Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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I just ran across this uplifting article by Bryan Fischer which should be helpful for you parents with soon to be teenage boys.

Boy to Man book, Chapter 3: Friends

Feb 22, 2015


"(This book is designed for a father to read with his 12-year old son.)

A man chooses his friends carefully, a boy does not "The righteous chooses his friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." ~Proverbs 12:26

"Whoever walks with the wise grows wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." ~ Proverbs 13:20

"When you surround yourself with the wrong people it's going to backfire every time." ~ A premiere college athlete who destroyed his athletic career through poor choices in friends

"If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." ~ modern proverb

"Bad company ruins good character." ~ 1 Corinthians 15:33

The most important decision you are going to make in the next few years is your choice of friends.

A boy is careless about his choice of friends, and will often run with a group of friends who will get him into trouble. In fact, the quickest way for you to get in trouble and get off in the weeds is to hang with the wrong crowd.

There are a lot of things worse than spending Friday night at home with your parents, and one of them is rolling with a group of guys who will take you places you do not want to go.

In contrast, a man picks his friends very carefully, and only runs with those who are making good life decisions and moving in the same direction he wants to go.

Solomon says, "A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." (Proverbs 12:26, NIV)

I can't tell you how many guys out there are basically good guys but got hooked up with the wrong circle of friends, and got pulled into stuff that left them either in big trouble or going nowhere in life.

Here's what the author of this book, Bryan, says about some of the key friends in his life:..."

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150222


New member
Once again you're confusing me hating you with feeling sorry for you and wanting you to seek help.
Any man who has a shoe closet like that is a jerk, and beyond help. That's drag queen stuff.

(i.e. he would have fit into Hitler's SS mahhhhvelously).

You act as if you're offended GFR7. Your LGBTQueer movement (according to AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera they want to be called that) is inclusive, i.e. all perversions are welcome in the sexual anarchist movement.
It ain't my movement, and no, I don't like it at all.......... :nono::noway:


New member
I was thinking more of educating people and getting them active so that they'll vote men and women into political office with strong moral fiber.

But wait...there's more!

I was also thinking that those same people who vote men and women with strong moral fiber into political office also influence our culture which currently embraces death to one that embraces life.

There you have it Al, aCW's plan to rule the world!
I wonder if your "men and women of strong moral fibre" isn't simply a euphemism for people who don't want to tolerate anything other than their own morality and spiritual beliefs? :think:
Abortion is of course a particularly thorny issue along with those who are gay and don't feel that it must be concealed or that they should have to pretend to be straight.
You and your ilk aCW don't have to agree or approve of either, or keep quiet, but instead simply accept that how people manage their own lives and circumstances is their own business, not yours, and that you don't have a divine authority to control those you happen to disapprove of. :nono:


New member
I'm told that there are 20,000 doctors/scientists/researchers/pharmaceutical reps here in S&G North for the 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) HIV/AIDS conference. HIV/AIDS is big money.
Eradicating smallpox also required a huge global effort and resources but was clearly worth it in the end. :plain:


I'm told that there are 20,000 doctors/scientists/researchers/pharmaceutical reps here in S&G North for the 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) HIV/AIDS conference. HIV/AIDS is big money.



Eradicating smallpox also required a huge global effort and resources but was clearly worth it in the end. :plain:

You know how liberals always talk about the military indu$trial complex?

Anyway...I still need to do quite a bit of research before I start the segment on African AID$. I'm still stumped why homosexuals disproportionately are afflicted with HIV/AID$ here in the US and westernized countries, but women and children seem to disproportionately contract it in African countries.


New member
You know how liberals always talk about the military indu$trial complex?

Anyway...I still need to do quite a bit of research before I start the segment on African AID$. I'm still stumped why homosexuals disproportionately are afflicted with HIV/AID$ here in the US and westernized countries, but women and children seem to disproportionately contract it in African countries.
Maybe African women and children are simply more sinful aCW? :angel:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You know how liberals always talk about the military indu$trial complex?

Anyway...I still need to do quite a bit of research before I start the segment on African AID$. I'm still stumped why homosexuals disproportionately are afflicted with HIV/AID$ here in the US and westernized countries, but women and children seem to disproportionately contract it in African countries.

Maybe African women and children are simply more sinful aCW? :angel:

Did I mentioned that HIV/AIDS is big money Al?

Granted, it's been established earlier in Part 3 that foreign homosexuals go to African countries like Uganda to find themselves a little black boy that they can rape and infect with the numerous diseases that homosexuals are afflicted with:


but are you seriously saying that Africans are are more sexually promiscuous then our own "If it feels good do it" culture?


New member
Granted, it's been established earlier in Part 3 that foreign homosexuals go to African countries like Uganda to find themselves a little black boy that they can rape and infect with the numerous diseases that homosexuals are afflicted with:
That particular statement ranks right up there with your most asinine of utterings aCW. :rolleyes:

but are you seriously saying that Africans are are more sexually promiscuous then our own "If it feels good do it" culture?
African culture can be very different, women who don't have a husband or a man to provide for them often have a big problem even to afford food.
Women are typically not allowed to fish and are restricted in what they can do to grow food or fend for themselves.
I gather it is common for African men to pay for sex with food and goods that their culture only allows men to produce or control. Such women could well starve unless they supplied what the men wanted.
If you call that being "promiscuous" then that's up to you, but I think they have very little choice. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Granted, it's been established earlier in Part 3 that foreign homosexuals go to African countries like Uganda to find themselves a little black boy that they can rape and infect with the numerous diseases that homosexuals are afflicted with:

That particular statement ranks right up there with your most asinine of utterings aCW.

Come on Al, ask Peter the pedophile Tatchell, NAMBLA and PIE, those little 8 year old boys really "wanted it".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
but are you seriously saying that Africans are are more sexually promiscuous then our own "If it feels good do it" culture?

African culture can be very different, women who don't have a husband or a man to provide for them often have a big problem even to afford food.
Women are typically not allowed to fish and are restricted in what they can do to grow food or fend for themselves.
I gather it is common for African men to pay for sex with food and goods that their culture only allows men to produce or control. Such women could well starve unless they supplied what the men wanted.
If you call that being "promiscuous" then that's up to you, but I think they have very little choice.

(Good ole Al the atheist attributes AIDS in Africa to the vast majority of their women being "whores").

You never cease to amaze me Al, but then if I couldn't laugh at atheist ignoramuses like you, who could I laugh at?

Back later with a Bryan Fischer article which talks about "the high cost of sodomy".


New member
(Good ole Al the atheist attributes AIDS in Africa to the vast majority of their women being "whores").
Sadly aCW you once again choose to miss the point.

You never cease to amaze me Al, but then if I couldn't laugh at atheist ignoramuses like you, who could I laugh at?
The feeling is quite mutual aCW, your totally inept conclusions somehow derived from real life just amazes me. :e4e:


Sadly aCW you once again choose to miss the point.

The point is: "AIDS is a gay disease".

LISTEN: HIV Is Still a Gay Disease
It's not very politically correct to say it, but HIV remains a crisis in the gay community. In fact, it can be argued that HIV is a gay disease.

Homosexual Leader Calls AIDS 'a Gay Disease'

AIDS: Still a Gay Disease in America

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States.

Did I mention that AIDS is big money Al?


I did a 2 part segment on the high cost of sodomy in Part 2:

(Since TOL's Libertarians were pretty much silent when I posted the above two articles, it goes without saying that they love their sodomy more than their money).

Here's a recent article by AFA's Bryan Fischer showing how expensive deadly deviant sex is for the taxpayer.

February 27, 2015

The "gay disease" about to get very expensive for taxpayers

"The term "gay disease" to refer to HIV/AIDS is not mine. In fact, it comes from the homosexual community itself. Columnist Todd Heywood just a year ago on a pro-gay website headlined his column, "LISTEN: HIV Is Still a Gay Disease." [See the post above for article-"LISTEN: HIV Is Still a Gay Disease"].

Well, the gay disease is just about to get exorbitantly expensive for American taxpayers.

According to the UK newspaper, The Independent, an HIV pill (Truvada) has been developed that reduces the risk of infection by 86%. This naturally is leading to the clamor that taxpayers be forced to pay for this pill to be given to every active homosexual who wants it...

Despite major advances in the fight against HIV/Aids in recent decades, the infection rate among men who have sex with men remains stubbornly high in the UK, and the results of the trial have led to calls for PrEP to be offered free by the NHS.

So the Independent admits that HIV/AIDS is a behaviorally induced disease, say like lung cancer is in smokers, but that the solution is not to urge homosexuals to consider a change in their behavior but for British taxpayers to subsidize their non-normative sexual conduct.

And how just expensive would this be?

Truvada costs £361 for 30 pills – one month's provision. On top of that, the cost of providing the drug through clinics costs about £62.50 per month. This gives a full monthly cost of £5,081 per year.

The next question is how many people would be given the pill. It would probably only be available for high-risk people – those who are having sex with several partners, sometimes unprotected. About 18,000 men who have sex with men are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection each year (an indicator of a high-risk lifestyle). If around a quarter of these were deemed likely to benefit from PrEP that would mean 4,500 people taking PrEP a year, at a total cost of £22.8m.

This cost needs to be offset against the lifetime cost to the NHS of treating someone with HIV, which is estimated to be as high as £360,000 per person.

Of course, while initially it would be made available only to "high-risk" people, it will not be long before insistent calls are made, in the interests of public health, that every homosexual be offered the option. After all, homosexual behavior is "high risk" behavior all by itself.

The exchange rate, as of this morning, was one British pound to $1.55 US. So in the UK the lifetime cost of treating the gay disease would be $558,000 in U.S. dollars, and the yearly cost for the Truvada pill for an active homosexual would be $7,875.55.

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men represent approximately 2% of the United States population. If the population of the United States is 319 million, this means that up to 6,380,000 males may soon be demanding that the Truvada pill to be made available to them at taxpayer expense to prevent HIV infections.

The potential total exposure to taxpayers for annual prescriptions of Truvada would run, in a worst case scenario, to $50,248,880,000 a year (6.38 million multiplied by $7876). That's $50 billion a year. That's "billion" with a "b."

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150227



On another note, aCW:

Did you get LaBarbera's newsletter, and are you going to be contacting Southwest Airlines? :think:

a sorry business, indeed :nono:



And now a few words from your atheist ally:

...You and your ilk don't have to agree or approve of [it], or keep quiet, but instead simply accept that how people manage their own lives and circumstances is their own business, not yours, and that you don't have a divine authority to control those you happen to disapprove of.


New member

:think: Well, I still like him. I understand where he is coming from even though I have different leanings, divergent beliefs, and a different temperament. I wish him no ill. In terms of gays privately living their own lives unobtrusively, I can agree to a certain extent: I attack only the campaign and the media -driven schtick.

But I do expect you to contact SW Airlines , pronto, aCW, or your name isn't 'Big Daddy'. :AMR1:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And now a few words from your atheist ally:

:think: Well, I still like him. I understand where he is coming from even though I have different leanings, divergent beliefs, and a different temperament.

No one said that allies have to be from the same cookie cutter mold.

I wish him no ill.

Nor do I, in fact I shudddder at the thought of both you and Al spending eternity in damnation.

In terms of gays privately living their own lives unobtrusively, I can agree to a certain extent:...

(i.e. living so quietly that no one would ever know).

That takes the fun out of being proud and unrepentant of one's immoral behavior doesn't it GFR7?


New member
The point is: "AIDS is a gay disease".

LISTEN: HIV Is Still a Gay Disease
It's not very politically correct to say it, but HIV remains a crisis in the gay community. In fact, it can be argued that HIV is a gay disease.

Homosexual Leader Calls AIDS 'a Gay Disease'

AIDS: Still a Gay Disease in America

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States.

Did I mention that AIDS is big money Al?
Your selected hogwash and misinformation doesn't alter the facts one bit aCW, however you choose to spin them.
AIDS/HIV is after all just another STI, one which can and does affect male or female alike if they do not take proper precautions.
All human diseases are propagated in particular ways because it just happens to work for the disease, not because any disease is a judgement on anyone's lifestyles and sexual habits.

The fact that HIV affects more gay men in the USA while in Africa more women get it shows that cultural habits and specific sexual practices are far more important than sexual orientation.


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
No one said that allies have to be from the same cookie cutter mold.
:think: We are not allies when it comes to LGBTQQISMDB

Nor do I, in fact I shudddder at the thought of both you and Al spending eternity in damnation.
:AMR1: Wasted energy.

(i.e. living so quietly that no one would ever know).

That takes the fun out of being proud and unrepentant of one's immoral behavior doesn't it GFR7?
I don't engage in any immoral behavior, so I wouldn't know.

NOW, are you calling Southwest Airlines, Big Daddy? :think:
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