ACW, I highly doubt you're a member of The Body of Christ and have been sealed, indwelt, and baptized (not by water) into The Body of Christ by The Holy Spirit. Have you ever given a personal Testimony of how you became a child of God?
Just mediocre? I'm sure i can do better. Tell me, what additional of your sick and hateful practices should I be more vocal about opposing?
Ugh. I knew I shouldn't have looked at anything you label as brilliant.
To save others the pain wasting your time watching this soft spoken sociopath let me sum it up. Homosexuals are incapable of love, spirituality, rationality and anything else that defines a human being. Therefore a "good" Christian will do everything in their power to hurt them and to destroy their lives and families.
The one thing that I did respect about the homosexual activists whom I've debated over the years that were able to do more than just copy and paste bogus LGBTQ studies,
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Note the 3 different kinds of cultures talked about in the first few minutes.
11+ minute video.
Based on previous interactions with you, I've noticed that you have the attention span of a gnat. Surely you weren't able to sit through 11+ minutes of a compassionate follower of Christ speaking about homosexuality were you?
My my, the hatred of mediocre homosexual activist MrDante is high today. Did you throw darts at your computer screen or do something more productive and write Ravi Zacharias a good ole fashioned LGBTQ 'love' letter?
For those of you that haven't heard, National Geographic Magazine is aiding the LGBTQueer-child molesting cause by posting a gender confused 9 year old boy on the cover of it's magazine.
American Family Association's President Tim Wildmon addressed it in an AFA article:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day...Wildmon is an advocate of child abuse and has proposed "good" Christians organize to kidnap children form minority families. He has also said that discrimination including violence directed towards minority is a constitutional right. And yet he accuses National Geographic of exploiting children.
Wildmon is an advocate of child abuse and has proposed "good" Christians organize to kidnap children form minority families. He has also said that discrimination including violence directed towards minority is a constitutional right. And yet he accuses National Geographic of exploiting children.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day...
Are they also advocates of conversion therapy?"Minority families", that's a good one MrDante. Is that what you mediocre LGBTQ activists are calling degenerates like Dan Savage and his 'husband' Terry Miller who adopt children and indoctrinate them to the ways of perversion?
As I'd mentioned in earlier posts: While HAART drugs do prolong the life of HIV/AIDS infected people, they still die from complications brought on by the disease.
Singer George Michael Succumbs to HIV/AIDS at 53, at Home in England
Dec. 25, 2016
Singer George Michael has died, his publicist confirmed. The singer has long been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and died from its complications including pneumonia.
In 1991, Michael began to date Anselmo Feleppa, a Brazilian dress designer, whom he had met at a concert in Rio. Six months into their relationship, Feleppa discovered that he had HIV. Michael later said: "It was terrifying news. I thought I could have the disease too. I couldn't go through it with my family because I didn't know how to share it with them – they didn't even know I was gay."
In 1993, Feleppa died of an AIDS-related brain haemorrhage. It is possible that Feleppa was the source of the Singer's infection, and that Michael has fought the immuno-condition for more than 20 years. But Michael was also known to engage in anonymous sex in the 90's.
In 2011, Michael tweeted: "I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER APOLOGISE FOR MY SEX LIFE ! GAY SEX IS NATURAL, GAY SEX IS GOOD! NOT EVERYBODY DOES IT, BUT.....HA HA!" Capitalization in original tweet, which quotes from one of his 1990's hits.
Read more:
Gay sex is the culture of death...
Hmm, the general consensus, although not completely confirmed as of yet or the underlying reasons as to why is that he died of heart failure.
Still, the Santa Monica Observer is nothing if not the opposite of thorough.
Anyway, what an absolute git this guy was right? Selfish beyond words frankly...