Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
At least tell us how disgusted you and your ahem...wife are with homosexuals that rape a 22 month old child and pimp him out over the internet after adopting that child.

I think the 3 of us can all agree that those two child molesting faggots loving daddy's deserve the death penalty?

But why don't you want to post about these pimping heterosexual parents?

These people are just the ones i brought up were only the first few that showed up on a google search. There must be millions of perverted straights out there abusing children and spreading disease.

Don't you think that their actions show that heterosexuals are sexual degenerates?

Aren't they proof that heterosexuality should be outlawed?

Don't these parents constitute real evidence of a straight agenda to promote and normalize heterosexual pedophilia/pederasty?

Thank you for pointing out (as I've done throughout this 3 part thread) the devastating effect that your godless-secular humanist laws and cultural mores' (abortion, pornography, adultery, homosexuality, recreational drug use, alcohol abuse, no-fault divorce/cohabitation, i.e. "if it feels good do it") have had on innocent children. To think that our society has gotten to the point where mothers who nurture their own flesh and blood in the womb for 9 months prostitute their children out to perverts is beyond insanity.

Now that our society has reached that moral low point, I think that you, your...ahem...wife and I can all agree that these barbarians along with the child molesting faggots like Peter Truong, Mark Newton, Frank Lombard


and all of those LGBTQueers who indoctrinate/physically abuse children to the ways of perversion should give ole Sparky some business?

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New member
Thank you for pointing out (as I've done throughout this 3 part thread) the devastating effect that your godless-secular humanist laws and cultural mores' (abortion, pornography, adultery, homosexuality, recreational drug use, alcohol abuse, no-fault divorce/cohabitation, i.e. "if it feels good do it") have had on innocent children. To think that our society has gotten to the point where mothers who nurture their own flesh and blood in the womb for 9 months prostitute their children out to perverts is beyond insanity.
Is doing something because it feels good ungodly aCW? All those gay people doing what they want to do instead of what you think God wants them to do is probably what gets your goat, right?
There's you doing your Christian duty in all aspects of life while they enjoy life doing what feels good, it must rankle quite a bit?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you for pointing out (as I've done throughout this 3 part thread) the devastating effect that your godless-secular humanist laws and cultural mores' (abortion, pornography, adultery, homosexuality, recreational drug use, alcohol abuse, no-fault divorce/cohabitation, i.e. "if it feels good do it") have had on innocent children. To think that our society has gotten to the point where mothers who nurture their own flesh and blood in the womb for 9 months prostitute their children out to perverts is beyond insanity

Is doing something because it feels good ungodly aCW?

Heavens no Al! Contrary to what that great Christian scholar Art Brain says, it feels ooooohhhhh so very good to mock proud and unrepentant sinners, but it is by no means "ungodly".

All those gay people doing what they want to do instead of what you think God wants them to do is probably what gets your goat, right?

Yes, it does bother me to see abortionists, adulterers, pornographers, alcoholics/drug addicts, fornicators, etc. "doing their own thing", because as shown through our good friend TracerBullet, it has a devastating effect on innocent children and society at large.

There's you doing your Christian duty in all aspects of life while they enjoy life doing what feels good, it must rankle quite a bit?

You really should consult with that great Christian scholar Art Brain, because he will tell you that it's a Christian's duty to love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself. By legislating righteous laws and cultural mores', I'm doing part of my Christian duty by helping lead morally lost souls down a path of righteousness.
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New member
Heavens no Al! Contrary to what that great Christian scholar Art Brain says, it feels ooooohhhhh so very good to mock proud and unrepentant sinners, but it is by no means "ungodly".
Far be it for me to rain on your parade aCW but that only works if the mocked actually feels correctly mocked and guilty. You clearly haven't been able to demonstrate anything that wasn't rebutted or known about already or that any supernatural entity actually does object to how gays choose to live this life and will be vengeful come the final reckoning. You've only demonstrated how your own hatred, dishonesty, sneering and misinformation doesn't get you anywhere, at least not here. Maybe you have better luck elsewhere?:think:

Yes, it does bother me to see abortionists, adulterers, pornographers, alcoholics/drug addicts, fornicators, etc. "doing their own thing", because as shown through our good friend TracerBullet, it has a devastating effect on innocent children and society at large.
So you probably don't agree with me that society is a much better place if it doesn't persecute minorities?:rolleyes:

You really should consult with that great Christian scholar Art Brain, because he will tell you that it's a Christian's duty to love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself. By legislating righteous laws and cultural mores', I'm doing part of my Christian duty by helping lead morally lost souls down a path of righteousness.
As long as you get to decide just who are "righteous" perhaps, right aCW?:rolleyes:


New member
Thank you for pointing out (as I've done throughout this 3 part thread) the devastating effect that your godless-secular humanist laws and cultural mores' (abortion, pornography, adultery, homosexuality, recreational drug use, alcohol abuse, no-fault divorce/cohabitation, i.e. "if it feels good do it") have had on innocent children. To think that our society has gotten to the point where mothers who nurture their own flesh and blood in the womb for 9 months prostitute their children out to perverts is beyond insanity.
You seem to have responded to someone else's post.

So once again here is what i asked:

But why don't you want to post about these pimping heterosexual parents?

These people are just the ones i brought up were only the first few that showed up on a google search. There must be millions of perverted straights out there abusing children and spreading disease.

Don't you think that their actions show that heterosexuals are sexual degenerates?

Aren't they proof that heterosexuality should be outlawed?

Don't these parents constitute real evidence of a straight agenda to promote and normalize heterosexual pedophilia/pederasty?


I eat and sleep well knowing that I stand up for God's Word even though it's not at all popular in today's moral relativist society.
For me, Jesus is the norm of the Bible. I am a Christian and not a "Bible-istian."

I see Jesus as the ultimate disclosure of the character of God on earth.

And Jesus' God does not take sides. Grace and forgiveness are now available to us all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Heavens no Al! Contrary to what that great Christian scholar Art Brain says, it feels ooooohhhhh so very good to mock proud and unrepentant sinners, but it is by no means "ungodly".

Well, all melodrama aside, does it feel ooooohhhhh so very good to lie and invent up sleaze about people as well? Is that Biblically condoned?


New member
I eat and sleep well knowing that I stand up for God's Word even though it's not at all popular in today's moral relativist society.

Well you shouldn't, because you DON'T. The Bible teaches us CLEARLY that we are not to judge or condemn the world, because that is God's job. We are to recognize what is right and true for the BODY, and not allow it to pollute it. You condemning PEOPLE is definitely against Biblical teaching, so don't tell ME you represent God's Word, because you DON'T.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well you shouldn't, because you DON'T. The Bible teaches us CLEARLY that we are not to judge or condemn the world, because that is God's job. We are to recognize what is right and true for the BODY, and not allow it to pollute it. You condemning PEOPLE is definitely against Biblical teaching, so don't tell ME you represent God's Word, because you DON'T.

You don't think that perverts who pimp out a 22 month old child for sex, should be put to death? You dont think christians have anything to do with laws?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I eat and sleep well knowing that I stand up for God's Word even though it's not at all popular in today's moral relativist society.

Well you shouldn't, because you DON'T. The Bible teaches us CLEARLY that we are not to judge or condemn the world, because that is God's job. We are to recognize what is right and true for the BODY, and not allow it to pollute it. You condemning PEOPLE is definitely against Biblical teaching, so don't tell ME you represent God's Word, because you DON'T.



New member
You don't think that perverts who pimp out a 22 month old child for sex, should be put to death? You dont think christians have anything to do with laws?

That already happens in most societies, which includes North America.
The point is, legislated morality doesn't work with unbelievers, anymore today than it did in Israel of the OT/OC, which is why we now have the NEW covenant.
I'm not talking about what Christians do politically, I'm talking about what God wants from us, which is indicated by what Paul has to teach in 1 Cor 5:9-13 (NIV) Jesus' gospel is NOT the gospel of condemnation, but of LOVE by what He did for ALL mankind.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I eat and sleep well knowing that I stand up for God's Word even though it's not at all popular in today's moral relativist society.

Where exactly did God give you this commission? There are no sheep dogs in the kingdom ACW, only THE Shepherd, and HIS sheep KNOW His voice.
IF the world hates you for following Jesus and preaching the gospel, so be it, that is our lot. But if the world hates you because you are a vehement spiteful bigot, that does NOTHING for God and does NOT bring Him Glory.


New member
Hall of Fame
That already happens in most societies, which includes North America.
The point is, legislated morality doesn't work with unbelievers, anymore today than it did in Israel of the OT/OC, which is why we now have the NEW covenant.
I'm not talking about what Christians do politically, I'm talking about what God wants from us, which is indicated by what Paul has to teach in 1 Cor 5:9-13 (NIV) Jesus' gospel is NOT the gospel of condemnation, but of LOVE by what He did for ALL mankind.

God wants us to be salt and light, part of that imo is standing up for those who cant stand up for themselves like that little child.

I have no doubt that God would be ok with the execution of such monsters.


Where exactly did God give you this commission? There are no sheep dogs in the kingdom ACW, only THE Shepherd, and HIS sheep KNOW His voice.
IF the world hates you for following Jesus and preaching the gospel, so be it, that is our lot. But if the world hates you because you are a vehement spiteful bigot, that does NOTHING for God and does NOT bring Him Glory.

On that note:

Jesus was "DEALT WITH", just like you and your LGBTQueer movement wants to "DEAL WITH" Bible believing Christians, don't you Stan?



New member
Jesus was "DEALT WITH", just like you and your LGBTQueer movement wants to "DEAL WITH" Bible believing Christians, don't you Stan?

The ACTUAL point is you don't believe what the Bible says because you hate monger, which is against the Bible, and you advocate other Christian do the same, which also goes against the Bible. Jesus was not dealt with, he was killed by the self righteous Pharisees and teachers of the law because He highlighted their hypocrisy. Your type of people ACW, not mine.
Matt 23:27 (NIV)
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees(people like aCW), you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean."

They didn't repent either.


New member
God wants us to be salt and light, part of that imo is standing up for those who cant stand up for themselves like that little child.
I have no doubt that God would be ok with the execution of such monsters.

Yes, salt and light, not, a "resounding gong or a clanging cymbal".

The issue here is NOT pedophiles, it is homosexuality. FYI, NOT the same thing.
Under the NC, God is not OK with anybody being vengeful. Rom 12:19 (NIV)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I eat and sleep well knowing that I stand up for God's Word even though it's not at all popular in today's moral relativist society.


Does that mean that lying and making up sleaze is 'standing up' as well?

And do quit with this martyr stuff dude. I doubt anyone on this thread actually hates you. You're a bit too much of a clown to elicit such a visceral response, sorry an all...
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