Who will answer my questions?


Well-known member
Oh my Lord, did you even pause to take a breath while you spewed out that nonsense?

BEING IN THE FORM OF GOD.....NOT "made into the form of God...."

6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:​

He didn't "became in the form of a servant", He took upon Him the form of a servant when He became flesh to dwell among us.

7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:​

8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.​

Talk about scripture twisting....

Jesus wasn't made into the form of God. He was God in the beginning...before the world was. Don't you even glance at the verses you're given. John 1:1-3, John 1:14,

Not who, but what. :chew:

Returning to the glory He had with God before the world was doesn't ring any bells?

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. No bells?

You poor deluded woman. The lengths you go to deny your Saviour is appalling. :nono:

A sad case of denial, indeed. Are you able to read these verses about our Lord Jesus Christ, or does a red haZe appear before your eyes and make the reading of them impossible?

Col. 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.​
You have no idea what the form is. The form doesn't mean that Jesus is God but that he is in the express image of God Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, he even said himself that God is his God, but for some reason you can't see it.

The following verses talk about the form of godliness in those who are living by the lusts of their flesh, they look the part, being in the form, meaning they look like they are of God from the outside, but inside they are wicked. So the form means to be like. And Jesus wasn't just like God, he was in the express image of God, in the form of God.

2 Timothy 3

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.* For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,* Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;*Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away

The difference between us and Jesus is he didn't sin, he is the Christ fully anointed of God and he was in the complete form of God, the express image, we do sin, and are not in the express image, but those who die the death and live not to please their flesh, by the power of the Spirit become more and more like Christ as he is made manifest within our hearts and his life and love increases within us as our flesh decreases and the Spirit forms us to be more like him.

Also, you haven't answered my question regarding revelation 3. Why does Jesus call God "my God" after the resurrection when he's no longer still a man. Seeing as you say that he only called the father his God whilst he was a man?

And Jesus is the word of God because he speaks only what the father gives him to speak, God was in him and the word that Jesus speaks is God.

By the way insulting people doesn't do anything, but if you feel the need to do so to me, carry on, luckily you're not my judge.
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Well-known member
Pops believes as I do that Jesus is God the Father come in the flesh as a Man, and you say Jesus is not God---but it is just a little difference to you?
No there are three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the three are one, and we are one with them when we are born of God. One Spirit as we walk in the Spirit. But the Father is also the God of all including the Son, as Jesus himself says.


Well-known member
Pops believes as I do that Jesus is God the Father come in the flesh as a Man, and you say Jesus is not God---but it is just a little difference to you?
Ok, I don't agree with that, but much of what pops says I do agree with. And I am not his judge nor yours, I leave that in Gods hands, where as you seem to judge everyone! And if they don't agree completely with you then you go on one and accuse them of all sorts.

I could also say that you seem to be agreeing a lot with GD regarding Jesus being God. But I'm sure she doesn't believe that Jesus is the father come in flesh, I'm sure she believe that there are 3. So I could say the same about you that you are saying about me and pops.

I believe that God looks at the heart first and foremost.


Well-known member
Just because you say it doesn't make sense, it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.

There are three. God came as a Son in the flesh. Jesus as a Man obeyed and was exalted to the same place he was before coming to earth.

John 17:5 And now, Father, do Thou glorify me in Thine own presence, with the glory that I had in Thy presence before the world existed.
Who exalted him?


Well-known member
Are you kidding? Most people do not agree with me. It is your disrespect that I don't like, just like what you are doing now. You were told many times it has nothing to do with you agreeing with my beliefs, yet, you keep saying so. I think you are contentious and dishonest.
Again, you need to look at yourself


New member
Quote Originally Posted by God's Truth
Most people do not agree with me.

Because, what you say, is not inline with the scriptures and the evangelism that alone has the power to save.

PS I didn't peek at your post, but couldn't help seeing it quoted.

Yours is a voice crying out from the pit, not the wilderness.


Well-known member
A man who is only a man could not lay his hand on both man and GOD as a mediator. His arm is not long enough.

You don't grasp the glory of GOD and just how unapproachable He is.

That is a noteworthy opinion

You are no doubt thinking of I Timothy 6:14-16, but that is about being physically in his presence at the throne of God. Yes, Jesus Christ can be there because, he being human, earned the right and is in his resurrected body, not the one he grew up with, body and soul that was tortured and died.

After all God raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at his own right hand. God highly exalted him for his loving humble obedience to his God and Father. Hmmm. loving and humble obedience, I want to do that, today, now.

Do you think that the man God selected to be the one mediator between himself and men is the wrong choice?

Do you think "the man Christ Jesus" is deficient in some way?

You do not trust in the wisdom of God to make the right choice?

Which man would you vote for, as if this were up for a vote?

God is not unapproachable. In fact, if you to read scripture on what He had Jesus Christ do to give us access and confidence to God, you would be embarrassed by your statement.

Here is a small list of verses that tell us how approachable God is.

Ephesians 3:11-12

Hebrews 4:15-16

Galatians 4:6

How's them apples?


Well-known member
And the point applies because faith =/= sight.

Christ is invisible to us all. Believers have NOTHING to go by except faith in God's revealed Word, rightly divided. That, I believe, is why the rewards waiting for the truly faithful may far exceed that which Israel will receive in the restoration, because she saw the mighty works of God from as far back as Egypt and right up through the Twelve. And they'll see such things again before Christ comes to them.

But believers today see nothing on par with any of that. We see nothing, in fact. Our Savior is invisible to us BUT we who are His know He is within us all the same. So the saved believe, hope and wait on One who is invisible to us but here with us all the same. God knows it's much harder to have not seen but still believe in our invisible Man, than to have seen and believed.
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Well-known member
Jesus says when you see him you can say you see the Father. So why does it bother you when someone says Jesus is God? God gave Jesus the highest names there is, but not 'God'?

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

Jesus is called the Shepherd, the Deliverer, the Redeemer, the Savior, the First and the Last, King of kings, and Lord of lords---all those names are God's names.

Although Jesus is referred to as God by God in Hebrews 1:8, God refers to many different people, etc as God, some of those occurrences are

Exodus 7:1 KJV

And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.

Psalm 82:1,6

1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Of course, those that God chose to represent him are referred to as gods.

and where Jesus quotes the OT where God refers to people as Gods or gods.

John 10:33-38

The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

It is revealing that it was the unbelieving Jews that thought Jesus was claiming to be God, although we could understand that as being a representative of God.

Most certainly, the son of God who always did the Father's will would be a perfect representative of his Father.

As we continue to examine this record, we see Jesus correcting the unbelieving Jews for their assumptions.

Jesus basically tells them, I claim to be the son of God, you assume I am claiming to be God.

The same scenario is being played over and over and over again today with the trinitarians and the like.

The record in John 10 should correct their false assumption, namely that Jesus is God, but Jesus corrects you even today with the same words:

Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

Who does Jesus say he is?

If he was God why would God have to sanctify him?

The problems that the false doctrine of the trinity cause are enormous.

You have to basically throw out scripture after scripture, that you might keep your tradition.

I am no perfect believer or even noteworthy, but I do endeavor to take all scripture into account before drawing any conclusions.

Yes, indeed Jesus is called by shepherd even as God refers to himself as a shepherd.

Are you implying that everyone who is a shepherd is God as well?

You might want to ask yourself if that is good logic.

David was a shepherd, is he God?

His family were shepherds, were they God?

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were shepherds, are they God as well?

Like I said false doctrines cause more problems than you could shake a bundle of sticks at.

What would you have God refer to His son who always did God's will as?

Did your father give you a different surname than his? or did your father let you have the same last name as his?

My last name is the same as my father's, I am a chip off the old block, I did not fall from him.

I did not always do his will, yet he allowed me to keep his name.

Why wouldn't God name His son with His own name?


Well-known member
Tell me how many King of kings there are.

Can you do that?

Thanks for asking,

No, I cannot, I have not checked that out.

However, if what you say it true, that both God and His son are referred to as king of kings and lord of lords, it would be true of both of them

God is Lord over his son the lord Jesus Christ.

Acts 2:34

God is Lord over all, Jesus is lord over all that God gave him the authority and power to be lord over.

Thank you for the question

Do you have other things you would like to learn of me?


Well-known member
Again, God gave Jesus the name above all---He gave Jesus his names.

You don't seem to know the scriptures that say Jesus came from heaven.

What man came from heaven besides Jesus?

John 1:6

Where was John sent from?

What does that mean?

Who is the Father of Jesus Christ?

Where is the Father's throne?

Where does the word and will of God come from?

Are you a son of God?

Did that sonship come from God above? or from beneath?

I Peter 1:23


Well-known member
And I told you ripping a verse out of context leaves you SHORT.
There are three of you on this thread that have the same MO, and none of you know our Lord God and Saviour.
You don't know His name, and you don't know why He came, and you don't know how He got here. :sigh:

well, glo,

that is amusing.

You cannot read and acknowledge what is in the verse we are examining but you want to give me lessons on context?

Since you cannot even read I Timothy 2:5 and acknowledge what is there, why would I trust you with other verses, even if it is context?

You give no reason to consider your view on context.

When you get honest enough to acknowledge what is written in I Timothy 2:5

Why is it that you find I Timothy 2:5 so repugnant that you cannot admit what God says about who the one mediator between Himself and men is?

You are between a rock and a hard place with your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the truth in I Timothy 2:5

Get over it. Climb out of the pit you let others put you in.

The rightly divided word of truth is well worth it.

God's Truth

New member
No there are three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the three are one, and we are one with them when we are born of God. One Spirit as we walk in the Spirit. But the Father is also the God of all including the Son, as Jesus himself says.

Jesus is not in human flesh anymore; and, you are not divine.

God's Truth

New member
Ok, I don't agree with that, but much of what pops says I do agree with. And I am not his judge nor yours, I leave that in Gods hands, where as you seem to judge everyone! And if they don't agree completely with you then you go on one and accuse them of all sorts.
Prove it accuser.
Show where I have done that.
I could also say that you seem to be agreeing a lot with GD regarding Jesus being God. But I'm sure she doesn't believe that Jesus is the father come in flesh, I'm sure she believe that there are 3. So I could say the same about you that you are saying about me and pops.
The difference is that you both judge others too much and not each other.

I believe that God looks at the heart first and foremost.


God's Truth

New member
Again, you need to look at yourself

I don't have to look at myself because I know who it is that I live though.

How many times were you told that I don't care if you disagree with me? How many times do you keep saying I do?

Just debate the scriptures and stop trying to tell me about myself.