Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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ACWs rage against gays, has to come from somewhere within him?
Could be, he experienced something in his life, some form of trauma,
or experience that, created a hatred for gays? I've never in my life
seen such a "rabid" hatred of any particular group of individual's,
then, I've seen with ACW? There's a reason, only known to him?

I know that you're up in years Grossie and your thought process is getting a bit 'confused' (to say the least) and it probably won't be too long before you meet your Maker. I truly hope and pray that before that day comes, you'll understand what Christian love means.

Moving on...


New member
ACWs rage against gays, has to come from somewhere within him?
Could be, he experienced something in his life, some form of trauma,
or experience that, created a hatred for gays? I've never in my life
seen such a "rabid" hatred of any particular group of individual's,
then, I've seen with ACW? There's a reason, only known to him?
I think that is an astute observation, yes.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know that you're up in years Grossie and your thought process is getting a bit 'confused' (to say the least) and it probably won't be too long before you meet your Maker. I truly hope and pray that before that day comes, you'll understand what Christian love means.

Moving on...

Your KIND of love, I want NO part of! By the way, I'm 63!


New member
Ya know Al, I think Grossie Marowbe is one of those Christians that atheists like you and Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage can be proud of. Granted, you and ole Danny boy HATE God with all of your might, but if you're going to put up with Christianity, you might as well put up with people like Grossie Marowbe who are not going to do a gosh darn thing to stop your evil agenda.

Do you think we should consider Grossie Marowbe a "NALT Christian" Al?
We're both 63 year olds it seems aCW, but we have more than that in common apparently. :plain:


New member
...Why won't the unsaved be judged according to their sins? Simply
because, Christ died for ALL the sins of mankind, even ACWs
hated homosexuals! Revelation 20:12 states; "And I saw the
dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were
opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life:
and the dead were judged out of those things which were
written in the books, according to their works.

So, you can see by this verse of Scripture that, no one will be
judged according to their sins (Christ paid the price for ALL sin)
however, they'll be judged by their works, and cast into the "Lake
of Fire!"


Obviously that may not come anytime soon...

I'm sorry, but as a Christian who has studied their Bible for some 40 years,
I can't see at all your unusual claim.

From what you have written,
I must conclude that you distinguish 'sins' from 'works',
as if they were mutually exclusive categories.

I do believe there is a distinction in this sense:
That works can be either good or bad, and hence sinful or not,
i.e., some works are indeed sins, and other works are not sins.

This would not preclude the likelihood that even "good works"
are tainted by sin, such as self-interest, rationalization, false belief,
and wrong motivations.

The Bible does indeed declare that even the best efforts at good works
are still tainted and stained by our sinful natures and inadequacies.

That having been said,
the Bible, rather than distinguishing works from sins
as if they were mutually exclusive categories,
actually emphasizes that all works good and bad involve sin,
or are colored by sin, or our unrighteous nature.

Therefore when I read a verse in context, such as Revelation above,
I don't see at all your argument or thesis that men won't be judged
for their sins. They certainly will be.

Let us examine this even more deeply,
and let us do this with the appropriate text, namely Hebrews,
which is an advanced discussion for adult Christians who seek
deeper understanding regarding sin, sacrifice, and the work of Christ.

In this book, the author of Hebrews points out that
a new sin has been created, namely the rejection or scorn of
the Holy and special personal Sacrifice which Jesus the Christ made for us.
Here we are solemly warned about the seriousness of the specific sin
of rejecting Christ's New Covenant of Amnesty bought with His own suffering and death. (Hebrews 2:1-4)

We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 2 For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. 4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. (Hebrews 2:1-4)

4It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. (Hebrews 6:4-6)

25 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
(Hebrews 9:25-28)

Note especially that in Hebrews 9:28, the Holy Scripture specifically says the sins of MANY,
not the sins of "ALL", or "ALL SINS" as the poster above has claimed.

As Hebrews examines the revelation of this new and unique event
of the Crucifixion of the Christ, and its awesome weight and significance,
it is plain that this sin dwarfs all other sins, and the suggestion of the text,
is that the punishment for rejection, scorn and mockery of this great gift
will also be far more severe than even the most severe punishment
found in the Law of Moses for previously known and defined sins.

That is, for instance, for a relatively simple and ordinary sin such as murder,
one can invoke the death penalty. This is not an eternal punishment,
although without a resurrection it might be called a permanent punishment.

But the author of Hebrews contrasts the ordinary but severe sins such as
murder, adultery, homosexual acts, rape etc, which all can earn the
most severe punishment listed under the Law of Moses, namely the Death Penalty,
with the potential penalty and judgement one could incur on oneself
by rejecting and making a mockery of the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ.

In this letter, the author of Hebrews clearly implies that rejection or
renunciation of this New Covenant of Amnesty and Sacrifice for previous sins,
will incur a much more severe and frightening penalty than death.

Thus we conclude, that the doctrine that the poster above claims, namely
'that sins and works are separate things, and that men will not be judged for their sins but their works', is a frivolous and fanciful doctrine not
based on a true and deep understanding of the teachings of Holy Scripture.

For instead we find a different doctrine, namely that men will indeed be judged,
on Judgement Day, and ALL the books recording works and sins will be opened,
and that men will be fully and thoroughly and fairly and mercifully judged
according to ALL that they have done.

It will not matter whether we call one action a 'sin' or another a 'work'.
We will certainly be judged according to all our actions and motives just the same.

It will not matter that we have or haven't committed many sins and crimes,
as many certainly will have done.

We have been guaranteed that we will finally be judged fairly and fully,
completely and righteously, by God and His Christ.
God Himself will punish evil-doers appropriately for their sins and crimes,
and God Himself will correct, compensate, heal, and fully UNDO
all the consequences of sins, including the injustices, the suffering, the errors,
the unfairnesses, the temporary 'escapes' from justice, and the temporary
defaults of debts, and failures to pay for crimes, debts, trespasses, etc.

The Just and Holy Living God will certainly right ALL wrongs,

and punish all those responsible to the degree that they are responsible,
and God Himself knows exactly the conditions of the hearts of all those
being judged.

And what Holy Scripture says, rather than supposing that men will escape
judgement for sin and crime on Judgement Day, is actually something
quite different:

That those especially guilty of this new crime, the knowing and conscious
and wilful REJECTION of the New Covenant, the Offer of Amnesty, and
who have scorned and have mocked the sacrifice of God's very Christ
and Messiah, and His personal suffering on behalf of sinful men in need
of rescue, redemption, forgiveness, and salvation,
THESE wilful evil-doers, will be found guilty of a crime so heinous
considered such an ABOMINATION to God and Christ,
that they will have earned for themselves a very special and unique
punishment SURPASSING ALL ordinary punishments for SIN and CRIME
as described under the Law of Moses and the Torah,
the maximum penalty found there of which is simply death.

There is no doctrine of 'escape' from punishment of sins by distinguishing them from works, as if they could be ignored.

Do not be decieved:
God is not mocked;
What a man sows he reaps.

IF a man sows sin, he reaps a penalty appropriate as laid out in the Law of God.

If a man commits a sin so heinous that it amounts to blasphemy against
the Holy Spirit of God
, and that it amounts to rejection and mockery of
the New Covenant of Amnesty
bought with the blood, suffering, and death
of Jesus the Christ and Messiah of God, that person will pay the penalty
appropriate for that special heinous sin:

The Lake of Fire.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
ACWs rage against gays, has to come from somewhere within him?
Could be, he experienced something in his life, some form of trauma,
or experience that, created a hatred for gays? I've never in my life
seen such a "rabid" hatred of any particular group of individual's,
then, I've seen with ACW? There's a reason, only known to him?

I don't think it's hatred so much as pathological obsession. His projected fantasies about other posters being gay are rather bemusing from a supposedly heterosexual man but perhaps it's his only way of interacting with those who consistently point out how much of a berk he is regardless? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ya know Al, I think Grossie Marowbe is one of those Christians that atheists like you and Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage can be proud of. Granted, you and ole Danny boy HATE God with all of your might, but if you're going to put up with Christianity, you might as well put up with people like Grossie Marowbe who are not going to do a gosh darn thing to stop your evil agenda.

Do you think we should consider Grossie Marowbe a "NALT Christian" Al?

We're both 63 year olds it seems aCW, but we have more than that in common apparently. :plain:

I don't think Grossie is a NALT Christian Al. I think he is a terribly confused person that needs spiritual guidance.

When I wrote the first sentence of Part 1's OP, little did I know that it would have Grossie's name written all over it.


While at one time I did think that Grossie Marowbe was a good man, being that he hasn't lifted a finger against the baby murdering/sodomy loving sexual anarchist movement (in fact he's aided and abetted it by attacking me), I have to question if Grossie is a "good man".

Yes Al, Christians like Grossie Marowbe are a secular humanist's best friend. Without the help of apathetic Christians like him, the movement that you, GFR7 and Art Brain represent couldn't have achieved the destruction that you've brought onto society all on your own.

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I'd like to know what church or denomination you are or have been
associated with? Can I get a straight answer?

To answer your question: I belong to a non denominational church, one which like you, believes in the Holy Trinity.

My pastor rarely talks about the culture war, although he does admit regularly that "we live in real messed up country". I grimace when he's promoting causes like digging for wells in African countries that don't have something as basic as clean water. While it is a noble cause and I contribute quite generously, it's the type of government that is in place that prohibits something as basic as clean water to happen (i.e. communist).

When it comes to the culture war (abortion, homosexuality, pornography, etc.), it's the evil people that we have in government who are promoting those immoral behaviors through unrighteous legislation.

Once again: God ordained 3 institutions for the governance of men:

1. The Church
2. The Family
3. Civil Government

If you're failing to acknowledge the importance of all 3, you're failing to understand Holy Scripture as it was written.

God bless.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ya know Al, I think Grossie Marowbe is one of those Christians that atheists like you and Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage can be proud of. Granted, you and ole Danny boy HATE God with all of your might, but if you're going to put up with Christianity, you might as well put up with people like Grossie Marowbe who are not going to do a gosh darn thing to stop your evil agenda.

Do you think we should consider Grossie Marowbe a "NALT Christian" Al?

I don't think Grossie is a NALT Christian Al. I think he is a terribly confused person that needs spiritual guidance.

When I wrote the first sentence of Part 1's OP, little did I know that it would have Grossie's name written all over it.


While at one time I did think that Grossie Marowbe was a good man, being that he hasn't lifted a finger against the baby murdering/sodomy loving sexual anarchist movement (in fact he's aided and abetted it by attacking me), I have to question if Grossie is a "good man".

Yes Al, Christians like Grossie Marowbe are a secular humanist's best friend. Because of apathetic Christians like him, the movement that you, GFR7 and Art Brain represent couldn't have achieved the destruction that you've brought onto society all on your own.


You're concentrating way too much energy, "hating" those that
are guilty of, what God called; "An Abomination." That being,
homosexuality! It's a "chosen" lust of the flesh. (sin) No
"True Believer" such as I, condones such behavior. However,
the focus should be to, have the homosexual sinner, hear the
Grace message through Paul's Gospel, and be convicted and
led by the Holy Spirit to place their faith in Christ as their
Lord and Savior. Once the Holy Spirit has "indwelt and sealed"
the homosexual sinner, and he/she is in the Body of Christ, the
presence of the Holy Spirit will work on the "new believer" to
conform them into the image of Christ! They, no longer will
be able to maintain a "lifestyle of homosexuality!" That is,
if they have, truly been sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

There are copious amounts of sins, besides, homosexuality!
You have chosen to focus on ONLY one particular sin? One
wonders why? Only you and the Lord know's why? You're
fighting a, "Worldly battle" through worldly means (laws,
Criminalization, etc) Homosexuality is not only a physical
sin, but a "Spiritual sin." Making homosexuality a crime, will
not, and cannot change the hearts of the homosexuals!

They'll continue to be homosexuals. However, if the hearts
are changed by the work of the Holy Spirit then, the sin
itself will straightened out! If you're a "True Believer" then,
why not turn your hatred of the gays, into something
positive, and get the message of God's Grace out to the
gay community? Put the same "hatred energies" into,
making sure you do your part, to get the Gospel message
out. You have a zeal for this particular sin, use that same
zeal in a more positive, constructive and Spiritual way.


You're concentrating way too much energy, "hating" those that
are guilty of, what God called; "An Abomination." That being,
homosexuality! It's a "chosen" lust of the flesh. (sin) No
"True Believer" such as I, condones such behavior. However,
the focus should be to, have the homosexual sinner, hear the
Grace message through Paul's Gospel, and be convicted and
led by the Holy Spirit to place their faith in Christ as their
Lord and Savior. Once the Holy Spirit has "indwelt and sealed"
the homosexual sinner, and he/she is in the Body of Christ, the
presence of the Holy Spirit will work on the "new believer" to
conform them into the image of Christ! They, no longer will
be able to maintain a "lifestyle of homosexuality!" That is,
if they have, truly been sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

There are copious amounts of sins, besides, homosexuality!
You have chosen to focus on ONLY one particular sin? One
wonders why? Only you and the Lord know's why? You're
fighting a, "Worldly battle" through worldly means (laws,
Criminalization, etc) Homosexuality is not only a physical
sin, but a "Spiritual sin." Making homosexuality a crime, will
not, and cannot change the hearts of the homosexuals!

They'll continue to be homosexuals. However, if the hearts
are changed by the work of the Holy Spirit then, the sin
itself will straightened out! If you're a "True Believer" then,
why not turn your hatred of the gays, into something
positive, and get the message of God's Grace out to the
gay community? Put the same "hatred energies" into,
making sure you do your part, to get the Gospel message
out. You have a zeal for this particular sin, use that same
zeal in a more positive, constructive and Spiritual way.

Do you consider yourself an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?


New member
You're concentrating way too much energy, "hating" those that
are guilty of, what God called; "An Abomination." That being,
homosexuality! It's a "chosen" lust of the flesh. (sin) No
"True Believer" such as I, condones such behavior. However,
the focus should be to, have the homosexual sinner, hear the
Grace message through Paul's Gospel, and be convicted and
led by the Holy Spirit to place their faith in Christ as their
Lord and Savior. Once the Holy Spirit has "indwelt and sealed"
the homosexual sinner, and he/she is in the Body of Christ, the
presence of the Holy Spirit will work on the "new believer" to
conform them into the image of Christ! They, no longer will
be able to maintain a "lifestyle of homosexuality!" That is,
if they have, truly been sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

There are copious amounts of sins, besides, homosexuality!
You have chosen to focus on ONLY one particular sin? One
wonders why? Only you and the Lord know's why? You're
fighting a, "Worldly battle" through worldly means (laws,
Criminalization, etc) Homosexuality is not only a physical
sin, but a "Spiritual sin." Making homosexuality a crime, will
not, and cannot change the hearts of the homosexuals!

They'll continue to be homosexuals. However, if the hearts
are changed by the work of the Holy Spirit then, the sin
itself will straightened out! If you're a "True Believer" then,
why not turn your hatred of the gays, into something
positive, and get the message of God's Grace out to the
gay community? Put the same "hatred energies" into,
making sure you do your part, to get the Gospel message
out. You have a zeal for this particular sin, use that same
zeal in a more positive, constructive and Spiritual way.
Very nicely made point. :up:
Of course aCW will say that I'm saying this simply because I am a sodomite, although it's not true. :nono:


New member
By the way aCW, did you get your LaBarbera newsletter? :think:

His trial for incitement of hatred in Canada begins October 30.



Very nicely made point. :up:
Of course aCW will say that I'm saying this simply because I am a sodomite, although it's not true. :nono:

I don't think Grosnick will be back anytime soon to answer Nazaroo's post:


Nor do I think he'll be back anytime soon to answer mine:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you consider yourself an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?


Since you're out trolling and yet again trying to make yourself look like the victim of the big mean ole homophobic bigot that aCultureWarrior is, why don't you answer them for him?


New member
I don't think Grosnick will be back anytime soon to answer Nazaroo's post:


Nor do I think he'll be back anytime soon to answer mine:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you consider yourself an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist Grosnick?

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?


Since you're out trolling and yet again trying to make yourself look like the victim of the big mean ole homophobic bigot that aCultureWarrior is, why don't you answer them for him?
Not until you say how I am "trolling". And not until you reply about LaBarbera. :AMR1:


By the way aCW, did you get your LaBarbera newsletter? :think:

His trial for incitement of hatred in Canada begins October 30.

And I bet that you put your application in for the job of hangman when he's convicted.


Now answer the above post you little homosexualist troll.
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