Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

The Barbarian

You are all being a bit silly. This wall idea is stupid and a waste of money. Already some farmers are upset not having enough Mexican pickers, and this is without a complete wall.

Stop fixating in individual differences on the left and make Latins want to live here have to learn English, and conservatives stop hiding your bigoted streak n]by saying they are taking our jobs. We have very high employment and there are jobs needing to be done that the US citizens will not do
(Barbarian's emphasis)

When I was teaching, many Hispanic parents were convinced that English was the key to their children becoming successful. So much so that some of them discouraged their children from using Spanish at all. And with good reason. If you can't speak English, much of American society is closed to you.


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Hall of Fame
(Barbarian's emphasis)

When I was teaching, many Hispanic parents were convinced that English was the key to their children becoming successful. So much so that some of them discouraged their children from using Spanish at all. And with good reason. If you can't speak English, much of American society is closed to you.

I agree, so, make then get over the Spanish and learn English then make that a way to citizenship.

Here in the US, particular with white people, they do not have enough children. We need immigrant labour, but they should come here, learn English, like all past immigrants did and then spend their money here, not live like they are just using this country and still live south of the border.

The Barbarian

I agree, so, make then get over the Spanish and learn English then make that a way to citizenship.

Here in the US, particular with white people, they do not have enough children. We need immigrant labour, but they should come here, learn English, like all past immigrants did and then spend their money here, not live like they are just using this country and still live south of the border.

Equal housing laws have made that more likely. If you go to Los Ebanos, in the Valley, it looks as if you are in Mexico, other than the American flags.

On the other hand, the guy living four doors down the street, dresses, speaks, and lives pretty much like all the rest of us.

But they have to be welcomed into that place, if we want them to take it. They will, for economic reasons, if no other.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
(Barbarian's emphasis)

When I was teaching, many Hispanic parents were convinced that English was the key to their children becoming successful. So much so that some of them discouraged their children from using Spanish at all. And with good reason. If you can't speak English, much of American society is closed to you.
Also, it's the lingua franca today, like how koine/common Greek was the lingua franca in the Mediterranean basin two thousand years ago. You can go around the world if you know English, like you could go all around the Mediterranean in the time of Christ, if you knew Greek.

For native English speakers, you know the lingua franca better than anyone for whom English is a second language.

You are like 1st century Greeks, born in Greece, and learning Greek because it's what everyone spoke in Greece.

Then, you go out and find that English is spoken everywhere. It is the most likely second language, if there is only one second language. If there are no second languages, it is because it is an 'Amerinican,' born and raised in the world's lingua franca; 'born on third base,' and so naturally, we think that we hit a triple. :rolleyes: :chuckle: :)

The Barbarian

Also, it's the lingua franca today, like how koine/common Greek was the lingua franca in the Mediterranean basin two thousand years ago. You can go around the world if you know English, like you could go all around the Mediterranean in the time of Christ, if you knew Greek.

It's true. I read a transcript of a Tower conversation at the Frankfurt airport.

A German pilot communicated with the Tower in German:

"Please communicate in English."

"I am a German pilot, in a German airplane, at a German airport. Why must I speak English?"

(British pilot cuts in)

"Because you lost the bloody war."

For native English speakers, you know the lingua franca better than anyone for whom English is a second language.

You are like 1st century Greeks, born in Greece, and learning Greek because it's what everyone spoke in Greece.

Then, you go out and find that English is spoken everywhere. It is the most likely second language, if there is only one second language. If there are no second languages, it is because it is an 'Amerinican,' born and raised in the world's lingua franca; 'born on third base,' and so naturally, we think that we hit a triple. :rolleyes: :chuckle: :)

A wise man once said that everyone in the world should learn to speak English and to read and write Chinese.

Since Chinese writing is language-independent, we would then have universal communication.

I'm trying.



Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

Emperors constructed the Great Wall for security - unlike conservatives, however, liberals actually take the time to read history and are aware how well it protected the Chinese over the last 2000 years!


New member
Something that comparisons of the Berlin wall and Gazza barriers keep forgetting besides from the differences in the numbers and type of people trying to cross them is they had armies, not just civil border guards with, despite Isreali claims otherwise, shoot to kill ROEs in place. The Berlin wall, in particular, had landmines in between its inner and outer walls.

Shooting to kill and landmines. I'm actually surprised these were not included in the proposal...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

Emperors constructed the Great Wall for security - unlike conservatives, however, liberals actually take the time to read history and are aware how well it protected the Chinese over the last 2000 years!

Here's 25 straight minutes of people coming across our border where there is NO infrastructure.
The great wall of China is essentially an elevated road or a "highway", to say it didn't work is extremely ignorant. It was a travel and communication conduit for the entire time it was there. It still is. People go hike there today. I don't know if you can hike the whole length like the Appalachian trail but there's plenty of parts with gift shops and fast food and parts where you bring a tent.
We built 3,000 miles of "sound barriers" along our interstate system.
Every administration has built more wall.
Clinton and Obama voted to build 700 miles of fence at the southern border;
Right now we have a buggy on Mars but the ONLY thing we got at parts of our southern border is some good old boys trail cam.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The great wall of China is essentially an elevated road or a "highway", to say it didn't work is extremely ignorant.

i don't even respond to people who trot that out, just shake my head and marvel at their stupidity

essentially, they're presenting a strawman

since the great wall of china wasn't 100% effective for 2000 years, trump's wall won't be effective at all


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Shooting to kill and landmines. I'm actually surprised these were not included in the proposal...

I think our tech moves so fast that by the time we build it it's obsolete.
We need to throw as far downfield as we can.
At this point we need swarms of drones, cheap electric drones and a 1,000 foot clear cut maintained by robot bulldozers.
That takes care of all the tricky parts and the environmental parts.
A drone swarm and a clear cut should be the bare minimum acceptable for any part of the border. Then as you get closer to population centers the wall gets bigger.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
i don't even respond to people who trot that out, just shake my head and marvel at their stupidity

essentially, they're presenting a strawman

since the great wall of china wasn't 100% effective for 2000 years, trump's wall won't be effective at all

They can fly over with Airplanes!

The Barbarian

The great wall of China is essentially an elevated road or a "highway", to say it didn't work is extremely ignorant.
In a sense. The Mongols and Manchus used it to rapidly move into China. It actually facilitated the conquest of China on two occasions. Fortunately, Trump's wall doesn't have a road.

It was a travel and communication conduit for the entire time it was there.

It facilitated trade and communication between the troops garrisoned there with the Mongols. Eventually they had more in common with the barbarians than with the empire.

Kit the Coyote

New member
The great wall of China is essentially an elevated road or a "highway", to say it didn't work is extremely ignorant.
In a sense. The Mongols and Manchus used it to rapidly move into China. It actually facilitated the conquest of China on two occasions. Fortunately, Trump's wall doesn't have a road.

It facilitated trade and communication between the troops garrisoned there with the Mongols. Eventually they had more in common with the barbarians than with the empire.

This fits with the history as I've heard it so far. The Great Wall did serve some benefit in that it prevented random spot raids into the Chinese farmlands that were ruining the productivity of many villages along the border. But serious efforts to invade the country simply went around it (it was not a complete wall along the whole border) or more frequently just bribed a gatekeeper to open the gates for them. And as you observe, once they were in the gatehouse, the road on top became available to them.


Liberals don't want a wall because it's only real point is just to be a monument to fear or prejudice. It's not going to solve the problem of illegals coming in, you have to shut off some major valves in your brain to figure illegals aren't going to get over it just because it's newer and taller- people that travel through desert and hop rivers are going to get through and because you can't competently supervise 2000 miles it'll be of little more effort to succeed.

There's a reason why nobody was talking about a wall before Trump, and there's a reason why Trump brought it up in the first place- basically just used it to make you feel like the world is the enemy and that it's necessary to follow him over Democrats who work with others.
If he had never mentioned it I doubt he would even concern himself with it- this is all just to say he fulfilled that 'campaign promise' for the next term which is lame because it's not even something people were concerned about before he mentioned it.