Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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"So what"? Of course as a homosexual activist you downplay the importance that a mother and father play in the family.

As I've shown: fatherless homes lead to other things besides sexual confusion: drug/alcohol abuse, crime, etc.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Bieber study evaluating over 1,000 male homosexuals not finding one "whose father openly loved and respected him."

Not one Kdall, not even one.

You disappoint me TB, your LGBTQueer movement hasn't said a thing about the Bieber study (you boyz are slipping).


You talk a good game, aCW, but it's all words. You don't care to help the fatherless. abba-dee-abba-di


What's to say about a collection of interviews of people in a psychiatric institution from 1962?

Come on TB, you can do better than that. At least you can say that the study was repudiated by the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association (because therapists who fly the rainbow flag are never biased).



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Based on the LGBTQueer propaganda that you read, there is no such thing as legitimate therapy to help people overcome same sex desires.

I don't happen to read any such material. Unlike you I'm not obsessed with all things 'gay'. Do please explain what constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where this can be found, as opposed to the draconian humiliating procedures used in those centres that your own article even alluded to.

Do you think that straight people can be "made" to lose their attraction to the opposite sex? If not, why not?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Based on the LGBTQueer propaganda that you read, there is no such thing as legitimate therapy to help people overcome same sex desires.

I don't happen to read any such material.

Have you (conveniently) forgotten our conversations about UK homosexual activist Dr. Christian Jessen?


Unlike you I'm not obsessed with all things 'gay'.

I have noticed that you're very obsessed with keeping buggery legal.

Do please explain what constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where this can be found, as opposed to the draconian humiliating procedures used in those centres that your own article even alluded to.

Legitimate therapy would be after consulting with a pastor or licensed therapist, what parents of the sexually confused/gender confused child think will help their child leave homosexual desires/gender identity confusion behind. (Doesn't it just tick you off to no end when those nosey parents ruin all of the fun for the pedophile faction of the LGBTQueer movement Art?).

Do you think that straight people can be "made" to lose their attraction to the opposite sex? If not, why not?

Why on earth would someone want to rid themselves of natural sexual desires and replace them with perverse ones?

But as I've shown many times throughout this 3 part thread, culture can play a big role in experimentation.

Activists lure children into homosexual experimentation


Dear aCW,

What? Did you get upset with my post saying that it is not an illness that you cure? I was gay from age 8 to 50. I would not say that I am gay anymore, but if I were, it would be no business of yours. You do seem so preoccupied with it that of course, people would think you are latent. My Dad loved me and accepted me very much after he found out I was gay. So did my Mom. I have no qualms about it. I'm 59 now. I'm proud of my life. It has been beyond the best that I could ever have hoped for. I did not choose to be gay!!

May God Teach You Better!



Dear aCW,

What? Did you get upset with my post saying that it is not an illness that you cure? I was gay from age 8 to 50. I would not say that I am gay anymore, but if I were, it would be no business of yours. You do seem so preoccupied with it that of course, people would think you are latent. My Dad loved me and accepted me very much after he found out I was gay. So did my Mom. I have no qualms about it. I'm 59 now. I'm proud of my life. It has been beyond the best that I could ever have hoped for. I did not choose to be gay!!

May God Teach You Better!


Well said, Michael. I'm happy to hear that your parents were so accepting of you after you came out. Unfortunately, that historically hasn't been the case for many. But thanks to testimony from people like yourself, that is changing


New member
Come on TB, you can do better than that. At least you can say that the study was repudiated by the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association (because therapists who fly the rainbow flag are never biased).

The very fact that you are desperate enough to claim that a collection of interviews of people in a psychiatric institution is indicative of anything but of that collection of people in that psychiatric institution.

“I am reminded of a colleague who reiterated "all my homosexual patients are quite sick" - to which I finally replied "so are all my heterosexual patients";” Ernest van den Haag


Dear aCW,

What? Did you get upset with my post saying that it is not an illness that you cure?

Many people through spiritual and/or psychological counseling have left their same sex desires behind them.

I was gay from age 8 to 50.

As a child you were fooled into believing that you had unnatural sexual desires. Unfortunately for you that lasted your entire life.

I would not say that I am gay anymore, but if I were, it would be no business of yours.

God knows what's in your heart. I can only judge you by your words. Based on your words, I don't see someone that has repented his previous sinful behavior.

You do seem so preoccupied with it that of course, people would think you are latent.

Homosexuals think that I am (misery loves company don't cha know).

My Dad loved me and accepted me very much after he found out I was gay.

From your earlier posts in Part 2 you admitted that you had an absent/distant/unloving father, and that is likely why you sought (pretend) love from other males.

So did my Mom. I have no qualms about it. I'm 59 now. I'm proud of my life. It has been beyond the best that I could ever have hoped for. I did not choose to be gay!!

May God Teach You Better!


God didn't create you in the womb with homosexual desires. Search deeply into your childhood and you will find the answer as to why you as a young child developed unnatural sexual desires (based on your previous testimony in Part 2, I still believe it was an absent/distant/unloving father).


Well said, Michael. I'm happy to hear that your parents were so accepting of you after you came out. Unfortunately, that historically hasn't been the case for many. But thanks to testimony from people like yourself, that is changing

I'd ask for your testimony as to when you knew that you had unnatural sexual desires, but honesty isn't your strong point is it Mr. Rightwing Christian?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Come on TB, you can do better than that. At least you can say that the study was repudiated by the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association (because therapists who fly the rainbow flag are never biased).

The very fact that you are desperate enough to claim that a collection of interviews of people in a psychiatric institution is indicative of anything but of that collection of people in that psychiatric institution.

“I am reminded of a colleague who reiterated "all my homosexual patients are quite sick" - to which I finally replied "so are all my heterosexual patients";” Ernest van den Haag

I guessed I missed the part where the objective therapists/researchers went into a mental institution, could you point that out for me?


That being said: Had there been 'gay' pride parades back in 1962, I'm sure Bieber and associates would have done what modern day 'researchers' (cough cough) do and chosen their interviewees randomly off of various floats.



Tell us about your personal relationship with Christ and how you became a "right winger" for starts.

I've always been a right winger. My parents were very conservative. And as far as a personal relationship with Christ: it's not like he's ever come down and talked to me face to face, but I believe in him and his resurrection.

In your personal relationship, did Christ come down and tell you to hate gay people?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell us about your personal relationship with Christ and how you became a "right winger" for starts.

I've always been a right winger. My parents were very conservative.

So when did defending an absolutely filthy behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and death to those who engage in it and defending an agenda that amongst other things indoctrinates the innocent minds of children and persecutes those who stand up for God's Word all of the sudden become a conservative value?

And as far as a personal relationship with Christ: it's not like he's ever come down and talked to me face to face, but I believe in him and his resurrection.

Do you believe when it comes to sexuality that He/His Father designed only man and woman to engage in that beautiful act and that anything else is perverse?

In your personal relationship, did Christ come down and tell you to hate gay people?

I don't hate you Kdall, I love you with all of my heart. In fact I love you so much that I want to reinstate righteous laws so that you won't continue to live the life of misery that you are currently living.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell us about your personal relationship with Christ and how you became a "right winger" for starts.

So when did defending an absolutely filthy behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and death to those who engage in it and defending an agenda that amongst other things indoctrinates the innocent minds of children and persecutes those who stand up for God's Word all of the sudden become a conservative value?

Do you believe when it comes to sexuality that He/His Father designed only man and woman to engage in that beautiful act and that anything else is perverse?

I don't hate you Kdall, I love you with all of my heart. In fact I love you so much that I want to reinstate righteous laws so that you won't continue to live the life of misery that you are currently living.
I was unaware that all people who defend homosexuals are themselves homosexual. Glad you laid out that piece of flawless logic.

I believe that God designed life, and that humans are part of the natural world. As part of the natural world, it should be expected that humans exhibit behaviors common in nature, such as homosexual behavior.

I can promise you that the God I worship never intended for anyone to be persecuted relentlessly as the result of His Word. It's people who pervert the Bible to justify their prejudices. It happened with slavery and black discrimination, it's happened and continues to happen with fundamentalist rejection of science, and it most commonly today happens with homosexual discrimination. You see people protesting gay marriage frequently, but why are these same people not outraged at adulterers in the same way? It's a MUCH more common problem, and equally as heinous according to Old Testament law, yet it just isn't treated the same by those who claim to be acting on behalf of God. And that's because these people, like yourself, don't actually care about what God wants. They're just trying to acceptably voice their bigotry.

If God hated gays so much, then He'd have done to San Francisco the same that He did to Sodom and Gommorah 4000 years ago. But he hasn't.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Have you (conveniently) forgotten our conversations about UK homosexual activist Dr. Christian Jessen?

Of course not. After your admitted cluelessness as to what goes on in these "therapy centres" it was me who brought his experience up, remember?

I have noticed that you're very obsessed with keeping buggery legal.

Ah, of course. It's not homosexuality itself per se that you're obsessed with, it's homosexual men and a specific act. I have no need to be obsessed with something that's legal and will remain so regardless.

Legitimate therapy would be after consulting with a pastor or licensed therapist, what parents of the sexually confused/gender confused child think will help their child leave homosexual desires/gender identity confusion behind. (Doesn't it just tick you off to no end when those nosey parents ruin all of the fun for the pedophile faction of the LGBTQueer movement Art?).

That's not answering the questions I posed. What exactly constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where can this be found? Feel free to provide bona fide sources if you need to.

Why on earth would someone want to rid themselves of natural sexual desires and replace them with perverse ones?

Again, not answering the question. Do you think it's possible for a heterosexual to 'choose' to change their attractions?
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