Who Posted?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Agreed ... how ridiculous to focus on this thread. You (just you) are horrible in all threads.

Well, more accurate in any event. And to continue with how bone headed a comment his suggestion that my profession was or is clothed in evil is, I spent the larger portion of my career as a poverty lawyer, spent a handful of years as an advocate who protected victims of abuse, children and mothers, under the Vawa Act. And the last thing I did was keep a very old woman who had been manipulated by one of those predators and her own family from losing the home her husband had left her after dying of cancer.

I worked in an office with five attorneys, all of whom graduated from reputable schools and chose to forego financial gain to help people. My first intern was half way through her studies at Harvard. She went on to do a great deal of pro bono work and advocacy for the poor after graduation. It's not an unusual story. My state has one of the most recognized Volunteer Lawyers Association programs in the American Bar.

Lawyers formed the Constitution. Lawyers protect the innocent and safeguard due process. It is a necessary and noble profession when practiced as it should be. And a great many do.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, more accurate in any event. And to continue with how bone headed a comment his suggestion that my profession was or is clothed in evil is, I spent the larger portion of my career as a poverty lawyer, spent a handful of years as an advocate who protected victims of abuse, children and mothers, under the Vawa Act. And the last thing I did was keep a very old woman who had been manipulated by one of those predators and her own family from losing the home her husband had left her after dying of cancer.

I worked in an office with five attorneys, all of whom graduated from reputable schools and chose to forego financial gain to help people. My first intern was half way through her studies at Harvard. She went on to do a great deal of pro bono work and advocacy for the poor after graduation. It's not an unusual story. My state has one of the most recognized Volunteer Lawyers Association programs in the American Bar.

Lawyers formed the Constitution. Lawyers protect the innocent and safeguard due process. It is a necessary and noble profession when practiced as it should be. And a great many do.

Have you ever had to compromise your morals in practicing law in order to the follow the legal definitions of your profession?


like marbles on glass
I heard a lot of squawking earlier about how horrible Chrys and I have been in this thread

Now that I've offered to discuss any single post of mine from this thread, the squawking has stopped. :think:

You didn't hear squawking. Saying so though, is a subjective poisoning of the well; a tactic of yours that has soured many a discussion here. And that's what we're talking about.

You were offered a post. The one to Rusha that's sitting in the woodshed.

Why haven't you taken it up?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Then you have never practiced criminal law?
Sure I did, though I spent the majority of my career on the civil end. Why would you assume there's an inherently immoral necessity involved in working to defend someone accused of a crime? And what would that be?

Now most of the people who actually get to the point of full blown prosecution are guilty and the vast majority of those are worked out between prosecutor and defense attorney in plea. I believe fewer than three percent of criminal cases billed go to trial. It may be a little more or a little less by particular year, but around that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I heard a lot of squawking earlier about how horrible Chrys and I have been in this thread

Now that I've offered to discuss any single post of mine from this thread, the squawking has stopped. :think:

Oh sure, you're still struggling with the concept of providing a single post of mine from this thread, putting it up there so we can discuss it, but we've come to expect nothing better from you. :)

But I have hope you'll figure it out eventually, bless your little heart.

As figured, you'd still squirm and deflect away from a post which had your hypocrisy laid bare, such as the wimp you are. The next is one (from this thread) where you take an indirect snide swipe at the poster who's challenge regarding your lies about his credentials you were to too gutless to take on. Still, please explain how calling someone a 'butthurt sulker' in any way emulates your signature.

suddenly it's gotten awfully quiet in here

Nice and peaceful with all the clamorous bitter and angry posters gone

Much like it was in here last week before the butthurt sulker returned :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You didn't hear squawking. Saying so though, is a subjective poisoning of the well; a tactic of yours that has soured many a discussion here. And that's what we're talking about.

You were offered a post. The one to Rusha that's sitting in the woodshed.

Why haven't you taken it up?


He hasn't taken it up because he knows he can't defend his practice while he carries his signature, just like he can't defend his lies about TH's credentials as a lawyer. Still, lets see if he addresses this one....


New member
Hall of Fame
Sure I did, though I spent the majority of my career on the civil end. Why would you assume there's an inherently immoral necessity involved in working to defend someone accused of a crime? And what would that be?
their defense when you know they are guilty and have admitted it to you for one. When you try to supress actual proof of the crime by some legal technicality or loophole, things like that...

Now most of the people who actually get to the point of full blown prosecution are guilty and the vast majority of those are worked out between prosecutor and defense attorney in plea. I believe fewer than three percent of criminal cases billed go to trial. It may be a little more or a little less by particular year, but around that.

Even the plea deal process contains selling of morals.


As figured, you'd still squirm and deflect away from a post

Silly artie - I was merely waiting for you to take me up on my offer.

Not my fault you couldn't understand simple directions. :idunno:

(clamorous, angry, bitter rant snipped) Still, please explain how calling someone a 'butthurt sulker' in any way emulates your signature.

Be specific.

Do you think that indicates bitterness? Wrath? Anger? Clamour? Evil speaking? Malice?

I think it's a perfectly apt description.

You may disagree :idunno:


like marbles on glass
You're telling me what I heard? :freak:

Yes I am.

Pull it out, post it here and we'll discuss it, just you and me, one on one
I gave you the link. How about you post your own words, and then explain why it was okay to say in the first place, and then maybe how it came to be deleted.

Because here's the thing, res. If you posted a conservative position or argument using civil language without mocking, taunting, baiting and name-calling, you and I wouldn't be having this discussion at all. I'd consider you another conservative with views similar in a many ways to myself. Not in everything, but in many ways.

But I can't get past your behavior to see your argument. Plain and simple. Look at the way you changed my quote earlier in the thread to put "tardliest" in it. That's so juvenile. And you wonder what everyone's beef is. You turn away the very people you'd like to convince of your conservative argument by your behavior, and you won't look at it honestly, at the damage you're doing.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Silly artie - I was merely waiting for you to take me up on my offer.
Not my fault you couldn't understand simple directions. :idunno:

Er, no, you had a post which was an outright misrepresentation of someone and you were too cowardly to address it, probably because you know you have no defense for it.

Be specific.

Do you think that indicates bitterness? Wrath? Anger? Clamour? Evil speaking? Malice?

I think it's a perfectly apt description.

You may disagree :idunno:

Oh, evil speaking and malice certainly informs it as TH no more sulks than you're sincere. This is why you make lies about his credentials as a lawyer and when challenged shy away from it.


Yes I am.

That's very presumptious of you.

Here's an idea.

Instead of telling people what they hear, or think, why not ask them?

And if they've offered their view, why not consider it?

Why not consider that to me, the behavior of you and your crew earlier did indeed appear to be a lot of silly mindless squawking.

I gave you the link.

How hard would it be for you to post it here? :idunno:

How about you post your own words, and then explain why it was okay to say in the first place, and then maybe how it came to be deleted.

I'll defend it now if you put it up here and explain that I chose to delete it and the whole string around it because it was not something I wanted to follow up on.

If you posted a conservative position or argument using civil language without mocking, taunting, baiting and name-calling

Here's the thing anna - when I see you applying the same standards to Town and artie (and zoo when he returns) I'll give your concern some credence.

Until then?

Sounds like a lot of hypocritical squawking to me.

You turn away the very people you'd like to convince...

anna - I'm not trying to "convince" anybody of anything. I've been posting here some ten years or so, I don't even know any more. The one thing I've come to realize is that nobody comes here with an open mind.

If you think I'm here to "convince" people, you're as silly as artie who always wants "a debate on points".


Not why I'm here.



artie, when you start with the contradictions, it tells me you're not paying attention.

Just like last night.

Go back and read what I posted.

Oh, evil speaking and malice certainly informs it as TH no more sulks than you're sincere.

Town's behavior after Del gave him an infraction looked like sulking to me.

and others

If you don't see it that way, we'll have to disagree :idunno:


like marbles on glass
That's very presumptious of you.

Here's an idea.

Instead of telling people what they hear, or think, why not ask them?

And if they've offered their view, why not consider it?

Why not consider that to me, the behavior of you and your crew earlier did indeed appear to be a lot of silly mindless squawking.

That's very presumptuous of you.

Here's an idea. Instead of telling me what I'm saying or how I sound, why not ask me?

And if I've offered my view, why not consider it?

Why not consider that to me, my plain and simple method of talking is not a lot of silly mindless squawking, regardless of what you think?

How hard would it be for you to post it here? :idunno:
How hard would it be for you? In other words, why is it important that I do it?

I'll defend it now if you put it up here and explain that I chose to delete it and the whole string around it because it was not something I wanted to follow up on.
Defend it. I'm listening.

Here's the thing anna - when I see you applying the same standards to Town and artie (and zoo when he returns) I'll give your concern some credence.

Until then?

Sounds like a lot of hypocritical squawking to me.
Nope. You're wanting to switch boats midstream, when you entered of your own volition a conversation I was having with chrys. You'll have to take it on my terms or let it go.

anna - I'm not trying to "convince" anybody of anything. I've been posting here some ten years or so, I don't even know any more. The one thing I've come to realize is that nobody comes here with an open mind.

If you think I'm here to "convince" people, you're as silly as artie who always wants "a debate on points".


Not why I'm here.
Who said anything about an open mind?

And if you're only here to bait and taunt, name-call and mock, then be honest about it and say so.


How hard would it be for you? In other words, why is it important that I do it?

If you want to discuss it, put it up here.

If you don't? :idunno:

hypocritical squawking snipped

Who said anything about an open mind?

Long ago I learned the folly of attempting to change a closed mind.

And if you're only here to bait and taunt, name-call and mock, then be honest about it and say so.

No, that's not the only reason I'm here.

I've fully enjoyed discussions I've had here today with nog, with IK, with TM, others

I used to enjoy having discussions with you. Lately the only tack you seem to want to take is, well....
