Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I've been meaning to ask you:

When you and your...ahem...spouse adopted, did you get a handicapped child out of Russia before the initial ban or did you go to a more friendly LGBTQ country?

I see that the Russians are getting even stricter when it comes to protecting the innocence of children.

Russia Expands Adoption Ban

Targets single people of any orientation in countries where gay marriage is legal


Here is the reason for the initial ban:

I showed my wife your post. She had a couple thoughtful things to say about you however the rules prevent me from quoting her.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's amazing how such a small percent of the population can cause so much destruction.

Paraphrasing the words of homosexualist StanJ:

"You Christians aught to be DEALT WITH".

I remember this incident. Anti-gay bigots were having a field day with it until it was revealed that the guy doing the assaulting was a heterosexual


New member
The "evidence" has been refuted. Rohm and others were homosexual but Hitler was definitely not. As I said, he had many sexual relationships with women.

There is a document on the web called "the Annotated Pink Swastika"
that plainly shows numerous errors in the book. There are instances where the book cites sources, but when you go and read those sources, the sources don't say what the Pink Swastika claims they say.

Wow, Christians lying about gays...what are the odds of that?


I showed my wife your post. She had a couple thoughtful things to say about you however the rules prevent me from quoting her.

At least tell us how disgusted you and your ahem...wife are with homosexuals that rape a 22 month old child and pimp him out over the internet after adopting that child.

I think the 3 of us can all agree that those two child molesting faggots loving daddys deserve the death penalty?


I remember this incident. Anti-gay bigots were having a field day with it until it was revealed that the guy doing the assaulting was a heterosexual

LOL...uh huh, and and and it happened at a "heterosexual pride parade".

Come on TB, tell us that us homophobic bigoted Christians are being "DEALT WITH" like we deserve (have your...ahem...wife type it for you if need be).


New member
Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).
Hmm, aCW's idea of "irrefutable evidence" seems to consist of one particular book that says everything he wants to hear, and not in fact the annuls of accepted, academic and scholarly research on the topic. Is anyone else shocked by this or is it just in fact nobody...?
I'm not exactly surprised given there's none so blind as those who will not see, or don't want to see. aCW's idea of what has been established seems to amount to whatever he deems he has established, however stupid and nonsensical in reality it is.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

I'm not exactly surprised given there's none so blind as those who will not see, or don't want to see...

It just amazes me that you atheists and your pagan allies just love to refer to Holy Scripture (Jeremiah 5:21)...

except when it comes to the subject of homosexuality.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual [Adolf Hitler]who was a master at tyranny.

Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

Quotes from the left wing HATE group Southern Poverty Law Center?

Bryan Fischer was fired from the American Family Association? (aikido7 hasn't been paying attention to fag rags like The Advocate).

You really need to work on your rebuttals instead of relying on some lame Wikipedia article.

Why are homosexualists so threatened by the truth when it comes to the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler?

Oh and aikido7:

While you're down there, say hello to Art Brain for me.


He'd be more likely to find you down there doofus...

Sorry to break it to you (again) but just because a couple of your heroes wrote a book, it doesn't refute actual history.

Heck, your idea of "proof" can be a personal blog so that shows where your 'thinking skills' are at...


He'd be more likely to find you down there doofus...

Sorry to break it to you (again) but just because a couple of your heroes wrote a book, it doesn't refute actual history.

Heck, your idea of "proof" can be a personal blog so that shows where your 'thinking skills' are at...



New member
At least tell us how disgusted you and your ahem...wife are with homosexuals that rape a 22 month old child and pimp him out over the internet after adopting that child.

I think the 3 of us can all agree that those two child molesting faggots loving daddys deserve the death penalty?

you mean parents like Connie and Ronnie McCall?

oh wait Connie and Ronnie are straight.

Are you talking about Juan and Andra Martinez?

Oops, they are also straight.

Natisha Hillard? no another hetersexual

Michelle Randall?


April Corcoran?


I think I'm seeing a pattern here. But I'm just wondering why you don't want to post about these parents


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
At least tell us how disgusted you and your ahem...wife are with homosexuals that rape a 22 month old child and pimp him out over the internet after adopting that child.

I think the 3 of us can all agree that those two child molesting faggots loving daddy's deserve the death penalty?

you mean parents like Connie and Ronnie McCall?onnie and Ronnie McCall?

oh wait Connie and Ronnie are straight.

Are you talking about Juan and Andra Martinez?

Oops, they are also straight.

Natisha Hillard? no another hetersexual

Michelle Randall?


April Corcoran?


I think I'm seeing a pattern here. But I'm just wondering why you don't want to post about these parents

The "pattern" was established long ago:

Homosexual activists won't turn on their own.

JV: What do you mean when you use the term “Homosexual Collective”?

RE: I am simply referring to the organized “Gay Liberation Movement” as opposed to the individual homosexual. There is a symbiotic relationship between the Collective and the individual — each feeds off the other. The latter looks to the Collective to affirm his identity as a “gay” man and for support to sustain his habituated vice. The Collective, on the other hand, derives its power, prestige and income from the individual homosexual. Defections from its ranks are frowned upon and seen as a threat.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why are homosexualists so threatened by the truth?

We bigots "aught to be DEALT WITH", shouldn't we aikido7?

I cannot know if you are a bigot or not. What I can know is that you enjoy producing reams of dogmatic and narrow-minded fear-based posts.

Being bigoted is its own punishment. Thankfully, the world always moves on from such dysfunction.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why are homosexualists so threatened by the truth?

We bigots "aught to be DEALT WITH", shouldn't we aikido7?

I cannot know if you are a bigot or not. What I can know is that you enjoy producing reams of dogmatic and narrow-minded fear-based posts.

(For those of you that aren't into LGBTQueer lingo, the smooth tongued devil just called me a bigot).

Being bigoted is its own punishment. Thankfully, the world always moves on from such dysfunction.

My "punishment" won't be eternal damnation, I'll guarantee you that.

As for you...
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4349141&postcount=8436 (God won't be mocked).


I owe a huge apology to all of you LGBTQ'ers out there as June is Proud and Unrepentant Moral Degenerate Month "Gay Pride Month", and I've been neglectful in sharing LGBTQueer "culture".

Since the lamestream media won't tell you what's going on in places like WA DC...let me put it this way:

Those pushy Bible believing homophobic bigoted Christians were....


What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Pride Parade

June 17, 2015

Last Saturday, more than 150,000 people gathered in D.C. for the Capital Pride Parade — a celebration of all things LGBT. Sadly, for the first time in the event’s 40-year history, the Boy Scouts of America participated in the march. Banners were also carried by the D.C. Public Schools and Library, the police and branches of the U.S. Military, as well as an assortment of private sponsors.

Prior to the procession, supporters milled about in the center of Dupont Circle, sporting rainbow sunglasses, shirts, capes, beads and body paint. The atmosphere was one of excitement and tolerance for everyone — except for those presenting an alternative view. That’s where all the rainbows and acceptance turned into profanity and abuse.

A small contingent of Christians had set up camp behind a fence, preaching the Gospel in a pleasant manner and professing the Biblical view of homosexuality. One formerly gay man — now a Christian believer — gave his testimony. In response, a young man in devil horns and a g-string (call him “Horny”) begin dancing erotically, cursing and blasting music in the face of “the haters.” His antics attracted an enthusiastic crowd and participants gave Horny bottles of cold water and lined up to take photos with him.

Elsewhere, people argued, made obscene gestures and repeatedly shouted **** you! at another church group. One man, who carried a sign which read “Jesus Christ Is the Only Way to Heaven,” was physically assaulted...

Read more but beware: As with anything homosexual related, profanity and obscenity is "proudly" displayed.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why are homosexualists so threatened by the truth?

We bigots "aught to be DEALT WITH", shouldn't we aikido7?

(For those of you that aren't into LGBTQueer lingo, the smooth tongued devil just called me a bigot).

My "punishment" won't be eternal damnation, I'll guarantee you that.

As for you...
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4349141&postcount=8436 (God won't be mocked).
Your guarantees aside, I have this to say:

Bigotry will be stood up to and confronted no matter what. Heaven and Hell could freeze over, but the fact is that the world is opening up to human rights and liberty and justice for all.

And that includes you as well.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
At least tell us how disgusted you and your ahem...wife are with homosexuals that rape a 22 month old child and pimp him out over the internet after adopting that child.

I think the 3 of us can all agree that those two child molesting faggots loving daddy's deserve the death penalty?

The "pattern" was established long ago:

Homosexual activists won't turn on their own.

JV: What do you mean when you use the term “Homosexual Collective”?

RE: I am simply referring to the organized “Gay Liberation Movement” as opposed to the individual homosexual. There is a symbiotic relationship between the Collective and the individual — each feeds off the other. The latter looks to the Collective to affirm his identity as a “gay” man and for support to sustain his habituated vice. The Collective, on the other hand, derives its power, prestige and income from the individual homosexual. Defections from its ranks are frowned upon and seen as a threat.

But why don't you want to post about these pimping heterosexual parents?

These people are just the ones i brought up were only the first few that showed up on a google search. There must be millions of perverted straights out there abusing children and spreading disease.

Don't you think that their actions show that heterosexuals are sexual degenerates?

Aren't they proof that heterosexuality should be outlawed?

Don't these parents constitute real evidence of a straight agenda to promote and normalize heterosexual pedophilia/pederasty?


Your guarantees aside, I have this to say:

Bigotry will be stood up to and confronted no matter what. Heaven and Hell could freeze over, but the fact is that the world is opening up to human rights and liberty and justice for all.

And that includes you as well.

Between screaming curse words and assaulting those pushy Bible believing homophobic bigoted Christians, I bet that "Horny" and his friends said similar words.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

It just amazes me that you atheists and your pagan allies just love to refer to Holy Scripture (Jeremiah 5:21)...

except when it comes to the subject of homosexuality.
No, no aCW you are quite wrong, homosexuality ranks right up there with eating shrimp and the wearing of mixed weave cloth.:plain:
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