolerance among all students,” he wrote.

But Bunning also required the school district to implement training as part of a settlement, which mandated school staff and students to undergo diversity education, “a significant portion of which would be devoted to issues of sexual orientation and gender harassment.”

Read more: http://christiannews.net/2015/09/04...-who-opposed-homosexuality-to-be-re-educated/

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AFA's Bryan Fischer came out with an article comparing Rowan County Kentucky Clerk with Rosa Parks (and even Daniel from biblical days: Daniel 6 ).

Kim Davis is Rosa Parks
Sept 6, 2015

Judicial tyrants in black robes have been stripping civil liberties from Christians for decades. But what was once a gentle and almost imperceptible erosion has turned now into a full-scale avalanche. The latest victim to be buried under a pile of legalistic debris is Kim Davis.

She is the county clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky, who has refused, for reasons of conscience and Christian principle, to issue licenses for sodomy-based marriages. She is not only morally right, she is legally and constitutionally right, since there is no law that compels her or even authorizes her to issue such licenses. (There is a Supreme Court ruling, to be sure, but that ruling is nothing more than a sheer, naked exercise of raw judicial power which ignores the Constitution altogether.)

So as I write, Kim Davis is in jail. She has been imprisoned in America for the crime of being a Christian.

Rosa Parks was jailed in 1955 for the crime of being black. She spent but one day in jail, yet her refusal to go the back of the bus, in brazen and bold civil defiance of an actual law, lit the match of the civil rights movement.

Kim Davis is our Rosa Parks. Now it must be noted that Mrs. Davis, is not, like Mrs. Parks, being punished for civil disobedience, but rather for an act of brazen and bold civil obedience. In Mrs. Davis' favor is the simple and manifest truth that she is fulfilling the oath she took to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Kentucky.

The Constitution of the United States is utterly silent on the subject of marriage and homosexuality, which means under the 10th Amendment of the Founders' Constitution the issue is left for the states to decide. And the state of Kentucky decided the issue by elevating protection for man-woman marriage to its state constitution in 2004 with 75% of the vote. Mrs. Davis is just doing the job she took an oath to do, by refusing to issue licenses which, under Kentucky law and the federal Constitution, she has no legal authority to grant.

So Kim Davis languishes in jail in our day as Rosa Parks did in hers.

To change the analogy, she is our Daniella in the lion's den. She is an authentic American hero. I watched video of homosexual activists storming her office this week, belligerently screaming slogans at Kim Davis as she stood alone behind the counter against this hateful mob. She never once raised her voice, but was unfailingly calm, self-controlled, and courteous, and uttered no vitriol or threats in return. If you're looking for a living, breathing example of obedience to Christ's admonition to turn the other cheek and love your enemies, look no further than Kim Davis...

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150906



In "Haters gonna hate" news:

I've always said that the LGBTQueer movement has much in common with the inbreds at the Westboro Baptist Church (neither acknowledge repentance of sinful behavior and Jesus' grace for those who do repent).

Well, it looks like the LGBTQueer movement and the Westboro Baptist Church are sharing common ground again (from the leftwing website "media-ite.com)

The Westboro Baptist Church Is Outraged at Kim Davis Too: She ‘Caused Fag Marriage’

September 5th, 2015

The Westboro Baptist Church is about as anti-gay as you can get, but they have some serious problems with Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk currently in jail for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses.

Essentially, the church believes that 1) Davis did violate her oath of office, 2) is a hypocrite because of her multiple marriages, 3) she “caused fag marriage,” and 4) jailing her was the right thing to do.

Yes, the Westboro Baptist Church––the people who hold those “God hates fags” signs––are happy that someone who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay people is being punished.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Twilight Zone.

Read more: http://www.mediaite.com/online/the-...ged-at-kim-davis-too-she-caused-fag-marriage/



But Kim Davis was doing her job. She was elected by the voters of Rowan County Kentucky to amongst other things issue marriage licenses to one man, who was marrying one woman. A marriage amendment was passed in Kentucky by a whopping 75% stating that marriage is between one man and one woman.

If you want to talk about what gives LGBTQueer activist judges the right to redefine marriage against the people's will, we can.

No she wasn't ... which is why she should be relieved of her position.

The Westboro Baptist Church couldn't have said it better Sandy.
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