Barbarian observes, regarding scientific research cited:
Gave you a cite for it. Did you know you could look it up directly?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I did it for others. I must say that I'm surprised that your link didn't come from The Advocate .
Never heard of it. If you start cruising advocacy websites for scientific evidence, you're going to be continuously misled. No matter which advocacy.
You never heard of the popular fag rag that gave your liberal pope their most prestigious award?

You secular Catholics must be proud of Frankie.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you understand that same sex desires can be changed.
People are pretty plastic in behavior. But I notice no one's come up with anything that has anything remotely like a system that works in changing orientation. You can change behavior, of course. Straight guys in prison, for example. But they revert to straight when they leave.
You haven't been paying attention in class when it comes to therapy that helps those with homosexual desires rid themselves of them nor when I talked about homosexuality in a prison setting.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell us that those people who have changed their same sex desires either through spiritual guidance or secular therapy are just a bunch of LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! barbarian.
Barbarian observes:
You mean like the programs once pushed by Exodus International? What do they say about it?
Exodus International (1978): The ministry selected 30 of their 800 members as having changed from exclusively homosexual to exclusively heterosexual in orientation. Two outside psychiatrists interviewed the 30 and found that only three were actually heterosexual.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So 3 were able to change?
Not quite four percent, if the psychiatrists got it right.
So much for your recent study on homosexuality being "permanent".
Also remember that we're in a society where perversion is promoted and glamourized, so those brave men and women who seek SOCE therapy aren't encouraged by society to seek change.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I feel sorry for Alan Chambers, undoubtedly he was passing by a public restroom toilet stall one day and his past life got the best of him.
Sorry, I don't get that. What is it about public restrooms for you guys?
There you go playing naïve again barbarian. Surely you're aware that part of the 'gay' culture is to have sex where normal people go to dispose of body waste?

Quote: Originally posted by a CultureWarrior
That being said: Shall we discuss the numerous other EX Gay organizations that still exist and still are helping people overcome homosexual desires?
Yep. Show us some checkable research that shows something actually works.
Why post numbers when you can hear it from people themselves:
For now, 200 of them.
200 EXhomosexual video testimonies
On a side note: I must say barbarian, it is nice when you don't incessantly promote the legalization of incest (the sexual anarchists "new frontier").