Where Is Mother Teresa Now?

Ben Masada

New member
Ma Theresa does testify of receiving peace and pardon at the cross as a young nun, PERSONALLY she received it.

She is a Catholic Mystic...that is someone who has been saved but stays within the RCC and seeks to serve God through her sacraments and rituals....which God will never, never

Never bless....hence the soul darkness these good folks speak about.

She will be in heaven

That's something only believed by those who walk by faith and not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7)


New member
Speculate however you like. Whatever the situation, I know that God won't make any mistakes and neither she nor anyone else will end up in Hell on an unfortunate technicality.

I think she can be considered an example of the dangers of overstating the importance of visions, apparitions, and religious experiences - what if you have them for a while and then don't anymore? Has God abandoned you? Those whose faith was never predicated on any of this in the first place never find themselves in this quandary because God's public revelation is with them always.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Speculate however you like. Whatever the situation, I know that God won't make any mistakes and neither she nor anyone else will end up in Hell on an unfortunate technicality.

The cross is not an unfortunate technicality.


New member
The cross is not an unfortunate technicality.
Mother Teresa, even if she was not completely sincere about other things, believed that Jesus is her lord and savior who died on the cross for her sins and everyone's.

Nonetheless, the fate of her soul seems open to debate. Hmmm...


Well-known member
That's the Tanach way to say that when one dies and is buried, he or she will never return again from the grave. (II Sam. 12:23)
Well, that's likely true. Once gone, we will not come back.

Although, I do believe that there is a part of everyone one of us in every other of us. So that most of who we are, remains, shared among those still here.

Ben Masada

New member
Well, that's likely true. Once gone, we will not come back.

Although, I do believe that there is a part of everyone one of us in every other of us. So that most of who we are, remains, shared among those still here.

Yes but, only a family part that soon or later will also fall off memory. That's the reality of being human.


Well-known member
Yes but, only a family part that soon or later will also fall off memory. That's the reality of being human.
I didn't mean genetically. I meant personally. We don't think or feel anything that a million other people have not thought or felt before us. Or will not think or feel after us. We are a unique and complex combination of things, it's true, but none of those things are that unique in themselves. In fact, they are all quite common. It's only the particular combination that makes us unique.

That particular smile, that gesture, that flash of intelligence in the eye, that quiet wit: it's all still here; just hiding in the crowd. We can see it if we take the time to look.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We don't think ... anything that a million other people have not thought .... before us.

yesterday, I thought it might be fun to try a pastrami and thumbtack sandwich, on pumpernickel, with a nice glass of battery acid and a side of fried hamsters

go ahead - find me a million other people who have thought this


Well-known member
Ma Theresa does testify of receiving peace and pardon at the cross as a young nun, PERSONALLY she received it.

She is a Catholic Mystic...that is someone who has been saved but stays within the RCC and seeks to serve God through her sacraments and rituals....which God will never, never

Never bless....hence the soul darkness these good folks speak about.

She will be in heaven

Then you must believe the Catholic gospel is valid and can save; that it is in fact THE Gospel of salvation.

patrick jane

Then you must believe the Catholic gospel is valid and can save; that it is in fact THE Gospel of salvation.

I believe if a catholic or anyone else believes That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was crucified, buried and rose the third day, as the propitiation for our sins, thus believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and trusting Christ, they are saved.

1 John 2:2 KJV -


Well-known member
I believe if a catholic or anyone else believes That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was crucified, buried and rose the third day, as the propitiation for our sins, thus believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and trusting Christ, they are saved.

1 John 2:2 KJV -

If, along with that, they also believe they must keep all the sacraments that Rome tells them they must keep...or Mormons tithing and refusing caffeine because that's what Salt Lake City tells them they must do... or an evangelical faithfully practicing 1 John 1:9 "or else"...have such as they really believed the Gospel, or have they believed an adulterated counterfeit?

patrick jane

If, along with that, they also believe they must keep all the sacraments that Rome tells them they must keep...or Mormons tithing and refusing caffeine because that's what Salt Lake City tells them they must do... or an evangelical faithfully practicing 1 John 1:9 "or else"...have such as they really believed the Gospel, or have they believed an adulterated counterfeit?

:idunno: What should be said of a person that believes 1 Co 15:1-4 and still wants to follow teachings and rules of men ? Does that forfeit their salvation ?


Well-known member
:idunno: What should be said of a person that believes 1 Co 15:1-4 and still wants to follow teachings and rules of men ? Does that forfeit their salvation ?

You don't think the combining the saving Gospel of grace with elements of work-based religion (what all such additions always come down to) insults grace and negates the Gospel? Didn't Paul say something about that?
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mother Teresa, even if she was not completely sincere about other things, believed that Jesus is her lord and savior who died on the cross for her sins and everyone's.

Nonetheless, the fate of her soul seems open to debate. Hmmm...

the paul people
don't believe in work
working hard to discredit her

she is a threat to their belief