For me it has nothing to do with indoctrination and everything to do with the experience of my conversion, the life that came after and my position that love is unreserved or it is something other.
What are some reasons people are Atheist or become Atheist???? I Really need to know why.
What are some reasons people are Atheist or become Atheist???? I Really need to know why.
Sorry, but that tired line was never accurate or particularly clever and it hasn't improved with age. The truth is that most people believe in God but differ on the manner of approach. That's not at all the same thing. :e4e:We're all atheists, we just go one God further.
I don't think it is meant to be taken as literal but to illustrate a point, one which you seem to have completely missed.Sorry, but that tired line was never accurate or particularly clever and it hasn't improved with age. The truth is that most people believe in God but differ on the manner of approach. That's not at all the same thing. :e4e:
No, I don't think it is either and no, I haven't misunderstood the point. It's rather inescapable, but no less mistaken for all that. The idea is that you believe in one less god than I do, that in practice I'm an Atheist as well in relation to the God concept in any other form. But it's an errant perspective since Atheism isn't about a particular choice, but THE choice. It's just a flip bit of nonsense mean to illustrate an absurdity or commonality but only does so if you ignore the actual intent and meaning of the Atheist's foundational understanding.I don't think it is meant to be taken as literal but to illustrate a point, one which you seem to have completely missed.
No, I don't think it is either and no, I haven't misunderstood the point. It's rather inescapable, but no less mistaken for all that. The idea is that you believe in one less god than I do, that in practice I'm an Atheist as well in relation to the God concept in any other form. But it's an errant perspective since Atheism isn't about a particular choice, but THE choice. It's just a flip bit of nonsense mean to illustrate an absurdity or commonality but only does so if you ignore the actual intent and meaning of the Atheist's foundational understanding.
While I have even less doubt you'll find some way to infer an objectively superior position that you can't argue your way into, else...(and see how easy that sort of inference is for anyone?) I will always object to a declaration regarding my own belief or representations regarding the inference from or of it, where that inference is errant. As to the foundational understanding, how do you mean? The principle is easy enough and definitional. Most declarations that make Atheism relevant will be objectionable to a Theist and vice versa; but the inference that it is somehow unreasoned/automatic is just so much hooey, to use the Latin. lain:I'm curious: what do you think the actual intent and meaning of the Atheist's foundational understanding is?
There's no doubt in my mind that you'll push back against almost anything an atheist will say.
Sorry, but that tired line was never accurate or particularly clever and it hasn't improved with age. The truth is that most people believe in God but differ on the manner of approach. That's not at all the same thing. :e4e:
Sorry, but that tired line was never accurate or particularly clever and it hasn't improved with age.
The truth is that most people believe in God but differ on the manner of approach.
While I have even less doubt you'll find some way to infer an objectively superior position that you can't argue your way into, else...(and see how easy that sort of inference is for anyone?) I will always object to a declaration regarding my own belief or representations regarding the inference from or of it, where that inference is errant. As to the foundational understanding, how do you mean? The principle is easy enough and definitional. Most declarations that make Atheism relevant will be objectionable to a Theist and vice versa; but the inference that it is somehow unreasoned/automatic is just so much hooey, to use the Latin. lain:
While I have even less doubt you'll find some way to infer an objectively superior position
I've answered you on this elsewhere...or was that alwight...:think: There's nothing irrational about suggesting that that which establishes a thing may supersede it or that that which establishes an order toward a purpose might interpose Its will toward that purpose in contravention of that order. When that happens the faithful designate the occurrence miraculous. The purpose of this world is not to be the inviolate terrarium of some Deist daydream.Maybe you're more thoughtful than your fellow Christians.
Exampe: I find it difficult to believe that there can be a reasoned response to my suggestion that virgin birth is hogwash. The concept flies in the face of everything we know about human biology.
Again, we aren't talking about the rule, but the authority of that which establishes it and the implications, rationally, of that power and kind. No one is suggesting you can accomplish it or any other flesh and blood being. The irrationality is found in your premise.As far as I know, invisible fathers can't magically impregnate virgins with themselves.
The absurdity is in your attempting to parallel God with, say, yourself. Probably just a preoccupational hazard...I don't feel as though I need to lift a finger to make much of a demonstation of the impossibility of this absurd notion.
Evidence for the virgin birth that happened some two thousand years ago? lain: Of course not. But stupid only resides in your naming of the consideration. It is in no part unreasoned or illogical, as I just set out. You simply don't believe in the foundation/context that allows for it. Fine, but don't pretend it's any more than that.No Christian will be able to provide evidence for such a stupid belief
So you can hold a belief without demonstrating its I'm not obliged to provide any counter evidence showing it to be what it obviously is to people who aren't extorted/manipulated into a state of juvenile credulity.
As easily as you can support your moronic insistence to the contrary...(see, again, this sort of insulting posture is as easily goose as gander).So if no Christian will provide evidence to support the stupid belief
Aesthetically? :squint: Oh, it offends your sensibility of the beautiful. Peculiar objection, but at least it's more honestly subjective, even if you don't altogether mean for it to be.You suggested the mircaluous in another thread. So perhaps a "reasoned" Christian response would be to explain the aesthetically ludicrous by positing
That's never been a reasonable counter, though Atheists inevitably trot it out at some point... That He is more complicated, greater than the thing He creates is as inescapable as an infinite regress (pseudo scientific magic without structural support) is inevitable without even grander and more unnatural and more unexplainable theory? Have fun with that perpetually expanding burden of proof :wave2:
I think the word you were looking for there was posture.Of course mine is the superior position
I haven't the foggiest about which of us could fold an imagined box faster and I lost my wonder at that shortly after being packed into a classroom of prodigies (like intellectual veal); but fortunately for either of us the answer to the question doesn't depend on that particular ability, the degree of possession distinguished between us, or our complete lack thereof (as some from either camp might be inclined to note). The answer/position and the argument is and remains a matter of perspective. I suspect that short of the grave it will remain undecided.You're smarter than me but you're still a theist which means you're on the losing side of this argument.
I agree that we cannot will the nature of reality, but further than that we'll simply have to disagree. :e4e:All the smarts in the world won't save you from that :chuckle:
No, but let's see what you have in the hopper.What Tyrathca said is correct.
I'm stating that it is the belief in God or the belief that there isn't one that distinguishes between Atheism and Theism. When you say, "Well, do you believe in Zeus then?" the real, meaningful question is do I believe in this explanation/understanding of God? And the answer is no. Similarly, I differ with the Muslim on the understanding and approach to God, not on the issue of Him.You're assuming that there is only one God and that all religions are different paths to that God.
No. Atheism isn't a particular rejection, it's a general posture toward all claims regarding the existence of God. The point remains tired, distorted and wrong headed.Rejecting all those other Gods makes you an atheist towards them.
I've answered you on this elsewhere...or was that alwight...:think: There's nothing irrational about suggesting that that which establishes a thing may supersede it or that that which establishes an order toward a purpose might interpose Its will toward that purpose in contravention of that order. When that happens the faithful designate the occurrence miraculous. The purpose of this world is not to be the inviolate terrarium of some Deist daydream.
Again, we aren't talking about the rule, but the authority of that which establishes it and the implications, rationally, of that power and kind.
No one is suggesting you can accomplish it or any other flesh and blood being. The irrationality is found in your premise.
Or, be more thoughtful than many of your ideological kin.
The absurdity is in your attempting to parallel God with, say, yourself. Probably just a preoccupational hazard...
Evidence for the virgin birth that happened some two thousand years ago? lain: Of course not. But stupid only resides in your naming of the consideration. It is in no part unreasoned or illogical, as I just set out. You simply don't believe in the foundation/context that allows for it. Fine, but don't pretend it's any more than that.
So you can hold a belief without demonstrating its accuracy---because.
As easily as you can support your moronic insistence to the contrary...(see, again, this sort of insulting posture is as easily goose as gander).
Aesthetically? :squint: Oh, it offends your sensibility of the beautiful. Peculiar objection, but at least it's more honestly subjective, even if you don't altogether mean for it to be.
That's never been a reasonable counter, though Atheists inevitably trot it out at some point... That He is more complicated, greater than the thing He creates is as inescapable as an infinite regress (pseudo scientific magic without structural support) is inevitable without Him.
I think the word you were looking for there was posture.
I haven't the foggiest about which of us could fold an imagined box faster and I lost my wonder at that shortly after being packed into a classroom of prodigies (like intellectual veal); but fortunately for either of us the answer to the question doesn't depend on that particular ability, the degree of possession distinguished between us, or our complete lack thereof (as some from either camp might be inclined to note). The answer/position and the argument is and remains a matter of perspective. I suspect that short of the grave it will remain undecided.
I agree that we cannot will the nature of reality, but further than that we'll simply have to disagree. :e4e:
I think you meant virility (and thanks!)...You state your case with an incredible sterility
Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could sustain any of that with, say, an actual argument and example. That would be something, wouldn't it? :think:that doesn't reflect the bizarre, convoluted beliefs you actually hold.
There would be any number of differences, but let's begin with the most important one, that I am not creating/imagining the God of my understanding. Now you can and do hold my understanding a delusion, but that would be a far different animal out of the gate than your attempt to sustain a differing idea, since you begin yours from a foundation that is in no part an attempt to assert or establish a truth. The other, less important differences would be found in the details.I could imagine any number of super powerful beings who are capable of molding reality into anything they wish. The only difference between my vain imagining and yours is that I would have used it creatively and you have subjected yours to the confines of prefabricated delusion.
How so? Because the example was virgin birth.That's what you're talking about. I'm talking about an allegedly intelligent designer behaving like a lunatic.
So you've said. Again. How so?If the Christian god does exist then he doesn't behave like a rational power.
Are you suggesting that THAT is your difficulty? God assuming a physical form for the purpose would be no less miraculous and your posture/objection here is ill considered by the kindest estimation.Virgin birth? Give me a break. You're telling me the designer of DNA could only express himself in a way that is absolutely opposed to everything we know about reality?
So long as you are the judge and the standard is your sensibility I suppose that would be true. Not rationally sustainable, mind you, but subjectively true. Ludicrous, like beauty, is found in the examining eye of the beholder and not in the object itself, else reasoned and reasonable men would rarely differ.How does that make sense? I can imagine any number of gods who would behave more rationally than yours and these gods wouldn't require their followers to make such ludicrous defenses of their existence and behavior.
Sorry you missed the joke, but we're both bound to be disappointed now and again.I'm sorry that is what you think I've been trying to do.
Now if only you could actually sustain your alleged point.And there are things to be inferred from the alleged rules of your alleged foundation/context that suggest the Christian god is as real as Peter Pan.
If assertions were arguments I'd be overwhelmed, instead of merely waiting...lain:You want to seperate your alleged authority from it's alleged inane behavior and I don't think you can do that. Not logically. Even if your explanation of a creator is correct that doesn't excuse it's bizarre rules.
Would anyone care to advance an idea of God that does so to see how quickly our friend here embraces it...I think a creator god would be easier for me to believe if it behaved in accordance with the natural order of things rather than insulting the natural order of things, as well as my intelligence.
I didn't come to you with any particular claim. You chose the example and I provided a context. It is rational, sustainable and as supportable as your own....If you come to me and say that the virgin birth is true but you have no evidence to support such a ludicrous claim then I don't have to provide any evidence that it is untrue.
What are you, two? :squint: Who said I lacked evidence? Evidence that would satisfy you? The only thing that would do that is the thing you will not attempt. How does one prove the omni or the perfect nature of good? Were God to manifest before you none of those would be established. Only God overwhelming your will with His own or your relational experience of Him can satisfy on point.You're full of hooey and that's all I need to provide in the way of a rebuttal. You don't have any evidence for your dumb beliefs, why should I provide evidence that they're false?
You missed it. Read me again in context with your claim that sponsored the comment.Not believing in the virgin birth isn't moronic TH.
There is a difference between an inability to objectively prove a thing and a lack of evidence altogether. But you know that.Believing in it without evidence
Having already done the goose/gander thing enough I'm not going to follow you into further name calling. I will, instead, remark that my position is intellectually consistent and rationally defensible and that you've done nothing beyond declaration to provide a counter point to that claim...and when or where have I insisted that anyone follow me in any particular?and insisting that others follow your irrational lead is moronic.
I agree, but then I'm doing nothing like it.Believing in the absurd with no other foundation than something that is infinitely more absurd is moronic.
I'm sure you feel that way about it. :thumb:I have real justification for using words like this when describing your silly little beliefs.
I see. lain: I'd bet almost everyone else does as well.You may use the words in retaliation but you can't really justify using them.
You don't know what you're talking about...demonstrably. I've done nothing of the sort. Saying a thing is true isn't supporting the truth of a thing. That is why I offer illustration and build an argument on points that can be contested instead of simply declaring the value or rightness of a thing.No. It insults my intellect. Think what you will of it but don't build a straw man.
Why isn't it unreasonable? I set out the counter and you meet me with declaration...It's not an unreasonable counter.
Well, if you can't tackle the message...And like I said there's no doubt in my mind that you're ready, willing and able to push back on anything that compromises the "integrity" of your ridiculous beliefs.
If spit and dirt were cure for anything miners would be the picture of health. Care to try again?Someone who believes in the efficacy of dirt and spit as a cure for blindness really shouldn't talk about pseudo-scientific magic
Then you know less about the subject under consideration than I thought you did going in...and that's saying something.Yes yes, I know. You explain the unexplanable by positing that which is infinitenly more unexplanable. Have fun with that perpetually expanding burden of proof :wave2:
Neither amusing nor argumentative...only a little sad. More so if you can't see it.2000 years ago Deborah ripped her head open and twelve children popped out. It's okay, my god Dfjxncxlk made it all possible because he has the power to do so :chuckle:
As I said. Only one of us appears to understand the distinction.See? I can make things up too.
No, but I respond to them as though they warranted reflection and reasoned response whenever possible. But we're talking about the state and disposition of your soul. You don't believe it and so can take the matter lightly. I do and so, for your sake, cannot. :e4e:You take my histrionics and semi-friendly ribbing too seriously TH :chuckle:
do I believe in this explanation/understanding of God?
Do you accept the teachings of the koran? No. Then you reject that religion, that faith, and that version of god and its claims. There are mutually exclusive claims about each gods attributes, just because you are both attempting to know a god is irrelevant to the fact you reject their idea of him.I differ with the Muslim on the understanding and approach to God, not on the issue of Him.
I think you meant virility (and thanks!)...
Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could sustain any of that with, say, an actual argument and example. That would be something, wouldn't it? :think:
There would be any number of differences, but let's begin with the most important one, that I am not creating/imagining the God of my understanding. Now you can and do hold my understanding a delusion, but that would be a far different animal out of the gate than your attempt to sustain a differing idea, since you begin yours from a foundation that is in no part an attempt to assert or establish a truth. The other, less important differences would be found in the details.
Again, we aren't talking about the rule, but the authority of that which establishes it and the implications, rationally, of that power and kind.
How so? Because the example was virgin birth.
So you've said. Again. How so?
Are you suggesting that THAT is your difficulty? God assuming a physical form for the purpose would be no less miraculous and your posture/objection here is ill considered by the kindest estimation.
So long as you are the judge and the standard is your sensibility I suppose that would be true. Not rationally sustainable, mind you, but subjectively true. Ludicrous, like beauty, is found in the examining eye of the beholder and not in the object itself, else reasoned and reasonable men would rarely differ.
Sorry you missed the joke, but we're both bound to be disappointed now and again.
Now if only you could actually sustain your alleged point.
If assertions were arguments I'd be overwhelmed, instead of merely waiting...lain:
Would anyone care to advance an idea of God that does so to see how quickly our friend here embraces it...
I didn't come to you with any particular claim. You chose the example and I provided a context. It is rational, sustainable and as supportable as your own.
What are you, two? :squint: Who said I lacked evidence?
Evidence that would satisfy you?
The only thing that would do that is the thing you will not attempt. How does one prove the omni or the perfect nature of good?
Were God to manifest before you none of those would be established. Only God overwhelming your will with His own or your relational experience of Him can satisfy on point.
You missed it. Read me again in context with your claim that sponsored the comment.
There is a difference between an inability to objectively prove a thing and a lack of evidence altogether. But you know that.
Having already done the goose/gander thing enough I'm not going to follow you into further name calling. I will, instead, remark that my position is intellectually consistent and rationally defensible and that you've done nothing beyond declaration to provide a counter point to that claim...and when or where have I insisted that anyone follow me in any particular?
agree, but then I'm doing nothing like it.
I'm sure you feel that way about it. :thumb:
I see. lain: I'd bet almost everyone else does as well.
You don't know what you're talking about...demonstrably. I've done nothing of the sort. Saying a thing is true isn't supporting the truth of a thing. That is why I offer illustration and build an argument on points that can be contested instead of simply declaring the value or rightness of a thing.
Re: complexity as an argument against God.
Why isn't it unreasonable? I set out the counter and you meet me with declaration...
Well, if you can't tackle the message...
If spit and dirt were cure for anything miners would be the picture of health. Care to try again?
Then you know less about the subject under consideration than I thought you did going in...and that's saying something.
Neither amusing nor argumentative...only a little sad. More so if you can't see it.
As I said. Only one of us appears to understand the distinction.
No, but I respond to them as though they warranted reflection and reasoned response whenever possible. But we're talking about the state and disposition of your soul. You don't believe it and so can take the matter lightly. I do and so, for your sake, cannot. :e4e:
Of course not. I never claimed to.Do you accept the teachings of the koran? No.
What part of the I differ with the Muslim's understanding/expression of God was unclear to you?Then you reject that religion, that faith, and that version of god and its claims.
Mutually exclusive in that if one is right the other errs in particular, but not in the belief or understanding that God is, which is the thing you have decided not to understand in an attempt to prop up a rather insufficient point.There are mutually exclusive claims about each gods attributes, just because you are both attempting to know a god is irrelevant to the fact you reject their idea of him.
It isn't about rejecting, but accepting the call I was given.And I wasn't called by Allah. I was called by Christ. No one was more surprised than I was by that, but there it is.Why do you reject their version and every other version apart from yours?
:chuckle: No matter how you attempt to align it, the two aren't the same animal. You reject God. I refine my understanding of Him.If you can reject their version why is it so hard for you to understand our rejection of yours?
You've said that before, but have yet to relate what it is you think I fail to grasp. Try doing that...Its meant to illustrate a point which you still seem to be oblivious to.
And now you've made the same claim another way. Still waiting on the illustration that makes it more than you posturing and claiming some insufficiency on my part. The suspense is just dreadful...lain:At this point even getting you to understand the point, even if you disagree with it, would seem like a small victory.
That's what I thought you meant. You mistake not agreeing with not understanding. I understand, among other things, that you're in error. I've set out why. :e4e:But you can't even disagree with it yet since you still can't get over the combination of the word atheist and you in a sentence...
I've answered you on this elsewhere...or was that alwight...:think: There's nothing irrational about suggesting that that which establishes a thing may supersede it or that that which establishes an order toward a purpose might interpose Its will toward that purpose in contravention of that order. When that happens the faithful designate the occurrence miraculous. The purpose of this world is not to be the inviolate terrarium of some Deist daydream.
Again, we aren't talking about the rule, but the authority of that which establishes it and the implications, rationally, of that power and kind. No one is suggesting you can accomplish it or any other flesh and blood being. The irrationality is found in your premise.
Or, be more thoughtful than many of your ideological kin.
The absurdity is in your attempting to parallel God with, say, yourself. Probably just a preoccupational hazard...
Evidence for the virgin birth that happened some two thousand years ago? lain: Of course not. But stupid only resides in your naming of the consideration. It is in no part unreasoned or illogical, as I just set out. You simply don't believe in the foundation/context that allows for it. Fine, but don't pretend it's any more than that.
So you can hold a belief without demonstrating its accuracy---because.
As easily as you can support your moronic insistence to the contrary...(see, again, this sort of insulting posture is as easily goose as gander).
Aesthetically? :squint: Oh, it offends your sensibility of the beautiful. Peculiar objection, but at least it's more honestly subjective, even if you don't altogether mean for it to be.
That's never been a reasonable counter, though Atheists inevitably trot it out at some point... That He is more complicated, greater than the thing He creates is as inescapable as an infinite regress (pseudo scientific magic without structural support) is inevitable without Him.
I think the word you were looking for there was posture.
I haven't the foggiest about which of us could fold an imagined box faster and I lost my wonder at that shortly after being packed into a classroom of prodigies (like intellectual veal); but fortunately for either of us the answer to the question doesn't depend on that particular ability, the degree of possession distinguished between us, or our complete lack thereof (as some from either camp might be inclined to note). The answer/position and the argument is and remains a matter of perspective. I suspect that short of the grave it will remain undecided.
I agree that we cannot will the nature of reality, but further than that we'll simply have to disagree. :e4e:
Why do you reject their version and every other version apart from yours? If you can reject their version why is it so hard for you to understand our rejection of yours?