"natural reduction in their homosexual feelings" what does that mean?
Does this even have a meaning?
so no agreement on just what change means because it apparently done'st mean anything.
Abuse and coercion is not free will.
One woudl think the first thing anyone would be asking is "does it work?" or "is it safe?"
You must be referring to "Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation?" by Robert Spitzer 2001. The study that failed peer review...
because it's subjects were all employees of ex-gay organizations like NARTH and Exodus (and even then only a tiny fraction of participants would claim to have changed sexual orientation). The study that was published two years later in the Archives of Sexual Behavior (with the disclaimer that it had failed peer review)because of the general interest in it. The study that Robert Spitzer disavowed admitting his critics were right and apologized for
What about the anecdotal evidence of people who didn't change or later admitted they were lying about changing?
Let's see. the legislative information system for the state of Virginia is currently in committee in the state's house.
Illinois passed Public Act 099-0411 The Youth Mental Health Protection Act. was passed into law and been in effect jince January 2016.
In Washington the legislation Republicnas rejected was to ban the use of electroshock therapy, ice baths, caging, physical abuse and other forms of torture on children by "conversion" therapists.
In Washington and the other states mentioned I'm sure the child abusers, pedophiles and sex perverts of those states are very happy.
Evidence? oh that's right, there isn't any.That those desires weren't something that they were born with
Garbage.and through spiritual and psychological therapy those unnatural feelings and desires can lessen.
meaningless stuff made up by sex obsessed perverts or repartive therapists as you prefer to call them.A strong platonic (purely spiritual; free from sensual desire, especially in a relationship between two persons) relationship with other men instead of a sexual one.
The physical, mental and emotional abuse of conversion therapy is all pert of public record.Each individual decides for him or herself what they want out of the therapy i.e. to what degree they feel at that time in their life they can accomplish.
So much for your "abuse and coercion" lies ey MrDante?
Except you can't define just what successful means here.Hence the personal testimonies of people who have successfully gone through therapy.
No the scientific community didn't, largely because the only people Spitzer could find to study were individuals employed by ex-gay organizationsie. the LGBTQueer movement didn't approve of it (surprise surprise).
Lies.It's amazing the influence that death threats, threats of being fired, etc. etc. etc. by the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement has on certain people.
The facts are that even using people paid to say they changed sexual orientation only 11 individuals would actually say that their orientation did change. Further a follow up investigation by Spitzer's students traced down ten of these eleven individuals, none of them were employed by ex gay organizations and all ten admitted that they lied and their sexual orientation had never changed.Facts are facts, LGBTQ ally Robert Spitzer backtracking on those facts doesn't make them less true.
And what about the vast majority of gays and lesbians who never experienced abuse?One has to remember (as shown in the testimonial video which I posted a couple of pages back and will post again here):
that many of these people went through unspeakable horrors as children by homosexual predators and that severe damage was done to their outlook on normal sexuality.
oh that's right, there isn't any.
again I asked: "natural reduction in their homosexual feelings" what does that mean?
meaningless stuff made up by sex obsessed perverts or repartive therapists as you prefer to call them.
The physical, mental and emotional abuse of conversion therapy is all pert of public record. Abuse and coercion occur when those practicing conversion therapy lie to their clients about the effectiveness, and safety of what they are doing. Real counselors provide accurate information to clients and do not push their own agenda onto clients and therapy goals.
Conversion therapy for both adults and children rely on the promotion of self hatred.
Except you can't define just what successful means here.
But if we are pretending that personal testimonies are evidence - Do conversion therapists provide testimonies of those saying they were harmed by the process?
it's all pert of public record
No the scientific community didn't, largely because the only people Spitzer could find to study were individuals employed by ex-gay organizations
The facts are that even using people paid to say they changed sexual orientation only 11 individuals would actually say that their orientation did change. Further a follow up investigation by Spitzer's students traced down ten of these eleven individuals, none of them were employed by ex gay organizations and all ten admitted that they lied and their sexual orientation had never changed.
And what about the vast majority of gays and lesbians who never experienced abuse?
Society has gotten good at dressing things up to look better than what they really are.
For example, 'gay rights activist'-
you're really just a 'gay sex advocate'
Not so noble when you consider reality, you weirdos.
So no evidence to support your statement showing it to be something you just made up.Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That those desires [same sex] weren't something that they were born with
You mean like a 'gay' gene?...
More stuff you just made upQuote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and through spiritual and psychological therapy those unnatural feelings and desires can lessen.
More stuff you just made upFor those that didn't catch on before: Unnatural homosexual desires can be lessened and even be eliminated through psychological and spiritual therapy.
More stuff you just made upQuote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A strong platonic (purely spiritual; free from sensual desire, especially in a relationship between two persons) relationship with other men instead of a sexual one.
Why would anyone be mad at victims of fraud who are subjected to emotional and physical abuse?My my, someone is not only angry at EX homosexuals,
Spiritually dead and physically unhealthy are exactly how those who have escaped from conversion therapy describe what they experienced while in "therapy"but those that help them escape their spiritually dead and physically unhealthy lifestyle.
Why woudl we talk about people who don't exist?If you want to talk about abuse and coercion, we'll have to talk about the youth that were raped by homosexual predators and contracted same sex desires because of it (and many of them became HIV/AIDS positive).
God has nothing to do with conversion therapySelf love, God's love.
You mean watching a five year old have electrodes attached to his genitals and write in agony for hours as part of his "therapy" Which thanks to the efforts of NARTH is something you can actually go see in the state of Washington.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Hence the personal testimonies of people who have successfully gone through therapy.
Watching a hardcore homosexual activist turn green with envy over other peoples achievements is success in my book.
this makes no sense.Why? According to you...
The only "ex-gays" Robert Spitzer were able to find to interview were those provided to him by organizations like NARTH and Exodus.And all of the individuals who say that their same sex desires have reduced or gone away due to therapy, were they 'plants' to?
and not one of those "300 cases of homofascism" shows any evidnece to back up your lie that Robert Spitzer received any death threats.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's amazing the influence that death threats, threats of being fired, etc. etc. etc. by the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement has on certain people.
I'd bring up the link showing 300 cases of homofascism, but been there done that one too many times with you.
you mean like the fact that the only people in Spitzer's study who claimed to have changed sexual orientation were employees of NARTH and ExodusQuote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Facts are facts, LGBTQ ally Robert Spitzer backtracking on those facts doesn't make them less true.
you are aware that the 10 people were and are heterosexuals aren't you?You are aware that those (alleged) 10 people are lying to themselves by continuing to live an unnatural lifestyle aren't you MrDante?
Vast majority means almost all.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One has to remember (as shown in the testimonial video which I posted a couple of pages back and will post again here):
that many of these people went through unspeakable horrors as children by homosexual predators and that severe damage was done to their outlook on normal sexuality.
You use the term "vast majority" very loosely MrDante (refer to the page 1's index and "What causes homosexual desires" ).
More stuff you just made upYears of psychological abuse (growing up in a dysfunctional home, etc.) can lead to sexual confusion as well.
Now about you joining me in prayer for those that are still sexually confused...
So when you defend LGBTQ causes like adoption, should I refer to you as a "gay rights activist" or a "gay sex advocate"?
Inquiring minds needsta know.
you mean like the fact that the only people in Spitzer's study who claimed to have changed sexual orientation were employees of NARTH and Exodus
Adoption is not a right, and is not something a guardian has to consider when they choose a home for the child.
Quite frankly, they are altogether immune to both 'equal rights' and your bias, because the interest is primarily of the child and not the parents.
So, you may as well just drop that repeated thing![]()
One shouldn't give too much credence to the late Robert Spitzer's research, as is pointed out in this PFOX link (Parents and Friends of EX gays and gays), Bobby "was at the center of the 1973 American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual)"Yes he was and the APA nomenclature committee studied the issue for over a year. 78 different experts were called on to present evidence and research. The committee specifically invited most vocal opponents of the change, Charles Socarides, Irving Bieber, and Robert McDevitt, to present research and evidence. While all three attended meetings they presented no research or any evidence that homosexuality was a pathology. Instead they chose to complain how the this was a political move not a scientific one.
And nearly 50 years later there is still no evidence that homosexuality is a mental illness or that anyone's sexual orientation can change
Knowing you I'm surprised you arent already lying about Dr. Spitzer and claiming that he was not only a pedophile but a founder of NAMBLA.Now the question that needs to be asked is this: Should I refer to the late Robert Spitzer as a LGBTQ activist or a gay sex advocate MrDante?
Yes he was and the APA nomenclature committee studied the issue for over a year.
When I opened the newspaper a couple of days after Christmas, I was surprised by a familiar face in the obituaries section: psychiatrist Robert Spitzer. The name brought back a flood of bittersweet personal memories. I had learned something about human nature from Bob Spitzer, and also about politics as they play out behind the scenes in the mental-health establishment. About 15 years before, Spitzer had asked me to help him with a new research project he was working on—a study of people who had come out of a gay lifestyle. He needed help on his wording and the expression of concepts, and I was, at the time, publications director for NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality). I was flattered to be trusted with the job. Dr. Spitzer was one of the most celebrated psychiatrists of recent memory; he had been instrumental in the pivotal 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. And so began an almost daily email correspondence with Spitzer that lasted for several months. As the cultural hero who had supposedly “normalized” homosexuality, he would be, I thought, one of the foremost experts on the subject. But I was in for a surprise. Not only did Spitzer know very little about homosexuality (a subject which seemed to have little interest in penetrating) but he had also minimal knowledge of, or apparent interest in, psychodynamic psychology….. |
78 different experts were called on to present evidence and research. The committee specifically invited most vocal opponents of the change, Charles Socarides, Irving Bieber, and Robert McDevitt, to present research and evidence. While all three attended meetings they presented no research or any evidence that homosexuality was a pathology. Instead they chose to complain how the this was a political move not a scientific one.
And nearly 50 years later there is still no evidence that homosexuality is a mental illness or that anyone's sexual orientation can change
Knowing you I'm surprised you arent already lying about Dr. Spitzer and claiming that he was not only a pedophile but a founder of NAMBLA.
But Spitzer was, no doubt, a truly compassionate man, and he was proud that through the 1973 decision, he had helped free LGB people from cultural oppression. But when he called me in 2001 (he was then in the fading years of his career), I sensed that a feeling of guilt was nagging at him. For one thing, he did not like the pressure within the psychiatric establishment to stop clinicians from helping patients who were unhappy with their same-sex attractions. (“Patients should have the right,” he told me in an interview, “to explore their heterosexual potential.”) And, like most psychiatrists, Spitzer explained in an interview published in the NARTH Bulletin in 2001, “I thought that homosexual behavior could be resisted … that no one could really change their orientation. I now believe that’s untrue—some people can and do change. |
What is really interesting is how Everywhere else on the Nicolosi / NARTH websites Robert Spitzer is referred to as an expert on the topic of homosexuality.It's interesting that you say that because Linda Ames Nicolosi in her article from Crisis Magazine dated January 11, 2016 said the following:
And so began an almost daily email correspondence with Spitzer that lasted for several months. As the cultural hero who had supposedly “normalized” homosexuality, he would be, I thought, one of the foremost experts on the subject.
But I was in for a surprise. Not only did Spitzer know very little about homosexuality (a subject which seemed to have little interest in penetrating) but he had also minimal knowledge of, or apparent interest in, psychodynamic psychology…..
Yeah...Ryan Sorba claimed she said this in a 2007 interview with Gittings...even though she had been dead for several months.“It was never a medical decision—and that’s why I think the action came so fast…It was a political move.”
“That’s how far we’ve come in ten years. Now we even have the American Psychiatric Association running scared.”
-Barbara Gittings, Same-gender sex activist
Running away so soon?Nice try MrDante.
Moving on...
Yeah...Ryan Sorba claimed she said this in a 2007 interview with Gittings...even though she had been dead for several months.
Running away so soon?
I have a question.
Let's say Homosexuality is criminalized again. What then? What should be the punishment for being a homo et al?
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I have a question.
Let's say Homosexuality is criminalized again. What then? What should be the punishment for being a homo et al?