Where will the Tribulation Temple be built?


Well-known member
Here is some info on the Roman fortresses of the era. They were approx. 50 acres and housed about 10,000 plus horses... exactly the dimensions of the Haram al Sharif (aka:"Temple Mount").


Looking toward the southwest - note the Temple on the far-side of the Fort

Wrong; watch from 40 mins in : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-k38U1-HLY

For one thing David's palace would have to have been destroyed by his son Solomon to build that there! Can you find any records of Solomon doing that? :rotfl:


New member
Going through this thread there is little attention given to the OP; Where will the Tribulation Temple be built. Here is why it will not be where the OP says it will be:
It won't be built on the Muslim owned Haram al Sherif, that's for sure. However, in spite of the evidence, Jews stubbornly cling to that location. When they finally "wake up" they can put it where it belongs... the City of David.
PS: Seems you are a bit confused. David's Palace was on the Citadel which was a large mount at the southern end of the City of David. The "Temple Mount" was nothing but a solid rock outcropping (the peak remains under the "Dome of the Rock"). Solomon filled in the Millo at the north end of the City of David, converting it into the Ophel as a solid base for the Temple area.

Thus, the Temple faced eastward across the Kidron Valley to the higher mountain where the Mount of Olives is located and the present-day village of Silwan... the area that the Romans displayed their crucifixion victims looking westward and down at the Temple in the City of David.


Well-known member
It won't be built on the Muslim owned Haram al Sherif, that's for sure. However, in spite of the evidence, Jews stubbornly cling to that location. When they finally "wake up" they can put it where it belongs... the City of David.
PS: Seems you are a bit confused. David's Palace was on the Citadel which was a large mount at the southern end of the City of David. The "Temple Mount" was nothing but a solid rock outcropping (the peak remains under the "Dome of the Rock"). Solomon filled in the Millo at the north end of the City of David, converting it into the Ophel as a solid base for the Temple area.

Thus, the Temple faced eastward across the Kidron Valley to the higher mountain where the Mount of Olives is located and the present-day village of Silwan... the area that the Romans displayed their crucifixion victims looking westward and down at the Temple in the City of David.

The archaeological remains of King Davids place location are well known are exactly where you (Bob Cornuke and Edward Martin) claim the temple stood; Do more research:




New member
The archaeological remains of King Davids place location are well known are exactly where you (Bob Cornuke and Edward Martin) claim the temple stood;
The archeological remains of "someone's" place location are in the City of David. At that location (deeper) there have been found a worship area where sacrifices were held, and the dating could go back way before King David. One thing is clear, the Bible clearly identifies the Temple location in the 12 acre City of David.
I say this is good because it eliminates the blockade of the "Temple Mount" by Islam and opens up the opportunity to immediately build a Temple.

PS: Remember, the "Temple Proper" was the size of the Tabernacle, so a 3rd Temple (Tribulation Temple) could easily fit within the City of David.
Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles - Rev 11:1b-2a


Well-known member
The archeological remains of "someone's" place location are in the City of David. At that location (deeper) there have been found a worship area where sacrifices were held, and the dating could go back way before King David. One thing is clear, the Bible clearly identifies the Temple location in the 12 acre City of David.
You did not watch it again, they show many evidences that it was the palace.
I say this is good because it eliminates the blockade of the "Temple Mount" by Islam and opens up the opportunity to immediately build a Temple.

PS: Remember, the "Temple Proper" was the size of the Tabernacle, so a 3rd Temple (Tribulation Temple) could easily fit within the City of David.
I see, so you have been pursueded not by evidence but by a desire for the temple to be built with the littlest of conflict possible, or as you may imagine possible.

The fact is God can do anything and does as He wishes. The prophesy's actually states that the temple will be right next to something unholy:

Ezekiel 8
7Then he brought me to the entrance to the court. I looked, and I saw a hole in the wall. 8He said to me, “Son of man, now dig into the wall.” So I dug into the wall and saw a doorway there. 9And he said to me, “Go in and see the wicked and detestable things they are doing here.” 10So I went in and looked, and I saw portrayed all over the walls all kinds of crawling things and unclean animals and all the idols of Israel.

Revelation 11:2
But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

It seems that if anything the most likely out come is that it is built right between the Dome of the rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. After all God doe not want it built as under the new covenant Christians are the living temples for His Holy Spirit. The Jewish third temple and the sacrifices that will be carried out there will mean nothing to God because His Son was the fulfilment of the Sacrificial Law.


New member
The archaeological remains of King Davids place location are well known
Not so fast there Sherlock. Although exploration in the City of David has revealed many things, it has not revealed "King David's Palace". That conjecture is but another "jumping to conclusions". This 2 minute video will pin-point the former location of David's Palace:


Well-known member
Not so fast there Sherlock. Although exploration in the City of David has revealed many things, it has not revealed "King David's Palace". That conjecture is but another "jumping to conclusions". This 2 minute video will pin-point the former location of David's Palace:

Does not pin point anything! No citations at all are given, no archaeology is shown, no scriptures given and no secular sources quoted. Just theory.


New member
Does not pin point anything! No citations at all are given, no archaeology is shown, no scriptures given and no secular sources quoted. Just theory.
Yes of course... I forgot... Derek Walker has all the answers, he is your foremost impeccable "authority". :rotfl: