Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Stomach problems?
It was a three course meal so whaddya expect...?
Mind you, none of the 'courses' were up to much...
Stomach problems?
Stomach problems?
I've often wondered what happened in B. Hussein Obama's life that caused him to have same sex desires and eventually partake in them.
Hmm, don't think the first two qualify as sports although as a child cricket did in fact bore me to tears, especially when dragged along to test matches by my parents where the only excitement was if there were a thunderstorm approaching to stop play...
Nowadays it's a different story though in keeping within the spirit of things...
Peter Tatchell, is that you?
Therapy? It's not therapy it's child abuse conducted by perverts.While working on the table of contents I came across several posts that talked about the very sad case of Joshua Alcorn and how several US states have outlawed therapy for youth who are sexually confused.
Therapy? It's not therapy it's child abuse conducted by perverts.
As for techniques this "therapy" include having the child identify a problem in their relationship with their father. If they don’t have a relational problem then the relationships with any other male relative or even acquaintance is explored until some form of relationship problem can be identified. This relationship problem is defined as "an incomplete bond and resultant identification with the same-sex parent.”
Ref: Nicolosi, J. Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach, Northvale, NJ: Aronson, 1991
It isn’t based on any research and those engaging in this cannot define just what an incomplete bond is.
Children are forced to remove all clothing during both individual and group therapy sessions.
Nudity in front of the individual that the client has the "troubled relationship" with is encouraged as is “cuddling” If the father is unavailable then a substitute male is used for this.
It is encouraged that girls shower with their father.
Electrodes may be placed on the client’s genitals in order to provide painful shocks when the client is exposed to gay themed images.
Ref: Shidlo, A.; Schroeder, M.; Drescher, J. eds. Sexual conversion therapy: ethical, clinical, and research perspectives 2011
“Hold therapy” is almost exclusively done with children. The child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. There have been some reports of parents being encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child. This will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay.
Ref: Bright, C. "Deconstructing Reparative Therapy: An Examination of the Processes Involved When Attempting to Change Sexual Orientation. 2004
Other methods include sedation, isolation, sensory deprivation, physical restraints and hypnosis
violently beating an effigy of the client’s mother with a tennis racket while being forced to say that they want their mother to die.
Children being subjected to ridicule as “faggots” and “homos” by "therapists and their parents being encouraged/instructed to do the same outside of sessions.
It is a sick perverted thing and it's no surprise that you support this sort of abuse
Question: What do you call an adult who tries to pretend that youths that just happen to be gay are somehow sexually confused and need a quack therapy that will surely make them confused if they weren't already?Question: What do you call an adult who attempts to talk a sexually confused youth out of trying rid himself of same sex desires?
Answer: A pedophile..
...youths that just happen to be gay...
No one bought it the last time you tired to put up this lie. Nothing has changed.
References included, you know it. Stop lying.Since TracerBullet didn't supply a LGBTQueer link showing where he got hisinformationpropaganda from,
Actually i have dealt with and helped people who were abused by reparitive can only assume that it came through personal experience.
That answer is in the references you are pretending aren't thereAre these things done in all conversion therapy sessions throughout the country Traci, or just the one that you attended?
I don't know of any of these but here is a picture of the countless ex-gays participating in the ex-gay march on Washington.Did your LGBTQueer source interview the countless number of ex-homosexuals who have given testimony in front of various legislators and on various websites talking about how reparative therapy helped them and confirmed that they went through these supposed therapies,
Without a doubt the Family Research Council created the letter to the editor to make Peter the pedophile Tatchell look bad.
References included, you know it. Stop lying.
Actually i have dealt with and helped people who were abused by reparitive therapists.
That answer is in the references you are pretending aren't there
I don't know of any of these but here is a picture of the countless ex-gays participating in the ex-gay march on Washington.
People just naturally have sexual desires aCW, I didn't choose my own, they chose me. I can't help what you deem to be "perverted" or if you think you really can choose your own.You've used that phrase twice now Al.
Explain how children "just happen to have perverted desires"?
...Explain how children "just happen to have perverted desires"?
references were cited. Stop lying.All that I ask is that you give NAMBLA credit for the posts that you copy and paste from their website Traci.
As in people who spent years being lied to and abused by practitioners of reparative therapy.As in helped them experience the disease ridden homosexual deathsyle Traci?
Are you claiming that striping down and humiliating children is any sort of therapy?So your answer is "Yes, children with same sex desires are stripped down and humiliated by being called fag and homo in every reparative therapy clinic throughout the country"?
What is interesting to note is that of the ten of the people that showed up for this massive rally for ex-gay rights only two claimed to be ex-gay.With the loving tolerant support that your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement gives those who leave homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind, I'm surprised that thousands more didn't turn out.
People just naturally have sexual desires aCW, I didn't choose my own, they chose me.
We're born seeing beauty wherever and in whomever we do, that part's beyond our control. Linking this inborn characteristic with matrimonial desire leads to, for the most part, the typical man-woman marriage, because most men find beauty in women.
It turns to perversion when fatalists teach people to divorce their matrimonial desire from marriage, and follow it wherever it leads them to go.