Word based mystic

New member
You proffer an INaccurate rendition from 1John 3:9 NIV, drastically contrasted with the 1John 3:9 KJV. You need a KJV Bible on this verse:

1John 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, KJV “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not (Jesus).

2) Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be (upon Jesus’ second advent); but when he (Jesus) shall appear (second advent), we shall be (futuristic) like him (Jesus); for we shall see him (Jesus) as he is (at His second advent). (We are the children of God in the flesh. We become the sons of God upon Jesus’ second advent.)

3) And every man that hath this HOPE (of His second advent to become sons of God) in him (Jesus) purifieth himself (purified via hope IN His second advent), even as he is pure (Jesus, even upon His second advent). (Charismatic don’t need HOPE, they allegedly already have everything in the flesh, Matthew 24:48, 49, 50, 51, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 26)

4) Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law (Jesus speaking to His detractors in John 8:34 KJV, NOT His believers: John 8:30 KJV, John 8:31 KJV, John 8:32 KJV) for sin (Genesis 4:8, 9, 10, John 8:37 KJV, Acts 7:51, 52, 53) is the transgression of the law (Genesis 4:7 KJV, John 11:49, 50, 51, 52, 53, John 18:31 KJV, Matthew 27:23, 24, 25).

5) And ye know that he (Jesus) was manifested to take away our sins; and in him (JESUS) IS NO SIN. (do charismatics sin? 1John 1:7 KJV, 1John 1:8 KJV, 1John 1:9 KJV, 1John 1:10 KJV).

6) Whosoever abideth in him (Jesus) sinneth not (sin in the context of these verses, Genesis 3:8, 9, 10): whosoever sinneth (Jesus’ detractors, Matthew 27:22, 23, 24, 25, John 8:34, John 8:37 KJV, John 8:44 KJV, John 11:49, 50, 51, 52, John 18:24, John 19:6, John 18:29, 30, 31) hath not seen him (Jesus), neither known him (John 8:14 KJV, John 8:21,23, 24, 25, 26, 27)

7) Little children, let no man deceive you: he (Jesus) that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he (Jesus) is righteous.

8) He that committeth sin (Genesis 4:8, 9, 10, John 8:34 KJV, John 8:37 KJV) is of the devil (Genesis 3:15, 4:25 KJV, Matthew 13:37, 38, 39, John 8:44 KJV, John 8:47 KJV); for the devil sinneth from the beginning (Genesis 3:4, 5, 14, 15, John 8:44 KJV). For this purpose the Son of God (Jesus) was manifested (77th arrival generation prophesied by Cain’s great… grandson Lamech in Genesis 4:24 KJV, count from God is generation #1 beginning in Luke 3:38), that he (Jesus) might destroy the works of the devil (spiritual death, Genesis 3:4 KJV).

9) Whosoever is born of God (Jesus) doth not commit sin; for his seed (Jesus’ seed) remaineth in him (Jesus sired no physical children): and he (Jesus) cannot sin, because he (Jesus) is born of God (John 1:14, 18, 3:16, 18).

10) In this (aforementioned verse) the children of God (by adoption, Romans 6:3, 4, 5, Galatians 3:27, 28, 29) are manifest, and the children of the devil (Matthew 13:37 KJV, Matthew 13:38 KJV, Matthew 13:39 KJV, Matthew 23:33, Matthew 23:34 KJV, Matthew 23:35 who killed Abel?, Genesis 3:14, 15, 4:25, John 8:44 KJV): whosoever doeth not righteousness (Genesis 3:8, 9, 10, John 8:37 KJV, John 11:49, 50, 51, 52, 53) is not of God (Matthew 13:37, Matthew 13:38 KJV, Matthew 13:39 KJV, John 8:44 KJV, John 8:47 KJV), neither he (Cain) that loveth not his brother (Abel, Genesis 4:8, 9, 10).

11) For this (aforementioned) was the message that ye heard from the beginning (Genesis 4:7 KJV, Genesis 4:15 KJV), that we (adopted children) should love one another.

12) Not as Cain (referred to in v. 10, above), who WAS OF THAT WICKED ONE (Genesis 3:14, 15, 4:25, Matthew 13:37 KJV, Matthew 13:38 KJV, Matthew 13:39 KJV, Matthew 24:33 KJV, Matthew 24:34 KJV, Matthew 24:35 KJV who killed Abel, John 8:44 KJV, John 8:37 KJV, John 8:44 KJV, John 8:47 KJV), and (Cain) slew his brother (Abel). And wherefore slew he him? Because his (Cain’s) own works were evil (Genesis 4:8, 9, 10), and his brother’s (Abel) righteous.”​

You proffer divine comprehension of 1John 3:9 NIV, taken TOTALLY out of context, contrasted drastically with 1John 3:9 KJV… then please explain to this great unwashed, non-Holy Ghost inspired congregation, WBM: What was the specific and explicit punishment executed upon Cain (Genesis 4:23 KJV v. Genesis 4:23 NIV, who John mentioned in these verses? Didn’t Cain sire a son and build a city (Genesis 4:17 KJV)?

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

Seth, a generation younger (Genesis 4:25 KJV) lived 912 years and died before the flood (Genesis 5:8). So, how was Cain, mentioned in John’s verses, specifically and explicitly punished? Yet, you arrogantly expect the great unwashed to accept your self-exalted, INaccurate, alleged ‘Holy Ghost’ rendition from 1John 3:9 NIV, drastically contrasted with the 1John 3:9 KJV (you need a KJV Bible)? Seriously?

Break it down, Word based magician… How, when, and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh executed? Then you are ‘Holy Ghost’ clueless rendering 1John 3:9 KJV out of context from a lesser translation of this verse 1John 3:9 NIV.

We are CURENTLY spiritual children of God while we are in the flesh. Do you charismatics have a problem with Jesus delaying His return (Matthew 24:48 KJV, Matthew 24:49 KJV, Matthew 24:50 KJV, Matthew 24:51 KJV)? You charismatic folk kinda jumped the gun there, didn’t you? We THEN become the sons of God upon Jesus’ second advent. How about responding first with your alleged ‘Holy Ghost’ rendition of Cain’s execution in the flesh for premeditating the murder of righteous Abel (Matthew 23:33 KJV, Matthew 23:34 KJV, Matthew 23:35 KJV, Matthew 23:36 KJV). Thereby, edify yourselves that you are not possessed with a false spirit.


well it is nice to meet a kjv only'er
all other versions are trash right?
of course some have problems just like original kjv which should include the apocrypha. right?
what happened to that .

I wont answer all of your machine gun points
and probably would if you weren't condescending.

The main point I was putting forth is that the born again spirit cannot sin.
unless you are saying that all people born again never ever sin again.
1 john 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

then we have 1 john 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for ((his)) seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God
not capitalized referring to the born again spirit/seed birthed in us from above
it is incorruptible.
cannot sin.

magician is very different than a mystic.

a mystic keeps his eyes on things above.

phillipians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
keeping our thoughts and eyes on Christ.

Recognizing that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places

realizing that it is spiritual empowerment/grace that equips us to live holy and righteous in Christ.

believing that all things are possible for those that believe.
as we ask, pray, knock, seek. recognizing we won't receive if we ask in the flesh or amiss.
If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

a mystic recognizes that mental knowledge and manipulation is of lesser value than (comprehending) which means {experiencing} the love of God. And that is all wrapped up in relationship and communing with The Father which is wrapped up in putting on the mind of Christ which are (ALL) wrapped up in walking in the Spirit.

you perceive scripture in the least supernatural and Christ empowering way to believers.

The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to empower believers equipping us with spiritual weapons (not mental/carnal ones). We co- labor with Christ in the Spirit not fleshly methods, we reconcile with spiritual weapons.

John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
I believe in Him.

sarcasm and condescension is not a norm for christians response to those that call on the name of the Lord and profess belief in Christ and the gospel, which I do.

feel free to call me magician all you want but know that you do it in a misleading condescending and spiteful way. As it has nothing to do with me.

I used kjv specifically for you and will do so in the future for context.

Grace In Him


New member
well it is nice to meet a kjv only'er
all other versions are trash right?
of course some have problems just like original kjv which should include the apocrypha. right?
what happened to that .

I wont answer all of your machine gun points
and probably would if you weren't condescending.

The main point I was putting forth is that the born again spirit cannot sin.
unless you are saying that all people born again never ever sin again.
1 john 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

then we have 1 john 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for ((his)) seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God
not capitalized referring to the born again spirit/seed birthed in us from above
it is incorruptible.
cannot sin.

magician is very different than a mystic.

a mystic keeps his eyes on things above.

phillipians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
keeping our thoughts and eyes on Christ.

Recognizing that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places

realizing that it is spiritual empowerment/grace that equips us to live holy and righteous in Christ.

believing that all things are possible for those that believe.
as we ask, pray, knock, seek. recognizing we won't receive if we ask in the flesh or amiss.
If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

a mystic recognizes that mental knowledge and manipulation is of lesser value than (comprehending) which means {experiencing} the love of God. And that is all wrapped up in relationship and communing with The Father which is wrapped up in putting on the mind of Christ which are (ALL) wrapped up in walking in the Spirit.

you perceive scripture in the least supernatural and Christ empowering way to believers.

The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to empower believers equipping us with spiritual weapons (not mental/carnal ones). We co- labor with Christ in the Spirit not fleshly methods, we reconcile with spiritual weapons.

John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
I believe in Him.

sarcasm and condescension is not a norm for christians response to those that call on the name of the Lord and profess belief in Christ and the gospel, which I do.

feel free to call me magician all you want but know that you do it in a misleading condescending and spiteful way. As it has nothing to do with me.

I used kjv specifically for you and will do so in the future for context.

Grace In Him
A hardy AMEN. I am surprised at how much agreement I have for your post. Encouraging, here on TOL, where we too often seem to bite and devour each other . . . . where we too often seem to WANT to bite and devour each other.

This forum provides us all with the opportunity to feast on ideas in the name of the Lord. It is not to be confused with meal time.

Grace to you.


New member
well it is nice to meet a kjv only'er
all other versions are trash right?

I prefer the KJV, other translations have their benefit, settles that debate at the click of a mouse. But clearly the NIV left you holding the trash bag on this verse: 1John 3:9 KJV v. 1John 3:9 NIV. I hate playing a battle of TRUTH with a one-armed opponent.

of course some have problems just like original kjv which should include the apocrypha. right?
what happened to that .

Your omnipotence is showing, WBM... the Apocrypha IS included in the 1611 KJV, got one?

I wont answer all of your machine gun points
and probably would if you weren't condescending.

You CAN'T answer the bolded question:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

Your arrogance circumvents that one like the leprosy.

The main point I was putting forth is that the born again spirit cannot sin.
unless you are saying that all people born again never ever sin again.
1 john 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

I'm familiar with the notion "the born again spirit cannot sin." I suggest considering Matthew 24:9, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24. Do you proffer you are beyond delusion? Then how about trying one of these healing miracles: John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, Acts 3:2. AND provide before and after DNA not available in those days! Heal any medically confirmed hemophilia, lately? Leprosy? Wean an insulin-dependent diabetic? I didn't think so... but, you'll take the testimony of a jungle inhabitant, who according to you said he saw a yellow snake leave his body... did you see that yellow snake, WBM? What orifice did said snake exit? Then, how do you know the snake didn't enter you?

then we have 1 john 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for ((his)) seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God
not capitalized referring to the born again spirit/seed birthed in us from above
it is incorruptible.
cannot sin.

Was Mary your mother? Jesus was born of Mary via His immaculate conception. Were you immaculately conceived? Jesus never sired flesh children, for ((HIS)) seed remaineth in HIM. Clutching straws to exalt yourself, WBM... Jesus, exclusively referred to by John in 1John 3:1 KJV, was "him" and NOT upper case... Not in 1John 3:2 KJV, not in 1John 3:3 KJV.

magician is very different than a mystic.

Both are related to twisted Sister Sonya... You cast out yellow snakes, do you do cards and palms, too?

a mystic keeps his eyes on things above.

I know you walked on water heading up the Amazon... it's the levitation thing I have a problem with.

phillipians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
keeping our thoughts and eyes on Christ.

Be honest, WBM... show us the DNA. Your thoughts are on your exalted self (Genesis 3:4 KJV, Genesis 3:5 KJV).

Recognizing that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places

Have you looked in a mirror lately? The children of God walk planet earth. The sons of God WILL reside when Jesus returns. But, hey... what the heck... you're up there looking down at the great unwashed. I'm down here looking up. I just can't see you sitting on the right hand of Jesus at the moment.

realizing that it is spiritual empowerment/grace that equips us to live holy and righteous in Christ.

Then you are beyond delusion and sin? Then, you ain't got anything anyone else here doesn't have, except maybe for an exalted ego.

believing that all things are possible for those that believe.
as we ask, pray, knock, seek. recognizing we won't receive if we ask in the flesh or amiss.

That's right... if you can't heal 'em its there un-belief, not your exalted POWUH! HEEEEYUL! You make a mockery of the supernatural Biblical miracles.

If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

It's not IF, it's WHEN we walk in the Spirit... and your lust of the flesh is your arrogance.

a mystic recognizes that mental knowledge and manipulation is of lesser value than (comprehending) which means {experiencing} the love of God. And that is all wrapped up in relationship and communing with The Father which is wrapped up in putting on the mind of Christ which are (ALL) wrapped up in walking in the Spirit.

Really? Then how about unwrapping that DNA, Word based magician? Your love of yourself permeates your posts. Turn a little water into wine. I can turn wine into water, ROFLOL! Beer, too, for that matter. In fact, I think that's rather miraculous. Now it's your turn, whether or not you walk on it.

you perceive scripture in the least supernatural and Christ empowering way to believers.

Uhhh, I think Jesus & Co performing genetic reconstructions to be quite supernatural. Much less than raising the dead. What you do fulfills Matthew 24:24 KJV.

The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to empower believers equipping us with spiritual weapons (not mental/carnal ones). We co- labor with Christ in the Spirit not fleshly methods, we reconcile with spiritual weapons.

Does this mean you're not going to produce the DNA edifying yourself then? You allegedly "co-labor with Christ in the Spirit not fleshly methods..." So, your alleged fleshly miracles are a farce. Got any agrarian miracles (Matthew 21:19 KJV)?

John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
I believe in Him.

Fulfilled in John 19:33 KJV, John 19:34 KJV.

sarcasm and condescension is not a norm for christians response to those that call on the name of the Lord and profess belief in Christ and the gospel, which I do.

Demons believed in Jesus, called upon the name of the Lord, and referred to the gospel: Mark 5:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Did you eat any raw pork in the jungles of Amazon? I watched one guy die with a worm in his brain... didn't check the autopsy report to see if it was yellow, though.

feel free to call me magician all you want but know that you do it in a misleading condescending and spiteful way. As it has nothing to do with me.

Jesus called His detractors "Hypocrites!" seven times in Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29. You, sir, are a hypocrite... that is, unless you can render up some DNA, walk on water, turn water into wine, wither any ole tree, or raise the dead.

I used kjv specifically for you and will do so in the future for context.

Grace In Him

Then, beyond all the aforementioned miracles you cannot substantiate before a literate crowd, who missed your answer about whether or not you saw a yellow snake exit some poor jungle sap... If you gave him a watch or a clock... he'd probably think you were a time traveler, btw, and tell you his ancestors prophesied your divine arrival a few generations ago, betting on another can of spam. Before you unveil more of your omnipotence rendering 1John 3:9 KJV v. 1John 3:9 NIV, how 'bout rending up your exalted illumination to the following, Word based fire walker, as evidence you've got the POWUH!!!

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

Best be hiking back up the Amazon river... brother Sonya. Me thinks that jungle POWUH went straight to your head. I do suggest a head CT, though. Do you do ebola, btw?


Word based mystic

New member
kayaker you posted "Your omnipotence is showing, WBM... the Apocrypha IS included in the 1611 KJV, got one?"

that was my exact point. yup taken out in 1825
your original translators used it as a source. was that divinely inspired?

now you accuse me of perceiving myself as omnipotent.

lie. why would you do that. Is part of your character to ignore scripture in how you treat your neighbor or brother who confesses Christ or even your enemies.

and if you read the testimony i said the indigenous indian said that is what (he) saw.

looks like you are quite angry and disturbed about God answering prayers.

I think you may have a religious demon that is afraid of being cast out of you.

fear of having the gospel fully preached

holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.

Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have ((fully preached)) the gospel of Christ.

are you fully preaching the gospel in any fashion.

we are encouraged to share testimonies. Tell us some of yours please.

as to showing x-rays and the like. you like the atheists i occasionally speak with wouldn't believe either medical summaries or testimonies you would be claiming they are liars.

peace and grace as you pursue The Lord.

I will start praying that God would reveal a bit more of His love and peace.
Last edited:


New member
kayaker you posted "Your omnipotence is showing, WBM... the Apocrypha IS included in the 1611 KJV, got one?"

that was my exact point. yup taken out in 1825
your original translators used it as a source. was that divinely inspired?

Beats your NIV translation of 1John 3:9 KJV!

now you accuse me of perceiving myself as omnipotent.

lie. why would you do that.

That's simple: Matthew 24:24 KJV.

Is part of your character to ignore scripture in how you treat your neighbor or brother who confesses Christ or even your enemies.

Jesus called His detractors, "Hypocrites!" So, no... I'm not ignoring Scripture. Even the demons confessed Christ. Jesus & Co. cast out demons... so, there's even HOPE for you!

and if you read the testimony i said the indigenous indian said that is what (he) saw.

You said that poor sap (looking for another can of span) also said he heard everything you said in his native tongue. Were you like the only English speaking missionary the dude ran into? Was he wearing a banana leaf loin cloth? Well, we have non-English speaking folk in the U.S... so, I know several you can demonstrate your alleged divinity to. Save you a trip treading the Amazon, afoot, acting like some god before those illiterate Amazonians.

looks like you are quite angry and disturbed about God answering prayers.

So far, God hasn't answered my prayer that you can answer:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

And, I don't think God is a hypocrite!

I think you may have a religious demon that is afraid of being cast out of you.

fear of having the gospel fully preached

Well, the last time I checked, I didn't see a yellow snake slithering out of my porcelain throne, ROFLOL. So, your job ain't finished I suppose. Jesus could perform telepathic miracles healing the centurion's friend over a day's ride away, even the vexed daughter. You graduate to such miracles, yet? You've not heard the gospel about those telepathic healings, then.

holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.

Since you can't perform telepathic miracles, agrarian miracles, genetic reconstructions, raise the dead, walk on water, or turn water into wine... I'll stick to my turning wine into water. No DNA, huh?

Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have ((fully preached)) the gospel of Christ.

Sure, Paul utilized the Holy Ghost translating the Gospel into 15 languages evangelizing the Gentiles (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV). You probable didn't catch that v.5 in your NIV, Genesis 10:5 NIV.

are you fully preaching the gospel in any fashion.

I'm speaking in tongues, and you've not Scripturally challenged countless verses, other than 1John 3:9 KJV referring to Jesus (1John 3:2 KJV, 1John 3:3 KJV) that was mistranslated in your NIV, 1John 3:9 NIV. So, it's clearly up to the Holy Spirit, not me.

we are encouraged to share testimonies. Tell us some of yours please.

I read and study the Scripture, OT included. I think connecting Genesis 9:22 KJV with Leviticus 18:11 KJV sorta rattles the timbers. Furthermore, connecting 9:23 KJV, with Japheth being the 'father' of the Gentiles, correlates nicely with Paul's revelation about the Corinthians (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). That's quite a testimony. I came across a 93 y/o woman last summer afflicted with a withered right upper extremity. I told her Jesus healed such, she wasn't accursed by Almighty God, and to get her grandkids to look up Poland's syndrome pics on Google.

as to showing x-rays and the like. you like the atheists i occasionally speak with wouldn't believe either medical summaries or testimonies you would be claiming they are liars.

You don't provide evidence because there is none. You are the liar. Charlatans like you give atheists a good name. Send Jungle Jim right over, and I'll crank up the rads and render that X-ray.

peace and grace as you pursue The Lord.

I will start praying that God would reveal a bit more of His love and peace.

I've been praying that you could answer this utterly simple question:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected, WBM?

God wasn't a liar, but you are full of dead mens' bones. John discussed both Jesus and Cain in 1John 3... you mentioned neither, and put yourself in the limelight: Genesis 24:24 KJV.

I pray that God has mercy on your soul.



New member
The Error Bowl

Double Cross Reference


I don't guess your rabid rabbi has rendered up the answer:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected?

I guess that's an answer only the Holy Spirit can provide. What about those two divine testimonies, then (John 8:17, 18)? Maybe your raving rabbi is a few rungs short of the truth, then (John 8:30 KJV, John 8:31 KJV, John 8:32 KJV).

Word based mystic

New member

I don't guess your rabid rabbi has rendered up the answer:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected?

I guess that's an answer only the Holy Spirit can provide. What about those two divine testimonies, then (John 8:17, 18)? Maybe your raving rabbi is a few rungs short of the truth, then (John 8:30 KJV, John 8:31 KJV, John 8:32 KJV).

well I think it is sad to see such condescension and judgement.
someday we will both know.
but as of now for 35 years I have seen God use his children to do wonderful works in answers to prayers.

you may deny answered prayers all you want.
It does not make what God has done through His children and with the Holy Spirit.

as to your obsession with cain. not sure why you are asking?? Of what great importance is it to you??

Is it a determining factor on how you judge people.
I do have a summary belief in where cain and the Lord were speaking.
I will tell you after you tell me why it is so critical to you.



I don't guess your rabid rabbi has rendered up the answer:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected?

I guess that's an answer only the Holy Spirit can provide. What about those two divine testimonies, then (John 8:17, 18)? Maybe your raving rabbi is a few rungs short of the truth, then (John 8:30 KJV, John 8:31 KJV, John 8:32 KJV).

Cain's punishment effected?
And Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. (*Genesis‬ *4‬:*16‬ ASV)


New member
well I think it is sad to see such condescension and judgement.
someday we will both know.

I think it is a sad situation to witness your arrogant omnipotence, highlighting your own divinity, and looking upon those who you can't heal as unbelievers. That's called accusing the brethren. Someday you'll know. I know right now you fit the bill for Matthew 24:24 KJV.

but as of now for 35 years I have seen God use his children to do wonderful works in answers to prayers.

One year of healing hypocrisy, 35 times. Even Cain's great...grandson Lamech prophesied Jesus' arrival generation (Genesis 4:24 KJV, Luke 3:38-23).

you may deny answered prayers all you want.

You can fulfill Matthew 24:24 KJV all you want...

It does not make what God has done through His children and with the Holy Spirit.

If Jesus & Co. were physically present today, you couldn't keep the molecular geneticists and genetically afflicted folk away from them. His children are also in science and medicine impacting the lives of those afflicted, which you cannot heal mocking their unbelief. Where's the DNA? Walk on water, wine into water, wither a blade of grass, raise the dead... I can wither a blade of grass after I turn wine into water, ROFLOL!

as to your obsession with cain. not sure why you are asking?? Of what great importance is it to you??

Is it a determining factor on how you judge people.
I do have a summary belief in where cain and the Lord were speaking.
I will tell you after you tell me why it is so critical to you.

In 1John 3, which you brought to this table, John discussed Jesus, the children of God (this side of Jesus' 2nd advent) contrasted with sons of God (at Jesus' 2nd advent), and Cain. So, you're going to tell me you have divine rendering of 1John 3:9 KJV taken TOTALLY out of context? You told IntoJoy to read on..., and Cain was mentioned before John's subject significantly shifted. So, you proffer divine rendering of 1John 3:9 KJV corroborating your elated status as a son of God, but don't have a clue how Cain's punishment was executed? It's real simple WBM... since you can't render-up Cain's punishment in the flesh, who was indirectly, and directly mentioned in the next three verses, rare in the God's Word other than Genesis, then, your elated rendering that you are a son of God via 1John 3:9 KJV is utterly confounded. Do you suppose John knew what Cain's flesh punishment was? I proffer John utterly knew the disposition of Cain.

I'm not particularly interested in your diversion summary belief where Cain and the Lord were speaking, although appreciated. I'm asking you how Cain was physically punished in the flesh for the premeditated murder of Abel... as 1John 3:12 KJV mentioned, just three verses beyond your self-exalting rendition of 1John 3:9 KJV. Cain was indirectly referred to in 1John 9:10 KJV and 1John 9:11 KJV, and then directly identified in 1John 3:12 KJV. But, you don't have a clue how Cain was physically punished for the premeditated murder of Abel. And, you think you're a son of God who has the Holy Ghost evidenced by your alleged ability to heal folk, backing into 1John 3:9 KJV out of context? Then answer the question:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected?

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New member
Cain's punishment effected?
And Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. (*Genesis‬ *4‬:*16‬ ASV)

I have to give you credit that that's a good start, ITJ. In Genesis 4:17 KJV, Cain took a wife, sired a son, and built the first city. What's particularly punitive about that? Please reconsider Genesis 4:14 KJV... what happened to the "fugitive and a vagabond in the earth"? Do you find Scripture where God ever rescinded this? Cain wouldn't have lived long enough to die from the flood (Genesis 5:8 KJV). Didn't Cain get off scot-free for the premeditated murder of Abel, then?


Cross Reference

New member
Hey Cross Reverence... might want to work on jsjohnnt... he sounds like over-ripe low hanging fruit, prime candidate for speaking in tongue and joining the charismatic movement.

For one to pursue the Pentecostal baptism one need only to pursue God and Jesus Christ, Who He has sent. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him for intimacy. It is the essence of everlasting life. If you would even entertain the thought you would see just how selffish you are and how much you lie when you go to church __ if you go at all.

Cross Reference

New member
I have to give you credit that that's a good start, ITJ. In Genesis 4:17 KJV, Cain took a wife, sired a son, and built the first city. What's particularly punitive about that? Please reconsider Genesis 4:14 KJV... what happened to the "fugitive and a vagabond in the earth"? Do you find Scripture where God ever rescinded this? Cain wouldn't have lived long enough to die from the flood (Genesis 5:8 KJV). Didn't Cain get off scot-free for the premeditated murder of Abel, then?


You would question God and His purposes in the way He would judge or continue with such a person? Who are you that any explanation would satisfy your audacity in asking without knowledge to handle any answer He might give you? __ except to look for more resaons to continue living like the world?

OMT: All who have been born again have been so born again by an immaculate conception and that by faith.

Question: What are you doing with your "Immaculate conception"?
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Word based mystic

New member
I think it is a sad situation to witness your arrogant omnipotence, highlighting your own divinity, and looking upon those who you can't heal as unbelievers. That's called accusing the brethren. Someday you'll know. I know right now you fit the bill for Matthew 24:24 KJV.

One year of healing hypocrisy, 35 times. Even Cain's great...grandson Lamech prophesied Jesus' arrival generation (Genesis 4:24 KJV, Luke 3:38-23).


In 1John 3, which you brought to this table, John discussed Jesus, the children of God (this side of Jesus' 2nd advent) contrasted with sons of God (at Jesus' 2nd advent), and Cain. So, you're going to tell me you have divine rendering of 1John 3:9 KJV taken TOTALLY out of context? You told IntoJoy to read on..., and Cain was mentioned before John's subject significantly shifted. So, you proffer divine rendering of 1John 3:9 KJV corroborating your elated status as a son of God, but don't have a clue how Cain's punishment was executed? It's real simple WBM... since you can't render-up Cain's punishment in the flesh, who was indirectly, and directly mentioned in the next three verses, rare in the God's Word other than Genesis, then, your elated rendering that you are a son of God via 1John 3:9 KJV is utterly confounded. Do you suppose John knew what Cain's flesh punishment was? I proffer John utterly knew the disposition of Cain.

I'm not particularly interested in your diversion summary belief where Cain and the Lord were speaking, although appreciated. I'm asking you how Cain was physically punished in the flesh for the premeditated murder of Abel... as 1John 3:12 KJV mentioned, just three verses beyond your self-exalting rendition of 1John 3:9 KJV. Cain was indirectly referred to in 1John 9:10 KJV and 1John 9:11 KJV, and then directly identified in 1John 3:12 KJV. But, you don't have a clue how Cain was physically punished for the premeditated murder of Abel. And, you think you're a son of God who has the Holy Ghost evidenced by your alleged ability to heal folk, backing into 1John 3:9 KJV out of context? Then answer the question:

When and where was Cain’s punishment in the flesh (Genesis 4:11, 12, 13, 14) effected?


so you imply that {because} I see the scriptures showing the born again spirit which Christ implants within us as incorruptibe and can't be stained with sin that some how 1 john 3:9 does not corroborate or affirm that a mans born again spirit can't sin.

is that right?

the above understanding of the born again spirit/seed allows for the tension of
1 john 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
and 1 john 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
the soul and the flesh can sin yet we still have an advocate.
the incorruptible seed/born again spirit which is seated in heavenly places cannot not be corrupted by sin.

By the way I never said that those who don't ask/pray for God to heal are not christian or born again.

But rather that they do not believe that God can heal today. And thus in that area they do not believe and therefore they do not ask or look for God to use them in that fashion.

incorrect in your judgement on this
"arrogant omnipotence, highlighting your own divinity, and looking upon those who you can't heal as unbelievers. That's called accusing the brethren. Someday you'll know. I know right now you fit the bill for Matthew 24:24 KJV."

you qouted "So, you're going to tell me you have divine rendering of"applied to me.
and by implying i dont understand it correctly, you put yourself in the (divine rendering) position?? accuse me of doing the same thing you are doing.

looking for the worst possible concept or intentions? your eyes and heart are full of suspicion and labeling pretending to judge your fellow man or brother's intentions or heart.

you have a baseline judgement on whether someone is born again or not on whether someone can or can't answer your cain and abel question?? I did not know that that was a condition of salvation??

I have ((never said)) I have an ability to heal. Period.
Christ does that. The more i and others pray for God to move in healing the higher the % people get healed.

Do you believe that God answers prayers. How do you partition out what prayers God will answer and in what manner???

("your elated rendering that you are a son of God via 1John 3:9 KJV"
what are you talking about in your above statement?? I didnt relate that i am a son of God in relation to that verse.
you are quite confusing on a lot of your accusations.

I was discussing whether christians can sin and how 1 john 3:9 and 1 john 1:8 and how that tension between the 2 verses may be answered by understanding the flesh may sin, but the born again spirit/seed is not stained by it.

you quoted "I proffer John utterly knew the disposition of Cain."
So please enlighten us with your divinely and elated rendering of Johns understanding Since it seems to be the main point in peoples salvation.


New member
For one to pursue the Pentecostal baptism one need only to pursue God and Jesus Christ, Who He has sent. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him for intimacy. It is the essence of everlasting life. If you would even entertain the thought you would see just how selffish you are and how much you lie when you go to church __ if you go at all.

See, Cross Reference... you've been drinking the koolaid for so long...

"one ONLY need to pursue God and Jesus Christ"

And, your notion includes pursuit of the Holy Ghost. I've got that part. The difference is you folk think tongue-speak is the ONLY affirmation one is so honored.

"He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him for intimacy."

And, your notion suggests ONLY those who have attained tongue-speak have achieved such, vicariously having achieved such intimacy via the Holy Ghost, affirmed by tongue-speak.

"It is the essence of everlasting life."

And, your notion includes those who ONLY tongue-speak. Tongue-speak is the assumed evidence one has achieved possession by the Holy Ghost, and such is ONLY affirmed via tongue-speak.

"If you would even entertain the thought you would see just how selffish you are..."

Selfish are those who think they have exclusive rights space-docking with God, CR.

You've been in this arena for 70 some odd years, and you don't have a clue to those two divine testimonies (John 8:17, 18). Such discernment distinguishes a believer (John 8:30 KJV) from a disciple of Jesus (John 8:31 KJV), Jesus' own words promising "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32 KJV). What was the truth, CR. What were those two divine testimonies?

Show me a church which teaches these explicit testimonies. Witnesses do testify, do they not? Jesus breathed upon His disciples... not the multitudes. You folk are into the Holy Ghost experience allegedly evidenced by tongue-speak, but don't have a clue to these two divine testimonies converting believers (John 8:30 KJV) into disciples (John 8:31 KJV). In that case, tongue-speakers don't have anything on anyone: Childhood selfishness... My Holy Ghost is bigger than your Holy Ghost. My intimacy is bigger than your intimacy. My everlasting life is bigger than your everlasting life.

Here's my "church", CR: Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV appreciated in Matthew 18:20 KJV. Anything more than that is selfishness, Inc. I don't get answers in what you consider church. I've never even heard anywhere how Cain's punishment was effected in the flesh. Then, what's righteous about that? Cain premeditated the murder of his brother, buried the body, and lied about it... the fact Cain wasn't slain to begin with edifies God's grace and mercy. So, either Cain got off scot-free, or God is inconsistent. Either God's punishment was executed, or He's inconsistent... or, you don't know how Cain's punishment was effected. The answer to that question would be a clearer indication one dines with the Holy Ghost than your notion of tongue-speak. What sayest thou?

Where did the Gentiles come from, target population of Paul? EVERY Christian should be able to answer that question with one name, while you folks, like most Christians, wander in the dark.

What happened in Noah's tent? Jesus thought such was important (Matthew 24:36, 37, 38, 39)... while you folks wander in the dark, like most Christians, fulfilling Matthew 13:13 KJV, Matthew 13:14 KV, Matthew 13:15 KJV, unlike Jesus' disciples (Matthew 13:16 KJV), with all due respect (Matthew 13:17 KJV).

I thought we were instructed to make disciples out of believers, Cross Reference, not tongue-speakers. But, I do get the impression you think tongue-speaking is synonymous with being a disciple. However, you cannot provide illumination on those issues, above.


Cross Reference

New member
See, Cross Reference... you've been drinking the koolaid for so long...

"one ONLY need to pursue God and Jesus Christ"

And, your notion includes pursuit of the Holy Ghost.

Pardon me but I will tell you when and what my notion is if I ever change the wording of my post, otherwise deal with it as written. Thank you very much.


New member
You would question God and His purposes in the way He would judge or continue with such a person? Who are you that any explanation would satisfy your audacity in asking without knowledge to handle any answer He might give you? __ except to look for more resaons to continue living like the world?

OMT: All who have been born again have been so born again by an immaculate conception and that by faith.

Question: What are you doing with your "Immaculate conception"?

The audacity is yours, Cross Reference. I ask questions exploring Scripture, and I find answers exploring Scripture. I can handle the truth, CR. It's easy being a Matthew 8:20 KJV follower. Living like the world... and tongue-speakers are God's ONLY gift to Christianity. Quite audacious, indeed. Faith is a good thing, CR... Paul talked about faith fulfilled in Hebrews 12:1 KJV, Hebrews 12:2 KJV. Faith fulfilled... your faith is in tongue-speak, not truth.

When we put on Christ, are we 'born again.' And, its never occurred to you that Jesus was a Pharzite Jew, and that those alleged 'Jews' who instigated His crucifixion were NOT Israelite Jews. Following Jesus' infamous words (John 8:32 KJV) to His believers (John 8:30 KJV), taken TOTALLY out of context, Jesus' detractors said, "We be Abraham's seed and were never in bondage to any man..." Do you grasp the notion Jesus detractors were NOT Israelites? It's important CR: Revelation 2:9 KJV, Revelation 3:9 KJV, with emphasis on Revelation 3:10 KJV... and, you wanna talk about tongue-speak?

What are you doing WITH your alleged baptism in the Holy Ghost to offer such illumination? You've been in the koolaid, too long. Who instigated Jesus' crucifixion, CR? Paul made mention along these lines in Romans 9:6, 7, 8, 9, 10... So, you know how to justify tongue-speak. But, I dare boldly say you are clueless to fundamental issues found in His Word.

Please forgive me that I'm utterly underwhelmed with your testimony, other than you believe Jesus is the Son of God. I've got that part, rest assured... His arrival generation was heralded by none other than the great...grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:24 KJV), "seventy and sevenfold"... count those generations illuminated by Luke in Luke 3:38 KJV with God is generation #1, Adam generation #2, Seth #3, and so forth. That prophecy has been on the Books for thousands of years... Does this resonate for you? Maybe there's more in Scripture than meets the ears of those listening to tongue-speak. I'm interested in the truth, and I'm unimpressed with the possession of truth by faith-healers and tongue-speakers... charismatics.

So, when you get over your selfish audaciousness... you might seek a little more truth in issues along those lines, rather than edifying yourself with tongue-speak. The truth edifies His believers, CR... John 8:30 KJV, John 8:31 KJV, John 8:32 KJV. Don't answer for my sake... answer for your own. And, the Lamb's Book of Life will not be exclusively filled with tongue-speakers and faith healers (Matthew 24:24 KJV).


Word based mystic

New member
I cant find any indication given in the passages that the curse also applied to Cain’s descendents. , the nature of the curse itself, and the plain reading of the text, speaks against the idea that it is applied to his descendants.

similarly If it was given to his descendants wouldn't the mark placed upon him that protected him also be upon his descendants?

being driven from the face of the earth and the face of the Lord indicates the loss of interaction with both in a spiritual and supernatural dimension.
not being able to subdue the earth and not being able to commune Spirit to spirit with the Lord.

He is then sent east of eden in the same fashion as adam and eve was.

It is interesting to note that cain was firstly in despair about the issue of not being able to interact with the face of the ground.
then secondly less impacting on him was that he could not commune with the face of the Lord.

so His lesser concern was with relationship with the face of the Lord.