Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Simply, No. The Gospel is not Calvinism.

I do not say that the gospel is Calvinism. But Calvinism is certainly the most logically consistent application of the gospel.
And this kind of "gospel" or part of the gospel doesn't apply to children.

Sure it does. Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:11 apply to children.

But I've seen it preached to children as a result of Calvinist nonsense,
with the result of leaving children and young teens terrified and confused.

The way is narrow.
This kind of misunderstanding of Paul's difficult teachings meant for
adult Israelites of the Diaspora and God-fearing Gentiles, who were
seeking a worldview to make sense of the Jewish-Roman War
and persecution by their own religious authorities has no place in
a universal Gospel meant to be taken to the ends of the earth.

I don't know what you are talking about. You sound like the objector in Romans 9:19, which Paul answers in Romans 19:20-22.

Again No. Applying blindly and willy-nilly every teaching and precept
to every situation is a disaster. The example teachings here were given
to apply to the Mosaic and Christian communities and within them,
to maintain peace and order within the Covenant-group and Church.

I'm not sure I understand this, but I will note that the church is the closest thing to OT Israel, not the State (See 1 Corinthians 5 for how sexual sinners outside the church are supposed to be dealt with.)
In the case of Moses, there were a separate set of rules of Warfare,
and an additional set of rules for law enforcement and political and
military infrastructure in the nation and community, with or without a king.

There was no king at first, and so the moral law applied equally to every individual without exception, as well it should.

Israel's wars were unique in that God specifically ordained them.
In the case of the Christian community of saints and followers,
again there was one set of rules for members and families, and
another set of rules for outsiders and relationships and dealings with them.

These Intra-community rules were not meant to be extended into universal rules
for living inside and outside the Christian community. Rather the more accurate truth
is given right within Jesus' commandments and observations in His
final concentrated teaching in the last chapters of John's Gospel:

" I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.
Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35

Although Jesus in Matthew talks about loving loving one's 'enemies',
within the Christian or loyal God-fearing remnant of Israel and Gentiles,
and even extending this teaching to former 'friends', relatives and families
in the larger Jewish community during the heart-rending strife and separation
caused by the rejection of the Messiah by half the population,
the teaching to love 'enemies' is really an additional option or ideal
to be applied on the front line by loyal Christian adult leaders and
parties committed to converting as many of the remaining Jews as possible,
before the Great and Terrible Day of Jerusalem's destruction.

Here in John the REAL universal core principle and minimum standard is
shown and made clear, namely that Christians will be known,
not by loving their enemies, although those are noble sentiments,
but by practically loving those WITHIN their own community,
as a sign to outsiders of what one may have guaranteed access to
if one joins the community.

A Christian's loyalty is not to uncommitted and unbridled humanity,
although future Christians will be harvested from that pool.
A Christian's loyalty and love is to the Christian community,
and the requirements to qualify for that favour is to repent and
become a Christian.

I am really confused by this whole section of your post.
And more importantly, recognize that while Christians can cleverly
take advantage of existing secular and satanic political and military systems,
for the furthering of the Gospel, democracy or any other form of
government is an abomination. other than Theocracyand part of
the earthly kingdom which is being invaded and destroyed without hands
by the Invisible Kingdom of the Christ.

There can be no loyalty to democracy or any other form of rule,
which is not Biblically based, and which is indeed passing away rapidly.

I agree with most of this.

The only part I don't agree with is to say that theocracy is only good if Jesus Christ himself is the King. There is no earthly man who has authority to institute it, and for any man to institute it would be in violation of Biblical principles.

I'd also change "government" to "The State." Sometimes those terms are used interchangeably, but to voluntarists such as myself the distinction makes a big difference, so I'll just point it out. This is also how Reformed Libertarian C Jay Engel is able to confirm the LBCF section on the civil magistrate, while supporting voluntarism/anarcho-capitalism at the same time.

While having children is 'good', its not essential, and
in the End Times, many will choose to be Eunuchs for the Gospel's sake.
Never lose sight of basic Christian strategies and tactics
which are needed in tough times.

I didn't mean to imply having children is a moral obligation, heck I don't have any. I just meant to say that if one does have children, he should teach his children ethics.
And one of the political ethics Christians are obligated to teach is
the vision of Daniel
, that of the earthly kingdoms coming to a crashing end,
along with all political systems that don't calculate God and Christ into the

Agreed. Incidentally, in many political debates I'm the one quoting scripture and I have actually had conservative Christians tell me that the Bible shouldn't be or at least doesn't need to be quoted in a political debate.

While big government is bad, the Gospel, and the agenda of God,
has nothing to do with the promotion of minimal government or
self-government or any other political agenda.
God's agenda is already determined by His announcement of
the destruction of ALL earthly systems.

You're saying a couple of different things here so we need to back up.

I agree that The Gospel is not a political agenda of any kind, and in fact I was very specific about this when I made my original post.

That said, The Gospel certainly has political implications. The fact that all men are sinners certainly applies to government agents, as do the ten commandments and the rest of God's commands.

As for minimal government and self-government:

I don't support "minimal government" if by that you mean a minimal state. Although that would be a step in the right direction, I do not believe the State should exist at all, and I believe all of its functions can be replaced through voluntary interactions on the free market. Which I guess would mean "self-government" in a temporal sense. However, I don't believe this because I think man is autonomous. Jesus clearly has the right to rule. I don't think God has given man authority to usurp this role and act aggressively toward his fellow man in the name of "law."
No it can't. It leads to complete anarchy, as all unsupervised monetary
systems do.

I don't necessarily view "anarchy" as a bad thing. Define the term.
And the Gospel has nothing to do with the promotion of the absurd
political-economic theory of a "free market".

You have confused the Gospel and its strict and narrow path,
with the wide path of destruction that leads to the concentration of
wealth in the hands of a handful of idiots.

When Jesus comes, all that gold will be cast in the streets,
because it will become radioactive and poisonous.

Do you know the difference between free-market capitalism and the corporatism we live under now? An actual free market would have far less wealth disparity than there is now, because government would not be helping certain parties over others, and everyone would have the right to compete.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
After being raised in a healthy environment, and being married to an absolutely gorgeous woman who gave me absolutely beautiful children, you're asking me if I could choose to engage in same sex perversion?

(aCW tries to catch his breath from laughing so hard).

Ummmm... let me ponder on that one for a millisecond Art.


Well, you'll excuse me if I'm not exactly convinced that you're either married or have children given the inordinate amount of time you spend on here on your pet obsession, though at least you concede that it isn't a choice.

That being said: If I were raised in an unhealthy environment (surrounded by perverts who taught me that perversion was perfectly normal and encouraged me to experiment with it or was molested by one of them), then yes, I could choose to leave that deviant behavior behind.

Or you could also be raised in an environment as you describe and simply have an inclination to the same or both genders. There's many a gay or bisexual person who will tell you they were neither molested as a child or brought up by homosexual parents in any of the fashion you describe. It's intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise.

I'm very disappointed Art that more practicing homosexuals haven't come forward in my thread to talk about their past. Lovemeorhateme came forward and talked about being molested as a child and how he believed that had a huge influence on him later engaging in homosexual behavior.
Michael "I'm a great French kisser" Cadry stated that he had a distant father and believes he sought the emotional bond that he didn't get from his father from other males (I think there is more to Mikey's story though).

As above. There's plenty of gay people who will tell you they were brought up by loving heterosexual parents.

If you have some thoughts on what causes people to have homosexual desires and act them out via homosex, then I'd be very interested in hearing them.

I don't know as I've never had such. My 'bread' was buttered one way only and I didn't have a say in it. What I do know is there's a consistent double standard where the emphasis on disgust is directed at gay men by straight ones - yet where it comes to attractive women being together it barely gets a mention. Even though you would likely condemn such your focus is far more on men as oppose to women.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You do realize that you could go to a ward for the criminally insane at a State Hospital and have the same kind of conversation you're having here with the Jr. Libertarian don't you GFR?

:jawdrop: I think I must pass on that one. :shut:

It appears that you took a pass on this one as well:


(Certain words that you've used since joining this thread have given you away. I don't fool easliy).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
After being raised in a healthy environment, and being married to an absolutely gorgeous woman who gave me absolutely beautiful children, you're asking me if I could choose to engage in same sex perversion?

(aCW tries to catch his breath from laughing so hard).

Ummmm... let me ponder on that one for a millisecond Art.


Well, you'll excuse me if I'm not exactly convinced that you're either married or have children given the inordinate amount of time you spend on here on your pet obsession, though at least you concede that it isn't a choice.

Says the 43 year old...ahem...bachelor who has spent an inordinate amount of time in this 3 part thread defending buggery.

When did I concede that homosexual desires and behavior isn't a choice? I stated that environmental factors play into the development of those desires. You can choose not to have them through spiritual and psychological therapy.

That being said: If I were raised in an unhealthy environment (surrounded by perverts who taught me that perversion was perfectly normal and encouraged me to experiment with it or was molested by one of them), then yes, I could choose to leave that deviant behavior behind.

Or you could also be raised in an environment as you describe and simply have an inclination to the same or both genders. There's many a gay or bisexual person who will tell you they were neither molested as a child or brought up by homosexual parents in any of the fashion you describe. It's intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise.

Since there is no homosexual or bisexual gene, their same sex/bisexual attraction didn't appear out of thin air Art. Environmental factors played into their perverse attractions. Just because they can't pinpoint or remember them, doesn't mean that they didn't happen.

I'm very disappointed Art that more practicing homosexuals haven't come forward in my thread to talk about their past. Lovemeorhateme came forward and talked about being molested as a child and how he believed that had a huge influence on him later engaging in homosexual behavior.
Michael "I'm a great French kisser" Cadry stated that he had a distant father and believes he sought the emotional bond that he didn't get from his father from other males (I think there is more to Mikey's story though).

As above. There's plenty of gay people who will tell you they were brought up by loving heterosexual parents.

And those parents are saying to themselves: "Where did we go wrong?"

If you have some thoughts on what causes people to have homosexual desires and act them out via homosex, then I'd be very interested in hearing them.

I don't know as I've never had such. My 'bread' was buttered one way only and I didn't have a say in it. What I do know is there's a consistent double standard where the emphasis on disgust is directed at gay men by straight ones - yet where it comes to attractive women being together it barely gets a mention. Even though you would likely condemn such your focus is far more on men as oppose to women.

So you have no clue as to what causes same sex desires?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Says the 43 year old...ahem...bachelor who has spent an inordinate amount of time in this 3 part thread defending buggery.

Eh, you know squat about my relationship status and as I explained to you before, it's how it'll stay. Your claims are questionable at best quite frankly and how do you work out I've spent an 'inordinate amount' of time on your epic fail of a blog? There's been weeks where I haven't paid any attention to it at all goofball...

When did I concede that homosexual desires and behavior isn't a choice? I stated that environmental factors play into the development of those desires. You can choose not to have them through spiritual and psychological therapy.

You conceded that your own heterosexuality wasn't a choice. You have no idea what causes others to find their own gender attractive apart from some blanket and ignorant generalization. Not everyone is gay due to abuse or an unstable family background. That much is obvious to anyone honest on the subject. Where it comes to this "therapy", you didn't even know what it entailed of let alone whether it "cures" people...

Since there is no homosexual or bisexual gene, their same sex/bisexual attraction didn't appear out of thin air Art. Environmental factors played into their perverse attractions. Just because they can't pinpoint or remember them, doesn't mean that they didn't happen.

Since you're not qualified to talk on the matter you have no way of knowing whether a same sex attraction is there or not already. Trying to maintain that every single man or woman who finds their own gender attractive is doing so due to some sort of 'environmental factor' is just outright lame...

And those parents are saying to themselves: "Where did we go wrong?"

Some might. Plenty others won't as they won't have done anything wrong.

So you have no clue as to what causes same sex desires?

On an experiential level no because I ain't wired that way. I've seen plenty who's testimony counteract your notions of abuse or 'environmental factors' being a catalyst for them. I'm not surprised you didn't address the hypocrisy where it comes to attractive women on the matter either. I guess even you realize that's a common enough male heterosexual fantasy...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Says the 43 year old...ahem...bachelor who has spent an inordinate amount of time in this 3 part thread defending buggery.

Eh, you know squat about my relationship status and as I explained to you before, it's how it'll stay.

Math never has been my strongest subject Art, but 1+1=2 has always come easy for me.

Your claims are questionable at best quite frankly and how do you work out I've spent an 'inordinate amount' of time on your epic fail of a blog? There's been weeks where I haven't paid any attention to it at all goofball...

So says the guy who made this post 2 years ago, 6 pages into part 1's thread.

ACW, I'm just going to be making this one post on your thread, and that will be the end of it for me along with any associated ones on similar topics or other posts by yourself on the subject...

When did I concede that homosexual desires and behavior isn't a choice? I stated that environmental factors play into the development of those desires. You can choose not to have them through spiritual and psychological therapy.

You conceded that your own heterosexuality wasn't a choice
You have no idea what causes others to find their own gender attractive apart from some blanket and ignorant generalization. Not everyone is gay due to abuse or an unstable family background. That much is obvious to anyone honest on the subject. Where it comes to this "therapy", you didn't even know what it entailed of let alone whether it "cures" people...

I've stated and shown throughout the thread that people who have perverse desires were often times raised in an unhealthy environment. That being said: Not everyone that was molested or raised in undesirable conditions has those desires or acts them out.

Regarding "therapy": I know that thousands and thousands of people have left homosexual behavior behind, and often times desires. I know that to those that stay in the homosexual lifestyle, those people are a threat.

Since there is no homosexual or bisexual gene, their same sex/bisexual attraction didn't appear out of thin air Art. Environmental factors played into their perverse attractions. Just because they can't pinpoint or remember them, doesn't mean that they didn't happen.

Since you're not qualified to talk on the matter you have no way of knowing whether a same sex attraction is there or not already. Trying to maintain that every single man or woman who finds their own gender attractive is doing so due to some sort of 'environmental factor' is just outright lame...

So if it isn't environmental, it must be genetic?

And those parents are saying to themselves: "Where did we go wrong?"

Some might. Plenty others won't as they won't have done anything wrong.

Wasn't it you that said many times: "Who would want to be gay?"

Why would anyone want their child to engage in an unnatural and unhealthy behavior, one that shortens their lifespan by up to 20 years? If they found out that their child had same sex desires, don't you think that those parents should be able to help that child leave those desires behind?

So you have no clue as to what causes same sex desires?

On an experiential level no because I ain't wired that way. I've seen plenty who's testimony counteract your notions of abuse or 'environmental factors' being a catalyst for them. I'm not surprised you didn't address the hypocrisy where it comes to attractive women on the matter either. I guess even you realize that's a common enough male heterosexual fantasy...

Again: You have no clue to what causes same sex desires (but Art does like to talk about lesbo's getting it on).

Moving on...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Math never has been my strongest subject Art, but 1+1=2 has always come easy for me.

Along with several other subjects I would say but entirely irrelevant either way. You don't know anything about my personal life and that's how it'll stay. You can speculate all you want...

So says the guy who made this post 2 years ago, 6 pages into part 1's thread.


Who was to know back then your personal sopabox was gonna turn into the monolith train wreck of a blog it became? It's the prerogative for someone to change their mind. Once again, you can hardly accuse me of posting in the bloody thing continuously anyway....

I've stated and shown throughout the thread that people who have perverse desires were often times raised in an unhealthy environment. That being said: Not everyone that was molested or raised in undesirable conditions has those desires or acts them out.

Rather, you've leapt on examples of such and declared it a rule of thumb for the general which it isn't.

Regarding "therapy": I know that thousands and thousands of people have left homosexual behavior behind, and often times desires. I know that to those that stay in the homosexual lifestyle, those people are a threat.

No you don't. Ascribing to any given blog or site that tells you what you want to hear doesn't make it so.

So if it isn't environmental, it must be genetic?

How do you explain the myriad who identify as gay or bi where no such environmental factors you describe or abuse of any sort have come into play?

Wasn't it you that said many times: "Who would want to be gay?"

Nope. I've pointed out that it would hardly be an advantageous "choice" to make in times past where imprisonment, stigma, oppression and bullying would result but otherwise - no.

Why would anyone want their child to engage in an unnatural and unhealthy behavior, one that shortens their lifespan by up to 20 years? If they found out that they child had same sex desires, don't you think that those parents should be able to help that child leave those desires behind?

Why would anyone want their child to engage in all sorts of unhealthy heterosexual practices that risk disease? Drink excessively, smoke, do drugs? A loving responsible parent would encourage responsible behaviour whether their child was straight or gay, not trying to force them to change to their preferred ideal...

Again: You have no clue what causes same sex desires (but Art does like to talk about lesbo's getting it on).

Moving on...

I just like to point out the glaring hypocrisy that's rampant among blokes where it comes to homosexuality. With attractive women there's nary a thing from you, or from plenty others where it comes to the subject. For sure, you'll post the odd picture of the 'butch' lesbian but you've never really commented on the glamorous side and it's pretty obvious as to why in general. If you deny it's a common heterosexual male fantasy then you're in la la land.....

Not that you weren't there already really...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Math never has been my strongest subject Art, but 1+1=2 has always come easy for me.

Along with several other subjects I would say but entirely irrelevant either way. You don't know anything about my personal life and that's how it'll stay. You can speculate all you want...

Art, we're way past the point of speculating.

So says the guy who made this post 2 years ago, 6 pages into part 1's thread.


Who was to know back then your personal sopabox was gonna turn into the monolith train wreck of a blog it became? It's the prerogative for someone to change their mind. Once again, you can hardly accuse me of posting in the bloody thing continuously anyway....

Obviously showing that homosexuality is an abosolutely filthy, disease ridden behavior which has an agenda that involves the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of innocent children hasn't helped you change your mind on the subject Art.

I've stated and shown throughout the thread that people who have perverse desires were often times raised in an unhealthy environment. That being said: Not everyone that was molested or raised in undesirable conditions has those desires or acts them out.

Rather, you've leapt on examples of such and declared it a rule of thumb for the general which it isn't.

Have a practicing homosexual come forward and I'll question them Art.

As mentioned before, Pete and Michael "I'm a great french kisser" Cadry admitted that the information that I've presented is true when it came to their same sex desires. The cross dresser who is engaged to a guy who wants to be genitally mutilated wasn't real honest though, so we don't really know why Chuck likes wearing pantyhose, cheap makeup and hanging out with guys that want to become girls.

Regarding "therapy": I know that thousands and thousands of people have left homosexual behavior behind, and often times desires. I know that to those that stay in the homosexual lifestyle, those people are a threat.

No you don't. Ascribing to any given blog or site that tells you what you want to hear doesn't make it so.

As mentioned: Why are you so threatened by those that leave homosexual behavior behind (and often times desires) Art? You should be happy for them.

So if it isn't environmental, it must be genetic?

How do you explain the myriad who identify as gay or bi where no such environmental factors you describe or abuse of any sort have come into play?

So what caused their perverse desires Art, genetics?

Wasn't it you that said many times: "Who would want to be gay?"

Nope. I've pointed out that it would hardly be an advantageous "choice" to make in times past where imprisonment, stigma, oppression and bullying would result but otherwise - no.

Being that those that engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract AIDS and various other STD's, I would say that it's not an "advantageous choice" on their part if they continue to engage in it.

Why would anyone want their child to engage in an unnatural and unhealthy behavior, one that shortens their lifespan by up to 20 years? If they found out that they child had same sex desires, don't you think that those parents should be able to help that child leave those desires behind?

Why would anyone want their child to engage in all sorts of unhealthy heterosexual practices that risk disease? Drink excessively, smoke, do drugs? A loving responsible parent would encourage responsible behaviour whether their child was straight or gay, not trying to force them to change to their preferred ideal...

Yet those that engage in homosexual behavior drink, smoke and do drugs excessively. Boy Art, along with the STD factor, I don't know why any loving parent would want their child to partake in that 'deathstyle'.

Again: You have no clue what causes same sex desires (but Art does like to talk about lesbo's getting it on).

Moving on...

I just like to point out the glaring hypocrisy that's rampant among blokes where it comes to homosexuality. With attractive women there's nary a thing from you, or from plenty others where it comes to the subject. For sure, you'll post the odd picture of the 'butch' lesbian but you've never really commented on the glamorous side and it's pretty obvious as to why in general. If you deny it's not a common heterosexual male fantasy then you're in la la land.....

Not that you weren't there already really...

What do you call someone who enjoys watching two homosexual women having sex?

A pervert.

Homosexualist noguru talked about enjoying it. I rest my case.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
How about we just assume that if someone claims to be straight; that they are telling us the truth?

Yes, I know this is a huge sacrifice on my part, seeing as calling aCW a homosexual can be fun on occasion.

But, this is a ridiculous diversion from the real issues. Maybe Arthur is too tolerant of homosexuality. That doesn't mean he's gay.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art, we're way past the point of speculating.

Well, you are perhaps but then your history involves all sorts of imagined and lurid sexual innuendo. Bizarre for a supposedly happily married man to say the least.

Obviously showing that homosexuality is an abosolutely filthy, disease ridden behavior which has an agenda that involves the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of innocent children hasn't helped you change your mind on the subject Art.

Personal soap boxes and lugubrious cut and pastes from 'blogs', along with misinformation from said does not a convincing argument make. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors, be they gay or straight is none of your business. Your paranoid delusions about some global gay agenda are the stuff of manic conspiracy theorists...

Have a practicing homosexual come forward and I'll question them Art.

There's plenty on record as it is who deny any such "factors" took place. Go question them.

As mentioned before, Pete and Michael "I'm a great french kisser" Cadry admitted that the information that I've presented is true when it came to their same sex desires. The cross dresser who is engaged to a guy who wants to be genitally mutilated wasn't real honest though, so we don't really know why Chuck likes wearing pantyhose, wearing cheap makeup and hanging out with guys that want to become girls.

Well that's a convincing 'counter' to the myriad gay and bisexual people who would deny any such thing as an ingredient. Your fixation with P66 has been downright odd for ages now along with your urge to post pictures of him on here...:liberals:

As mentioned: Why are you so threatened by those that leave homosexual behavior behind (and often times desires) Art? You should be happy for them.

Eh? Why on earth do you think I'd be threatened by anyone to claim such? Hardly...

Being that those that engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract AIDS and various other STD's, I would say that it's not an "advantageous choice" on their part if they continue to engage in it.

Even if that were the case, (which apparently it isn't) then who are you to decide what people do in their sexual lives? Are you gonna invest this much resolve into hetero couples who indulge in anal sex, or the plethora of other activities that have health risks attached? Are you gonna campaign for all of that to be criminalized? Somehow, I think not...

Yet those that engage in homosexual behavior drink, smoke and do drugs excessively. Boy Art, along with the STD factor, I don't know why any loving parent would want their child to partake in that 'deathstyle'.

Not that you really have any credibility but the ^ is just pathetic. There's plenty of heteros who engage in all of that and plenty homosexuals who don't. Get some intellectual honesty on the matter...

What do you call someone who enjoys watching two homosexual women having sex?

A pervert.

Homosexualist noguru talked about enjoying it. I rest my case.

Then you've just described a myriad heterosexual men then aCW. If it weren't a common male heterosexual fantasy it wouldn't be a regular part of the glamour/porn industry. It's there for a reason. If that's the case regarding noguru then unlike you at least he's honest and realistic on the matter.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How about we just assume that if someone claims to be straight; that they are telling us the truth?

Yes, I know this is a huge sacrifice on my part, seeing as calling aCW a homosexual can be fun on occasion.

But, this is a ridiculous diversion from the real issues. Maybe Arthur is too tolerant of homosexuality. That doesn't mean he's gay.

I'm not saying that aCW is gay but his claims from being a cop to married with children I take with a pinch of salt. He's as puffed up and as manic a blowhard as it could probably get with this ongoing atomic explosion of a 'thread'...

Anyone can claim to be anything on a forum like this, that's why I don't bother divulging anything unless it's with trusted friends.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I'm not saying that aCW is gay

I was really talking more about him than about you in this post.
but his claims from being a cop to married with children I take with a pinch of salt. He's as puffed up and as manic a blowhard as it could probably get with this ongoing atomic explosion of a 'thread'...

I believe him that he was a cop. And, considering I think a majority of cops are corrupt, authoritarian scumbags, thieves, and kidnappers, I think aCW's character fits that of a cop. And unlike many cops, aCW does not have the excuse of ignorance (if he really is one) since I have explained why cops are the things above several times in this forum (I'm usually a little more tact in person... not a whole lot but a little. But I see no real reason to be here.)

His claims to have had a wife and kids are perhaps more questionable:p
Anyone can claim to be anything on a forum like this, that's why I don't bother divulging anything unless it's with trusted friends.

True. I've never lied about myself online. I can't speak for anyone else:p

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I was really talking more about him than about you in this post.

That's fair enough, but I thought I'd address it anyway.

I believe him that he was a cop. And, considering I think a majority of cops are corrupt, authoritarian scumbags, thieves, and kidnappers, I think aCW's character fits that of a cop. And unlike many cops, aCW does not have the excuse of ignorance (if he really is one) since I have explained why cops are the things above several times in this forum (I'm usually a little more tact in person... not a whole lot but a little. But I see no real reason to be here.)

His claims to have had a wife and kids are perhaps more questionable:p

Well, that's your prerogative of course. I don't think the police force is any more corrupt than any other profession on the whole...besides politics...;) I simply doubt he ever was part of it.

True. I've never lied about myself online. I can't speak for anyone else:p

Nobody can really...;)

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Well, that's your prerogative of course. I don't think the police force is any more corrupt than any other profession on the whole...besides politics... I simply doubt he ever was part of it.

Well, we do live in a different country:p

I won't speak for the UK police force because I don't live there and haven't read much about it. The only thing I'll say is that the UK doesn't exactly have a sterling record when it comes to only enforcing laws where the violation thereof actually has a victim. But beyond that, I really don't know much about the UK police.

The US police shoot a dog every 98 minutes, the cops that murdered Kelly Thomas ON VIDEO are still walking free, SWAT teams have busted into homes for drugs (and picked the wrong ones), recently a "Christian" pastor named Mike Franklin told a cop that grenaded a baby's face during a drug raid that he was doing God's Work, you are more likely to be killed by a US cop than by a terrorist, you have these random, unconstitutional sobriety checkpoints... I could go on and on.

I should probably tone down a little because I was probably 60% attacking "cops" and 40% just aCW. I understand that there are cops who are decent people. But I think its a minority, and even that minority I think is unknowingly doing something wrong. I wish we had a police force that I could be proud of, that kept actual criminals who attack other people (murder, rape, assault, theft, etc.) off the streets, but we don't.

I'm going to submit an article for your consideration. I don't remember if you say you are a Christian or not, but even though the article is addressed as Christians, I think its well-balanced enough to help any open minded person deal with the whole policing issue. Here it is:



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously showing that homosexuality is an absolutely filthy, disease ridden behavior which has an agenda that involves the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of innocent children hasn't helped you change your mind on the subject Art.

Personal soap boxes and lugubrious cut and pastes from 'blogs', along with misinformation from said does not a convincing argument make. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors, be they gay or straight is none of your business. Your paranoid delusions about some global gay agenda are the stuff of manic conspiracy theorists...

Perhaps society should once again make it it's business.

B.A.R. homosexual obituaries, 1972-2014 http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...&postcount=406

1985 (continued from:


Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 28, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, illness
Male, 53, MDA related heart attack
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 34, KS
Male, 44, pneumocystis/AIDS
Male, 70, cancer
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 39, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 29, AIDS related
Male, 46, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 31, AIDS
Male, 35, complications due to AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related illness
Male, 44, lengthy illness
Male, 38, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, age not disclosed, undisclosed illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 42, AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 44, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 40, AIDS
Male, 53, AIDS
Male, 36, victim of grisly murder (overkill)
Male, 25, pneumonia/AIDS related
Male, 35-40 (photo), cancer related
Male, 52, undisclosed illness
Male, 41, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 49 AIDS
Male, age not disclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 35-40 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30-35 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 39, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 30-35 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 40, cancer
Male, 40-45 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 40-45 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 43, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 32, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 27, AIDS
Male, 30, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 43, undisclosed illness
Male, age undisclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 45, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), AIDS
Male, 23, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, illness
Male, 35, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 39, pneumonia
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death undisclosed
Male, 34, pneumonia
Male, 43, KS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 37, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 50, cancer
Male, 32, AIDS complications
Male, 48, heart disease
Male, 30-35 (photo), KS
Male, 35-40 (photo), long illness
Male, 42, AIDS
Continue with letter "T"


AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), and is a syndrome that leaves the body vulnerable to a host of life-threatening illnesses. There is no cure for AIDS, but treatment with antiviral medication can suppress symptoms. AIDS is universally fatal, in large part due to the proliferation of opportunistic infections.


Now I know that you're all cocky because you've made it to the ripe old age of 43 Art, but keep in mind that your new friend is at the age where he very well might die before his 25th birthday.



New member
What do you call someone who enjoys watching two homosexual women having sex?

A pervert.

Homosexualist noguru talked about enjoying it. I rest my case.
Presumably you're not such a "pervert" aCW, whoever the participants may be?
From my experience anyway most male heterosexuals are perhaps admitted "perverts" by your standards, including me.
Maybe you somehow chose not to enjoy such things? :rolleyes:


New member
I think what has happened with the HIV/AIDS - even though incidents are increasing among gay/bi males - is that it is no longer a death sentence or even a sentence to becoming ill with these various secondary diseases.

The drugs they use now prevent the patient from having the signs and symptoms of the illness and from being hospitalized. Someone like gay advocate Andrew Sullivan, for instance, was diagnosed with HIV way back in the mid-90s, but like so many, seems fine today and has never had any period of being ill. Now the World Health Organization is recommending all gay-bi males go on a preventative regimen of drugs to avoid contracting the virus altogether.

HIV and AIDS in the '80s and early '90s was a virtual death sentence with cachexia (massive weight loss), pneumonia, carcinoma, and a host of other ills coming swiftly, and preceding death.

This is likely why the incidence of HIV is still increasing among young gay males, because the disease itself has lost its power to terrify.

(Of course Sullivan was a terrible hypocrite, asserting that monogamy (or something close to it) is the natural state of the gay male, pushing for gay marriage and gay Catholicism, and deriding the bath houses and clubs with their the ensuing pathologies; also claiming to have gotten HIV from oral sex alone - he was later found out by another gay adovcate, Michelangelo Signorile, to have been posting anonymously on a "bare-backing" site, looking for multiple partners for unprotected sex, at a time when the rate of HIV infections were exploding (2001):

http://www.thenation.com/article/andrew-sullivan-overexposed )

And this is why I have considered Sullivan to be a hypocrite and a liar (since this story broke in 2001) regarding his pushing of gay marriage as "virtually normal":

From the Village Voice: The Real Andrew Sullivan Scandal:

It all began in April [2001]when Sullivan published a mocking account of his recent visit to San Francisco. "The streets were dotted with the usual hairy-backed homos," he had snarked. "I saw one hirsute fellow dressed from head to toe in flamingo motifs." Wandering into a gay bar, he recoiled: "Rarely have I seen such a scary crowd. Gay life in the rest of the U.S. is increasingly suburban, mainstream, assimilable. Here in the belly of the beast, Village People look-alikes predominate, and sex is still central to the culture. . . . I'd go nuts if I had to live here full time."

This was classic Sullivan, right down to the contempt for what he calls the "libidinal pathology" of gay sexual culture. He considers gay marriage the only healthy alternative to "a life of meaningless promiscuity followed by eternal damnation." He has hectored gay men for their obsession with "manic muscle factories," and written at length about the need for "responsibility" in the age of AIDS. But thanks to the outing squad, we now know that this gay moralist is guilty of the same sins he disses others for committing.

Using the screen name RawMuscleGlutes, Sullivan posted on a site for bare backers (the heroic term for gay men who have sex without condoms). He was seeking partners for unsafe anal and oral intercourse. Sullivan revealed that he was HIV-positive and stated his preference for men who are "poz," but he also indicated an interest in "bi scenes," groups, parties, orgies, and "gang bangs." This hardly fit the gay ideal Sullivan had created in his book Virtually Normal. In fact, RawMuscleGlutes is just the sort of "pathological" creature who raises Sullivan's wrath. Hypocrisy has always been a rationale for outing, and it's the justification for a group of gay journalists who teamed up with the tabs to expose him.

Last edited:


I think what has happened with the HIV/AIDS - even though incidents are increasing among gay/bi males - is that it is no longer a death sentence or even a sentence to becoming ill with these various secondary diseases.

As shown in the B.A.R. obituaries, thanks to expensive-government subsidized AIDS cocktails, many sodomites are living into their 50's, 60's and sometimes even 70's. So in reality, they still have a death sentence, they're just prolonging it. Let's not forget that violence, drug and alcohol abuse play a big role in the homosexual lifestyle. So AIDS isn't the only thing that proud and unrepentant homosexuals have to worry about.

What's really sad it that these poor lost souls think that they can fool God (as shown in earlier posts, different strains of HIV are now appearing and many of those that engage in homosexual behavior are still perishing at a younger age from AIDS).

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