Who will answer my questions?


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Quote Originally Posted by God's Truth View Post
Who raised Jesus from the dead? Could you give me scriptures? Can you explain to me why some scriptures say God the Father raised Jesus from the dead and some say Jesus did, and yet other scripture says the Holy Spirit did?

The important idea here is that the resurrection was a reward to Christ (humanly speaking) for his accomplishment of bearing sin. You might have one verse give him credit ("the indestructible life" of Heb 9); or another like Rom 4:25 say that God raised him because he had accomplished justification from our sins for us. Both meaning the same thing finally. Christ was enthroned for what he had done; that's what David foresaw, says Peter in Acts 2:30-31.

Likewise, sometimes 'raised' means something more than the physicality. It means to be exalted, honored, or back to rewarded. This is possible in Acts 13:36, in Rom 1's intro, definitely in Eph 1:19, Phil 2, and then the raising-from-descending parallels of Rom 10:6+ and Eph 4:7+.


Well-known member
29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

Who is the neighbor?

a. the one who was robbed

b. the Samaritan who shewing mercy stopped to help

Who should we love?

Who has stopped to help you?

When is the last time you stopped to help someone?

Do you want to be loved?

What should you be doing?

We are love those who help us recover from Satan's attacks.

patrick jane

Me Cherry picking? What about all the verses that say that God is the God of Christ Jesus, coming from Jesus and the apostles? And that the head of Christ is God? Do you just ignore all of them? There's loads of them and they clearly tell you. I don't have yo try and explain them, or try and twist verses to suit my beliefs, they clearly say that God is the God and father of Jesus Christ and Jesus even calls the father my God, even after his resurrection!

Do you want me to post some of them and show you?
2 Peter 3:16 KJV -
“As also in all
epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood,
which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as
they do
also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”


Well-known member
2 Peter 3:16 KJV -
“As also in all
epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood,
which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as
they do
also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”
Hey Patrick. Do you want me to post some verses as to why I believe as I do? And then tell me why I shouldn't believe them?


Well-known member
God the Father came as a Son of Man in the flesh.

You just don't go deep enough.
No the father didn't come as the Son of man in flesh, the Father was in the Son, the Son and the father aren't the same the father is also the father of Jesus. There are 3, father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the father is the Almighty God of all.


Well-known member
You want to, because it help's you believe the lie
A lie, really? Do you want them verse by verse and tell me why I shouldn't believe them, how about we start with John 17 where Jesus calls the father the only true God? And says that eternal life is to know him, the Father, the only true God?

Why shouldn't I believe Jesus here?

patrick jane

Really? Do you want them verse by verse and tell me why I shouldn't believe them, how about we start with John 17 where Jesus calls the father the only true God? And says that eternal life is too know him, the Father, the only true God?

Why shouldn't I believe Jesus here?
You should, because Jesus is God !!! You will find out in the end, no worries. :)


New member
Don't be a hypocrite. You called me dishonest and a liar; yet, I know you believe our beliefs are more alike than anyone's here.

Sometimes I do not understand you because you publicly put me down and misjudge me, and then you private message me with brotherly friendship talk that I mistake for enemy talk.

We were debating before about my saying Jesus was God while he walked the earth. I really did take it as you trying to say Jesus was not God at that time; so, I used scripture that proved Jesus was God, and as God in the flesh it was still evident that he was omniscient. I proved with scripture that Jesus was God all knowing concerning man while he was a man. But you went off on a personal attack to say I was a liar and dishonest. I gave scripture that proved Jesus could only do what God the Father did, yet he humbled himself when he came as a Man. As a Man Jesus has to ask God the Father some things, but that just proves Jesus was humble. It proves that Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Man.
You can focus on the vessel that the Holy Spirit filled or you can focus on the Holy Spirit itself. Focusing on the man Jesus is needed for us to recall the example for our own direction. It was GOD that worked in Jesus and GOD that caused Jesus to be. It was GOD that Jesus followed without waver even unto death. Did GOD take the form of a man? Yes. Is GOD spirit? Yes. While Jesus walked the earth he was the physical body that GOD chose before the foundation of the worlds to dwell in wholly. Now at this time, the same spirit, the Christ of GOD comes into our hearts and minds making us the body of Christ. The body isn't the focus; it is the Spirit.


Well-known member
You can focus on the vessel that the Holy Spirit filled or you can focus on the Holy Spirit itself. Focusing on the man Jesus is needed for us to recall the example for our own direction. It was GOD that worked in Jesus and GOD that caused Jesus to be. It was GOD that Jesus followed without waver even unto death. Did GOD take the form of a man? Yes. Is GOD spirit? Yes. While Jesus walked the earth he was the physical body that GOD chose before the foundation of the worlds to dwell in wholly. Now at this time, the same spirit, the Christ of GOD comes into our hearts and minds making us the body of Christ. The body isn't the focus; it is the Spirit.
Good post pops :) the only bit I think we see differently, is I believe that Jesus was in the form of God by being completely filled with the Holy Spirit and he didn't live to please his will but to do the will of God and God was in his fullness through Jesus bodily, in other words Jesus was full of God being filled with his Spirit, and he was dead to fleshly lusts and was not of this world, but of heaven and Jesus was in the express image of God, which made him Emmanuel "God with us" because we didn't see the flesh of the man Jesus, as he didn't live to please his flesh but to please God, and the love, mercy, fogiveness, the essence of God was seen through him. I don't believe that Jesus is God, but he is the Christ the son of the living God and the Father is his God also.

I thought I'd explain myself in detail, as my words get twisted by some here at times :)

God's Truth

New member

He wasn't the fullness of GOD if He would have had to call on GOD to do such.

You still don't get it.

Jesus humbled himself and came as a Man and could have done that which he said he could do; but, he did not.

Think about it some more.

Jesus was fully God while on earth.

But, by choice, he was submissive as a Man is supposed to be.

God's Truth

New member
Good post pops :) the only bit I think we see differently, is I believe that Jesus was in the form of God by being completely filled with the Holy Spirit and he didn't live to please his will but to do the will of God and God was in his fullness through Jesus bodily, in other words Jesus was full of God being filled with his Spirit, and he was dead to fleshly lusts and was not of this world, but of heaven and Jesus was in the express image of God, which made him Emmanuel "God with us" because we didn't see the flesh of the man Jesus, as he didn't live to please his flesh but to please God, and the love, mercy, fogiveness, the essence of God was seen through him. I don't believe that Jesus is God, but he is the Christ the son of the living God and the Father is his God also.

I thought I'd explain myself in detail, as my words get twisted by some here at times :)

Pops and you have completely different beliefs. I don't know why he isn't making that more clear to you.


Well-known member
I haven't spit in your face.

I try to respond in a similar tone to what you post to me on an individual case. Be more neutral and less condemning if you expect it from me.

That was a figure of speech. You called me evil. I expect nothing from you except more false accusations.

God's Truth

New member
You can focus on the vessel that the Holy Spirit filled or you can focus on the Holy Spirit itself. Focusing on the man Jesus is needed for us to recall the example for our own direction. It was GOD that worked in Jesus and GOD that caused Jesus to be. It was GOD that Jesus followed without waver even unto death. Did GOD take the form of a man? Yes. Is GOD spirit? Yes. While Jesus walked the earth he was the physical body that GOD chose before the foundation of the worlds to dwell in wholly. Now at this time, the same spirit, the Christ of GOD comes into our hearts and minds making us the body of Christ. The body isn't the focus; it is the Spirit.

You messed up a little bit. You messed up on the part about the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Jesus.


Jesus is the Spirit of God come as a Man.


Well-known member
I do not imagine anything so stop pretending I do.

I don't care what you do in private, but you aren't going to pretend to be some holy saved Christian Al while acting and also portraying me to be some evil fool.

I have yet to attack you personally; the things I have pointed towards you are just what you have placed out yourself. I merely turned them at you, and not even directly of wholly.



Well-known member
Calling people crazy and then commenting on their response omit to say it doesn't make sense isn't only sharing or helping or being concerned, which you are not. If you go around calling your friends and family crazy because they don't agree with you and show the flaw of your own illogic then how do you treat those you do care about?
If your friend or neighbor is a denier of the Christ of GOD because they don't have the same understanding as you for very very good reason then what do you call them when they aren't around. Play that poor little me bs with the blind.

I must have hit a sore spot. :chew:


Well-known member
The working of GOD within one's soul is absolutely undeniable. The things placed on the heart and mind from that free gift of GOD are too unmistakable, as is the desire of the flesh.

Thought you believed in grace and not the holding to the letter of the law?

I'm not the one unable to do those things I want, as you confessed to.