Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Can we both agree ...Dante that these adults who do this to these children are very evil?

And here I was so hoping that we could come to a mutual agreement that pedophiles like UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell, who said in a letter to the editor that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy sex with adults,

Still trying to pass off this lie? You are a sad little man.


Still trying to pass off this lie? You are a sad little man.

Thoughts on all of those homosexuals that have positions in the upcoming Trump administration? I would imagine that some in the LGBTQueer movement call them traitors; but isn't someone who flies the rainbow flag whether they have a D or a R before their political party's name still a rainbow flag waver?


At King Donald the Degenerate's coronation today, I see that he brought two Bibles along to impress those who haven't figured out yet that he's a fraud (He'll bring out the LGBTQ "Queen James Bible" later tonight when he meets with his loyal fan base).

One has to wonder if it were a sheer coincidence that it started to pour rain when Donald the Degenerate was coronated:

It Started Raining the Moment Donald Trump Was Inaugurated President



I'm going with the latter (God will not be mocked).
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It appears that proud and unrepentant homosexual and avid Trump support Milo Yiannopoulos' "Dangerous Faggot Tour"

Suck It Up Buttercups: Dangerous Faggot Tour Returns To Colleges In September

was "dangerous" for one man here in Seattle.

Man shot outside UW event for Milo Yiannopoulos


Would any of you rainbow flag waving Trump supporters care to explain how a "dangerous faggot" like MiloYiannopoulos" can call himself "conservative"?

In the words of AFA's Bryan Fischer:

"Anal sex is not a conservative value" (nor is your racist/neo Nazi/socialist alt right movement for that matter).

Sorry Milo.


It appears that many in the LGBTQ so-called community are very misinformed when it comes to Donald Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence.

On the night of the coronation, a group of proud and unrepentant homosexuals decided to party outside of Mike Pence's rental house in Chevy Chase MD.


Big gay party thrown outside Mike Pence’s house to protest his stance on LGBT*rights
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/01/19/big-g...-stance-on-lgbt-rights-6390591/#ixzz4WVsUrVlZ

If Trump and Pence don't put a stop to this foolishness it's going to be a very long...(I'm not sure how long it will be before Donald Trump is impeached) dictatorship under Trump!

Here are some things that Mike Pence should do to show his 'solidarity' with the LGBTQueer movement.

1). Hold the picture up of Donald Trump proudly flying the rainbow flag of death at a rally in Greeley CO two days before the general election.

If that doesn't do it:

2). Pence should get a copy of Indiana's 'religious freedom' bill that he refused to sign because of the threat of a LGBTQ boycott, and burn it in front of his LGBTQueer friends, showing that he hates true followers of Christ as much as they do.

If that still isn't enough:

3). Pence could have homosexuals and drag queens who supported Trump (Peter Thiel, Milo Yana'dope'alus and Bruce Jenner) try to reason with their fellow sodomites. They could be Trump's "ambassadors" to the LGBTQueer so-called 'community'.

Wait, I have a solution so that the LGBTQ right and the LGBTQ left come to a mutual agreement that they're all on the same Godless secular humanist side:

4). Have former head of the Boy Scouts and Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who allowed homosexual youth (i.e. morally and sexually confused youth) and later out and proud homosexual adults into the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America offer to have all those who want to, go on overnight campouts with 12 year old boys.


Trump and Pence will make friends for life.

patrick jane

Welcome back aCW !!! You missed a few days huh? Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella. I hope you've been watching your President and his stance on abortion !!! Trump is keeping his promises.


Welcome back aCW !!! You missed a few days huh?

I do want to thank the hundreds of people that come to this thread daily in search of the truth. Even though many of them don't accept it, the seed of truth is planted in their mind, it's up to them if they want it to grow.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella. I hope you've been watching your President and his stance on abortion !!! Trump is keeping his promises.

Libertarian for life Ron Paul made the same promise:

Ron Paul on Removing Federal Funding for Abortion
June 21, 2011
I will veto any spending bill that contains funding for Planned Parenthood, facilities that perform abortion, and all government family planning schemes. Like millions of Americans, I believe that innocent life deserves protection and I am deeply offended by abortion. It is unconscionable to me that fellow Pro-Life Americans are forced to fund abortion through their tax dollars. As a Congressman, I’ve never voted for any budget that includes funding for Planned Parenthood. Instead, I’ve introduced the Taxpayers’ Freedom of Conscience Act to cut off all taxpayer funding of abortions, so-called “family planning” services and international abortions.

It's about money, not about protecting life, if it were, neither Ron Paul or Donald Trump would be pro LGBTQueer.

Donald Trump obviously doesn't have a problem with private contributions to Planned Parenthood or he wouldn't have nominated Rex Tillerson, who as CEO of Exxon/Mobil, contributed generously to Planned Parenthood (Tillerson also turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America"...credit goes to AFA's Bryan Fischer for that term).

Now if you want to talk about Trump's promise to nominate pro life Supreme Court Justices who would overturn Roe v Wade, how about we talk about that? Currently his #1 pick is Neil Gorsuch.

Neil Gorsuch
US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

not pro-life, he has written about abortion using only the terminology of pro-aborts without any reference to the "unborn child." In the case of Pino v. U.S., 507 F.3d 1233 (10th Cir. 2007), Gorsuch discussed whether a 20-week-old "nonviable fetus" had the same rights as a "viable fetus." Gorsuch, showing that he is not pro-life, indicated that his answer is "no" unless the Oklahoma Supreme Court specially found rights for the "nonviable fetus." Rather than render a pro-life ruling, Gorsuch punted this issue to the Oklahoma Supreme Court for it to decide. Gorsuch's approach is similar to the unjust approach based on viability that underlies Roe v. Wade. Gorsuch is also a big supporter granting special rights to men who say they have a female gender identity. He sided with civil rights for "gender identity" in 2009 by adhering to a Ninth Circuit opinion by the liberal Judge Reinhardt, which held the federal law called "Title VII" protects discrimination against gender identity. Kastl v. Maricopa County Cmty. College Dist., 325 Fed. Appx. 492 (9th Cir. 2009) (Gorsuch, J., joining the court opinion). At the time virtually every other circuit rejected this liberal view. More recently Judge Gorsuch expressed his support for referring to biological men as women. Although religion is not a test for public office, Gorsuch belongs to the Episcopalian church that has publicly declared its “unequivocal opposition” to pro-life laws and Gorsuch has said nothing publicly pro-life.
Gorsuch also clings to bad precedent, and is an extreme supporter of stare decisis, both of which are excuses for upholding Roe v. Wade rather than overturning it. “Our duty to follow precedent sometimes requires us to make mistakes,” Gorsuch declared in ruling against the Second Amendment rights of a man before his court. United States v. Games-Perez, 667 F.3d 1136, 1142 (10th Cir. 2012) (Gorsuch, J., concurring).

Pro abortion, pro LGBTQ, sounds like "stare decisis" (i.e business as usual) to me.


Neil Gorsuch


awww. You came back. :cry: The thread was doing so well without you.

I came back looking for some bogus LGBTQ statistics from you. Surely you must have a publically funded LGBTQ study that shows that the average lifespan of homosexuals is 1,000 plus years?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I do want to thank the hundreds of people that come to this thread daily in search of the truth. Even though many of them don't accept it, the seed of truth is planted in their mind, it's up to them if they want it to grow.


Views: 148,304

148,000+ views divided by 500+ days since the thread started =

The previous 3 threads (and I haven't looked at the views from Part 3 recently) had around 1,750,000.

Now that I've helped you with your math, would you care to discuss how Donald the Degenerate has no intention of overturning Roe v Wade nor Obergefell v Hodges?

Jeff Sessions concedes Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage are 'law of the land'


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that I've helped you with your math, would you care to discuss how Donald the Degenerate has no intention of overturning Roe v Wade nor Obergefell v Hodges?

Jeff Sessions concedes Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage are 'law of the land'

thanks, but i stuck that there to track your views going forward

wish there was a way to see what your count was before you went all red

You seem intimidated that so many people come here in search of the truth.

A Libertarian dream come true: Abortion on demand The (supposed) right to privacy/"It's MY body and I can darn well do with it as I please!", but taxpayers don't have to pay for it.

Up next: Have I mentioned that Donald Trump has a "thing" for drag queens and genital mutilators?

A short (but revealing) history of Donald the Degenerate and the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym.


What's with Donald Trump and his love of drag queens and genital mutilators?

I'd pointed out that during the primaries, our soon to be Degenerate in Chief invited transvestite Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at Trump Towers (and the transgender activist took him up on his offer).

I also pointed out that Trump was opposed to the North Carolina 'bathroom bill', which kept trannies and those who 'thought' in their mind that they were of the opposite gender (giving voyeurs and rapists an excuse to enter), from using restrooms, fitting rooms and gym locker rooms that are meant for women and girls.

Next comes Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch as United States Supreme Court Justice. As shown a few posts back, Gorsuch "...sided with civil rights for "gender identity" in 2009 by adhering to a Ninth Circuit opinion by the liberal Judge Reinhardt, which held the federal law called "Title VII" protects discrimination against gender identity. ...More recently Judge Gorsuch expressed his support for referring to biological men as women."

Being that I don't follow beauty queen pageants, and especially ones that allow mentally ill genital mutilating contestants, I found out somewhat recently that Donald Trump, while owner of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, allowed a transsexual to compete, overruling the board of the Miss Universe Pageant who stated that he was ineligible because he lied on his application.

Trump overrules rejection of transgender beauty queen

April 03, 2012

Businessman Donald Trump has overturned a decision by the Miss Universe Organization which he owns, to disqualify a Canadian transgender beauty pageant contestant because she was not a "naturally born" female.

Jenna Talackova, a tall blonde who underwent gender-reassignment surgery at age 19 and holds legal documents affirming her identity as a woman, wants pageant organizers to go further and drop eligibility rules she calls discriminatory.

Read more: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/...rganizers-miss-universe-pageant-gloria-allred

While viewing a picture of (Jack?) Talackova, I noted an eerie resemblance of Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka (that Trump would "date" if she weren't his daughter) :


So what's with Donald Trump and the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym?

Any chance that Donald Trump wanted to make 'Jenna' Talackova wife #4 in his twisted and perverted mind?
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What's with Donald Trump and his love of drag queens and genital mutilators?

Neil Gorsuch

...is also a big supporter granting special rights to men who say they have a female gender identity. He sided with civil rights for "gender identity" in 2009 by adhering to a Ninth Circuit opinion by the liberal Judge Reinhardt, which held the federal law called "Title VII" protects discrimination against gender identity. Kastl v. Maricopa County Cmty. College Dist., 325 Fed. Appx. 492 (9th Cir. 2009) (Gorsuch, J., joining the court opinion). At the time virtually every other circuit rejected this liberal view. More recently Judge Gorsuch expressed his support for referring to biological men as women.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
The following is the text of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352) (Title VII), as amended, as it appears in volume 42 of the United States Code, beginning at section 2000e. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 (Pub. L. 102-166) (CRA) and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-2) amend several sections of Title VII. In addition, section 102 of the CRA (which is printed elsewhere in this publication) amends the Revised Statutes by adding a new section following section 1977 (42 U.S.C. 1981), to provide for the recovery of compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional violations of Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Cross references to Title VII as enacted appear in italics following each section heading. Editor's notes also appear in italics.

If I'm reading this right, Donald the Degenerate's first pick for SCOTUS Judge doesn't believe that people have the right to deny employment to cross dressers and genital mutilators.

Speaking of drag queens (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym) : There was talk of the Degenerate in Chief dancing with Bruce Jenner at the coronation ball:

Page Six: Trump Urged to Dance With Caitlyn Jenner at Inaugural Ball

Jan. 19, 2017

Advisers are urging President-elect Donald Trump to dance with Caitlyn Jenner as he celebrates his inauguration on Friday night, Richard Johnson reported on Page Six of the New York Post.

The inaugural ball dance would help ease concern within the LGBTQ community about Republicans and particularly Trump, according to Page Six.

Bruce Jenner was a longtime Republican before he transitioned into Caitlyn.

"The image of Trump dancing with Caitlyn would send a strong message that he supports gay rights and trans rights," Page Six quoted one Republican as saying. "A picture is worth a thousand tweets."


I think that the "strong message" of Trump's support of homosexual/transsexual supposed 'rights' has consistently been sent to the LGBTQueer so-called 'community' throughout the primaries and afterwards.

BTW: Did the 2 love birds dance cheek to cheek at the coronation?


For those of you that have been following this 4 part thread, you know that every once in awhile I like to break up the gloom of reporting what's happening in our sexual anarchist world and play some music. Sometimes I play inspirational music, other times it's not. Other times I'll play a song that isn't consider inspirational (i.e. Christian music), but listening to the words you can apply them to Christianity.

I heard this oldie by the 60's band 'Young Rascals' on the radio this morning and the last words to the song really stuck in my mind.


"How can I be sure, in a world that's constantly changing, how can I be sure, I'll be sure with You."
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