
They're called pseudo seizures, or psychosomatic seizures... listen closely to her verbalizations at thirty seconds into the 90 second YouTube clip...


My net is too slow to watch videos right away. I think its ok to dance in the Lord but I think it is very wrong for charismatic leaders to lead crowds to bounce, hop, laugh, yell, shake, jump to earn the baptism of the holy ghost. Did you know that the same movements produces vocal babbles in other religions? yes, they are the same. The only difference is that your yelling out praise Jesus while being under the spell of the crowds. Its stupid to claim other religion has demonic tongues while the chrismatics are doing exactly the same thing. I would never want to hang in a crowd of stupidity. That is a real demonic party!

Word based mystic

New member
Seriously? Some physician allegedly put a metal plate in his chest because he was growing too rapidly? I'm not into pediatrics, but I've never heard that one!!! I don't suppose anyone grabbed a metal detector? Cheap way to find out if your toddler swallowed anything metal! Those devices would light up like an airport security scan! But, let's not try that one... So... the metal disappeared because they can't feel it? NO suture/staple line? Dude??? Where's the medical report, before and after simple X-rays...

WOW! And, you think that's a "medical pursuit"? I don't suppose you even need a medical evaluation with that kinda POWUH!...(Matthew 24:24 KJV)... So, sure, grab even a metal detector at least! Where's the medical report? Quite often those plates and screws are later removed, maybe the fentanyl and versed (analgesic/amnesiac) used during conscious sedation was turned up, and she just remembered.
DNA, WBM... medical reports.

So, get in touch with your buds and tell 'em a before and after healing metal detection test would at least impress a layman, and even that can be rigged. Oh... that's right... there wouldn't be any BEFORE test. Your buds need a new and improved scam... since the dissolution of metal is the newest gig in town.


i was telling you to go pursue the truth if you like.

i am familiar with some of bill johnsons fellowships
and been to some of his meetings

yup healings happen.

if a metal plate was there you can go find out details.

I have been part of or seen too many healings The lord has done, to flippantly discount GODs still moving supernaturally today. The christian life is a fundamentally a spiritual/supernatural life. Not a mental/philosophical life.

and if I were in your position of unbelief. I would take the time to make sure. not go online and do a negative search looking for the youtubes with scam or fake as the main title.

go interview. Go talk to the persons healed. I would invite you hear but that is outside of TOL's rules.

Even one healing destroys your premise

Word based mystic

New member
You have given a full account of your unbelief, in that you want to deny the good by using the bad.


denying the good by using the bad false or fake as examples.

nice statement.

The pharisees see awesome miracles and results and they focus on whether it happens on the sabbaath.

I still see these commands as valid in scripture.

Heal the sick, cast out demons,
call the elders to pray the prayer of faith
do not forbid speaking in tongues
earnestly pursue/seek spiritual gifts
in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; (fully preach the gospel) are you fully preaching the gospel?
they (will) speak in ((new)) tongues
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God

The above commands and more are not only valid but an expectation to be expressed within fellowships.

And always remember NOT TO BE impressed with gifts
but rather LOVE be the source and motive for the expression of gifts

more importantly be impressed with character over a long period of time. This proves a mans leadership and eldership within a body.

gentleness, kindness, patience.

the expressions of the supernatural gifts proves on has faith but does not prove ones correctness in doctrine.

Lazy afternoon

"Because it is nothing more than religious hysteria" found at

"they used to call it possession, then they called it hysteria, now they call it somatiform disorder" found at

"Neither Gods nor Demons But Misfiring Brains" found at

People go over the top wherever the real is happening.

The flesh is used to cover up the real.

Ask why , after the Lord had preached the truth throughout Israel and done so many miracles, that so many of the people turned against Him.

The same as occurred in every revival since.

When the word of the Lord is preached, there comes forth both Ishmaels and Esaus in the majority, as well as the true disciples.

When you learn that then you will not reject the good with the bad.



People go over the top wherever the real is happening.

The flesh is used to cover up the real.

Ask why , after the Lord had preached the truth throughout Israel and done so many miracles, that so many of the people turned against Him.

The same as occurred in every revival since.

When the word of the Lord is preached, there comes forth both Ishmaels and Esaus in the majority, as well as the true disciples.

When you learn that then you will not reject the good with the bad.


been there and done that in both places.


New member
never be impressed with a mans charisma or gifts

always be impressed with a mans consistent character over many years and especially his love, gentleness, kindness, longsuffering, peace, self control
and the like....


Exactly. Luv your post. It is signature worthy even.


not in the way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers; but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; (*Ephesians‬ *6‬:*6‬ ASV)

Word based mystic

New member
being impressed with long-time character and trustworthiness as well as fruits of kindness, gentleness, love and the such is the conditions on how elders and leaders are chosen, is important because.

character is how elders and leaders are chosen and how disciples should feel comfort on whom is discipling.

being impressed with what and how the Lord has developed trustworthy character in an elder gives the grid for a fellowship to develop discipleship in the next generation.

OF COURSE the scripture is the baseline for all activity.

but also (the words of "our" testimony) is one of the ways we defeat the enemy.

Not just the testimony of our salvation but also how we work out our salvation.
NO it is not our work that equates our salvation.

but the scripture is referring to the practical and supernatural empowerment on how the Holy Spirit works through us.

discipleship is not (just) about memorizing scripture and concepts.
but even more important doing/obeying the commands in scripture in Spirit led activity.

So to summarize the words of our testimony and the trustworthiness of an elder are important considerations in a healthy fellowship.


Well-known member
And what is the Will of God, in your estimation?

Hi and I believe that by " will of God " intojoy means Rom 12:2 , " And do not be fashioned according to this AGE , but be transformed by the renewal of your Mind , in order for you to PROVE what ( is ) the good and WELL PLEASING and PERFECT WILL of God ."

dan p


Well-known member
And what is the Will of God, in your estimation?

Hi and the will of God is found in 1 Cor 12:7 , But we speak God's wisdom by means of ( the ) MYSTERY (and not by Pentecost ) the one HAVING BEEN KEPT SECRET , which God FOREORDAINED before the AGES for your glory , and here it is !!

To be in the WILL of God , you have to be preaching the MYSTERY !!



And what is the Will of God, in your estimation?

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (*Romans‬ *12‬:*1-2‬ ASV)

Lazy afternoon

Hi and the will of God is found in 1 Cor 12:7 , But we speak God's wisdom by means of ( the ) MYSTERY (and not by Pentecost ) the one HAVING BEEN KEPT SECRET , which God FOREORDAINED before the AGES for your glory , and here it is !!

To be in the WILL of God , you have to be preaching the MYSTERY !!


So what is the mystery you speak of?


Cross Reference

New member
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (*Romans‬ *12‬:*1-2‬ ASV)

Absolutely! Is this not what "striving to enter in" is all about? Dying to self? Overcoming in this life the issue/subjection to of "vanity" that follows us as the air we breath? I think so __ I know so.


New member
Hallelujah! Praise God!

Yes, it only requires faith and the prayer/s of a godly person.

Sometimes even the prayers are not needed. That has occurred for me too just for the asking.

Hi Levolor, I respect and admire you very much, not because of doctrine but because of your gentile and encouraging spirit. It is above obvious to me that you of us all are full of the Holy Spirit. Tell me, do you speak in tongues? I have long believed that tongues have ceased, being not needed as the Gospel spread into the Greek speaking world ~ but I know Spirit-filled Christians who have what they call a "prayer language." This makes no sense to me, as Paul writes, it is better to speak one word plainly than 10 incomprehensible (or something along those lines). Yet they do and seem very sincere about it. To me, however, it sounds like gibberish and borders on just plain scary.

Cross Reference

New member
Hi Levolor, I respect and admire you very much, not because of doctrine but because of your gentile and encouraging spirit. It is above obvious to me that you of us all are full of the Holy Spirit. Tell me, do you speak in tongues? I have long believed that tongues have ceased, being not needed as the Gospel spread into the Greek speaking world ~ but I know Spirit-filled Christians who have what they call a "prayer language." This makes no sense to me, as Paul writes, it is better to speak one word plainly than 10 incomprehensible (or something along those lines). Yet they do and seem very sincere about it. To me, however, it sounds like gibberish and borders on just plain scary.
Such [gentle] dishonesty is so disappointing from one who claims the Name of Christ.