Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While sitting here at my PC there's a two word term that I frequently call you Al that starts with the word "old", but doesn't end with the word "cynic".

You seem about as able to comprehend cynicism as you do irony aCW, the subtleties of life and language just seem to pass you by in your perhaps polarised, extremist and absolutist mind-set.

I'll give you a hint what the 2nd word is Al: It's 3 letters and you rarely find one your age.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The "Divine Orders" that I get Al come from Jesus Himself and say:

"Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself".

That's something whoever wrote the gospels told you Jesus said anyway.

They're called "Disciples" Al and Jesus was their mentor.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can't follow that "Divine Order" if I sit back and watch as people proudly engage in an absolutely filthy and deadly behavior (a changeable one), one that was caused by environmental factors such as being molested as a child or growing up without a father.

What this has to do with criminalising all homosexuals is anyone's guess.

Because a society can't have laws against immoral behaviors and only apply it to a select few who engage in it.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No Al, loving my neighbor means in this case recriminalizing laws that will help these morally lost and extremely sexually confused individuals find the way to righteous living.

Somehow aCW the innate love you claim to have for your fellows doesn't really come shining through here on ToL.
I think others may tend to agree with me about that from my experience.

I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect). In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect). In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.

LMOHM doesn't lie, doesn't misrepresent and doesn't make up lurid innuendo. You do all three which is why he rebukes you, but let's face it you don't care do you? This thread is all about you and your ego. Why not just admit it?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(I can't help but speculate that Omni is threatened by the truth that is shown in this 3 part thread).

Jackson was acquitted of raping little boys. In my world that's "getting away with it".

I cannot help, but believe that you are gay. Breathe in some oxygen for once.

This coming from someone who in a roundabout way defended a pedophile?

Speaking of "Jacko" : Do you think he converted to Islam knowing that little boys awaited him in muzzie paradise?

Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic countries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he [the flase prophet Muhammad] promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.


Well SD certainly isn't 'my type' as I prefer women who aren't dingbat crazy. Your projection is once again duly noted however and one can only wonder how stifling that closet must be by now...

You and SD do share rather a lot in common though, not the least being that nobody takes either of you seriously. The pair of you are absolute loons.

It appears that the authors of the article from the equalitymatters.com website take the criminalization of homosexualty serious Art. No comment on that?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect). In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.

LMOHM doesn't lie, doesn't misrepresent and doesn't make up lurid innuendo. You do all three which is why he rebukes you, but let's face it you don't care do you? This thread is all about you and your ego. Why not just admit it?

I do admit that when it comes to being respected by atheists, pagans and fake christians, lovemeorhate is a shoe-in for the thread's "Good Christian Award".


New member
aCW: Go ahead and ignore me. I will go back to watching O'Reilly's Killing Jesus: ( the Jesus is actually quite robust and inspiring.) :think:

Fie on you and your whole stinking suburban Seattle life.

My thoughts, exactly. I don't have time for the movie, tonight, but I took 20 minutes and it looks to be worth the time. And don't fret about CW. He is a nobody except in his own and during those times he is preaching death and imprisonment of the gays. . . . . . . . . . . . . I mean, everyone knows that is how you win hearts and minds,,-- threaten them with having their brains blown out the back of their heads, right?


Well-known member
There is no "proof" that bacteria causes illness - It's just what all the evidence says.

all the evidence says that sexual orientation is inborn.

No, it doesn't. This is something I've done extensive research on. Unfortunately the issue is so politicised that it's difficult to get to the facts. But the facts are there is no evidence that people are born homosexual.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect). In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.

I do admit that when it comes to being respected by atheists, pagans and fake christians, lovemeorhate is a shoe-in for the thread's "Good Christian Award".

It's called being respectful of other people as fellow human beings, even if we disagree. It's also about speaking to others with the gentleness and respect that the Bible commands us to do. There is no excuse for rudeness, none whatsoever. Maybe you should try it sometime?

So, what reasons do you have for ignoring the Bible on lying and speaking with gentleness and respect? For that matter, did you know that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire? :shocked: In fact, in Revelation 21:8 the Bible lists liars along with the sexually immoral that you apparently 'love' so much it comes across as hatred: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

So, aCW, are you going to stop lying and bearing false witness about others? If not, you might just end up in hell with the homos...


New member
You seem about as able to comprehend cynicism as you do irony aCW, the subtleties of life and language just seem to pass you by in your perhaps polarised, extremist and absolutist mind-set.
I'll give you a hint what the 2nd word is Al: It's 3 letters and you rarely find one your age.
Your pathetic attempts at goading rather than rational argument imo only adds to your rather long list of character flaws aCW, which doesn't seem to be fooling anyone, not that you would perhaps ever notice anyway. :rolleyes:

That's something whoever wrote the gospels told you Jesus said anyway.
They're called "Disciples" Al and Jesus was their mentor.
I'd argue however that all of the four gospels are clearly only later dramatised accounts, while the authors are unknown evangelists, but don't let me stop you believing whatever you want to.

What this has to do with criminalising all homosexuals is anyone's guess.
Because a society can't have laws against immoral behaviors and only apply it to a select few who engage in it.
Immorality is subjective and not something you get to decide :shocked:. You have never even tried to demonstrated that homosexuals are somehow inherently less moral than heterosexuals, probably because you know that you can't.

Somehow aCW the innate love you claim to have for your fellows doesn't really come shining through here on ToL.
I think others may tend to agree with me about that from my experience.
I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect).
Fat chance. :chuckle:
In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.
Anything seen through your eyes aCW seems to be either black or white with nothing in between, rather like what I think is between your ears. :plain:


New member
No, it doesn't. This is something I've done extensive research on. Unfortunately the issue is so politicised that it's difficult to get to the facts. But the facts are there is no evidence that people are born homosexual.
Most people will say that they are born whichever way they are and had no choice at all. I consider that to be an excellent first hand testimony and thereby acceptable as evidence, not rejectable hearsay.


New member
Hall of Fame
Most people will say that they are born whichever way they are and had no choice at all. I consider that to be an excellent first hand testimony and thereby acceptable as evidence, not hearsay.
Then murderers, adulterers, thieves, pedophiles, rapists, etc.. are all born that way right?


Well-known member
Most people will say that they are born whichever way they are and had no choice at all. I consider that to be an excellent first hand testimony and thereby acceptable as evidence, not rejectable hearsay.

There are many who would argue that for as long as they can remember they had the desire to steal. They feel compelled to steal things from other people. Does that mean they were born thieves?


New member
There are many who would argue that for as long as they can remember they had the desire to steal. They feel compelled to steal things from other people. Does that mean they were born thieves?
I can understand a desire for seeking personal gain, but I'm not persuaded that the act of stealing is ever a motive or desire in itself, not even for kleptomaniacs.:nono:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I do hope someday to have the respect and admiration of atheists, pagans and fake christians like lovemeorhateme has (it's his...."method" that they respect). In fact I was thinking of giving him the "Good Christian Award" (as seen through the eyes of atheists, pagans and fake christians) come next January when I hand out the annual awards for the thread.

I do admit that when it comes to being respected by atheists, pagans and fake christians, lovemeorhate is a shoe-in for the thread's "Good Christian Award".

It's called being respectful of other people as fellow human beings, even if we disagree. It's also about speaking to others with the gentleness and respect that the Bible commands us to do. There is no excuse for rudeness, none whatsoever. Maybe you should try it sometime?

In 100 words or less: How does one go about being "respected" by proud and unrepentant baby murderers, child molesters/homosexuals and pornographers (kiddy porn included) i.e. sexual anarchists who won't stop at anything to promote their evil agenda?

I'm thinking that if you don't pose a threat to their way of life that they'll "respect" you forever.

So, what reasons do you have for ignoring the Bible on lying and speaking with gentleness and respect? For that matter, did you know that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire? :shocked: In fact, in Revelation 21:8 the Bible lists liars along with the sexually immoral that you apparently 'love' so much it comes across as hatred: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Since many of those currently following this portion of the thread aren't familiar with our conversations from Part 2 (the ones that you actually responded to), tell us again why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized? Better yet, why don't I do it for you?

You can keep your nanny state to yourself, thanks. What two consenting adults get up to in their own home, whilst it may be immoral, should not be illegal. Otherwise you will also have to punish adultery and fornication. But that would mean locking up the majority of the population!
It amazes me how you advocate government interference into people's private lives yet are against the government interfering in something like healthcare to help save someone's life.

Tell us that was the old lmohm from (close to) 2 years ago and that you still don't believe in that moral relativist malarkey.

So, aCW, are you going to stop lying and bearing false witness about others? If not, you might just end up in hell with the homos...

Would you be my mentor so that someday, just maybe, I could be "respected" by Dan Savage, you know, kinda like you "respected" him in the note that you sent me less than a month ago:

Dan Savage is a vile man!
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Because a society can't have laws against immoral behaviors and only apply it to a select few who engage in it.

Immorality is subjective and not something you get to decide

Looking through the table of contents, I've seen many posts where you shared your "subjective" morality Al.

You have never even tried to demonstrated that homosexuals are somehow inherently less moral than heterosexuals, probably because you know that you can't.

Aside from fag sex being inherently immoral, it wasn't that long ago that we reviewed homosexual "culture" (it was two days ago as I recall), need we review it again Al?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears that the authors of the article from the equalitymatters.com website take the criminalization of homosexualty serious Art. No comment on that?


From what I read it's pretty much a 'law' in name only and will likely be booted soon enough or simply not enforced. The notion of invading people's consensual private lives (gay or straight) is simply not tolerated anymore and any state that tries to punish either hetero or homosexuals for 'indecent' acts in private will fall by the wayside.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I do admit that when it comes to being respected by atheists, pagans and fake christians, lovemeorhate is a shoe-in for the thread's "Good Christian Award".

If he's respected it's because he doesn't lie, deceive, misrepresent, invent lurid innuendo up or make light of other people's tragedies. You've done all of the above so this is why you're not only disrespected but called out on such. Please explain how the above is emulative of 'Christianity'.
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