Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, those who engage in homosexuality often times are extremely violent. I'd shown that mass murderer Adolf Hitler and his SS henchmen were homosexual. I'd shown that a disproportionate amount of serial killers were homosexual. I've shown that domestic violence is a huge problem in the so-called homosexual "community". It shouldn't be of any surprise that the United States most horrific mass murderer was himself a homosexual.

'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men

At the same time, it appears that another homosexual had mass murder on his mind as well.

Indiana Man Arrested With Weapons in Santa Monica Had Made Threats, Ex-Boyfriend Says

June 13, 2016

The 20-year-old Indiana man who was arrested in Santa Monica Sunday with three assault rifles, ammunition and a bucket of chemicals for making explosives had threatened his 17-year-old ex-boyfriend and the ex-boyfriend’s coworkers months earlier, the teen said Monday.

...James Wesley Howell was arrested by Santa Monica police around dawn Sunday, just hours after a terror attack left 50 people dead, including the shooter, at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

...Howell’s apparent references to the L.A. Pride event in West Hollywood, as described and then downplayed by Santa Monica police, brought intense attention to his arrest in the wake of the Orlando massacre. Howell said he intended to go to L.A. Pride, police said.

Read more: http://ktla.com/2016/06/13/indiana-...ta-monica-had-made-threats-ex-boyfriend-says/


Homosexuality is called the "culture of death" for a reason.

patrick jane

That's an interesting link between gays and violence, domestic abuse, serial killings and mass murder. What torments the minds of fags ?


For you Christians out there (the true followers of Christ) and those who aren't believers but have an ounce of decency in their body: If you're still supporting sleazy Donald Trump:

Trump Casts Himself as Gay-Rights Champion After Orlando Shooting

June 15, 2016

Unlike any previous Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump is casting himself as a champion of gay rights as he seeks to outflank Democrat Hillary Clinton’s response to the massacre at an Orlando nightclub.

Mr. Trump suggests he is a better friend to the gay community than Mrs. Clinton because his proposed ban on Muslim immigrants would block antigay Islamic extremists. The suspected shooter at the gay nightclub was born in New York to Afghan immigrants, and investigators are probing reports he used gay dating services.

“Thank you to the LGBT community!” Mr. Trump posted on Twitter on Tuesday, two days after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. “I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...r-orlando-shooting/ar-AAh4J5r?ocid=spartanntp


"The background: Before he was palling around with Falwell and Pat Robertson, Trump was attending gay entertainer Elton John's wedding ("If two people dig each other, they dig each other," the plainspoken businessman said at the time), supporting AIDS charities and flying an openly gay Trump Organization executive and his partner on his jet for weekend trips.

Trump is also on the record in support of adding sexual orientation as a protected class under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in opposition to North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law and the military's erstwhile "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. In February, Trump predicted that the country would see further "forward motion" on LGBTQ rights under his presidency.

"Donald Trump was pro-gay long before it was politically trendy — unlike Hillary Clinton," Barron said. Though Clinton, unlike Trump, backs same-sex marriage rights, she did not do so until 2013, about two years after that position started garnering majority support in public opinion polls."

Read more: https://mic.com/articles/144965/mee...st-pro-gay-republican-nominee-ever#.RiZmZFroU


Regarding mass murderer Omar Mateen being a homosexual:

Yet a great majority of mass shootings are done by straight non-Muslims and you don't call that group a death culture... does someone have a biased agenda here? One possibly gay shooter and all of the sudden it's "culture of death."

I'll tell you the real reason. He was gay but it was in conflict with his religion. He felt that by carrying out this mass shooting and declaring allegiance to ISIS he'd somehow atone for his "sin." That's what religions based on guilt (Islam, Judism, Christianity) do. They make people feel like they need to crusade to male up for the guilt put on them by their religion.

I was wondering when one of TOL's homosexualists* was going to come forward and state that the most horrific gun related mass murderer in US history really wasn't a "real homosexual", but instead a self loathing closeted homosexual.

The evidence shows differently (Mateen frequented homosexual night clubs, used homosexual websites, etc.

On that note: you might find this article interesting shag:

June 12, 201

Drag Queen: Anti-Gay Terrorist Omar Mateen Was My Friend

FORT PIERCE, Florida — Years before he shot up an Orlando gay club in what became the largest mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen regularly picked up lunch from a drag queen at Ruby Tuesday. He may have even gone to see a drag show or two, a former high school classmate told The Daily Beast...

Read more: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...orlando-gunman-omar-mateen-was-my-friend.html

*A homosexualist is someone who may or may not engage in homosexual behavior, but does promote homosexual causes.


New member
Regarding mass murderer Omar Mateen being a homosexual:

I was wondering when one of TOL's homosexualists* was going to come forward and state that the most horrific gun related mass murderer in US history really wasn't a "real homosexual", but instead a self loathing closeted homosexual.

The evidence shows differently (Mateen frequented homosexual night clubs, used homosexual websites, etc.

On that note: you might find this article interesting shag:

June 12, 201

Drag Queen: Anti-Gay Terrorist Omar Mateen Was My Friend

FORT PIERCE, Florida — Years before he shot up an Orlando gay club in what became the largest mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen regularly picked up lunch from a drag queen at Ruby Tuesday. He may have even gone to see a drag show or two, a former high school classmate told The Daily Beast...

Read more: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...orlando-gunman-omar-mateen-was-my-friend.html

*A homosexualist is someone who may or may not engage in homosexual behavior, but does promote homosexual causes.
This rant addressed nothing. If he was gay, he clearly felt religious guilt over it and thought this would atone for it. That's what religion's guilt culture breeds.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Regarding mass murderer Omar Mateen being a homosexual:

I was wondering when one of TOL's homosexualists* was going to come forward and state that the most horrific gun related mass murderer in US history really wasn't a "real homosexual", but instead a self loathing closeted homosexual.

The evidence shows differently (Mateen frequented homosexual night clubs, used homosexual websites, etc.

This rant addressed nothing. If he was gay, he clearly felt religious guilt over it and thought this would atone for it. That's what religion's guilt culture breeds.

It's hard to love others when you hate yourself. Those who engage in homosexual behavior hate themselves: it's shown by the amount of violence (assault, murder, suicide), substance abuse, disease and promiscuity that runs rampant inside the so-called homosexual "community". Homosexual Omar Mateen took his violence to a higher level than most.

I've noticed from various chat on this website and reading articles on the web that Christians are somehow 'responsible' for this latest blood bath. The one and only religion that loves sinners and shows them a way to inner peace and eternal life is once again being held responsible, not the immoral lifestyle that breeds death or the false religion of Islam that does so as well.

“And now, O sons, listen to me:
blessed are those who keep my ways.
Hear instruction and be wise,
and do not neglect it.
Blessed is the one who listens to me,
watching daily at my gates,
waiting beside my doors.
For whoever finds me finds life
and obtains favor from the LORD,
but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death.”

~ Proverbs 8:32-36


New member
It's hard to love others when you hate yourself.

The Christian religion (and Islam, and Judism) preaches low esteem of self. "I'm a sinner." "I'm not worthy." "I'm saved and loved only by grace." "I can't save myself." "I need to be washed clean by God." "I am a child." "I am un-pure." "Somebody else had to be sacrificed for me." "Only by another can I live." "Happiness is found only in God." "I can't do it on my own." " I am broken."

You are what you say you are. No wonder church is full of broken people. When you repeat things long enough you believe them.

My father-in-law and wife have both battled depression. My wife has found freedom from it, however, by working through it herself. She WORKED though it. Meanwhile, my father-in-law sits quietly depressed waiting for God's healing touch because only God can save him.

When you go to church you are told you are helpless and broken as an individual and need saved. I call bologna. I'm not broken. I'm not perfect by any means, but in a way I really am. I no longer buy into the lie that I'm a wreck and only loved and saved by grace.

Religion causes and/or confirms ones low esteem.

I've noticed from various chat on this website and reading articles on the web that Christians are somehow 'responsible' for this latest blood bath. The one and only religion that loves sinners and shows them a way to inner peace and eternal life is once again being held responsible, not the immoral lifestyle that breeds death or the false religion of Islam that does so as well.

“And now, O sons, listen to me:
blessed are those who keep my ways.
Hear instruction and be wise,
and do not neglect it.
Blessed is the one who listens to me,
watching daily at my gates,
waiting beside my doors.
For whoever finds me finds life
and obtains favor from the LORD,
but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death.”

~ Proverbs 8:32-36

I don't know why you are telling me this. I have not blamed Christianity for this attack, so it seems off topic. I blamed his religious guilt. In this case it was Muslim guilt. Christians have the same guilt, but this particular case happened to be Christianity's guilt sister, Islam.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Regarding mass murderer Omar Mateen being a homosexual:

It's hard to love others when you hate yourself. Those who engage in homosexual behavior hate themselves: it's shown by the amount of violence (assault, murder, suicide), substance abuse, disease and promiscuity that runs rampant inside the so-called homosexual "community". Homosexual Omar Mateen took his violence to a higher level than most.

The Christian religion (and Islam, and Judism) preaches low esteem of self...

As noted above: those who engage in homosexual behavior have very low esteem. Christianity (not the false religion of Islam) has helped countless homosexuals become "ex gays" and lead very happy and productive lives.

"I'm a sinner." "I'm not worthy." "I'm saved and loved only by grace." "I can't save myself." "I need to be washed clean by God." "I am a child." "I am un-pure." "Somebody else had to be sacrificed for me." "Only by another can I live." "Happiness is found only in God." "I can't do it on my own." " I am broken." You are what you say you are. No wonder church is full of broken people. When you repeat things long enough you believe them.

(And who says that the LGBTQueer movement doesn't hate Christianity with a passion?).

My father-in-law and wife have both battled depression. My wife has found freedom from it, however, by working through it herself. She WORKED though it. Meanwhile, my father-in-law sits quietly depressed waiting for God's healing touch because only God can save him.

When you go to church you are told you are helpless and broken as an individual and need saved. I call bologna. I'm not broken. I'm not perfect by any means, but in a way I really am. I no longer buy into the lie that I'm a wreck and only loved and saved by grace.

Religion causes and/or confirms ones low esteem.

Your ignorance of Christianity is once again duly noted. BTW, if your above dope induced rant had something to do with homosexual/mass murderer Omar Mateen, I must have missed it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've noticed from various chat on this website and reading articles on the web that Christians are somehow 'responsible' for this latest blood bath. The one and only religion that loves sinners and shows them a way to inner peace and eternal life is once again being held responsible, not the immoral lifestyle that breeds death or the false religion of Islam that does so as well.

“And now, O sons, listen to me:
blessed are those who keep my ways.
Hear instruction and be wise,
and do not neglect it.
Blessed is the one who listens to me,
watching daily at my gates,
waiting beside my doors.
For whoever finds me finds life
and obtains favor from the LORD,
but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death.”

~ Proverbs 8:32-36

I don't know why you are telling me this. I have not blamed Christianity for this attack, so it seems off topic. I blamed his religious guilt. In this case it was Muslim guilt. Christians have the same guilt, but this particular case happened to be Christianity's guilt sister, Islam.

Based on the information provided (some of which I've linked on the previous page), it appears that homosexual Omar Mateen had closer ties to your beloved LGBTQueer movement than to that of Islam ('Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men).

It appears to me that homosexual Omar Mateen was up close and personal with the homosexual "culture of death".


Perhaps, aCW, you'd like to go on a field trip to Kenya to prepare for when your mythical government recriminalizes homosexuality:

Kenya: Judge upholds use of anal probes to define sexuality

I notice that you're been suspiciously silent about 49 people being murdered and 50+ being injured in a night club that caters to homosexuals in Orlando FL by someone who based on the evidence, appears to engage in homosexual behavior as well.

'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men.

If you don't want to talk about mass murderer/homosexual Omar Mateen, how about we talk about homosexual Jimmy Wesley Howell who with three assault rifles, ammunition and a bucket of chemicals for making explosives was enroute to the LA march of the moral degenerates parade.

Indiana Man Arrested With Weapons in Santa Monica Had Made Threats, Ex-Boyfriend Says

Regarding anal probes in Kenya: How about you save that discussion for your little 'gay' friends the next time you meet up with them in Balboa Park?


like marbles on glass
I notice that you're been suspiciously silent about 49 people being murdered and 50+ being injured in a night club that caters to homosexuals in Orlando FL by someone who based on the evidence, appears to engage in homosexual behavior as well.

'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men.

This conservative commentator seems to have you lumped in with the "leftist idiots":

The left still seems confused about why the Orlando terrorist killed 49 people at a gay club. Just yesterday, The New York Times editorialized that the “precise motivation for the rampage remains unclear.” The paper then blamed “Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish.” The Times isn’t alone: according to many on the left, Omar Mateen was an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery. He might have been a frustrated homosexual! He might have been just a run-of-the-mill religious fanatic!
Or he might have been a jihadist.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I notice that you're been suspiciously silent about 49 people being murdered and 50+ being injured in a night club that caters to homosexuals in Orlando FL by someone who based on the evidence, appears to engage in homosexual behavior as well...

Regarding anal probes in Kenya: How about you save that discussion for your little 'gay' friends the next time you meet up with them in Balboa Park?

Why aCW, surely you must have ideas about how to prosecute offenders of your proposed recriminalization? Why not take lessons from a country which is already actively carrying out what you propose?

Please don't get back to me and tell me about your discussion with your little 'gay' friends about anal probes, as I've recently eaten and planning on eating again sometime tomorrow.

Regarding mass murderer/homosexual Omar Mateen: The annateddenni that I know at least would blame it on Christianity. Surely you're not going to let the doper outshine you on this one are you anna?


like marbles on glass
Please don't get back to me and tell me about your discussion with your little 'gay' friends about anal probes, as I've recently eaten and planning on eating again sometime tomorrow.

Don't flinch from the practical application of your proposed recriminalization of homosexuality. Be bold!

Regarding mass murderer/homosexual Omar Mateen: The annateddenni that I know at least would blame it on Christianity. Surely you're not going to let the doper outshine you on this one are you anna?

Surely you're not going to continue to ignore his connection to radical Islam?


This conservative commentator seems to have you lumped in with the "leftist idiots":

The left still seems confused about why the Orlando terrorist killed 49 people at a gay club. Just yesterday, The New York Times editorialized that the “precise motivation for the rampage remains unclear.” The paper then blamed “Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish.” The Times isn’t alone: according to many on the left, Omar Mateen was an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery. He might have been a frustrated homosexual! He might have been just a run-of-the-mill religious fanatic!
Or he might have been a jihadist.

No confusion on my part anna. Homosexual Omar Mateen "was a regular at 'gay' bars for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men" (he was a "real homosexual").

Any evidence of Mateen frequenting mosques or preaching hate towards homosexuals from from the Quran on a regular basis?

I didn't think so.


like marbles on glass
No confusion on my part anna. Homosexual Omar Mateen "was a regular at 'gay' bars for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men" (he was a "real homosexual").

Any evidence of Mateen frequenting mosques or preaching hate towards homosexuals from from the Quran on a regular basis?

I didn't think so.

You didn't click on the link for his actual words re: the Islamic State and the West, did you?

1. On The West: Here’s Mateen’s Facebook commentary on real Islam: “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west.”
2. On ISIS: Mateen wrote, “America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state…You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes..now taste the Islamic state vengeance [sic].” He added, “in the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa.” Finally, from inside the club, he wrote, “I pledge my alliance to abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me.”
3. On Islamic Terrorism: Mateen shouted “Allahu akbhar” as he attacked the nightclub.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Please don't get back to me and tell me about your discussion with your little 'gay' friends about anal probes, as I've recently eaten and planning on eating again sometime tomorrow.

Don't flinch from the practical application of your proposed recriminalization of homosexuality. Be bold!

It's usually the homosexual males that are infatuated with the anus anna...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding mass murderer/homosexual Omar Mateen: The annateddenni that I know at least would blame it on Christianity. Surely you're not going to let the doper outshine you on this one are you anna?

Surely you're not going to continue to ignore his connection to radical Islam?

Addressed in my above post. Regarding "radical Islam": as opposed to "moderate Islam"? (they all read from the same book of hate).


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Any evidence of Mateen frequenting mosques or preaching hate towards homosexuals from the Quran on a regular basis?

I didn't think so.

You didn't click on the link for his actual words re: the Islamic State and the West, did you?

1. On The West: Here’s Mateen’s Facebook commentary on real Islam: “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west.”
2. On ISIS: Mateen wrote, “America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state…You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes..now taste the Islamic state vengeance [sic].” He added, “in the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa.” Finally, from inside the club, he wrote, “I pledge my alliance to abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me.”
3. On Islamic Terrorism: Mateen shouted “Allahu akbhar” as he attacked the nightclub.

All done the night of the attack.

"The man behind the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history mentioned ISIS in a 911 call during the attack, but details are still emerging about his ties to the terror group."

So Omar Mateen, who "pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men" all of the sudden found Allah?


like marbles on glass
It's usually the homosexual males that are infatuated with the anus anna...

If the forum would let me search for your use of that word (it's too short, it needs to be five letters), I'm positive you'd shine like a star.

Addressed in my above post. Regarding "radical Islam": as opposed to "moderate Islam"? (they all read from the same book of hate).

You're fixated on the idea that he was gay, and completely ignoring his radicalization. Meh. Enough said.

Do consider that field trip, Kenya's way ahead of you. They've got a process that nets 14 years for a conviction.
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