Civil laws generally reflect the moral standards of the society that creates them, but they don't exist to enforce a supposed godly or even your own morality aCW.
You've changed the subject from how criminal laws work (they punish people who break them and thus prohibit a criminal conspiracy as we're seeing with your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement today) to what standard should be used for legislating and enforcing laws.
If you truly want to base laws on what society deems fit (i.e. evolving morality) then that society will get what it deserves (chaos followed by totalitarian tyranny).
We first have to decide, as a society, what is not acceptable behaviour and then create laws to enforce it.
But all you can apparently offer aCW is a theocratic rule of law based on what you personally presumably think is an absolute godly morality that exists regardless of what society may deem fit.
However it's the likes of you who arrogantly think that they know what that absolute morality is and then presume to have a divine right to impose it on others.
Unfortunately for you aCW, in this lifetime anyway, other people's opinions count too. Perhaps that rather annoys you?
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
You may choose to align the morality of homosexuality with that of incest and bestiality, but that isn't my view nor indeed that of society in general since we now live in more enlightened times even if dinosaurs like you haven't realised it.
Refer to my evolving morality comment.
Perhaps it's your powers of verbal persuasion which is lacking, but that doesn't give you any right to forcibly impose your beliefs on those who believe something else.
Civil A lot of things have happened since when homosexuals were oppressed by the state aCW.
One of the things that has happened is that HIV/AIDS and STD's (disease, misery and death) are disproportionately running rampant throughout your community. (Aint freedom great?).
I don't know exactly what you mean by "your community", not being a homosexual I'm not part of theirs. STI's are simply a fact of life whether gay or not, but not a Godly retribution.
Civil Btw I've noticed that if heterosexuals say they have a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" it isn't automatically assumed that they are raving paedophiles. You otoh are perhaps rather too keen to take homosexuals quite literally on this, all boyfriends of homosexuals are literally boys in your world, all homosexuals tend to be paedophiles. Homosexuals just don't have consenting, responsible and safe adult relationships in your mind since that probably rather undermines everything for you.
Again, I'm just pointing out the adult-child "relationship" that your LGBTQueer movement has. Does every person who engages in homosexual behavior like little boys or in the case of lesbos little girls? Heavens no Al! I've pointed out that 66 year old HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean had a 25 year old boyfriend (for when he got tired of "chicken hawking").
Then you're either trying to move the goal posts or you are being off topic in your own thread. This is about whether all homosexuals should be criminalised, in case you had forgotten. Because some gay people are also paedophiles is not a valid argument for criminalising all gay people any more than it would be true for straight people.
Civil There you go again aCW being the self appointed spokesperson of God. You perhaps think that being God's representative on Earth gives you special powers perhaps to burn witches and heretics and to criminalise gays?
With you being the expert on Holy Scripture Al, if there is someplace in that great book that says that homosexuality is indeed equal to marriage between one man and one woman (God's design for human sexuality), I'm sure you would have found it.
I'm reasonably sure that the word "homosexual" is not to be found in the Bible aCW, while sodomy indeed may apply to a homosexual act, but I can assure you that it is not exactly unheard of in heterosexual intercourse either (gasp).
Ancient scripture only seems to condone having sex that is intended to produce issue, I feel that the Bible is not too keen at all on there being any kind of sex for pleasure alone.:nono:
Your God is apparently only in favour of missionary sex between couples that are aiming to make babies, so any other form of sexual intercourse, gay or straight, is perhaps just as abominable as any other.:think:
You however tend to dwell on the gay sex and single it out particularly I've noticed rather than say adultery or fornication also being abominable.
Remind me not to expect "fair and balanced" from anything you concoct aCW.
As I've known all along Al: You're not the least bit concerned about children's welfare.
On the contrary aCW, I would say that I'm rather more concerned with all forms of abuse against all children, not just those where a homosexual is involved.
