Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, it doesn't. This is something I've done extensive research on. Unfortunately the issue is so politicised that it's difficult to get to the facts. But the facts are there is no evidence that people are born homosexual.

Is there sufficient evidence that people aren't? I've heard testimonies from gay people who state their homosexuality wasn't a choice and who grew up in stable family environments. I know I didn't choose to be straight so I can't very well say that everyone else has a say in their own orientation either to be honest.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that the authors of the article from the equalitymatters.com website take the criminalization of homosexualty serious Art. No comment on that?


From what I read it's pretty much a 'law' in name only

Tell that to little Nelson Sloan:

"I have never been so humiliated in all my life,” Sloan said. “It’s just awful.”

and will likely be booted soon enough or simply not enforced.

Do you have any information available to show us that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having the laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States?

The notion of invading people's consensual private lives (gay or straight) is simply not tolerated anymore and any state that tries to punish either hetero or homosexuals for 'indecent' acts in private will fall by the wayside.

I've shown that the propaganda term used by the LGBTQueer movement (and you) "consensual private lives" is a bold faced lie, as these degenerates are not and never were content with just doing their sick disease-ridden perversion in sodomy chambers/pubilc restroom toilet stalls, they've turned it into a full fledged agenda, and people are beginning to wake up and notice.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I do admit that when it comes to being respected by atheists, pagans and fake christians, lovemeorhate is a shoe-in for the thread's "Good Christian Award".

If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies. You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'.

Christianity involves much more than just sharing the gospel of Christ. It involves using God's Word (in this case righteous legislation to help the morally lost) when it comes to political legislation.

lmohm is "respected" by atheists, pagans and fake christians because his "gospel" lacks the power of the sword.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell that to little Nelson Sloan:

"I have never been so humiliated in all my life,” Sloan said. “It’s just awful.”

And the case was subsequently dropped and no punitive measures were taken right? They shouldn't have been arrested in the first place.

Do you have any information available to show us that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having the laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States?

Take a look at the tide Connie. The days of draconian ignorance are evaporating and recognizing the rights of individuals to have consenting private lives regardless of your "moral sensibilities" are here to stay. Any state that actually incarcerated two gay adults for relations in private would get more flak than a WWII bombing raid...

I've shown that the propaganda term used by the LGBTQueer movement (and you) "consensual private lives" is a bold faced lie, as these degenerates are not and never were content with just doing their sick disease-ridden perversion in sodomy chambers/pubilc restroom toilet stalls, they've turned it into a full fledged agenda, and people are beginning to wake up and notice.

No you haven't. You've flailed about and ranted like a loon is what you've done, and sadly enough will no doubt continue to do...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Christianity involves much more than just sharing the gospel of Christ. It involves using God's Word (in this case righteous legislation to help the morally lost) when it comes to political legislation.

lmohm is "respected" by atheists, pagans and fake christians because his "gospel" lacks the power of the sword.

Hmm, still waiting for an actual answer to my question there aCW. Here it is again:

"If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies. You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'."


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell that to little Nelson Sloan:

"I have never been so humiliated in all my life,” Sloan said. “It’s just awful.”

And the case was subsequently dropped and no punitive measures were taken right? They shouldn't have been arrested in the first place.

But the two sodomites were arrested because decent people still believe in enforcing laws that punish indecent behavior.

Do you have any information available to show us that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having the laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States?

Take a look at the tide Connie. The days of draconian ignorance are evaporating and recognizing the rights of individuals to have consenting private lives regardless of your "moral sensibilities" are here to stay. Any state that actually incarcerated two gay adults for relations in private would get more flak than a WWII bombing raid...

So your answer would be "No, I don't have any information available to show that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States."

The reason laws against homosexuality are still on the legislative books in 18 states is because the people of those respective states have no desire to remove them.

I've shown that the propaganda term used by the LGBTQueer movement (and you) "consensual private lives" is a bold faced lie, as these degenerates are not and never were content with just doing their sick disease-ridden perversion in sodomy chambers/pubilc restroom toilet stalls, they've turned it into a full fledged agenda, and people are beginning to wake up and notice.

No you haven't. You've flailed about and ranted like a loon is what you've done, and sadly enough will no doubt continue to do...

Is TOL's Queen of Denial also denying that there is a 'gay agenda' and that Christians are waking up and realizing that it's a threat to their religious freedom? (Can you say "Indiana" Art?).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Christianity involves much more than just sharing the gospel of Christ. It involves using God's Word (in this case righteous legislation to help the morally lost) when it comes to political legislation.

lmohm is "respected" by atheists, pagans and fake christians because his "gospel" lacks the power of the sword.

Hmm, still waiting for an actual answer to my question there aCW. Here it is again:

"If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies.

First of all let me clarify something: lmohm is HATED by your LGBTQueer movement because he's done something that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't supposed to ever do:

Leave the lifestyle (and for many, desires) behind.

Regarding lmohm being "respected" (i.e. "tolerated") by atheists, pagans and fake Christians:

All he has to do is utter 7 simple words and that tolerance will vanish:

"I believe that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized."

You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'."

Sorry Art, but Christianity isn't some limp wristed religion where you have to turn the other cheek and accept evil behavior.

Legislating righteous laws is an act of love. Until those laws are once again legislated and righteously enforced, get used to those who are getting away with evil behavior to be mocked by those of us that truly want to help them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
First of all let me clarify something: lmohm is HATED by your LGBTQueer movement because he's done something that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't supposed to ever do:

Leave the lifestyle (and for many, desires) behind.

Regarding lmohm being "respected" (i.e. "tolerated") by atheists, pagans and fake Christians:

All he has to do is utter 7 simple words and that tolerance will vanish:

"I believe that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized."

Sorry Art, but Christianity isn't some limp wristed religion where you have to turn the other cheek and accept evil behavior.

Legislating righteous laws is an act of love. Until those laws are once again legislated and righteously enforced, get used to those who are getting away with evil behavior to be mocked by those of us that truly want to help them.

So still no answer to the question then? Why is that aCW? This isn't about 'limp wristed' behaviour but rather you explaining how the following is in any way emulative of 'Christianity', because I've never heard any Christian say that lies, deliberate misrepresentation and innuendo are acceptable.

Once again:

"If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies. You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'."

The floor is yours. For once, and for originality's sake please provide a straight answer.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
But the two sodomites were arrested because decent people still believe in enforcing laws that punish indecent behavior.

It was in private and no criminal charges were pressed so why do you suppose that was?

So your answer would be "No, I don't have any information available to show that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States."

The reason laws against homosexuality are still on the legislative books in 18 states is because the people of those respective states have no desire to remove them.

Or enforce them either apparently. Why do you suppose that is?

Is TOL's Queen of denial also denying that there is a 'gay agenda' and that Christians are waking up and realizing that it's a threat to their religious freedom? (Can you say "Indiana" Art?).

Are you projecting yet again? :freak:

Don't fret though, you'll have the freedom to spout off on blogs like these all you want so no martyr status necessary. :)


I was referring only to sexual orientation if you check.

Dear Alwight,

You seem all alone on this! But you aren't.

ACW, why do you all strive against Al? What differences are the sins you commit? Do you get to call a gay person a sinner and you yourself fornicate every weekend picking up a girl for Friday nite and one for Saturday nite? Perhaps you have acquaintances who do this. It's popular with the younger crowd. Have you had sex with more than one woman? Fornication is having sex with someone without being married to them. We can thank God that He sent Jesus so that we could get out of this humungous mess everybody is in. Do you commit theft and then look down your nose at someone who is a liar? That's a nice high horse. Snooty! We all are sinners. Don't think yours is worse than theirs. None of us can throw a rock whatsoever. aCW, one of your biggest sins is that you trying to alienate all 'homos' when you should welcome them with open hearts and arms, making them feel good to be here. That's what Jesus would do. Loving them will help to heal them for all you know. Don't tell me that's impossible. It happened with me. I had some help when I came here, especially from Delmar and Totton, and bybee, and IMJerusha. You're like a Hitler against gays. Don't you see that? Yeah, you'd like to gas them all and put them into mass graves, eh? This is getting lengthy. Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!!



New member
You mean one behavior over others, but if only sexual orientation then it means pedophiles and sexual sadists are born that way too, right?
My argument was that a basic sexual attraction is simply the necessary mental aspect of having a sexual apparatus, not a choice made during life. The morality of the specific behaviours that may or may not result in individual people are their own personal choices and a red herring here imo.

I believe that as individuals we are all dealt a genetic hand at conception to which some find it easier than others to fit in and coexist with the herd during life. I couldn't be a paedophile any more than I could choose to be gay, it just isn't in me, I'm simply not wired that way. If I was in great need yes I could perhaps steal, but nobody needs to be a paedophile to survive, but I can have at least some sympathy for those who are wired differently to me.


New member
Even with first hand testimony from thieves and former thieves?
I will happily consider any specific examples of people who seem to think that stealing is an end in itself.
However I think that we are all born with an inbuilt instinct for basic survival, which unfortunately in some cases seems to misfire into personal gain and theft.


New member
Aside from fag sex being inherently immoral, it wasn't that long ago that we reviewed homosexual "culture" (it was two days ago as I recall), need we review it again Al?
You'd probably come across as being rather more reasonable and honest aCW if you didn't let your fear and hatred of homosexuals show quite so much by using terms like "fag sex". :plain:
If some gay people choose to share in a particular lifestyle and culture then, good for them, that is what many minority or special interest groups typically do everywhere, Hell's Angels, Mormons, Amish, Baptists, Quakers, New Age Travellers...


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Post from Part 2 on Michael Jackson

Obviously you're choosing to keep blinders over your eyes by not reading The Smoking Gun article on Michael Jackson.

The last paragraph alone is enough to convince anyone with a half of a brain that Jacko was a child molester.

It was during his recap of the children's interviews that [clinical and forensic psychologiist Dr. Stanley] Katz provided Detective Zelis with an unsolicited, and surely surprising, analysis of Jackson. The entertainer, he offered, was really just a regressed adolescent who behaved like any 10-year-old boy prone to "w*****g off" with his buddies. That is a professional opinion not shared by Santa Barbara county detectives and prosecutors, who have spent 18 months building the case that Michael Joe Jackson preys on young boys.

You can take your Michael Jackson posters down off of your walls now Jed, as the truth has been revealed.
And if that quote were uttered under oath in a courtroom, then that would be quite a different thing, than a source called "the smoking gun dot com," right ? Agreed ?
Smooth Criminal


New member
My argument was that a basic sexual attraction is simply the necessary mental aspect of having a sexual apparatus, not a choice made during life. The morality of the specific behaviours that may or may not result in individual people are their own personal choices and a red herring here imo...
We all have libido. For most of us, that includes matrimonial desire. Matrimonial desire can be directed. How, is an open question, especially among non-Christians, but even among many if not most Christians.
...I believe that as individuals we are all dealt a genetic hand at conception to which some find it easier than others to fit in and coexist with the herd during life. I couldn't be a paedophile any more than I could choose to be gay, it just isn't in me, I'm simply not wired that way. If I was in great need yes I could perhaps steal, but nobody needs to be a paedophile to survive, but I can have at least some sympathy for those who are wired differently to me.
Some people are happiest around children, watching children, talking with children. There's nothing to judge there. Children are beautiful creatures, as are women, as are men, and as are many other creatures God has made. Matrimonial desire is a beautiful thing also. As is the more general thing, libido. But it is not beautiful to direct or permit matrimonial desire in any direction other than toward our own validly wedded spouse.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
First of all let me clarify something: lmohm is HATED by your LGBTQueer movement because he's done something that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't supposed to ever do:

Leave the lifestyle (and for many, desires) behind.

Regarding lmohm being "respected" (i.e. "tolerated") by atheists, pagans and fake Christians:

All he has to do is utter 7 simple words and that tolerance will vanish:

"I believe that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized."

Sorry Art, but Christianity isn't some limp wristed religion where you have to turn the other cheek and accept evil behavior.

Legislating righteous laws is an act of love. Until those laws are once again legislated and righteously enforced, get used to those who are getting away with evil behavior to be mocked by those of us that truly want to help them.

So still no answer to the question then? Why is that aCW? This isn't about 'limp wristed' behaviour but rather you explaining how the following is in any way emulative of 'Christianity', because I've never heard any Christian say that lies, deliberate misrepresentation and innuendo are acceptable.

Once again:

"If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies. You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'."

The floor is yours. For once, and for originality's sake please provide a straight answer.

Let me put it plain and simple so that even a pagan homosexualist like you can understand it:

The only people lying in this thread are the ones that defend homosexual behavior and the jackbooted thug LGBTQueer agenda, but don't have the courage to come out and admit that they are engaging in homosexual behavior themselves (God won't help those who won't admit that they need help Art).

Jesus died a horrific death so that even people like you, alwight, GFR7, zoo22 and WizardofOz could have eternal life. All you have to do is ask Him from deep down inside of your heart to forgive you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
First of all let me clarify something: lmohm is HATED by your LGBTQueer movement because he's done something that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't supposed to ever do:

Leave the lifestyle (and for many, desires) behind.

Regarding lmohm being "respected" (i.e. "tolerated") by atheists, pagans and fake Christians:

All he has to do is utter 7 simple words and that tolerance will vanish:

"I believe that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized."

Sorry Art, but Christianity isn't some limp wristed religion where you have to turn the other cheek and accept evil behavior.

Legislating righteous laws is an act of love. Until those laws are once again legislated and righteously enforced, get used to those who are getting away with evil behavior to be mocked by those of us that truly want to help them.

Let me put it plain and simple so that even a pagan homosexualist like you can understand it:

The only people lying in this thread are the ones that defend homosexual behavior and the jackbooted thug LGBTQueer agenda, but don't have the courage to come out and admit that they are engaging in homosexual behavior themselves (God won't help those who won't admit that they need help Art).

Jesus died a horrific death so that even people like you, alwight, GFR7, zoo22 and WizardofOz could have eternal life. All you have to do is ask Him from deep down inside of your heart to forgive you.

You've just lied again. AB is not a homosexual, and to say he is without any proof whatsoever is bearing false witness, is it not? It certainly damages your own credibility.


Dear Alwight,

You seem all alone on this! But you aren't.

ACW, why do you all strive against Al? What differences are the sins you commit? Do you get to call a gay person a sinner...

Wait a minute here Mikey: Did you just call alwight a homosexual? Just because he defends homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jackbooted thug LGBTQueer agenda doesn't mean that he engages in that absolutely disease ridden behavior that God detests. In fact, he just said in the post below you that he's "not wired that way".

I couldn't be a paedophile any more than I could choose to be gay, it just isn't in me, I'm simply not wired that way."

(False witness! False witness!)


Before we go any further Mikey I DEMAND that you apologize to alwight the atheist who has stated many many times in this 3 part thread that he does not partake in buggery/same sex sodomy, and after that BEG for his forgiveness.

I suppose we could talk about how alwight defended pedophiles who (in his opinion) are "wired that way" if you like though.

If I was in great need yes I could perhaps steal, but nobody needs to be a paedophile to survive, but I can have at least some sympathy for those who are wired differently to me.


You've just lied again. AB is not a homosexual, and to say he is without any proof whatsoever is bearing false witness, is it not? It certainly damages your own credibility.


Before you answer this post:

Wasn't it necessary for you to first admit that you had a problem before you asked God to help you overcome it in addition to forgiving you for all of the sins that you'd committed in your life (past, present and future) including the one that He abhors?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But the two sodomites were arrested because decent people still believe in enforcing laws that punish indecent behavior.

It was in private

Where do you think all of those diseases that those who engage in homosexual behavior (HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. etc. etc) are contracted at Art?

and no criminal charges were pressed so why do you suppose that was?

As shown throughout this 3 part thread it's because we have a very sick and morally lost culture that doesn't demand that these pathetic lost souls be helped by righteous legislation (which as shown, are still on the legislative books in 18 US States).

So your answer would be "No, I don't have any information available to show that the LGBTQueer movement is in the process of having laws against sodomy (which predominately are enforced against those who engage in homosexuality) "booted" from the legislative books in those 18 US States."

The reason laws against homosexuality are still on the legislative books in 18 states is because the people of those respective states have no desire to remove them.

Or enforce them either apparently. Why do you suppose that is?

See my above response. But doesn't it make you feel good Art that those laws are still on the legislative books in 18 US States and that it's just a matter of getting some good leaders to get this country turned around so that those pathetic lost souls who engage in the absolutely filthy behavior known as homosexuality can once again get the help that they so desperately need?

Is TOL's Queen of denial also denying that there is a 'gay agenda' and that Christians are waking up and realizing that it's a threat to their religious freedom? (Can you say "Indiana" Art?).

Are you projecting yet again?

Don't fret though, you'll have the freedom to spout off on blogs like these all you want so no martyr status necessary.

So you do acknowledge that there is such a thing as the "gay agenda" and part of that agenda is to threaten people of faith (and even non-believers who speak out against homosexuality) into silence?
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