Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Well-known member

Please don't sully the memory of all the sexually confused children and teens who killed themselves because of the sexual anarchist movement by engaging in conversations that compare a youth pastor who was giving a wakeup call to a smart aleck Christian teenager with that of suicide. The families of these dead children who will grieve for the rest of their lives deserve better.

These children are dead because of sexual anarchists like annatennedebbi, GFR7, Art Brain and the barbarian, who are unapologetic defenders of a culture and laws that promote perversion, not because of what a Christian pastor did.
Please forgive me for thread derailment.


New member
Please forgive me for thread derailment.
Your derailments are welcome, because aCW is simply a liar. I am tired of hearing him say that I and others are supporting the rainbow culture when it' s not the truth. He thinks he can monopolize the cultural discourse , and he cannot. He just can't stand knowing that there are others who can fight with sensitivity and sophistication which is foreign to his nature. For heaven's sake, don't apologize to this arrogant blow-hard. Your postings were quite interesting, by the way.:up:

The Barbarian

Being gay isn't a sin. Acting on it is a sin, just as having a bad temper isn't a sin, so long as you don't lose it and slug someone.


like marbles on glass
Please forgive me for thread derailment.

You weren't derailing the thread, so I've put our conversation back up here in case you want to come back to it and respond to anything I said.

I'd hope to see you respond instead of standing aside as a result of aCW's attempt to divert.

I'm talking about this, Lon:

"Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok?"

aCW saw nothing wrong with a different pastor who claimed he'd full on punched a kid in the chest. Maybe aCW doesn't see a problem with breaking a kid's wrist either.

These are men you'd want to see preaching to a congregation?

Guys are guys: We read each other differently than actual on stuff like this, especially with "Man up." As such, I don't 'think' we read it as literal, probably forgetting that a woman might. That said, if he literally means it, that the child should be punched? No, I'm against that and against a preacher meaning this literally. Macho shouldn't mean random acts of physical contact. I'm not into punching guys in the arm either though, so I can't speak for all males nor would I try to emasculate (take away any of their God-given masculinity).

My father and father-in-law are both more masculine than I and have sensibilities along that line I don't always get. I don't think they'd see anything wrong with this either. For me, it isn't right, but Jesus took a whip into the temple and cleansed it. I can't be less masculine that He without it becoming a Spiritual problem. I guess I'm saying I share your concern but perhaps without the condemnation. I'm still often left at the back of the line trying to figure these things out, long after others have made judgment calls and moved on to other subjects. I hope and pray that doesn't make me limp-wristed, but merely overtly analytical and perhaps behind the times.

Okay, trying this again.

I realize that men relate to each other differently when in an all-male environment, that there's a lot of teasing that goes on that isn't meant or taken seriously. I get that. But that isn't what's going on in these two instances. Both of these men approving of physical violence towards others were preaching to congregations. There's no 'guys being guys' context there. Also, the 'guys will be guys' thing all too often goes off track and veers into the abusive, and to hear that sort of thing advocated under the guise of preaching is indefensible. There's nothing there to indicate that either one didn't literally mean it either, and I think their congregations took them literally.

And it shouldn't be emasculating to any man to realize that his masculinity doesn't have to be propped up by macho posturing.

In my opinion, advocating breaking a "limp wrist" or punching a boy in the chest (not the arm Lon, the chest) isn't an indication of masculinity but an indication of someone with a mean streak, a ego problem, or a god complex - maybe all of those things combined and more I haven't thought of. So many times I've seen Christians justify their meanness because Jesus took a whip and cleared the temple area. I think that often makes other Christians hesitate and that's long enough for them to decide that maybe that meanness is justified, so they stand aside and say nothing. In actuality, standing against bullying is a very masculine thing for a man to do, and it should go without saying that it ought to be a very Christian thing to do as well.

I wonder how much meanness comes about because a father's own ego is threatened by a son who doesn't measure up on dad's masculinity scale. The boy suffers because of the father's ego, the father's insecurities and by God (literally) that father is going to make that boy pay the price.

I think I covered most of this in my above, but that last line made me chuckle. Women are expected to "man up" every day of their lives, and to do it without fanfare.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Please don't sully the memory of all the sexually confused children and teens who killed themselves because of the sexual anarchist movement by engaging in conversations that compare a youth pastor who was giving a wakeup call to a smart aleck Christian teenager with that of suicide. The families of these dead children who will grieve for the rest of their lives deserve better.

These children are dead because of sexual anarchists like annatennedebbi, GFR7, Art Brain and the barbarian, who are unapologetic defenders of a culture and laws that promote perversion, not because of what a Christian pastor did.

Your faux concern for these people is doubly sickening because not only do you not care for any of them, it's actually people like you - who support "reparative therapy" that would drive youngsters over the edge, despite not even knowing what goes in such centres. I saw some of a program recently where a British doctor went to such a place and it was pathetic. Sitting in a room while someone talks into a speaker placed within saying how disgusting and sordid you are isn't 'therapy' although you'd likely see nothing wrong with it or could see how it would psychologically damage already vulnerable youngsters. The doctor, quite rightly, was appalled.

Punching a kid full force in the chest is child abuse pure and simple, but then you don't have a problem with that either.


Please forgive me for thread derailment.

Not to worry Lon. You'll learn as I did that these sexual anarchists can't defend homosexuality, so they'll use smokescreens to avoid talking about anything but homosexual behavior or the agenda that goes with it since decriminalization.

Welcome to the culture war my friend.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Not to worry Lon. You'll learn as I did that these sexual anarchists can't defend homosexuality, so they'll use smokescreens to avoid talking about anything but homosexual behavior or the agenda that goes with it since decriminalization.

Welcome to the culture war my friend.

I'm posting this for Lon's benefit, not aCW's as I know he will not listen.

"sexual anarchism" is a silly term. The vast majority of people on this thread that aCW would refer to as such are statists. To my knowledge, the only philosophical anarchists (anarcho-capitalists) on this forum are drbrumley and myself, and neither of us in any way approves of homosexuality. Not everyone who thinks homosexual behavior should be "legal" condones it.

I'm not sure how exactly the "culture war" is Christian, but meh...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not to worry Lon. You'll learn as I did that these sexual anarchists can't defend homosexuality, so they'll use smokescreens to avoid talking about anything but homosexual behavior or the agenda that goes with it since decriminalization.

Welcome to the culture war my friend.

From the master of smokescreens and diversion himself no less...

If it's 'sexual anarchy' to believe that homosexuals should have the same equal rights under law then you need to change a dictionary or several.


New member
Not to worry Lon. You'll learn as I did that these sexual anarchists can't defend homosexuality, so they'll use smokescreens to avoid talking about anything but homosexual behavior or the agenda that goes with it since decriminalization.

Welcome to the culture war my friend.
It would be a better culture without your kind of homophobic bigotry aCW.


New member
" Well Mary,Mary dont you weep"

both sides will compete for passionate people..

they dont care why the ant works so hard,as long as he works..


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since the blood of these morally confused youth who took their lives are on the hands of homosexualists like GFR7, Art Brain, annabenedetti , patrick jane and the barbarian, I'll dedicate these next 5 posts talking about 'gay' teen suicide to them and see if they can live with themselves knowing that they are part of an evil movement that causes the death of innocents such as these boys (they can live with themselves, as that same movement is responsible for 58 million unborn babies being murdered in the womb in the past 42 years).

As keen as you apparently are to consider religion entirely to blame for gay suicides, I for one don't particularly think that is so.

Pay attention Al, it's your fellow LGBTQueer activists who put the blame on Christianity for the death of those who are sexually and morally confused. Of course as we've seen throughout this 3 part thread through numerous testimonies by ex homosexuals, Christianity is the ticket to freedom, not death.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not to worry Lon. You'll learn as I did that these sexual anarchists can't defend homosexuality, so they'll use smokescreens to avoid talking about anything but homosexual behavior or the agenda that goes with it since decriminalization.

Welcome to the culture war my friend.

I'm posting this for Lon's benefit, not aCW's as I know he will not listen.

Oh but Jr., I'm all ears when a 20 year old kid who worships a bunch of pedophiles, pederasts, baby murderers, pornographers (kiddy porn included) and drug pushers (i.e. leaders of the Libertarian movement) talks.

"sexual anarchism" is a silly term.

sex: : physical activity in which people touch each other's bodies, kiss each other, etc. : physical activity that is related to and often includes sexual intercourse.

anarchy: : a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws

The vast majority of people on this thread that aCW would refer to as such are statists. To my knowledge, the only philosophical anarchists (anarcho-capitalists) on this forum are drbrumley and myself,

Boy Doc, you'll go far in life with that endorsement.

and neither of us in any way approves of homosexuality.

(Hence the reason Jr. received the "Disclaimer" award).

Once again I will link the article by Matt Barber entitled "Sexual Anarchy" for those 20 year olds who are attending community college and still don't understand what the term means:

"Make no mistake: Children are the target of what I call the "sexual anarchy movement." Whether it's the movement's pedophile wing that seeks to literally rape children, or its radical pro-abortion, homosexualist and feminist wings, which seek to rape the minds of children, the larger sexual anarchy movement has a shared goal: Attack, corrupt and destroy God's design for human sexuality. Children are just collateral damage."




Yesterday I posted a couple of articles that dealt with the very sad subject of children and teenagers who are so sexually and morally confused that they end up taking their lives:



I have 3 more articles that I want to post on this subject, the next one from a website called "Gay Christian Movement Watch" (boy, whoever thought those two words would ever be seen side by side: homosexual and Christian).

Keller takes on “gay teen” suicide hype

March 19, 2012


Using the media hyped Tyler Clementi suicide as a backdrop, Christian evangelist Bill Keller blasted gay celebrities and their liberal media concubines as the primary reasons young people struggling with homosexuality kill themselves.

Through a press release Keller said “it is those in the media who glamorize and promote this choice as normal and acceptable, along with gutless pastors too afraid to speak out against this sin, and faux churches that glorify this deviant, unnatural, and unhealthy choice of sexual activity, who are the real guilty parties in Clementi’s death.”...

That’s why Keller says homosexual activists should accept the blame for these deaths by leading young people down a path of self destruction.

Everyone who commits suicide has reasons that led them to make such a horrible decision. The fact is, suicide is exponentially higher amongst those who choose the homosexual lifestyle, and while those in the media want to blame people like myself who take a Biblical stand on this issue, the fact is, they are the ones most responsible!”

“It is the homosexual community and media who promote this lifestyle to society, forcing it to validate legally and ethically this choice of sexual behavior and relationships to our children as normal, even desirable behavior!” He adds, “The Bible says in the last days the truth will become a lie, and the lie the truth.”

Read more: http://www.gcmwatch.com/8827/keller-takes-on-gay-teen-suicide-hype


Originally Posted by The Barbarian
Being gay isn't a sin. Acting on it is a sin, just as having a bad temper isn't a sin, so long as you don't lose it and slug someone.

A chaste LGBTQ is not sinning. By definition. :up:

So what you two boyz are saying that God is ok with adulterous, incestuous and homosexual desires, just as long as you don't act on them?

Newsflash boyz: If you allow sinful thoughts and desires to linger and thus grow in your mind, you will eventually act on them.
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