Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Refute it Art. Show us that babies in the womb that are subjected to all kinds of negative factors (drug addiction, violence, etc.) and continue to be around those negative factors throughout childhood really do grow up to be upstanding citizens.

Children are products of their environments.

The onus is on you to provide evidence that unborn babies are susceptible and so aware of their external surroundings/parental feelings prior to birth, and also how such could lead to homosexuality as well (Still amazed at you with that) - so get on with it and provide some.

Ok, see below.

I was in the grocery store the other day and watched as two adults (who unfortunately are parents) used the f-word incessantly around their 5 year old son.

Do you think for a minute that kid won't grow up using foul language as a major part of his vocabulary?

I also happen to hate swearing around kids and the chances are the child will emulate the same. Won't deny it although I'm not seeing the link between that and any latent homosexual attraction...

You agreed that a child raised by two parents who have foul mouths will most likely emulate the same, yet deny that a child raised by sexually deranged 'parents' won't do the same Art, why is that?



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ok, see below.

I've seen the below and will address it there. In the meantime how about you back up this pet theory of yours that unborn babies can be susceptible to homosexuality because of what they 'perceive' goes on in the external world?

You agreed that a child raised by two parents who have foul mouths will most likely emulate the same, yet deny that a child raised by sexually deranged 'parents' won't do the same Art, why is that?

Because copying a behaviour isn't the same as 'developing' an orientation. Does that really need explaining further?


...In the meantime how about you back up this pet theory of yours that unborn babies can be susceptible to homosexuality because of what they 'perceive' goes on in the external world?

Again: Unborn babies can hear things that are going on outside of the womb. Their emotional development starts in the womb. If they're subjected to things that causes them emotional trauma and it continues throughout their childhood, then it can effect their outlook on normal sexual relationships later in life.

Can a Father Influence His Unborn Baby?

Stress, the article reports, is often felt by a child growing in the womb and can impede development.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You agreed that a child raised by two parents who have foul mouths will most likely emulate the same, yet deny that a child raised by sexually deranged 'parents' won't do the same Art, why is that?

Because copying a behaviour isn't the same as 'developing' an orientation. Does that really need explaining further?

...children of homosexual fathers are nearly 3 times as likely, and children of lesbian mothers are nearly 4 times as likely, to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual. Children of lesbian mothers are 75% more likely, and children of homosexual fathers are 3 times more likely, to be currently in a same-sex romantic relationship.

What It’s Like To Be The Gay Children Of Gay Parents

Senior Entertainment Editor Jarett Wieselman and LGBT intern Claire Pires share their experiences of being raised by same-sex parents, the homophobia they encountered, and eventually coming out themselves.

Claire Pires: So, when were you told that your dad was gay? Did he get divorced from your mom?

Jarett Wieselman: My parents split when I was 2, and I lived with my mom until she passed away in 1991. Then I moved in with my dad and his “friend.” We all lived together in a townhouse for a year before my dad came out to 11-year-old me after I made a gay joke one day on the way home from school that he “took personal offense to” and I replied with, “Why? Are you gay?” At that, he slowly pulled the car over, turned the engine off, said, “Yes, I am gay” and we were off to the races.

CP: Did it take you by surprise that he was gay?

JW: I mean, I was 11 years old, this was 1992; gay parents weren’t “a thing.” Hell, gay people weren’t a thing in suburban New Jersey at the time. No one had the cultural frame of reference to even think of something like that — I mean, I lived with my dad and “his friend.” If that happened today, I’d be all, “Hey homos.” But no, not then. What about you, how did you find out your mom was gay?

CP: I was 5 when my mom and my dad got divorced. They’d been married for 25 years. Shortly after, my mom fell in love and moved in with her current partner, Kathy. I was very into The Parent Trap at the time — Lindsay at her best — so I was convinced my mom and my dad would get back together. I liked Kathy but at first I didn’t want to be different at school because I had two moms, so I referred to Kathy as my mom’s “work partner” until about seventh grade.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwiese...be-the-gay-children-of-gay-parents#.qxEEAWEnD

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New member
...children of homosexual fathers are nearly 3 times as likely, and children of lesbian mothers are nearly 4 times as likely, to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual. Children of lesbian mothers are 75% more likely, and children of homosexual fathers are 3 times more likely, to be currently in a same-sex romantic relationship.
Yeah the Regnerus thing again, that one is always good for a laugh. The study makes claims about children of gay/lesbian parents...but Regnerus didn't include any of these children in his "study"



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again: Unborn babies can hear things that are going on outside of the womb. Their emotional development starts in the womb. If they're subjected to things that causes them emotional trauma and it continues throughout their childhood, then it can effect their outlook on normal sexual relationships later in life.

Can a Father Influence His Unborn Baby?

Stress, the article reports, is often felt by a child growing in the womb and can impede development.


Oh puh leese, this is the best you can do? An unborn baby can "develop" homosexual desires because the parents don't bond enough or that the father doesn't play enough Bach? This unborn foetus will 'emotionally' register all of this as a crucial part of further physiological and sexual development?


No, sorry, the 'FRC' does not count as anything remotely resembling proper objective research so either give a credible and academically corroborated source or don't bother.


Oh puh leese, this is the best you can do? An unborn baby can "develop" homosexual desires because the parents don't bond enough or that the father doesn't play enough Bach? This unborn foetus will 'emotionally' register all of this as a crucial part of further physiological and sexual development?

You must understand Art that I'm not here to convince you of anything because if you had wanted to accept the fact that you're sexually confused you would have admitted it long ago and would have done something about it.

I'm here for those that are struggling with homosexual desires and don't understand what might have happened in their childhood that caused them such sexual confusion. Hopefully this information can give them some insight and put them on the road to recovery.

No, sorry, the 'FRC' does not count as anything remotely resembling proper objective research so either give a credible and academically corroborated source or don't bother.

I know Art, it's not from "Gay Voices" at the ultra homo loving Huffington Post, so it must be a lie.

On that note: seek spiritual and psychological help. God can even work miracles on a 42 year old 'life long bachelor'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You must understand Art that I'm not here to convince you of anything because if you had wanted to accept the fact that you're sexually confused you would have admitted it long ago and would have done something about it.

You probably don't even see how much you're projecting your own sexual confusion even now with this. There can hardly be another explanation for it as practically everyone who takes issue with you on this thread is straight - and yet you still persist with some delusional fantasy that I - and others are gay, and then even invent homosexual fantasies around that same delusion that a straight bloke would have no interest in so doing. You're either in the closet or devoid of reason to persist in it. No homosexual person would fear admitting such to you so what other reasons could there be for you to be so boringly asinine and repetitive?


I'm here for those that are struggling with homosexual desires and don't understand what might have happened in their childhood that caused them such sexual confusion. Hopefully this information can give them some insight and put them on the road to recovery.

Oh really, so going on about "Bruth" the "hairdretther" and other so incredibly amusing 'lisp' and 'fag' comments were all designed to show how much you 'care' about gay people? Who do you think would honestly buy that?

I know Art, it's not from "Gay Voices" at the ultra homo loving Huffington Post, so it must be a lie.

On that note: seek spiritual and psychological help. God can even work miracles on a 42 year old 'life long bachelor'.

It seems to me that you should be following your own advice and then maybe you won't feel compelled to project homosexuality onto those who have no inclination for it. Why don't you check into one of those 'reparative centres' you recommend so much?



Now that I've spent precious time with another one of TOL's proud and unrepentant homosexualists, I'd like to share a letter written by Matt Barber to a terribly confused Bruce Jenner.

February 9, 2015

An appeal to Bruce Jenner


Dear Mr. Jenner,

You probably don't know who I am and certainly have no obligation to read on. Even so, I pray you will. As the great Olympic champion God gifted you to be, you were an inspiration to me as a boy and endured as such when I grew into adulthood and professional athletics. I hope you will serve to inspire many more generations of young people.

As it stands now, however, you instead appear poised to lead them astray. I implore you to reverse course.

I am a follower of Christ Jesus. That is to say, though in my flesh I am an especially flawed and fallen human being, Jesus, who is God incarnate, is the Lord of my life. While I fall well short of His glory each day, God's living and infallible word, the Holy Bible, coupled with His infinite gifts of grace, faith and truth, nonetheless empower me to navigate my finite and pitfall-laden time here on earth.

As a "born again" Christ follower, I have another transcendent gift: The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, who guides my heart, soul, thoughts and words. It is this selfsame Holy Spirit who has prompted me to write you.

And so it is by His authority that I do so.

Mr. Jenner, before it's too late I wish to warn you of a major pitfall in your own life. Though it eludes your vision, it looms all the same but a few short steps ahead of you. While at the time of this writing you have yet to confirm or deny reports, multiple media outlets are abuzz with rumors that you intend to "transition from male to female."

Bruce, from here on I will operate under the assumption that these rumors are accurate. I will be sharing with you a number of truths that, though they may be hard to hear, remain truths just the same. I suspect that you have very few people around you willing to do this. Though it will be called "hate," what I do, I do in love. Remember, and as I often say, truth is hate to those who hate truth.

First, the elephant in the room: As you ultimately know in your heart-of-hearts, this extreme path you have chosen to take at this late stage in your life is not the answer to the question, "Who is Bruce Jenner?" You must certainly be aware, if only deep down, that to "transition from male to female" is a hopeless and hapless impossibility, biologically, emotionally, spiritually and in every other way imaginable. If you have been convinced otherwise, you labor under grave deception.

There is a reason that after "sex reassignment" surgery, so-called "transgender" people commit suicide at a rate 20 times higher than normal, and, despite rationalizations to the contrary, imaginary "transphobia" is not that reason. If you follow through with this, Bruce, you will be making, second only to denying Christ, the biggest mistake of your life.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/mbarber/150209


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You always have gotten a good laugh out of child molestation haven't you Traci?

Child abuse is never a joke.

Yet you continue to identify with a movement that emotionally, spiritually and physically molests the minds and bodies of innocent children.

However the fact you are so desperate to prop up your fantasy that you are willing to reference Regnerus is hilarious

I agree that any study that isn't approved by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association must be a lie Traci, but hey, that's what us "misinformationalists" do.



New member
Yet you continue to identify with a movement that emotionally, spiritually and physically molests the minds and bodies of innocent children.
I have nothing to do with reparative or conversion therapies

I agree that any study that isn't approved by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association must be a lie Traci, but hey, that's what us "misinformationalists" do.

you only bring up NAMBLA when one of your fake claims gets exposed for what it is....You bring up NAMBLA alot.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet you continue to identify with a movement that emotionally, spiritually and physically molests the minds and bodies of innocent children.

I have nothing to do with reparative or conversion therapies

Of course you don't, you'd rather see little boys wearing dresses and preparing for the day when they'll have their genitals mutilated.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I agree that any study that isn't approved by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association must be a lie Traci, but hey, that's what us "misinformationalists" do.

you only bring up NAMBLA when one of your fake claims gets exposed for what it is....You bring up NAMBLA a lot.

Gee Traci, had I known that talking about a pedophile organization that was founded by influential homosexual activists, one that influenced many early homosexual "pioneers" like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay and Frank "Sex with animals isn't wrong as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny, one that marched side by side with their homosexual brethren in gay pride parades bothered you so, I would have never brought them up.

Nope, never.





New member

Gee Traci, had I known that talking about a pedophile organization that was founded by influential homosexual activists, one that influenced many early homosexual "pioneers" like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay and Frank "Sex with animals isn't wrong as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny, one that marched side by side with their homosexual brethren in gay pride parades bothered you so, I would have never brought them up.
Bother me? I thing that it's hilarious that every time one of your fake claims gets exposed you trot out NAMBLA as a distraction


Bother me? I thing that it's hilarious that every time one of your fake claims gets exposed you trot out NAMBLA as a distraction

I resent that remark Traci! I do my best to equally represent other valued members of your community as well:

Bull dykes

Drag queens

and fairies


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...and fairies.



That's a final stage of depravity (Dan 11:37). Evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived (2 Ti 3:13). May they be filled to their nostrils with their sin (Nu 11:20). Drink up. Fornicate on (Re 22:11, 21:8). We must all give an account one day (Heb 4:13). :popcorn: Sin doesn't pay. It costs (1 Co 6:9-10). :burnlib:


All Sins are Not Equal
by Bob Enyart
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