Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As Phil Robertson said in his CPAC speech: One man, one woman, united in matrimony doesn't cause STD's (but then you wouldn't know about that would you Al?). Besides, PrEp pills, as this poster shows, were marketed for those who engage in a beahvior that is inherently high risk (for those who engage in homosex).
Clearly aCW you simply can't resist making the stupid tiresome comments that you probably think are so very clever and annoying, but which "pathetic" is probably a better word. It's only because you seem to be so unremittingly intolerant of those who lead lives you disapprove of that gives you some reason for me to carry on here.
Check out what Phil Robertson said in the video at around the 5 minute mark when he was giving a speech at CPAC:
"My love for you (i.e. my fellow human beings) is not contingent on how you feel about me... I'm trying to HELP you for crying out loud".
All that you know is hate Al, you don't recognize love when you see it, in this case Christian love.
Here however you are probably both right and wrong at the same time.
I personally would agree that a regular/typical/heterosexual marital arrangement seems to offer the best practical arrangement. However unlike you I can accept that some people will want something else because their mental hardwiring works differently to mine. This world would indeed be a bloody awful place if we all conformed to your strict fundie format aCW.
Just think of how bloody awful it would be Al: Pedophiles (homosexual activists) that write letters to the editor saying that some children actually "want" to have sex with adults would be in jail where they belong and children could actually enjoy the stage of their life where they're supposed to be carefree and act like children.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too,...”; "Kohn made it clear in the essay that though she ultimately wants her daughter to be happy whatever her sexual orientation, she plans to do everything she can to encourage her daughter to avoid adhering to gender norms."
That seems fair enough to me, it isn't trying to force something on someone if they have freedom to choose what seems natural to them. It's people like you who seem determined to compel gay people to be something their don't want to be.
The indoctrination of children by the LGBTQueer movement is forced on them Al. No child wants to be subjected to perversion (no matter what Peter the pedophile Tatchell says).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
According to the article the little girl has an interest in a boy, so I guess that pretty much decides what her sexual orientation is, yet the two lesbo wannabe parents are still hoping that her 'real' sexual orientation eventually surfaces: lesbo (with enough gay pride parades and indoctrination, she'll eventually come around...experimenting with homosex if nothing else).
Your typical well-poisoning tactics here doesn't really make this worth my commenting on, it's not like you're open to any reasonably persuasive arguments, so I not bother.
Thanks for acknowledging your limitations Al (you can't refute the truth).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The Birds and the Bees 101: World population is due to vaginal sex (heterosexuality), not homosex.
The Virgin Mary apparently doesn't count? Then again fertility clinics can also supply unknown fathers these days.
My my Al, your so-called "debate skills" are getting lamer with old age.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Nah, the marriage bed is undefiled, which I've mentioned many times before. I'm just trying to educate people to the worst kind of perversion: the one that you defend yet are too embarrassed to admit that you partake in (or at least did 30+ years ago, when you were scared into abstinence).
Your opinion of what you consider to be the "worst kind of perversion" is, as always, something to be eagerly anticipated aCW.
Once again your issue is with God Al (or as you atheists lovingly refer to Him as: "the imaginary sky god"). He wrote the rules, I just do my best to follow them.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No, skin color (i.e. genetics) isn't a factor but culture is. It appears that Black culture is a tad bit more promiscuous per capita (high abortion rates, higher HIV/AIDS rates, higher out of wedlock birth rates, etc.). Aint liberalism great?
Without delving into particular black cultures too much, clearly the facts show that the mechanics of HIV work just like any other STI, i.e. on both sexes.
You can bet your bottom dollar Al (or do you Brits say "your bottom Pound"?) that if there was any sign of HIV/AIDS being anything other than a disesase that overwhelming afflicts homosexual males, the LGBTQueer movement would shout it from the highest mountains regularly (Repeat after me until you get it right Al: "AIDS is a gay disease"..."AIDS is a gay disease"...
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(In atheist homosexualist talk that means that Al doesn't want to acknowledge the reality of the financial and social cost of AIDS).
I simply haven't commented yet you draw your own conclusion regardless, as with everything else.
Perhaps you think that pharmaceutical companies are holding back with effective treatments in order to cash in?
Conspiracy theory time?
Maybe they are, I really don't know, but I suspect not.
My point is that if the truth were known that only 1-2% of the population who engages in an absolutely filthy BUT CHANGEABLE behavior are afflicted with AIDS, then the billions spent on research, etc. just might not happen.