Kit the Coyote
New member
I didn't mean to suggest that it was to save the soul of the unrepentant pervert
Oh? you just enjoy hurting people you don't like. Got it. Nice to know about you then but it adds nothing to the subject of the debate.
I didn't mean to suggest that it was to save the soul of the unrepentant pervert
So now that I've had some time to think about this. I want to thank you for taking one of my extreme examples and pushing it even further out to illustrate the point.
We know what history and science say about trepanation, we know with absolute certainty that it does not work.
So you say you would gladly hold a person down and do this to them and suggest it is to save his soul. But if it does not work how is his soul saved? If anything since brain damage and death is real possibilities, the only thing you might achieve is removing any future chance to save the said soul?
You could not have illustrated my point better if you agreed with me. Thank You.
Extremists tend to do that.
Their Identity confusion cannot but compel that in them.
They confuse their extremist extreme right as being "Conservative."
Or as Scripture so aptly describes such...
Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Rom. 5:6-8.
Oh? you just enjoy hurting people you don't like. Got it.
unsurprisingly, you do not get it and I doubt you ever will
Hey, anna, hope all is well with you...
For starters, you might want to re-read that chapter on Commitment and Consistency in your pdf copy of Cialdini's classic work "Influence."
Rom. 5:6-8
I am quite likely misunderstanding your meaning, if so I do apologize. Regardless of the reason though, if it does not work what is the point?
I works towards removing an infectious cancer from society
but all of this moot - to address artie's OP question:
"Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal" is a poorly worded question - it would be better written "Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Unnecessary"
and the answer would be that homosexuality should be a capital crime
Thank you, I've added them to my reading list. What I have seen so far reminds me of Dianetics. I look forward to seeing how NLP stands up when the hard work is done.
Haven't read up on Dianetics in quite some time.
NLP is a Behavioral Modeling technology.
If someone is a perfect speller, for example, through a series of Modeling questions, the NLP Modeler attempts to build a model of how such an individual uses his neurology, its language and his body, and so on, to create that result.
He then takes this Model that he has unpacked, for Modeling or Replication at will, by anyone desirous of that skill.
Over the years the Model has resulted in many useful Models and Patterns and from many areas of life.
Case in point as to one of those Patterns, some time ago, a friend of mine was trying to quit a decades old, five pack a day, chain smoking habit.
The guy would light up one cigarette just as his last one was at its very end. He'd go through two or three cigarettes, or more, each time he'd smoke.
Using a Pattern modeled from people who've succeeded in redirecting such a powerful compulsion, I was able to help him with his problem after just 20 minutes with him over the phone.
Absent of any crankiness, absent of any withdrawal, and of his later replacing of that negative habit with another, and absent of his ending up gaining much weight (his weight merely stabilized), and so on.
Years later, he is still free of that nasty habit.
Interestly, he once said to me some time later " I no longer see myself as...a smoker."
Which is a statement about Identity and what that often automatically results in, or compels - Behavior in line with said sense of...Identity *.
At that same time, all this Behavioral Modeling is, is an aspect of the following "invisible" all human beings manifest in their resulting "visible" behavior...
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made...
Although the above is actually a very small part of where I view temptation / compulsion issues from.
I mean such things are much more "holistic" (involve much more of an individual than a mere compulsion).
In the end, overall perspectives on these kinds of things tend to end up slightly different in perspective for each individual looking at such things - always, it depends on the whole of each person's own experiences, understandings, awarenesses and or lack, thereof, and so on.
* Cialdini's classic book "Influence" contains a fascinating chapter on how sense of Identity or Self...compels Behavior, I found great points of agreement with. The chapter titled "Consistency and Commitment."
You should be able to find an older edition of it on Google in pdf form.
Hi Danoh.
I'm familiar with it, thanks. I'm not seeing that it would apply in such a way, since it's more likely parents coming to the realization (more so in past generations) that their son is gay are likely to fight, deny, downplay, fear, etc. the realization rather than have an early and strong commitment to acceptance. The cultural pressures are difficult - family can be hurtful and divisive, there's religious condemnation, and of course the mental and emotional minefields that person has to cross.
So now that I've had some time to think about this. I want to thank you for taking one of my extreme examples and pushing it even further out to illustrate the point.
We know what history and science say about trepanation, we know with absolute certainty that it does not work.
So you say you would gladly hold a person down and do this to them and suggest it is to save his soul. But if it does not work how is his soul saved? If anything since brain damage and death is real possibilities, the only thing you might achieve is removing any future chance to save the said soul?
You could not have illustrated my point better if you agreed with me. Thank You.
Just a bit of a heads up here, "okdoser" is a long time troll and will say any outlandish thing in the hopes of getting him some attention. He's had about 78 usernames on here and been banned off the boards about as much. Don't expect to get any sort of reasoned debate with the guy cos it ain't his "MO". Feel free to find out for yourself though.
Just a bit of a heads up here, "okdoser" is a long time troll and will say any outlandish thing in the hopes of getting him some attention. He's had about 78 usernames on here and been banned off the boards about as much. Don't expect to get any sort of reasoned debate with the guy cos it ain't his "MO". Feel free to find out for yourself though.
Yea sort of gathered that when he went full Sharia on the next reply. *laughs* He still provided a good illustration of the point.
Yea sort of gathered that when he went full Sharia on the next reply. *laughs* He still provided a good illustration of the point.
kit - quick question, then I'm back to work
In general, is societal acceptance of non-normative sexual behavior good or bad?
Depends on the behavior and the individuals involved.
Depends on the behavior and the individuals involved.
and what are the determining factors that you see as relevant in making that determination?