Where will the Tribulation Temple be built?


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Yes, the Muslim Haram al Sherif does not have fresh water, just cisterns which are not sufficient to wash away animal effluence such as blood.


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It's pretty awful to think about people doing the total opposite of the letter to Hebrews.

That's why it's called the abomination of desolation. The event that precedes the great tribulation that will never be equaled and mind you Jesus believed in the flood so it will even be worse than that. 70AD just wasn't the worst time in human history.


New member
The Temple has but one God approved location and that is on the Temple Mount. The Wailing Wall is where it is because that is where the Temple always stood and God will have no part of any man made deal with the Islamic Warriors to lead the Golden Dome standing on top of the point God appointed.


New member
The Tribulation Temple will become the throne of the Jewish Messiah (ie: Antichrist), and they will worship him there in the Holy of Holies.
When the False-Christ comes, he will deceive the Jews so much, through signs and miracles, that they will end up actually worshipping him.
Isn't this ironic?

I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not:
if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5:43

The fires of Hell will eternally burn very brightly for some...


New member
Yes, the Muslim Haram al Sherif does not have fresh water, just cisterns which are not sufficient to wash away animal effluence such as blood.

Yep, the irony of mistaken identity. Water is the key, and that is Gihon Spring.


New member
Recent archeological evidence points to just south of the "Temple Mount" to the City of David.

It won't.

There is no reason to rebuild the physical Temple another time. It is clear from the scriptures that the REAL Temple is in heaven, built by God and not men, and that is where Jesus went to present the value of his sacrifice to God.

"The main point of what has been said is this: we have such a high priest who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle that the Lord, not man, set up." (Hebrews 8:1,2, NAB)

The writer of Hebrews said that the physical Temple on earth was "a copy and a shadow of the heavenly sanctuary." (Verse 5.)

So why would another physical Temple be rebuilt?


New member
So why would another physical Temple be rebuilt?

The Father promised it to his Son.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. (Luke 1:32)​

David's throne was on earth, not in heaven. And David is not in heaven. (Acts 2:34)


Well-known member
The Father promised it to his Son.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. (Luke 1:32)​

David's throne was on earth, not in heaven. And David is not in heaven. (Acts 2:34)

Consider that the new Jerusalem will be in the new world.


New member
To deceive the world! The removal of the daily is directly tied to worshipping a false Christ in a false temple.

I submitted this conjecture to Chuck Missler and he agreed. The Jews refuse to worship "any man", but that is precisely what they will do with the Antichrist. How ironic.
The False Christ will be "enthroned" in the Tribulation Temple and thus replace the daily sacrifice and oblation. Only then will YHWY be justified in pouring out his wrath.
Sometimes you get more than you bargained for.


New member
The False Christ will be "enthroned" in the Tribulation Temple and thus replace the daily sacrifice and oblation.

There won't be a temple until after Jesus Christ presents himself. The Jews have been deceived into believing the temple was in Fort Antonia.

Now Jews pray at the western wall of the Muslim Noble Sanctuary.



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The Father promised it to his Son.
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. (Luke 1:32)​

David's throne was on earth, not in heaven. And David is not in heaven. (Acts 2:34)


New member
There won't be a temple until after Jesus Christ presents himself. The Jews have been deceived into believing the temple was in Fort Antonia.

Now Jews pray at the western wall of the Muslim Noble Sanctuary.


The "Wailing Wall" was built in 17 A.D. by Valerius Gratus who ruled Judaea 15-26 CE. Recent excavations below the foundation of the wall found 3 coins from his reign. They are "wailing" at a wall built to reinforce the (pagan) Roman fortress Antonia.
The Temple was built on the "threshing floor" at the City of David, which lies 600 feet south of the so-called "temple mount" (which was a Roman fort). The reason why the Temple was located in the City of David is because of the abundant supply of water from Gihon Spring, to cleanse the Temple of blood from sacrifices.
The entire City of David is under the control of Israel, so the Tribulation Temple could be built at any time. The Temple Institute already has everything in order... including the trained priests. Their belief is "if they build it, He will come" (only it will be the False-Christ that "comes").


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Hall of Fame
The Temple Institute already has everything in order... including the trained priests. Their belief is "if they build it, He will come" (only it will be the False-Christ that "comes").
Yes, I've read a lot about it over the years, but haven't even bothered to look into it in the last few years.

The one thing I could never find out was what their blueprint (ie. measurements) of the temple they planned to build.
If you ever run across a blueprint that they have, drop a link for me, please.
I would be interested.


New member
Yes, I've read a lot about it over the years, but haven't even bothered to look into it in the last few years.

The one thing I could never find out was what their blueprint (ie. measurements) of the temple they planned to build.
If you ever run across a blueprint that they have, drop a link for me, please.
I would be interested.

The blueprints are in Ezekiel chap. 40-48.


New member
The blueprints are in Ezekiel chap. 40-48.

That is the Millennial Temple in Ezekiel, and it far exceeds the size of any previous temple. However, the "landscape" of Jerusalem will be significantly altered due to the major earthquake of the Great Tribulation, which will allow the MASSIVE Millennial Temple to be built.

Here are the architectural plans for the Third Temple ("Tribulation Temple"):