... ex-gay organizations can't even define what they mean by "success"
"Successful change can mean several different experiences for different men. Some men experience a natural reduction in their homosexual feelings and are satisfied with that. Some men experience dramatic reduction in their homosexual feelings and develop strong, emotionally intimate, non-sexual relationships with other men. Some men experience dramatic dissipation in homosexual feelings, bonded, affirming relationships with other men, then move on to attractions and love for women with whom they create loving marriages and families. In short, successful change is in the "eye of the beholder."...
Read more:
... ...all you have to do is reference actual published studies by these ex-gay organizations...
These wonderful organizations deal with destroyed lives and help rebuild those lives, I doubt that their clients want to look at a piece of paper with statistics on it.
That being said:
Scientific Evidence:
There is significant scientific evidence which demonstrates that sexuality is rather fluid in nature and can be changed. The well-known Spitzer Study and the*Jones/Yarhouse Study are two significant examples. I recommend the*"Journal of Human Sexuality," available on
www.narth.com. This publication gives the reader many valuable resources that give much insight into the* causes and*treatment of homosexuality as well as compelling evidence of change.
Anecdotal Evidence:
This type of evidence is simply the emotional experiences that clients report after*they have experienced therapy in session and in their everyday lives. See the*brand new site,
www.voices-of-change.org. This is the first website* created to*bring together in one place many stories of successful* therapeutic change. Also,look at some of the experiences which clients have reported below:
Marc from Phoenix:
"This really works. I realized being gay was not who I*really was. This is tough work, but worth everything to me."
Jim from Burbank:
"This whole manhood*thing and getting real love and affirmation from men feels a lot better than*sex with men."
Cary from San Diego:
"My depression lifted. I feel my own power as a man.*Homosexual feelings just don't come up anymore or
rarely. And, I'm falling in love with a woman. We're talking*about getting married."
David H. Pickup, M.A.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Reparative Therapist
Doctoral Studies:
California Southern University
American Psychological Association
California Association of Marriage
and Family Therapists
Board member:
National Association of Research and*
Therapy for Homosexuality