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I can't say I noticed any response to my question in all this blathering nonsense. :idunno:Sexual deviants like proud and unrepentant homosexual Peter Tatchell (and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents) shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near children, let alone teaching them about the sex and moral values that go along with it.Do you really think that keeping quiet about underage sex is a good way to prevent it going on, and perhaps also, in what passes for your mind, underage pregnancies will swiftly become a thing of the past?![]()
We've seen the disease, misery and death that comes with the modern day sexual anarchy movement (HIV AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide and premature death amongst homosexuals; abortion, fatherless homes and crime that comes from male-female out of wedlock sex).
Christian doctrine needs to replace your secular humanist doctrine as it's failed miserably.
Why would we have to be given our own basic human rights to do with our own bodies aCW?Note how homosexual activist Peter Tatchell says that teenagers (13-19 years old) have "sexual rights". Where did these supposed "rights" come from?But you [aCW] think that keeping quiet and not informing teenagers about sexual activity and the risks involved would be a good thing, right?
Beyond that I see nothing particularly wrong with proper sex education, having a legal age of responsibility and in parents having ultimate rights over their non-adult offspring.
However I notice that some interfering busy-bodies seem to think that it's their God given right to take away the individual rights of all others as and when they deem fit, namely if they personally disapprove, or happen think that their God does.
Care to answer both my question now?
Then I have no problem with Christians doing what they preach, my problem is when they want to impose it across society, Christian or otherwise.Again: Christian doctrine showing that homosexuality is always wrong (plus educating youth about the disease, misery and death that comes with it and showing that there is a way out of the homosexuality) and that sex between a male and a female should be only in the confines of marriage (showing what happens when out of wedlock sex occurs...pregnancy, abortions, broken relationships, etc.) needs to be promoted.
Tatchell is apparently offering his own secular opinion albeit from his gay perspective, good for him, if Christians or I don't like it then we don't have to go along with it.
I see, so you would advocate keeping sex secret, hidden and away from young people until when the time comes be all surprised when they do the all the wrong things?Groom em young ey Al? Stealing the innocence from children is a mainstay of the LGBTQueer movement, as seen in their indoctrination of them at 'gay' pride parades, etc. (exposing them to nudity and all kinds of depraved acts).Up to this point I don't see any great problem with proper sex education from an early age, you're just tilting at windmills aCW.
That doesn't seem very smart to me aCW.