Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
So the term "gay youth" is in and of itself fraudulent because faggotry is only something that "consenting adults" should partake in?
I don't know about you but my sexual orientation was quite clear to me as a youth, maybe you still haven't made your mind up?
Youths who happen to be gay may sometimes need more support from others rather than that which people like you are prepared to give them, other than "reparative therapy" or indeed "corrective rape" perhaps? :shocked:


I don't know about you but my sexual orientation was quite clear to me as a youth, maybe you still haven't made your mind up?
Youths who happen to be gay may sometimes need more support from others rather than that which people like you are prepared to give them, other than "reparative therapy" or indeed "corrective rape" perhaps? :shocked:

As shown, many of these sexually confused children "happened to be" raped as a child or grew up in dysfunctional homes.

Legitimate spiritual and/or psychological counseling has helped many sexually confused youth have normal sexual desires and later in life marry and have families.

That must be disheartening to your movement Al, maybe you should do something about it like make it illegal to help children with same sex desires....

Oh wait, you already have.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's a simple yes or no answer.

Can people change their unwanted homosexual desires through spiritual and/or psychological counseling?

To answer that I would refer to the evidence you provided...but that is (as usual) fraudulent.

But please do keep trying to change the topic.

"The evidence that I've provided" throughout this 3 part thread was from the testimony of numerous people who explained why they had unnatural same sex desires and through spiritual and/or psychological counseling were able to overcome them.

You're lost when you can't rely on some LGBTQueer funded study aren't you TB?


New member
As shown, many of these sexually confused children "happened to be" raped as a child or grew up in dysfunctional homes.

Legitimate spiritual and/or psychological counseling has helped many sexually confused youth have normal sexual desires and later in life marry and have families.

That is interesting. Let's have a look at the research and studies on the topic published by those "legitimate spiritual and/or psychological" counselors...oh wait. those "legitimate spiritual and/or psychological" counselors don't publish any research on the topic


That is interesting. Let's have a look at the research and studies on the topic published by those "legitimate spiritual and/or psychological" counselors...oh wait. those "legitimate spiritual and/or psychological" counselors don't publish any research on the topic

It must be very frustrating for you and your LGBTQueer movement after all of the time and money you spent manipulating your fictitious studies on homosexuality when people come forward and give personal testimonies as to why they had same sex desires and what they did to overcome them.

Let that HATRED go TB. God will help you just like He's helped countless others.


New member
As shown, many of these sexually confused children "happened to be" raped as a child or grew up in dysfunctional homes.

Legitimate spiritual and/or psychological counseling has helped many sexually confused youth have normal sexual desires and later in life marry and have families.

That must be disheartening to your movement Al, maybe you should do something about it like make it illegal to help children with same sex desires....

Oh wait, you already have.
I'm beginning to think that there's no reasoning with you aCW. :nono:

I've just seen a TV program in which a gay man felt compelled to live his life as a heterosexual.
He married had children and his wife knew all along he was gay but happily went along with it. She unfortunately died early but his biggest regret was in "living the lie" all those years, and only now he can be honest.
We can often change our actions but we can't conveniently change our sexual orientation, no matter how much you want to try aCW.:nono:


New member
It must be very frustrating for you and your LGBTQueer movement after all of the time and money you spent manipulating your fictitious studies on homosexuality when people come forward and give personal testimonies as to why they had same sex desires and what they did to overcome them.
fictitious studies on homosexuality. You mean like the Masters and Johnson study you brought up a couple pages ago or are we going to talk about Paul Cameron again?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown, many of these sexually confused children "happened to be" raped as a child or grew up in dysfunctional homes.

Legitimate spiritual and/or psychological counseling has helped many sexually confused youth have normal sexual desires and later in life marry and have families.

That must be disheartening to your movement Al, maybe you should do something about it like make it illegal to help children with same sex desires....

Oh wait, you already have.

I'm beginning to think that there's no reasoning with you aCW. :nono:

I don't reason with evil.

I've just seen a TV program in which a gay man felt compelled to live his life as a heterosexual.
He married had children and his wife knew all along he was gay but happily went along with it. She unfortunately died early but his biggest regret was in "living the lie" all those years, and only now he can be honest.

First of all, he wasn't a "gay man"; sometime in his life something happened that brought on those same sex desires.

Secondly: Even though he later said that he was unhappy, he brought happiness to those around him by marrying and fathering children. If he knew that he had same sex desires during his marriage, why didn't he seek legitimate spiritual and psychological therapy like countless others have done to overcome those desires?

We can often change our actions but we can't conveniently change our sexual orientation, no matter how much you want to try aCW.:nono:

And if kids want to try, it is illegal to do so in many states.

Obama backs ban on 'conversion' therapy for gay, transgender youth

April 9, 2015

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of gay, lesbian and transgender youth.

The move comes in response to an online petition posted on the White House website following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn. The transgender teen committed suicide in December and left behind writings mentioning religious therapy.

In a statement late Wednesday, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said the administration supports banning so-called conversion therapy treatments for minors.

"We share your concern about its potentially devastating effects on the lives of transgender as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer youth," Jarrett said. "The overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrates that conversion therapy, especially when it is practiced on young people, is neither medically nor ethically appropriate and can cause substantial harm."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...conversion-therapy-for-gay-transgender-youth/


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It must be very frustrating for you and your LGBTQueer movement after all of the time and money you spent manipulating your fictitious studies on homosexuality when people come forward and give personal testimonies as to why they had same sex desires and what they did to overcome them.

fictitious studies on homosexuality. You mean like the Masters and Johnson study you brought up a couple pages ago or are we going to talk about Paul Cameron again?

Tell us again how those brave people who give testimony about changing their same sex desires are the same as those who see aliens from outer space.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown, many of these sexually confused children "happened to be" raped as a child or grew up in dysfunctional homes.

Legitimate spiritual and/or psychological counseling has helped many sexually confused youth have normal sexual desires and later in life marry and have families.

That must be disheartening to your movement Al, maybe you should do something about it like make it illegal to help children with same sex desires....

Oh wait, you already have.

I don't reason with evil.

First of all, he wasn't a "gay man"; sometime in his life something happened that brought on those same sex desires.

Secondly: Even though he later said that he was unhappy, he brought happiness to those around him by marrying and fathering children. If he knew that he had same sex desires during his marriage, why didn't he seek legitimate spiritual and psychological therapy like countless others have done to overcome those desires?

And if kids want to try, it is illegal to do so in many states.

Obama backs ban on 'conversion' therapy for gay, transgender youth

April 9, 2015

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of gay, lesbian and transgender youth.

The move comes in response to an online petition posted on the White House website following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn. The transgender teen committed suicide in December and left behind writings mentioning religious therapy.

In a statement late Wednesday, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said the administration supports banning so-called conversion therapy treatments for minors.

"We share your concern about its potentially devastating effects on the lives of transgender as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer youth," Jarrett said. "The overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrates that conversion therapy, especially when it is practiced on young people, is neither medically nor ethically appropriate and can cause substantial harm."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...conversion-therapy-for-gay-transgender-youth/

Hopefully it'll be outlawed across the whole of America before too long. It's not like you actually care about kids anyway, including the teen who committed suicide in this very article.


Hopefully it'll be outlawed across the whole of America before too long. It's not like you actually care about kids anyway, including the teen who committed suicide in this very article.

Numerous pages ago I gave a name to adults who try to talk sexually confused or gender confused youth out of getting legitimate spiritual and/or psychological therapy.

Being that I'm not quite yet ready to be banned again, I'll forgo telling you what you really are Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Numerous pages ago I gave a name to adults who try to talk sexually confused or gender confused youth out of getting legitimate spiritual and/or psychological therapy.

Being that I'm not quite yet ready to be banned again, I'll forgo telling you what you really are Art.

By the sounds of it there's no such thing as "legitimate therapy centres" which is probably why it's been outlawed so much. If the documentary I saw was anything to go by then no way should kids be made to undergo such "techniques". If you think they should then you're the one who's a piece of work.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It must be very frustrating for you and your LGBTQueer movement after all of the time and money you spent manipulating your fictitious studies on homosexuality when people come forward and give personal testimonies as to why they had same sex desires and what they did to overcome them.

Tell us again how those brave people who give testimony about changing their same sex desires are the same as those who see aliens from outer space.


are you discounting the testimony of all those good and honest people?


By the sounds of it there's no such thing as "legitimate therapy centres" which is probably why it's been outlawed so much. If the documentary I saw was anything to go by then no way should kids be made to undergo such "techniques". If you think they should then you're the one who's a piece of work.

Based on the LGBTQueer propaganda that you read, there is no such thing as legitimate therapy to help people overcome same sex desires.


are you discounting the testimony of all those good and honest people?

I'm just wondering why someone would discount the testimonies of people who have admitted that they were raped by a homosexual as a child, or grew up in a dysfunctional home, yet were able to overcome the things that lead to their sexual confusion through therapy by associating alien sightings with conversion therapy?


New member
I don't reason with evil.
Some gay people might consider you to be evil aCW. :plain:

First of all, he wasn't a "gay man"; sometime in his life something happened that brought on those same sex desires.
That's what you want to believe anyway, perhaps it's important for you to believe that that it is actually true every time.

Secondly: Even though he later said that he was unhappy, he brought happiness to those around him by marrying and fathering children. If he knew that he had same sex desires during his marriage, why didn't he seek legitimate spiritual and psychological therapy like countless others have done to overcome those desires?
I don't know, but as he was someone from my generation it just wasn't done to admit being gay. So he spent his life denying it, but the relief at finally being able to shed the lie was clearly obvious and emotional. If living most of his life as a heterosexual didn't "cure" him then no quack therapy is ever going to do it.
People are what they are whatever you may prefer to think.

And if kids want to try, it is illegal to do so in many states.

Obama backs ban on 'conversion' therapy for gay, transgender youth

April 9, 2015

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of gay, lesbian and transgender youth.

The move comes in response to an online petition posted on the White House website following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn. The transgender teen committed suicide in December and left behind writings mentioning religious therapy.

In a statement late Wednesday, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said the administration supports banning so-called conversion therapy treatments for minors.

"We share your concern about its potentially devastating effects on the lives of transgender as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer youth," Jarrett said. "The overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrates that conversion therapy, especially when it is practiced on young people, is neither medically nor ethically appropriate and can cause substantial harm."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...conversion-therapy-for-gay-transgender-youth/
I think that the answer is not just in tolerating human innate variations and differences but in celebrating them, not attacking them with bigotry and hate aCW. :plain:


Dear aCW,

Gays are not 'cured' by spiritual or psychological treatments. Most gays are not cured at all. The only reason I've been able to do it is because of extenuating circumstances. I was visited by the Lord and had three angels visit me, and still I was gay for 42 years. It is not something you can cure! And it's hard to stop regardless. The only reason I've found it easier to quit is because I am much older. If I were still in my prime, I'm not sure changing would be possible.

Be Realistic! You Don't Understand Being Gay,



New member
Based on the LGBTQueer propaganda that you read, there is no such thing as legitimate therapy to help people overcome same sex desires.

Well all we have to do is look at the many many published studies and the mass of statistics publicly released by all those ex-gay organizations and "therapists" to show that these therapies are legitimate.

Too bad all those ex-gay advocates don't publish studies or research or even keep basic statistics.
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