Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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And now a few words from one of this 4 part thread's semi regular trolls:

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

The irony is that ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Vladimir Putin and "aCultureWarrior" all share similar views when it comes the gay community.

I didn't know that the 3 Islamic groups and the former head of the mass murdering KGB believed in repentance through Jesus Christ's grace.

Since you have very close...ahem...ties to the LGBTQ so-called community jgarden, share with the readers of this thread what your thoughts are on what motivated homosexual bisexual Omar Mateen to murder 49 homosexuals and injure 53 more homosexuals in a club that he frequented "for the past decade".


While we're waiting for jgarden's reply, let's review another homosexual who murdered not 49, but 67 homosexuals: serial killer Randy Steven Kraft:

Randy Steven Kraft (born March 19, 1945) is an American serial killer known as the "Scorecard Killer" and the "Freeway Killer"[3] who committed the rape, torture, mutilation and murder of a minimum of 16 young men in a series of killings spanning between 1972 and 1983, the majority of which had been committed in California. Kraft is also believed to have committed the rape and murder of up to 51 further boys and young men. He was convicted in May 1989[4] of murdering 16 victims and is currently incarcerated upon death row at San Quentin State Prison in Marin County, California.

Kraft became known as the "Scorecard Killer", because upon his arrest investigators discovered a coded list depicting cryptic references to his victims;[5] and the "Freeway Killer", because many of his victims' bodies were discovered beside or near freeways.[6]



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

While we're waiting for jgarden's reply, let's review another homosexual who murdered not 49, but 67 homosexuals: serial killer Randy Steven Kraft:

Are you under the mistaken impression that heterosexuals don't commit mass murder?

I'm simply pointing out that not only was the United State's #1 mass murderer a homosexual, but someone who is in the top 5 list of US serials killers was as well.


Remember that homosexuals only represent 1-3 percent of the population.

Since homosexuality was decriminalized, homosexuals have been able to "hook-up" in bathhouses, bars/nightclubs and online "dating" sites without any threat of criminal action against them. The result has been disease, violence and death.


like marbles on glass
I'm simply pointing out that not only was the United State's #1 mass murderer a homosexual, but someone who is in the top 5 list of US serials killers was as well.


Remember that homosexuals only represent 1-3 percent of the population.

Since homosexuality was decriminalized, homosexuals have been able to "hook-up" in bathhouses, bars/nightclubs and online "dating" sites without any threat of criminal action against them. The result has been disease, violence and death.

From your second link:

Although the proportion of serial killers who are known to have had homosexual experience is high (over 43%), the total number of serial killers is too small to make statistically relevant statements about whether homosexuals are over- or under-represented among serial killers.

But with such small overall numbers, and with no universally agreed upon definition of a homosexual, it would be impossible to determine the relative frequency of homosexuals among serial killers.

But more importantly, none of the serial killers listed here represent typical homosexuals, who, like the general population, are almost never involved in violent crime.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm simply pointing out that not only was the United State's #1 mass murderer a homosexual, but someone who is in the top 5 list of US serials killers was as well.


Remember that homosexuals only represent 1-3 percent of the population.

Since homosexuality was decriminalized, homosexuals have been able to "hook-up" in bathhouses, bars/nightclubs and online "dating" sites without any threat of criminal action against them. The result has been disease, violence and death.

From your second link:

Although the proportion of serial killers who are known to have had homosexual experience is high (over 43%), the total number of serial killers is too small to make statistically relevant statements about whether homosexuals are over- or under-represented among serial killers.

But with such small overall numbers, and with no universally agreed upon definition of a homosexual, it would be impossible to determine the relative frequency of homosexuals among serial killers.

But more importantly, none of the serial killers listed here represent typical homosexuals, who, like the general population, are almost never involved in violent crime.


The author of the article's politically correct statements are noted (as they've been noted every time I read the article). I did a segment on homosexual violence in an earlier thread and received little to no feedback.

As I've mentioned before: Those who engage in homosexual behavior were subjected to traumatic experiences as youth (molestation, dysfunctional families, etc.) and have an inner hatred towards themselves, and thus others.

Many homosexuals manifest that hatred through violence towards others (other homosexuals, a family member, Christians and others who disapprove of their lifestyle, etc.).

Other types of homosexual "violence" is shown through their spread of disease. Purposely spreading the deadly/incurable disease known as HIV/AIDS to an unknowing sex partner or "bug chasing" is common in the LGBTQ lifestyle.

Alcohol abuse, drug abuse and suicide are common amongst homosexuals as well, which is another form of violence.

People know when they are doing something that goes against nature and feel guilt because of it; those who engage in homosexual behavior know it all too well. Christianity and righteous laws will help these morally confused people out of their living hell, but unfortunately our society doesn't want that.
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New member
From your second link:
Although the proportion of serial killers who are known to have had homosexual experience is high (over 43%), the total number of serial killers is too small to make statistically relevant statements about whether homosexuals are over- or under-represented among serial killers.

But with such small overall numbers, and with no universally agreed upon definition of a homosexual, it would be impossible to determine the relative frequency of homosexuals among serial killers.

But more importantly, none of the serial killers listed here represent typical homosexuals, who, like the general population, are almost never involved in violent crime.

You evidently don't accept PMs ,so I made it public.

What is it about me that sets you off? I'm not talking about things I've said about you or your friends. You appear to genuinely despise me. I think you would feel pangs of joy if I disappeared off the face of the earth. Actually, I don't think you would be satisfied until you knew I had been set low and was at the precipice of suicide or a lifetime of prison. Please be honest if my guesstimate of you is correct. I really want to know what it is that you hate about me.


like marbles on glass
You evidently don't accept PMs ,so I made it public.

What is it about me that sets you off? I'm not talking about things I've said about you or your friends. You appear to genuinely despise me. I think you would feel pangs of joy if I disappeared off the face of the earth. Actually, I don't think you would be satisfied until you knew I had been set low and was at the precipice of suicide or a lifetime of prison. Please be honest if my guesstimate of you is correct. I really want to know what it is that you hate about me.

1. I closed my PMs to all but my friends and contacts because of the verbally aggressive PMs you've sent to me in the past.

2. I would never wish harm on anyone here, and I don't wish any harm on you. The fact that you would think I'd think such destructive thoughts about you shows how little you know about me.

3. I don't hate you, I never considered hating you. I don't like you very much and I'm very wary of you - and the reason why is directly due to the way you've approached every interaction you've ever had with me, all the way back to when you were doloresistere, and I remember asking you who you were - we'd never had any interaction prior to that and you were making snarky comments to me completely out of left field. We'd had no prior contact, no prior context. You just didn't like me (despised me, your word) because I was a "feminist" and a "liberal." Remember when you blew up at me on rexlunae's global warming thread? That's when I set my PMs and my profile to be accessible only by friends and contacts. You know well that I'm not the only person here who's had to do that.

4. This thread isn't the venue for this kind of thing, so I hope I've answered your questions adequately. Honestly, I don't hate you, I don't wish bad things on you, I wish you to be happy and healthy and at peace. But - you attack me and I'll fight back.


New member
1. I closed my PMs to all but my friends and contacts because of the verbally aggressive PMs you've sent to me in the past.

2. I would never wish harm on anyone here, and I don't wish any harm on you. The fact that you would think I'd think such destructive thoughts about you shows how little you know about me.

3. I don't hate you, I never considered hating you. I don't like you very much and I'm very wary of you - and the reason why is directly due to the way you've approached every interaction you've ever had with me, all the way back to when you were doloresistere, and I remember asking you who you were - we'd never had any interaction prior to that and you were making snarky comments to me completely out of left field. We'd had no prior contact, no prior context. You just didn't like me (despised me, your word) because I was a "feminist" and a "liberal." Remember when you blew up at me on rexlunae's global warming thread? That's when I set my PMs and my profile to be accessible only by friends and contacts. You know well that I'm not the only person here who's had to do that.

4. This thread isn't the venue for this kind of thing, so I hope I've answered your questions adequately. Honestly, I don't hate you, I don't wish bad things on you, I wish you to be happy and healthy and at peace. But - you attack me and I'll fight back.

You don't hate me?????? Actions .... actually your words say just the opposite. That was a speech packed full of hate.


like marbles on glass
You don't hate me?????? Actions .... actually your words say just the opposite. That was a speech packed full of hate.

I can't control what you believe. I have nothing else to say on the subject.

I'm adding you to my ignore list. I won't see any rep comments you may make in your attempt to find another venue.


New member
Making sarcastic, condescending snipes on a continuing basis. Getting your friends to join you in the sniping takes its toll. When the goal is humiliation and at the same time, a polishing, look at me...I'm better than you....the worst parts of society...blah,blah blah. It eventually made me snap. You are wary of me????? Even that is a slight. I lost control of my emotions and in your book, that's the lowest of the low. To me, passive aggressive behavior combined with a holier than thou condescending attitude, is a much worse behavior.

Every statement you direct my way has no reason other than to humiliate me. If not, why are they humiliating?


Well then, show me the venue. I cannot PM her. How do you suppose I bring this to her attention?

Create one of them thar call-out threads.

When annateddenni is finished, send her back this way as I'd like to discuss a few quotes from the adherents.com article on homosexual serial killers, like this one:

"But with such small overall numbers, and with no universally agreed upon definition of a homosexual, it would be impossible to determine the relative frequency of homosexuals among serial killers."


New member
I'm glad I disturbed your sick little gay hatefest. I kept quiet about your thread for a long time because it appeared you were sincere in wanting to rid society of this sin,.but it's clear that is not what motivates you. You have no compassion on gays. Killing them through the death penalty is not the answer. Our sick society with all its PC obsession and it's total non chalant attitude toward family and it's lust for money is what created the environment ripe to create a gay subculture. It largely doesn't exist in third world countries and there is a reason for that. Bring back a true reverence of God and give family the priority it deserves, then you will see your gay problem diminish. Hating them is the wrong medicine and it's way too late.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Given you feel comfortable talking about anna after she's put you on ignore, I feel comfortable answering you.
Getting your friends to join you in the sniping takes its toll.
I'm a pretty good friend of anna. She's never asked me to do anything of the sort. I think the simplest answer is the right one here. You make comments that some people take exception to. It's not a conspiracy, it's just difference. You also have a tendency to go overboard and mischaracterize others and that will get you punched on the snoot, metaphorically speaking.

You are wary of me????? Even that is a slight. I lost control of my emotions and in your book, that's the lowest of the low.
You take to these overly dramatic turns and don't respect boundaries or propriety, so she's tired of it and has put you on ignore. That means you're spared the comments you were complaining about and should be happy. Instead you're just complaining some more.

Every statement you direct my way has no reason other than to humiliate me. If not, why are they humiliating?
By that token your remarks are not to be taken seriously. That must be it given it's impossible to take them that way, really. :think: Neat trick.


I'm glad I disturbed your sick little gay hatefest. I kept quiet about your thread for a long time because it appeared you were sincere in wanting to rid society of this sin,.but it's clear that is not what motivates you. You have no compassion on gays. Killing them through the death penalty is not the answer. Our sick society with all its PC obsession and it's total non chalant attitude toward family and it's lust for money is what created the environment ripe to create a gay subculture. It largely doesn't exist in third world countries and there is a reason for that. Bring back a true reverence of God and give family the priority it deserves, then you will see your gay problem diminish. Hating them is the wrong medicine and it's way too late.

My my, you're not only one of TOL's many gossip queens, you're totally ignorant as to what this thread is all about.

I'm glad I disturbed your sick little gay hatefest.

Legislating righteous laws and helping morally confused people (many who were raped as children) is an act of love, not hate.

I kept quiet about your thread for a long time because it appeared you were sincere in wanting to rid society of this sin,.but it's clear that is not what motivates you.

Until Jesus returns, there will be no "ridding society" of any sin. A change in laws and cultural mores' will defeat the LGBTQ movement and it's agenda. Individuals will continue to struggle with same sex desires, but it won't be promoted throughout society as it is now.

You have no compassion on gays. Killing them through the death penalty is not the answer.

I must have missed where I said that those who engage in homosexual behavior should be "killed". Since I'm a huge advocate of therapy (especially for sexually and gender confused youth), I guess that confirms that you're ignorant about me and this thread.

Our sick society with all its PC obsession and it's total non chalant attitude toward family and it's lust for money is what created the environment ripe to create a gay subculture

If you've followed this 4 part thread you'd know the history of the sexual anarchist movement, which started in the 50's with the homosexual-child molesting Alfred Kinsey and his fraudulent 'research'.

It largely doesn't exist in third world countries and there is a reason for that

Many of those "3rd world countries" have laws against homosexuality. Are you aware that the US is exporting the LGBTQ agenda and attempting to repeal such laws in sovereign 3rd world countries?

Bring back a true reverence of God and give family the priority it deserves, then you will see your gay problem diminish. Hating them is the wrong medicine and it's way too late.

How would you do that without changing laws and cultural mores'?


like marbles on glass
Many homosexuals manifest that hatred through violence towards others (other homosexuals, a family member, Christians and others who disapprove of their lifestyle, etc.).

Thanks for the opportunity to quote your link again:

From your second link:

But more importantly, none of the serial killers listed here represent typical homosexuals, who, like the general population, are almost never involved in violent crime.
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