Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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The following article didn't surprise me, nor should it have surprised other true conservatives that studied Donald Trump's "New York values" past, and his current embracement of LGBTQueer activists and policies.

The following article certainly didn't surprise Libertarians and democrats who crossed Party lines (nor liberal republicans) to vote for Donald Trump, or they wouldn't have taken the risk of not knowing if Trump embraced the core* of their political ideology by voting for him.

*As long as a political candidate loyally embraces LGBTQ and abortion so-called 'rights', Libertarians, democrats and liberal republicans can deal with the other issues that they might not agree with, but without that core ideology, they'll abandon the candidate posthaste.

Obama’s Protections for L.G.B.T. Workers Will Remain Under Trump

Jan. 30, 2017

WASHINGTON — The White House said on Monday that President Trump would leave in place a 2014 Obama administration order that created new workplace protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said
. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”

The decision to keep the order, the statement added, was Mr. Trump’s. It uses stronger language than any Republican president has before in favor of equal legal protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, though that is not likely to quiet Mr. Trump’s critics on the left...

Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/us/politics/obama-trump-protections-lgbt-workers.html?_r=0

For those of you that don't like to read articles: Just remember this picture,



as it says it all.


I need to repost this since it describes so very well what the rainbow LGBTQueer flag that Donald Trump proudly held two days before the general election and continues to proudly fly today, stands for.

One week before the election, Donald Trump proudly held at a Greeley CO rally the rainbow LGBT flag; let me remind*the good people in our society what that flag represents:

*It represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.

*It represents not the two genders that God created, but 50+ genders that the sick LGBTQueer movement created, a movement that pumps hormones into gender confused children, preparing them for genital mutilation surgery later in life, and hence a life of misery and often times early death. A movement that by law tells mentally and morally confused people they can use the restroom, fitting room and locker room of their choice, no matter what their biological birth sex is, not caring that a 9 year old girl is terrified when a 45 year old cross dressing bearded man is alone in the same restroom as her.

*It represents the redefinition and hence the destruction of invaluable institutions that all societies need:
Marriage, the family, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups and*the media.

*It represents the jack booted thug-intolerant-anti Christian movement, which has no sympathy for people of faith's beliefs.

*It represents an extremely powerful political and cultural movement that indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion and encourages those youth to experiment with immoral and deviant sex, leading them down a path of self destruction.

*The rainbow flag represents sexual anarchy and hence the destruction of everything good and decent.



Pages 61-80.

Child indoctrination, depression, sexual abuse: the LGBTQ movement has it all.

aCW presents pro homosexual/agnostic boristhespider with questions children might ask their parents; page 62, post #925, page 63, post #933

Rosie O'Donnell Talks Estranged Daughter Chelsea and Depression in Emotional Stand-Up Gig; page 64, post # 953

aCW reviews the pedo-file with homosexualist TracerBullet; page 64, post #956

62 Common Sense Truths in the Fight Against Homosexualism and Transgenderism , page 65, post #965

HIV-positive rapist jailed for filmed sex with 6-year-old boy; page 65, post #975

HOMOSEXUALITY AND SEXUAL ABUSE/A Record of Sexual Abuse of Boy Scouts by Homosexuals, page 66, post #978

Victim of Homosexualism: Jennifer Coutlee’s Husband of 17 Years Embraces Homosexual Lifestyle – She Fights to Protect Children, page 66, post #979

Statistics of a Fatherless America; page 68, post #1015

Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’; page 69, post #1029

Feds back transgender teenager in school restroom dispute; page 70, post #1036

Ben Carson's boardroom support for gay rights could test his base; page 70, post #1042

Houston voters repeal transgender bathroom bill in a landslide (Even though the voters in Houston Texas voted in an openly lesbian mayor several years ago, it doesn't look like they approve of all of her policies); page 71, post #1053

Ben Carson: Create transgender bathrooms; page 71, post #1055

Petitioning Human Rights Campaign and 5 others: Drop the T; It appears that there is turmoil going on in the LGBTQueer so-called "community", as many homosexuals don't approve of the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym; page 71, post #1058

Has the Office of the President of the United States come to this? Barack Hussein Obama is on the cover of "Out" Magazine; page 71, post #1059

Campbell's Soup Promotes Sodomy; page 71, post #1060

Ben Carson begins shedding conservatism even before primary; page 71, post #1061

Jennifer Lawrence 'embarrassed' Kim Davis from Kentucky; page 72, post #1066

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation; page 72, post #1069

Text: H.R.3185 — 114th Congress (2015-2016), (Many call it the "Anti Christianity Act"), will change the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect sexually deviant behavior and those who are gender confused; page 72, post #1070

Government: STD rates among homosexuals ‘alarming,’ ‘troubling’; page 72, post #1073

Ted Cruz Calls Alleged Planned Parenthood Shooter 'Transgendered Leftist Activist'; page 72, post # 1074

CDC: 75.5% of Syphilis Cases in 2014 Among Gay Men 'Where Sex of Sex Partner Was Known'; page 72, post #1076

Audacity of a lie: timeline of Barack Obama’s false religious life; page 73, post #1086

CDC: Gay lifestyle fraught with violence; The Centers for Disease Control's "National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey" (NISVS) has found that homosexuals disproportionately suffer violence, and inflict violence on one another; page 74, post #1098

The Father of 7 Who Believes He’s a 6-Year-Old Girl; page 74, post #1099, post #1105 (video)

Senator Marco Rubio: I'd attend a gay wedding; Sen. Marco Rubio: Tolerance 'Is a Two-Way Street': The senator acknowledged that America’s history “is marred by discrimination against gays and lesbians.”; Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not a Choice; page 74, post #1101

Caitlyn Bruce Jenner: Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2015; page 75, post #1111

Judge Orders New Jersey Jewish "Gay Conversion" Nonprofit To Close; ; page 75, post #1115

Pagan TOL'er freelight introduces the thread to the 'Gay Christian' book 'Homosexianity' and yet another homosexual movement acronym "HBIT"; page 75, post #1124

Robert Spitzer, 'most influential psychiatrist,' dies at 83; page 80, post #1189
Last edited:


Where the LGB is allowed, the T will follow.

Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You Spineless Cowards.

Matt Walsh

Feb. 2, 2017

Goodbye, Boy Scouts. You fools. You invertebrates.*You caved once again and will now allow “transgender boys” — also known as girls — to enter your ranks. I guess you forgot that the girls already have their own branch of the Scouts. It’s called the Girl Scouts. You know, the one with the cookies. Will the Boy Scouts start selling cookies now, too? That would be one upside to all of this, at least.
Your chief executive declared yesterday that it’s “not sufficient” to use a birth certificate as reference point to determine a person’s gender. I’m certain that he doesn’t actually believe that. Most of the people who’ve submitted to the “transgender” superstition don’t actually believe it. They know full well that a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy. That’s the obvious truth. But in these irrational days, it takes a bit of fortitude to stand by the truth, especially the most obvious truths. Unfortunately, fortitude is precisely what you lack. And by “you,” I mean the leadership who made this decision. The actual scouts themselves are just another set of victims here. But not for much longer, because Christian families are pulling out. We’re done with you. For good.
We tried to tell you this would happen. Once you start compromising with the Culture of Death, it never ends. You can’t just sell a piece of your soul to the Devil and expect him to leave you alone. No, he wants to eat the whole thing. He’s always hungry, never satiated.
So, you surrendered to the LGBT lobby a few years ago and allowed in openly gay Scouts, even though the Supreme Court had already upheld your right to exclude them. You thought the forces of darkness would be satisfied with that, but they weren’t. Like we warned you. Then you surrendered and welcomed openly gay scoutmasters into the fold, enabling homosexual men to accompany young boys on overnight camping trips and all the rest of it. You thought they’d finally leave you alone then — I mean, what else could they possibly want? — but you were mistaken.
You’d made every concession demanded by the LGB, now it was the T’s turn. They didn’t have to fight too hard. You*were already on your knees, groveling and whimpering. You’d already decided to abandon the “keep myself morally straight” part of the Scout oath. Why not dispense with the rest of it? Why not utterly dismantle everything that has defined you for over a century? Why not defeat the entire purpose of your organization for the sake of an infinitesimal fraction of the population? The point of the Boy Scouts is to teach boys how to be men. Why not alter that formula so that you can also teach girls how to be men?

Read more: http://themattwalshblog.com/2017/02/01/goodbye-boy-scouts-america-spineless-cowards/


Let's not forget that Donald Trump's Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is largely responsible for this insanity, as head of the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America, he opened the door to the LGBTQ movement.


For those of you following this thread outside of TOL, there is a well established and respected group of people here on TOL that embrace the neo Nazi, KKK, Alt Right movement. The evidence is in this thread:

White Lives Matter

While I have exposed the God-hating Alt Right movement earlier in this thread, I'll need to do so again for those who aren't familiar with the movement.


Back with that information later...


The more I travel into the deep depths of Hell to investigate the Alt Right movement, the more I see the connection between Adolf Hitler, his SS and the Alt Right Movement.

Along with the Nazi Aryan superiority mentality, the Alt Right is supposedly 'homophobic' and 'transphobic', yet it's most sought after and defended speaker is openly homosexual Breitbart News Sr. Editor Milo Yiannopoulos.

So why is the Alt Right movement supposedly against homosexuality yet warmly embraces a proud and unrepentant homosexual? Like Hitler and his SS, they deplore the effeminate aspect of the LGBTQ movement.

From The Pink Swastika:

"We alluded, in the matter of the Sex Research Institute, to the fact that the homosexual movement in Germany was divided into two diametrically opposed camps which some have called the “Fems” and the “Butches.” *These terms are common among homosexuals today, as is the disdain “Butches” feel for “Fems.”
****A researcher of the homosexual movement Gordon Westwood writes that masculine homosexuals “deplore [effeminate] behavior,” many considering effeminate homosexuals “repulsive” (Westwood:87). *Another researcher, H. Kimball Jones, reports that reaction to “Fems” is often violent in the general homosexual community. *“[They label them] ‘flaming faggot’ or ‘degenerate fag,’” with one homosexual exclaiming, “You know, I loathe these screaming fairies” (H.K.Jones:29). *Jay and Young’s 1979 examination of the American homosexual movement, The Gay Report, contains numerous personal statements by masculine homosexuals critical of effeminacy. *“Fem behavior can be vicious and destructive, demeaning to women and gay men,” says one. *Another asserts, “To me someone who is ‘femme’ is a self-indulgent...petty, scheming, gossipy gay being whose self-image has been warped and shaped by unfortunate family situations” (Jay:294ff)...

The authors do not wish to imply that all homosexuals fall into one or the other of these two simplistic stereotypes. *The terms “Butch” and “Fem” in this study are used loosely to differentiate between two ideological extremes relating to the nature of homosexual identity. *Generally in this work the German “Fems” are defined as homosexual men who acted like women. *They were pacifists and accomodationists. *Their goals were equality with heterosexuals and the “right to privacy,” and generally they opposed sex with young children. *Their leaders were Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and Magnus Hirschfeld.
****The “Butches,” on the other hand, were masculine homosexuals. *They were militarists and chauvinists in the Hellenic mold. *Their goal was to revive the pederastic military cults of pre-Christian pagan cultures, specifically the Greek warrior cult. *They were often vicious misogynists and sadists. *Their leaders included Adolf Brand and Ernst Roehm. *The “Butches” reviled all things feminine. *Their ideal society was the Maennerbund, an all-male “comradeship-in-arms” comprised of rugged men and boys (Oosterhuis and Kennedy:255). *In their view, heterosexuals might be tolerated for the purpose of continuing the species, but effeminate homosexuals were considered to be subhuman, and thus intolerable."

So how do you spot these butch type-Alt Right homosexuals? They'll say things like "Keep your homosexuality in the closet" or "It is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem."

Actually, the "problem" with the Alt Right is that they don't embrace Judeo-Christian doctrine.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you refer to Hitler as a 'nancy boy', not that there's anything actually credible to suggest he was gay anyway. The amount of nutcase opinions and lunacy from the far right on here, alt or otherwise has gone through the roof of late...


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Yet you refer to Hitler as a 'nancy boy', not that there's anything actually credible to suggest he was gay anyway. The amount of nutcase opinions and lunacy from the far right on here, alt or otherwise has gone through the roof of late...

No real evidence that Hitler was a homo, but certainly indications that he was.

Sent from my Pixel XL using TheologyOnline mobile app


Yet you refer to Hitler as a 'nancy boy', not that there's anything actually credible to suggest he was gay anyway. The amount of nutcase opinions and lunacy from the far right on here, alt or otherwise has gone through the roof of late...


No real evidence that Hitler was a homo, but certainly indications that he was.

The purpose of me doing a thorough examination on the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in Part 1 was to show how the modern day LGBTQ movement used and continues to use many of the terror tactics employed by the Nazis.

My purpose in bringing up the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in the above post is to show that the Alt Right is full of "butch" homosexuals and racists/anti Semitics that employ many of the same tactics that their LGBTQ movement allies use.

Regarding evidence of Hitler being a homosexual (a short version) :

"...Eyewitness accounts from Hitler's former lovers, and historical documents that for the first time illuminate rumours that have circulated for over half a century, are disclosed in Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator .

The respected German historian Lothar Machtan even claims in his book that Hitler ordered the deaths of several high-ranking Nazis to prevent the secret of his homosexuality from surfacing.

Ernst Röhm, the leader of Hitler's Sturm Abteilung or Storm Troopers, tried to blackmail Hitler by threatening to reveal his sexuality. Röhm, who was also gay, was murdered as a result, according to Machtan, a history teacher at Bremen University.

He refers to scores of historical documents to support his thesis. In 1915, the young Hitler was a dispatch rider at the front in France. Years later, yet before Hitler became infamous, one of his fellow soldiers, Hans Mend, wrote in his memoirs: 'At night, Hitler lay with Schmidl, his male whore.' Schmidl, otherwise known as Ernst Schmidt, and Hitler were 'inseparable lovers' for five years, according to Machtan.

Hitler's service notes read that as a result of the love affair there was reluctance among senior officers to promote him. According to Erich Ebermeier, a lawyer and writer who viewed Hitler's military files years later: 'Despite his bravery towards the enemy, because of his homosexual activity he lost out on a promotion to non-commissioned officer.'

Police reports from Munich after the First World War also suggest that Hitler was pursued by police because of his sexual orientation. 'As a "brown" [fascist] activist, Hitler managed to lure many young men to his side, but not only for political reasons,' says Machtan.

According to a Munich police protocol from the early part of the 20th century, a 22-year-old man called Joseph told the police: 'I spent the whole night with him.' Another, Michael, who was 18, told them: 'I had been unemployed for months, and my mother and my brother were always hungry, so, at his request, I accompanied the man to his home.' Another, a boy called Franz, said: 'He asked me if I'd like to stay with him and he told me his name was Adolf Hitler.'

The police reports were collected by Otto von Lossow, a German army general who took part in suppressing the Hitler putsch in 1923. He kept the Munich police file for years, as, he described it, 'a form of personal life insurance'. If Hitler had attempted to push him aside, he would have blackmailed him with the information, he said. The police documents were published some years ago in Rome by Eugen Dollmann, a close friend of Heinrich Himmler's and also Hitler's interpreter. But because his book never appeared in German, the startling information remained largely overlooked by historians."

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/oct/07/books.booksnews

But then Art Brain did spend two hours in the LGBTQ friendly Holocaust Museum, thus making him an expert on the subject...



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The purpose of me doing a thorough examination on the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in Part 1 was to show how the modern day LGBTQ movement used and continues to use many of the terror tactics employed by the Nazis.

My purpose in bringing up the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in the above post is to show that the Alt Right is full of "butch" homosexuals and racists/anti Semitics that employ many of the same tactics that their LGBTQ movement allies use.

Regarding evidence of Hitler being a homosexual (a short version) :

"...Eyewitness accounts from Hitler's former lovers, and historical documents that for the first time illuminate rumours that have circulated for over half a century, are disclosed in Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator .

The respected German historian Lothar Machtan even claims in his book that Hitler ordered the deaths of several high-ranking Nazis to prevent the secret of his homosexuality from surfacing.

Ernst Röhm, the leader of Hitler's Sturm Abteilung or Storm Troopers, tried to blackmail Hitler by threatening to reveal his sexuality. Röhm, who was also gay, was murdered as a result, according to Machtan, a history teacher at Bremen University.

He refers to scores of historical documents to support his thesis. In 1915, the young Hitler was a dispatch rider at the front in France. Years later, yet before Hitler became infamous, one of his fellow soldiers, Hans Mend, wrote in his memoirs: 'At night, Hitler lay with Schmidl, his male whore.' Schmidl, otherwise known as Ernst Schmidt, and Hitler were 'inseparable lovers' for five years, according to Machtan.

Hitler's service notes read that as a result of the love affair there was reluctance among senior officers to promote him. According to Erich Ebermeier, a lawyer and writer who viewed Hitler's military files years later: 'Despite his bravery towards the enemy, because of his homosexual activity he lost out on a promotion to non-commissioned officer.'

Police reports from Munich after the First World War also suggest that Hitler was pursued by police because of his sexual orientation. 'As a "brown" [fascist] activist, Hitler managed to lure many young men to his side, but not only for political reasons,' says Machtan.

According to a Munich police protocol from the early part of the 20th century, a 22-year-old man called Joseph told the police: 'I spent the whole night with him.' Another, Michael, who was 18, told them: 'I had been unemployed for months, and my mother and my brother were always hungry, so, at his request, I accompanied the man to his home.' Another, a boy called Franz, said: 'He asked me if I'd like to stay with him and he told me his name was Adolf Hitler.'

The police reports were collected by Otto von Lossow, a German army general who took part in suppressing the Hitler putsch in 1923. He kept the Munich police file for years, as, he described it, 'a form of personal life insurance'. If Hitler had attempted to push him aside, he would have blackmailed him with the information, he said. The police documents were published some years ago in Rome by Eugen Dollmann, a close friend of Heinrich Himmler's and also Hitler's interpreter. But because his book never appeared in German, the startling information remained largely overlooked by historians."

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/oct/07/books.booksnews

But then Art Brain did spend two hours in the LGBTQ friendly Holocaust Museum, thus making him an expert on the subject...

I think everyone is more than aware as to why you conduct "thorough research" on these things aCW...and thanks for a link going back to 2001. Hardly set the world alight this particular piece did it?

Thorough research actually involves an objective approach to a subject, not lapping up material from far right sources that aren't academically endorsed and in fact generally maligned.

Even the author of your beloved source doesn't attribute homosexuality as a primary factor in the Holocaust and his views are still in the minority as it is. Even if Hitler did turn out to be gay (which as before is far from proven) then there's no credibility to any argument that the majority of the Nazis were:

"Everything about Hitler is historically interesting and relevant. If Hitler was same-sex attracted, it would be of interest to students of history in the same way that historians have examined the imperial heterosexuality of Mao Zedong. Machtan told me that Hitler’s (alleged) homosexuality influenced his political career up to about 1934-35. However, he said in clear terms that Hitler’s cruelty was not due to his sexuality, saying, “Hitler’s atrocities primarily do NOT derive from his homosexuality.” Regarding the Holocaust, Machtan added, “Of course you CANNOT blame Hitler’s homosexuality for the Holocaust.” (Machtan supplied the emphasis)"


Not like this pathetic little soundbite from your hero Bryan Fischer who uses Machtan's book...

"Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. Gays in the military is an experiment that has been tried and found disastrously and tragically wanting. Maybe it's time for Congress to learn a lesson from history."


You'd have to be one dumb nut to take the above as anything other than sheer bunk. But then, that's pretty much your wheelhouse ain't it...

Oh, and I've never claimed that visiting the Holocaust museum made me an "expert", but then I was already smart enough not to fall for silly propaganda fueled by willful ignorance and prejudice either.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
An example of Lively's "thoughtful" musings...:

Lively: Obama Is The Antichrist, Working With Satanic Gays To Bring About The Apocalypse
brian-tashman-4By Brian Tashman | September 18, 2013 11:30 am
Scott Lively, the pastor behind anti-gay laws from Uganda to Russia, appeared on TruNews yesterday to reveal to host Rick Wiles the identity of the Antichrist: President Obama. While he refused to mention Obama by name, he said that the Antichrist is the person “heading the largest superpower of the world today.” Lively explained that the Antichrist (read: Obama) will cancel all of the world’s debts in 2015, end the Mideast conflict with a peace treaty between the Israelis and Palestinians and introduce a one-world economic system and secular humanist religion.

Lively: Regional war breaks out and at the same time, because of that, the global economy collapses, crashes. That begins the serious pain for the entire world that the globalists actually want to prepare them for the global, one-world system. They already have the economic system to bring in; just nobody is ready to accept it. So at the right time, after there’s been enough pain, what happens is the Antichrist—I won’t name any names here but he is heading the largest superpower of the world today—steps in at the right time and does three things. He declares a global jubilee in which all the debts of the world are eliminated, this is after there’s been massive numbers of people who have died—

Wiles: Scott, I told people, I told our audience years ago, I’m going to say 2008, I said on this program this global financial crisis will be so bad that at some point in the future a world leader will say the only solution is biblical, we will have to cancel all the debts and we are going to have a global jubilee.

Lively: Amen. And we just happen to have one coming up, September 23, 2015.

Wiles: And the politician who does it is going to be hailed as the greatest man on the planet.

Lively: The hero of the world, right? This is the guy that also is going to be able to do what no one else in the history of the Middle East conflict could do. He’s going to have brought a peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Israelis; the Palestinians get their two-state solution and the Israelis get the permission to build on the Temple Mount. And who is the hero? It’s the guy that I’m not going to mention his name.

Wiles: And a lot of Christians when they see the Temple going up are going to hyperventilate, thinking this is a great thing and they have no idea that Antichrist is coming.

Lively: Only because it’s a symbol of what’s coming. Here’s the one other part that’s been missing, you’ve alluded to it and we’re very close on this that at the same time he introduces the new global system but here’s the other missing component. What’s the religion of the Antichrist? The religion of the Antichrist is secular humanism.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of me doing a thorough examination on the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in Part 1 was to show how the modern day LGBTQ movement used and continues to use many of the terror tactics employed by the Nazis.

My purpose in bringing up the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler and his brutal SS in the above post is to show that the Alt Right is full of "butch" homosexuals and racists/anti Semitics that employ many of the same tactics that their LGBTQ movement allies use.

Regarding evidence of Hitler being a homosexual (a short version) :

I think everyone is more than aware as to why you conduct "thorough research" on these things aCW...and thanks for a link going back to 2001. Hardly set the world alight this particular piece did it?

Thorough research actually involves an objective approach to a subject, not lapping up material from far right sources that aren't academically endorsed and in fact generally maligned...

Wait, you surely don't think that I'm trying to convince you, the same guy who time after time won't even tell sexually confused children that homosexuality/transgenderism is wrong, that Hitler and the SS were homosexuals and that the modern day LGBTQ movement as well as the Alt Right have close ties to Nazi Germany? The evidence that I provided in my above posts are for those who are hungry for the truth, not truth deniers.

Moving on...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wait, you surely don't think that I'm trying to convince you, the same guy who time after time won't even tell sexually confused children that homosexuality/transgenderism is wrong, that Hitler and the SS were homosexuals and that the modern day LGBTQ movement as well as the Alt Right have close ties to Nazi Germany? The evidence that I provided in my above posts are for those who are hungry for the truth, not truth deniers.

Moving on...

Why on earth would I lie to kids and tell them that the SS were homosexuals when there's no accredited means of supporting such crap? Your heroes are propaganda spreading lunatics and should be taken as seriously as you, aka not at all.



This 27+ minute video of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera and Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival is refreshingly honest about Donald Trump and his ties to the LGBTQ movement. While early on in the video it is mentioned that Trump surrounds himself with pro traditional family conservatives (he doesn't, most if not all of his Cabinet picks are strongly pro LGBTQ), LaBarbera and Kincaid talk about Betsy Devos and Rex Tillerson towards the end of the video, as well as the phoniness of supposed 'conservatives' like Milo Yiannopoulos.

VIDEO: Can Trump Be Pro-‘Gay’, Pro-‘Transgender’ AND Pro-Religious Liberty? – America’s Survival Interview

February 2nd, 2017
Folks, here is a Google Hangouts interview I just did (Feb. 2, 2017) with Cliff Kincaid, founder and president of America’s Survival. Kincaid is also director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism; see the AIM piece he refers to in the interview, “Trump Joins Ranks of DNA Deniers.”

The video is very choppy at times due to connection issues (with words missing), but please overlook that as it covers some interesting material regarding President Trump’s attempt to be pro-“gay” and pro-“religious liberty” at the same time. We also discuss whether Trump-backing Brit, Breitbart editor and vulgar homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos–who talks glibly about his oral sex encounters with other men at his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” college speeches–is actually a “conservative” and whether he helps or hurts the conservative cause. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Wait, you surely don't think that I'm trying to convince you, the same guy who time after time won't even tell sexually confused children that homosexuality/transgenderism is wrong, that Hitler and the SS were homosexuals and that the modern day LGBTQ movement as well as the Alt Right have close ties to Nazi Germany? The evidence that I provided in my above posts are for those who are hungry for the truth, not truth deniers.

Moving on...

Why on earth would I lie to kids and tell them that the SS were homosexuals when there's no accredited means of supporting such crap? Your heroes are propaganda spreading lunatics and should be taken as seriously as you, aka not at all.


Let me rephrase the above so that the morally confused can hopefully understand it.

You won't even tell children that homosexuality is wrong, why would I expect you to believe that Adolf Hitler and his SS were homosexuals, especially since the LGBTQ movement seems to take it personal that a mass murderer was one of their own?

If you would like to refute the information that I've presented about the neo Nazi/White Supremacist-Nationalist/'butch' homosexual Alt Right, we can discuss that.

I have a better idea: How about we talk about Nazi Germany's ties to Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger?

I always enjoy talking about that.
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