Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm simply pointing out that not only was the United State's #1 mass murderer a homosexual, but someone who is in the top 5 list of US serials killers was as well.
Remember that homosexuals only represent 1-3 percent of the population.
Since homosexuality was decriminalized, homosexuals have been able to "hook-up" in bathhouses, bars/nightclubs and online "dating" sites without any threat of criminal action against them. The result has been disease, violence and death.
From your second link:
Although the proportion of serial killers who are known to have had homosexual experience is high (over 43%), the total number of serial killers is too small to make statistically relevant statements about whether homosexuals are over- or under-represented among serial killers.
But with such small overall numbers, and with no universally agreed upon definition of a homosexual, it would be impossible to determine the relative frequency of homosexuals among serial killers.
But more importantly, none of the serial killers listed here represent typical homosexuals, who, like the general population, are almost never involved in violent crime.

The author of the article's politically correct statements are noted (as they've been noted every time I read the article). I did a segment on homosexual violence in an earlier thread and received little to no feedback.
As I've mentioned before: Those who engage in homosexual behavior were subjected to traumatic experiences as youth (molestation, dysfunctional families, etc.) and have an inner hatred towards themselves, and thus others.
Many homosexuals manifest that hatred through violence towards others (other homosexuals, a family member, Christians and others who disapprove of their lifestyle, etc.).
Other types of homosexual "violence" is shown through their spread of disease. Purposely spreading the deadly/incurable disease known as HIV/AIDS to an unknowing sex partner or "bug chasing" is common in the LGBTQ lifestyle.
Alcohol abuse, drug abuse and suicide are common amongst homosexuals as well, which is another form of violence.
People know when they are doing something that goes against nature and feel guilt because of it; those who engage in homosexual behavior know it all too well. Christianity and righteous laws will help these morally confused people out of their living hell, but unfortunately our society doesn't want that.