Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Meanwhile in other news I gather that:
The UK National Health Service has recently banned "reparative therapy" for same sex attraction.

Conversion therapy suggests to vulnerable people that
their sexuality is the root cause of their difficulties.
This is misleading and prejudiced. Questions around
sexuality and identity can be challenging and difficult.
Nevertheless, we believe it would be irresponsible and potentially damaging for a therapist to offer to try and
change sexual orientation.

The UK Council for Psychotherapy states:
‘It is exploitative for a psychotherapist to offer
treatment that might ‘cure’ or ‘reduce’ same sex
attraction as to do so would be offering a treatment for
which there is no illness

http://www.ukcp.org.uk/UKCP_Documents/policy/Conversion therapy.pdf


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
With the millions and millions of dollars spent and all the scientists quacks that have jumped on the LGBTQueer bandwagon, you'd think after all these years that elsuive 'gay gene" would have been found.

What makes you think it's a priority to find a specifically "gay gene"?
Surely genetic research has many more urgent human conditions to learn about than what just happens to make some people gay? Being gay isn't exactly a congenital dysfunction and I suspect it will emerge anyway one day.

As I've mentioned many times before Al, it's so very important for the LGBTQueer movement to find that elusive 'gay' gene for the simple fact that without it there would be no justification for HATE CRIME LEGISLATION (if homosexuality is indeed a changeable behavior, then special protection isn't needed for those who choose not to change).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You acknowledge that no 'gay' gene has been found and deny environmental factors are behind same sex desires but instead come up with the brilliant deduction that people "just happen" to choose perversion? How did that "just happen" Al?

Please don't put words in my mouth aCW. I rather suspect that if someone is bisexual to some degree then environmental factors may well have some effect, but I doubt that anyone is ever "cured" of being bisexual.

So many perversions, so many genes to be found.

Also I've never even suggested that there is anything perverted in simply being gay, nor have I said that any conscious choice is involved, please try to get something right occasionally.

Of course you haven't Al, need I remind you of your somewhat recent "whatever" post?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually Al, not all "gay people" (i.e. people with same sex desires) have said that. Those who have an open mind about their unnatural desires acknowledge that it was environmental factors that caused them to have same sex desires.

If you go back and check aCW I had already altered my bad wording after I reread it, you were a bit too quick. But please do comment again if you wish.

What is there to comment on other than God gave us free will to change if we so desire. While change might be more difficult for some than others, it is possible for anyone that asks for His help.


Meanwhile in other news I gather that:
The UK National Health Service has recently banned "reparative therapy" for same sex attraction.

Conversion therapy suggests to vulnerable people that
their sexuality is the root cause of their difficulties.
This is misleading and prejudiced. Questions around
sexuality and identity can be challenging and difficult.
Nevertheless, we believe it would be irresponsible and potentially damaging for a therapist to offer to try and
change sexual orientation.

The UK Council for Psychotherapy states:
‘It is exploitative for a psychotherapist to offer
treatment that might ‘cure’ or ‘reduce’ same sex
attraction as to do so would be offering a treatment for
which there is no illness

http://www.ukcp.org.uk/UKCP_Documents/policy/Conversion therapy.pdf

And who says homosexual activist Peter the pedophile Tatchell isn't influential in the UK?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you didn't supply a link

Gave you a cite for it. Did you know you could look it up directly?

I did it for others. I must say that I'm surprised that your link didn't come from The Advocate .

The last time I checked the definition of "permanent", as I recall it meant something couldn't be changed.

So I understand.

Then you understand that same sex desires can be changed.

Tell us that those people who have changed their same sex desires either through spiritual guidance or secular therapy are just a bunch of LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! barbarian.

You mean like the programs once pushed by Exodus International? What do they say about it?

Exodus International (1978): The ministry selected 30 of their 800 members as having changed from exclusively homosexual to exclusively heterosexual in orientation. Two outside psychiatrists interviewed the 30 and found that only three were actually heterosexual.

So 3 were able to change?

I feel sorry for Alan Chambers, undoubtedly he was passing by a public restroom toilet stall one day and his past life got the best of him.

Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?

Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among Other Gospel Distortions and Bad Moves
Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D.


Alan Chambers

That being said: Shall we discuss the numerous other EX Gay organizations that still exist and still are helping people overcome homosexual desires?

I notice that "reparative therapy" seems to be based on the same principles as the therapy given Alex in A Clockwork Orange.

It didn't last for Alex, either.

It just wouldn't be barbarian if he too didn't fall for the lies of the LGBTQueer movement.



New member
With the millions and millions of dollars spent and all the scientists quacks that have jumped on the LGBTQueer bandwagon, you'd think after all these years that elsuive 'gay gene" would have been found.
they haven't found the left handed gene either

You acknowledge that no 'gay' gene has been found and deny environmental factors are behind same sex desires but instead come up with the brilliant deduction that people "just happen" to choose perversion? How did that "just happen" Al?
There is no African American gene either yet black people still exist...or do you think that is a choice too?

Actually Al, not all "gay people" (i.e. people with same sex desires) have said that. Those who have an open mind about their unnatural desires acknowledge that it was environmental factors that caused them to have same sex desires.
and some people acknowledge that their headaches are caused by the tracking device that extraterrestrials have planted in their skulls.

I don't believe them either


New member
Since we were on the topic of that ever so elusive "transsexual gene", here's an interesting article on Walt Heyer's website:

62.7% of Transgenders Have Untreated Mental Disorders


A stinging new report finds that the majority of patients with gender dysphoria had at least one psychiatric Axis I comorbidity, the most common being major depressive disorder (33.7%), specific phobia (20.5%), and adjustment disorder (15.7%) [a].

Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis of depression. Yet being identified as a transsexual or diagnosed with gender dysphoria often stands in the way of getting a proper diagnosis of the comorbid or underlying psychopathologies.

Depression and Axis 1 disorders can be treated properly with psychiatric medication in conjunction with effective talk therapy. No change of gender is required.

Yet gender change pushers in the medical community continue to steer patients toward gender change as the first and only treatment. They don’t look for comorbid disorders in the transgender patient. They don’t consider that by pushing patients toward gender change they are preventing them from being diagnosed and treated for another disorder that, according to this study, is likely to be present in two-thirds of patients. For patients undergoing gender change, this can be a quick trip to suicide. For example, for the ones who suffer from major depressive disorder, when they are not diagnosed and treated for the depression, suicide is a highly likely outcome...


Legitimate help is out there for people who want it, whether it be for overcoming same sex desires, or gender confusion.

However when you read the actual study you and your little friend there using you find a slightly different story. (big surprise)

GID (gender identity disorder) patients suffer from permanent dissatisfaction with several aspects such as gender identity, interpersonal and social relationships, and educational and occupational development. They may find negative attitudes toward themselves from society and their family. Minority stress and social exclusion predispose them to experience more negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.



New member
As I've mentioned many times before Al, it's so very important for the LGBTQueer movement to find that elusive 'gay' gene for the simple fact that without it there would be no justification for HATE CRIME LEGISLATION (if homosexuality is indeed a changeable behavior, then special protection isn't needed for those who choose not to change).
As you know aCW unlike you I think it is far more reasonable to accept the words of gay people themselves who testify that they did not choose to be gay, rather than assume that they are all liars, particularly since I didn't choose my own, just as other heterosexuals will seem to overwhelmingly concur.
But unlike you I don't have an agenda to control the lives of others when they seem to do things that are not to my own taste. IOW I will simply continue to presume there is a "gay gene" until it becomes clear that people are picking and choosing what their sexual orientation is.
I suggest that it is people like you who fear the existence of a "gay gene", which if identified would remove all shadow of doubt that the likes of your beloved AFTAH richly deserve to be designated a hate group.


New member
I will give aCW credit for one thing, he has the most impressive collection of images regarding the sexual minorities I have ever seen!


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've mentioned many times before Al, it's so very important for the LGBTQueer movement to find that elusive 'gay' gene for the simple fact that without it there would be no justification for HATE CRIME LEGISLATION (if homosexuality is indeed a changeable behavior, then special protection isn't needed for those who choose not to change).

As you know aCW unlike you I think it is far more reasonable to accept the words of gay people themselves who testify that they did not choose to be gay, rather than assume that they are all liars, particularly since I didn't choose my own, just as other heterosexuals will seem to overwhelmingly concur.
But unlike you I don't have an agenda to control the lives of others when they seem to do things that are not to my own taste. IOW I will simply continue to presume there is a "gay gene" until it becomes clear that people are picking and choosing what their sexual orientation is.
I suggest that it is people like you who fear the existence of a "gay gene", which if identified would remove all shadow of doubt that the likes of your beloved AFTAH richly deserve to be designated a hate group.

A guy who goes by the name of "Wal Ford" wrote an interesting article on Facebook acknowledging what I and many others have said:

"Because if homosexuality is not a preference, a sexual dysfunction/fetish, an explicit violation of religious principles or even an acquired taste, then what one does in bed and with whom one does it attains the legal status of a protected demographic -- and as such, enjoys the same accord as any ethnic group [that is designated as Victim]."


Hence the reason the LGBTQueer movement (as seen in their playbook "After the Ball: How America will conquer it's fear and hatred of gays in the 90's") always plays the victim, when in reality they are the aggressor.


I will give aCW credit for one thing, he has the most impressive collection of images regarding the sexual minorities I have ever seen!

I see quite a few similarities between you and TracerBullet, are you two by chance one of those identical 'gay' twins that Al keeps talking about?


The Barbarian

Barbarian observes, regarding scientific research cited:
Gave you a cite for it. Did you know you could look it up directly?

I did it for others. I must say that I'm surprised that your link didn't come from The Advocate .

Never heard of it. If you start cruising advocacy websites for scientific evidence, you're going to be continuously misled. No matter which advocacy.

Then you understand that same sex desires can be changed.

People are pretty plastic in behavior. But I notice no one's come up with anything that has anything remotely like a system that works in changing orientation. You can change behavior, of course. Straight guys in prison, for example. But they revert to straight when they leave.

Tell us that those people who have changed their same sex desires either through spiritual guidance or secular therapy are just a bunch of LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! barbarian.

Barbarian observes:
You mean like the programs once pushed by Exodus International? What do they say about it?

Exodus International (1978): The ministry selected 30 of their 800 members as having changed from exclusively homosexual to exclusively heterosexual in orientation. Two outside psychiatrists interviewed the 30 and found that only three were actually heterosexual.

So 3 were able to change?

Not quite four percent, if the psychiatrists got it right.

I feel sorry for Alan Chambers, undoubtedly he was passing by a public restroom toilet stall one day and his past life got the best of him.

Sorry, I don't get that. What is it about public restrooms for you guys?

That being said: Shall we discuss the numerous other EX Gay organizations that still exist and still are helping people overcome homosexual desires?

Yep. Show us some checkable research that shows something actually works.


New member
Barbarian observes:
You mean like the programs once pushed by Exodus International? What do they say about it?

Exodus International (1978): The ministry selected 30 of their 800 members as having changed from exclusively homosexual to exclusively heterosexual in orientation. Two outside psychiatrists interviewed the 30 and found that only three were actually heterosexual.

Not quite four percent, if the psychiatrists got it right.

0.37% actually
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