Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
When you wean an insulin-dependent juvenile diabetic, let the medical community hear about it, I mean... share the love, okay? Jesus could. How about some before and after DNA tests for someone healed of heritable cystic fibrosis? Jesus could. So, I hate to burst your levitated bubble... but, you can't, CR. ....Unbeliever? Jesus was a genetic healer, CR. I do believe such is only slightly beyond your skill set, and I'm not bragging on the medical community, the healthcare INDUSTRY, btw.

I don't know you but this is fully correct.

7 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

The had the ability to give it. It was no dependent on the recipient. Peter raised a man from the dead. Did the dead man have faith and consent to the healing?
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New member
I have a daughter who died of cancer at the young age of 8. She was a believer. Will she do? Notice: I said "I have a daughter". I believe you have a not few things to understand about God that He has no compelling need for you do be satisfied. He'll wait for you ___for a while.

Such is a bitter pill, CR. We do not grieve as those who have no hope, and grieve I do for those who've gone before me. And, the older I get, the more anxious I am for the great reunion. When you can heal my daughter of juvenile diabetes... well, I won't hold my breath, and you can spare me the fantasies. We all die daily, one breath at a time, until the Master calls.

My satisfaction is not fulfilled in childhood fantasies, CR. Truth seems to help, though, a journey. Those who love this world are in for a big surprise, because we've only seen a glimpse of what's beyond. Jesus performed genetic healing miracles from afar... the centurions's friend... the mother with a vexed daughter... Is where Jesus is right now too far away? I don't think so, it's just dark-thirty (John 9:4 KJV), until He returns. Of course, when you can perform genetic healing miracles, maybe the Father should delay His Son's return, catch my drift?



Well-known member
Because you are an unbeliever, Desenex was made for you. Live with the result because that's is all you are going to get..

Hi and it is amazing how you TONGUERS and believers in HEALING even use Doctors ?

Paul had Dr Luke , so stay out of hospitals , so the REAL SICK can get help !!:bang::bang:

dan [

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hi and it is amazing how you TONGUERS and believers in HEALING even use Doctors ?

Paul had Dr Luke , so stay out of hospitals , so the REAL SICK can get help !!:bang::bang:

dan [

Why shouldn't use Dr. and medications. Are they not given from God?


New member
and after Christ's death and up until The imparting of the Holy Spirit to Believers there was night time. After the Holy Spirit came and indwelled believers The born again believers could now (see) daytime the Kingdom of God.
And do the works He did and greater.

I appreciate the notion, WBM. Jesus performed a genetic healing miracle on "...a man which was blind from his birth" (John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Now, please take a look at Acts 3:2, 7, 8. Peter performed a genetic healing miracle on "...a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb." Peter's miracle was before Pentecost, WBM. Paul healed the father of Publius on the inbred isle of Melita (Malta) in the Mediterranean (Acts 28:1, 8). The "fever" and the "bloody flux (bloody diarrhea)" are symptoms of Familial Mediterranean Fever. FMF is a heritable genetic illness given said name in the medical community for is first known place of origin: The Mediterranean, where Paul was, btw.

The woman with an issue of blood for 12 years describes a pubescent female who began her first menstrual cycle at age 12... she was a hemophiliac, and couldn't eat fast enough to compensate, much less get pregnant. The medical community perceives the records of Josephus Flavius' (37 AD - 100 AD) as clearly describing a freshly circumcised baby boy bleeding to death, such that after the second son's similar fate, the third son would be spared circumcision, AND her sister's sons. Prior to the medical community's knowledge, I proffer Jesus healed that young woman of hemophilia such that her children, now that she could get pregnant, were not genetically afflicted. She felt His healing all over her body... genetically, speaking. Females today rarely experience fulminant hemophilia. Their female ancestors all bled out with their first period, a plague, a pandemic, genetic selection, WBM. Or, genetic genocide, a ticking time bomb that explodes in our lives today, until the end of all flesh? What did Ham do in Genesis 9:22 KJV discerned in Leviticus 18:8 KJV, Leviticus 20:11 KJV, Deuteronomy 22:30 KJV, and Deuteronomy 27:20? May I introduce to you the 'father' of heritable genetic illnesses, that cast shadows of doubt about God's fairness in the carrier parents, and their beloved victim children.

Jesus WAS a genetic healer. Peter performed a genetic healing miracle before Pentecost. Paul performed a genetic healing miracle on the shores of the Mediterranean. These folks weren't your every day staff at the local urgent care. Such healers don't even exist in the medical community! Show me the DNA, and current research expresses some success with cautious concerns how such genetic manipulation will impact offspring. Had DNA tests been available in those days, such would have cleared the confusion about healing miracles.

Nonetheless, this Biblical circumstantial evidence SHOUTS at me in my walk in life spending untold hours exploring His healing miracles... extrapolating the faintest clues from the Gospels to diagnose these specific and exclusive case studies, apart from multitude healing, buried in Scripture for 2k years for this father to magnify Jesus' utter Divinity unveiled to a father who cannot cure his daughter of heritable juvenile diabetes. Such miracles are prima facie evidence of the Holy Spirit... and, that's more than enough for me. Jesus doesn't need to heal my diabetic daughter to prove to me who He is. So, I don't need fantasies. It's dark:30, and I know who He is, and I mourn for His return (Matthew 24:30 KJV).




Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
The scriptures say the gifts will pass away not that they have passed away, That is future tense.
It appears to me, the way I read Acts 28, that is it not finished yet, but will be in a time that only the Father knows, you know something like the "better" in the Book of Hebrews.


Well-known member
Why shouldn't use Dr. and medications. Are they not given from God?

Hi , BR , I am just TOYING with these FAKERS , who should never need a Dr !!

They have the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth and love to throw Paul under the bus and even Israel used HERBS as medicine !!

dan p

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hi , BR , I am just TOYING with these FAKERS , who should never need a Dr !!

They have the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth and love to throw Paul under the bus and even Israel used HERBS as medicine !!

dan p

So do you believe in divine healing?


New member
I don't know you but this is fully correct.

7 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,[c] cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

The had the ability to give it. It was no dependent on the recipient. Peter raised a man from the dead. Did the dead man have faith and consent to the healing?

I don't know you either, Nick... but, If you've got another glass and a stogie, there's a possibility! As a matter of fact, leprosy, caused by a bacteria similar to tuberculosis, was my first challenge to this genetic healing theory. Lepers inherit a sorta 'hyperactive' immune system that destroys adjacent tissue, and the bacteria spreads there, etc. Such genes and leprosy are pretty uncommon in the US, while the bacteria is common in the armadillo resistant to the bug. Our immune systems are inherited. A juvenile diabetic inherits an immune system that kicks into overdrive, at least inspired by the coxsackie b4 virus, a strain of coxsackie b viruses which causes foot and mouth disease in children. The inherited immune system of a juvenile DM then also destroys the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas = total insulin dependence. My toddler son (now 19) contracted foot & mouth at the church daycare of all places, commonly transmitted in such places. Within two or three months, my daughter, 4 years elder, was diagnosed with juvenile DM.

Interestingly, in all but one those healing miracle cases (one miracle is not even perceived to my rendering, even a second one), faith was a significant component. What's particularly interesting to me is those sins forgiven those folk weren't what are typically considered sins, today. I appreciate your comment about the dead not having faith! Possibly it was the faith established in those witnessing such. The man let down through the roof never spoke at all, but it was the faith that Jesus saw in those four letting him down. But, I'll have to ponder on that one! Such was no doubt, quite a show! Got any faith healers up to a trip to the hospital morgue? They don't show up around ICU's, either. But, I've got this theory about holy formaldehyde I've been working on...


Cross Reference

New member
Such is a bitter pill, CR. We do not grieve as those who have no hope, and grieve I do for those who've gone before me. And, the older I get, the more anxious I am for the great reunion. When you can heal my daughter of juvenile diabetes... well, I won't hold my breath, and you can spare me the fantasies. We all die daily, one breath at a time, until the Master calls.

My satisfaction is not fulfilled in childhood fantasies, CR. Truth seems to help, though, a journey. Those who love this world are in for a big surprise, because we've only seen a glimpse of what's beyond. Jesus performed genetic healing miracles from afar... the centurions's friend... the mother with a vexed daughter... Is where Jesus is right now too far away? I don't think so, it's just dark-thirty (John 9:4 KJV), until He returns. Of course, when you can perform genetic healing miracles, maybe the Father should delay His Son's return, catch my drift?


No! I don't have a clue what you are trying to say..


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Hi , of course , BUT God refused to heal Paul , so it depends strictly upon God's will and Grace !!

dan p
God refused to heal Paul?

I thought the point was so that Paul would understand that His (God's) grace was sufficient. That we may not be healed, there is sufficient grace to help us carry our burdens and infirmaries. Paul said that he had learned to be content in whatever state he was in.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why declare yourself a complete unbeliever before all of the world?

Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Mar 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mar 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


Those verses pertain to the House of Israel! How many
times must you be reminded before it sinks in?


Well-known member
God refused to heal Paul?

I thought the point was so that Paul would understand that His (God's) grace was sufficient. That we may not be healed, there is sufficient grace to help us carry our burdens and infirmaries. Paul said that he had learned to be content in whatever state he was in.

Hi , and Paul prayed 3 times and was told the third time , My Grace is SUFFICIENT is right on


Word based mystic

New member
The more i pray for people the higher % that people get healed. whether immediately or pursuing or seeking for the healing over a period of time.

Jesus himself needed to deal with the blind man twice before fully healed.

our fellowship prayed for a lady who had most of her ovaries removed. The doctors kept them in a jar for her.
After praying for her 2 months later she visited her doctor for a followup on the condition of what was left of her ovaries and She had 2 fully healthy ovaries and no longer needed to take estrogen.

so many stories a good portion of them from our fellowships young adults praying.


New member
and after Christ's death and up until The imparting of the Holy Spirit to Believers there was night time. After the Holy Spirit came and indwelled believers The born again believers could now (see) daytime the Kingdom of God.
And do the works He did and greater.


I do so enjoy the daytime analogy. Anyone sitting outside just before dawn without any lights can appreciate not being able to see that which is even close by. Yet as the day dawns, more and more is seen and as the sun rises even higher that which is far off is also seen.


New member
i agree with you
i just mentioned those two thoughts because the cessationist use it as a means to say God no longer imparts gifts to his believers.

they imply the face to face is the scriptures only
and believe the church matured when KJV was produced.

so we no longer need gifts. even though they may acknowledge some gifts i.e. hospitality, giving, mercy but deny the more charismatic expression/partnership with the Holy Spirits gifts.

They wouldn't say this if they experienced the power of God. Their unbelief could even keep them there.

According to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9:29b


New member
No! I don't have a clue what you are trying to say..

My apology for being cryptic, CR, sincerely.

So, if all the P(p)entecostals had those gifts greater than Jesus' (I propose there are, but not as you perceive), then why don't we have heaven on earth, now? Because of non-believers? Non-believers in what or whom, specifically? Most on this thread, at least, are believers in Jesus. Then, are you referring to non-believers in those contemporary gifts? I don't hear anyone here believing such was not the case in Jesus' time. Appreciating Nick's post... do dead men experience 'believe' in their dead flesh bodies, to be raised back into those flesh bodies?

So, the arrogance stems from the accusation those who don't follow the P(p)entecostal way... are, somehow non-believers. Therefore, the only reason we don't have heaven on earth is THEIR fault, not the fault of tongue speakers! So, doesn't suggesting the possibility of heaven on earth via these alleged contemporary miracles, greater than Jesus', inherently imply we don't need Christ's return?

Why do we need Christ's return if you folk, Oatmeal particularly, can perform greater than Jesus, Himself? That notion inherently implies that we don't need Jesus back. That notion inherently implies acceptance that Jesus can delay His return. And, that brings me to Matthew 24:42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 with particular emphasis on v. 48 and 49:

Matthew 24:49, 49, KJV "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming (who needs Jesus to return, you guys got Him covered); 49) And shall begin to smite his fellow servants (NON-believers in contemporary alleged gifts), and to eat and drink with the drunken ('slain in the spirit')..."​

John 9:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, KJV "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2) And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3) Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 4) I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 5) As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."​

The literal Light shined around Paul who performed a healing miracle... I figure His Light shined somewhere around 15 to 30 seconds in broad daylight. So, have you guys seen the literal Light? Were you literally blinded by the Light? Paul was the LAST to see the Light, folks. Any testimonies here about seeing and being blinded by 15-30 seconds of literal light from some unseen source?



New member
The more i pray for people the higher % that people get healed. whether immediately or pursuing or seeking for the healing over a period of time.

Jesus himself needed to deal with the blind man twice before fully healed.

Those were two miracles unless you suggest Jesus made a mistake the first go 'round, or was somehow deficient. That first miracle, the blind man saw men as trees... no mistake there. I refer you to Ezekiel 31:2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:7, 8, 9, speaking of "trees". I proffer for those few seconds, the blind man saw what Jesus saw (John 8:16, 26). Before the man's head exploded... Jesus healed him the second time to see as we see. Hence: two miracles!

our fellowship prayed for a lady who had most of her ovaries removed. The doctors kept them in a jar for her.
After praying for her 2 months later she visited her doctor for a followup on the condition of what was left of her ovaries and She had 2 fully healthy ovaries and no longer needed to take estrogen.

so many stories a good portion of them from our fellowships young adults praying.

I appreciate the power of faith, WBM. Faith indeed has a positive impact in all aspects of Christian life. At the risk of sounding like a schmuck... I've never seen an amputated limb grow back, not even the end of a finger, not even hair (without some intervention). So, what's up with those cases? Wean an insulin-dependent juvenile diabetic COMPLETELY off insulin. They can get their carb intake stabilized and improve, but they'll never be totally weaned. That would be front page news in the medical community. Show me the before and after DNA tests on someone healed who has a heritable genetic illness like cystic fibrosis. Faith certainly has a positive impact as these folk bear their crosses, and I have witnessed this.


Word based mystic

New member
Those were two miracles unless you suggest Jesus made a mistake the first go 'round, or was somehow deficient. That first miracle, the blind man saw men as trees... no mistake there. I refer you to Ezekiel 31:2, Ezekiel 31:3 KJV, Ezekiel 31:7, 8, 9, speaking of "trees". I proffer for those few seconds, the blind man saw what Jesus saw (John 8:16, 26). Before the man's head exploded... Jesus healed him the second time to see as we see. Hence: two miracles!

I appreciate the power of faith, WBM. Faith indeed has a positive impact in all aspects of Christian life. At the risk of sounding like a schmuck... I've never seen an amputated limb grow back, not even the end of a finger, not even hair (without some intervention). So, what's up with those cases? Wean an insulin-dependent juvenile diabetic COMPLETELY off insulin. They can get their carb intake stabilized and improve, but they'll never be totally weaned. That would be front page news in the medical community. Show me the before and after DNA tests on someone healed who has a heritable genetic illness like cystic fibrosis. Faith certainly has a positive impact as these folk bear their crosses, and I have witnessed this.


most atheists on different sites throw the amputation thing up.

I have a fellowship member that has his old knuckle in a jar after having it cut out messing around sword fighting.

He has a new knuckle.