Can you really not imagine that two gay people might actually love each other?
No, else they'd not do this to each other. /story
So you really can’t imagine that two people of the same sex might just be able to love each other, I find that rather sad.
If so then I don't think that my own imagination is the problem here.
If it is self-indulgence, as you seem to imagine it is, then what would be that perceived pleasure being indulged in if not the human relationship, sex and perhaps a lifestyle? Is it just to annoy the religious perhaps?
Not really something that I at least can imagine any reasonable person would want to be doing, not on a full time basis anyway.
Yup, the proof is in the pudding here and as I said, our conversation is over. You have no moral absolutes (no God= no morality). There is no reason for us to abstain from anything if there is no God as you assume.
*Read the headlines, you retarded atheist idiots (present company may be excluded for now), we (you) reap what you sow
Thanks, I think.
As I have said before, human morality in society is afaic generally a consensus of individual morality and thus clearly a relative thing, not an absolute. So again I suggest to you that the only reason gay people do what they do is because they honestly want to do it, and that for them there is no moral problem even if for you there is. If you can’t at least imagine how that might just be true then I can’t really help you. I’m also rather sure that you can’t demonstrate that your God even exists let alone arbitrates on what is absolutely moral. Moral values, at least for those like me, are clearly simply of human origin that can and sometimes do change, but not something absolute just because it is perhaps written in an ancient scripture.
I don't think the whole point of this conversation is actually only whatever you decide it is Lon, God presumably.
Let it be known, I *tried* to exclude you from the above comment, I cannot help you walking into it all on your own. I suppose it was a setup...
I’m not sure that you can actually understand how a disbeliever in your God and any god might actually think Lon, or that anyone could honestly disbelieve that an involved, supernatural and personal god could exist for us on this speck of earth. It might take some imagination to do that?
That which is "noble" is afaic a subjective human opinion and not something that you perhaps imagine your God thinks it is.
...and there ya go, both feet wet now We Christians would laugh if it wasn't so sad. There is frankly nothing to laugh about but I would vote for shock therapy to be covered under insurance once again... It is a desperation attempt/you need Jesus. Badly.
"Be sure your sins will find you out..."
Please do establish how otherwise subjective human ideas (noble) are somehow also objective and absolute as well. It probably has nothing to do with me needing Jesus (or not) btw.
Since I don't know what "idiocycretic" means I can't decide either way how capable I am at continuing this conversation.
Idiosyncratic? I try and use my own brain when someone uses a word I don't get. I can, in fact, look words up and don't mind mispelling. Let's not get stupid and petty, shall we?
Please come back when you have better prepared to debate this topic with actual Christians. You are wasting our time. Grow up.
I think I did answer your point anyway Lon, but I thought you were being rather pompous and dismissive, which was my real point here.