
New member
The question, then, is which claimant actually fulfills the biblical paradigm of Christ's one historic Church?
That was not my question, Cruciform.

Scripture is clear that the one, holy, catholic (universal) and apostolic church is found in the elect of Christ, both visible and invisible.

"Perhaps the most succinct and the best statement of the church as invisible and visible is found in the Westminster Standards. Chapter 25, "Of the Church," states:

"The catholic or universal church, which is invisible, consists of the whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ the Head thereof; and is the spouse, the body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.

The visible church, which is also catholic or universal under the gospel (not confined to one nation, as before under the law), consists of all those throughout the world that profess the true religion;

and of their children: and is the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, the house and family of God, out of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation" (sections 1, 2). (


New member
Get lost...that you might be found not having your own righteousness, Phlip. 3.
Catholics had been believing and living that text for a millennium-and-a-half before a single Protestant ever managed to stumble onto the scene. Thanks, though. :up:


Well-known member
Hi to all and some believe that Peter has the KEYS to the so-called historic church !!

In Matt 16:19 , Peter is given the KEYS not to a So-called church but given KEYS to the Kingdom of Heaven and that is a big difference !!

Jesus is the King of Israel and not Peter and in the Kingdom , Peter will sit with the 12 , on thrones and JUDGING Israel .

The Kingdom of Heaven is NOT the Body of Christ taught by the Risen Christ that was taught to our apostle of Grace , Paul !!

Verse 19 has many verbs in verse 16 and 4 of those verbs are YET to be fulfilled as they are in the FUTURE TENSE !!

This means that God is NOT workoing through the 12 Apoatles as they have YET to be seated on there THRONES , how simple is that !!


Good post, good thread!


New member
That was not my question, Cruciform.
That was the specific question under discussion at the moment.

Scripture is clear that the one, holy, catholic (universal) and apostolic church is found in the elect of Christ, both visible and invisible.
See this and this.

"Perhaps the most succinct and the best statement of the church as invisible and visible is found in the Westminster Standards..."
:darwinsm: ...If only the opinions of a group of man-made non-Catholic sects invented in the 16th century and following actually possessed any binding doctrinal authority whatsoever.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Rather, I follow both.

You can't follow the Scriptures and your 'infallible' RCC pope(s) commands at the same time because one or the other has to go.

And guess which one the current 'infallible' RCC pope has reaffirmed contrary to Scriptures:
"And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” Since the Vatican confirms the translation....

patrick jane

You can't follow the Scriptures and your 'infallible' RCC pope(s) commands at the same time because one or the other has to go.

And guess which one the current 'infallible' RCC pope has reaffirmed contrary to Scriptures:
"And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” Since the Vatican confirms the translation....

is that true ? did the pope really refer to Jesus Christ ant the Cross as a failure ? if so, that's the last straw. he barely mentions Christ on his visit but manages to say that ? unreal -


New member
is that true ? did the pope really refer to Jesus Christ ant the Cross as a failure ? if so, that's the last straw. he barely mentions Christ on his visit but manages to say that ? unreal -

Yes, he did. What I provided is from the approved Vatican script.

"And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” Since the Vatican confirms the translation....


New member
Absolutely, for example here, and here.

Thanks for that but your "proof" of apostolic succession lies in the third part of the article you pointed me at. The first two parts of the first article proves nothing except your exegetical gymnastics! The third part is just RC tradition which counts for nothing. Does the pope think he is the head of the church?
Pete 👤


New member
You can't follow the Scriptures and your 'infallible' RCC pope(s) commands at the same time because one or the other has to go.
Post your proof for this utterly unsubstantiated False Dichotomy.

And guess which one the current 'infallible' RCC pope has reaffirmed contrary to Scriptures:
"And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” Since the Vatican confirms the translation...
Now go ahead and quote the qualifying statement that you omitted with the ellipse highlighted above. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Thanks for that but your "proof" of apostolic succession lies in the third part of the article you pointed me at. The first two parts of the first article proves nothing except your exegetical gymnastics!
...according to the mere opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect, anyway. And as such, your favored sect possesses no binding doctrinal authority whatsoever, but merely the fallible traditions of men.

The third part is just RC tradition which counts for nothing.
...unless the Catholic Church is in fact that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself, and against which he declared that the gates of Hades would never---NEVER---prevail (Mt. 16:18-19; 1 Tim. 3:15), which it most certainly is.

Does the pope think he is the head of the Church?
Specifically, the derivative, earthly head of Christ's one historic Church, yes. The ultimate, heavenly Head of the Church, no.

Gaudium de veritate,
