Where Is Mother Teresa Now?


Well-known member
you will be judged by your works

it says so in the bible

Not to me, it doesn't. There is no law on me anymore save Christ Himself and He's already taken all the possible penalty from God's law off of me when I died with Him. The only judgement I will face is for rewards, and there's a case that can be made that that judgement is reserved for Christ's apostles.


Well-known member

where is the church Jesus built on a rock?

It no longer exists but will exist again.

I read a quote where someone asked Teresa not too long before she died if she was resting in a certainty she would go to heaven. As I recall, he said no -- not even a pope can know that. Which is a lie.

Your false church is the reason she and you have believed lies that rob you of Christ and will damn you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Mother Teresa has returned to planet Centaur, from whence she came and is directing the minions of Satan who created the dinosaurs


my bad

wrong sock

thought I was logged in as October23

never mind

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
you will be judged by your works

it says so in the bible

I agree. The Bible does say so. But it also says otherwise. Explain the contradiction.

Galatians 2

16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.

Loving your neighbor as yourself is a work of the law.

Greg Jennings

New member
I agree. The Bible does say so. But it also says otherwise. Explain the contradiction.

Galatians 2

16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.

Loving your neighbor as yourself is a work of the law.

There are myriad textual contradictions in the bible, and that's because it was written by over 40 authors. Contradictions are to be expected.

This is the greatest reason why no one should adhere to any strict interpretation of it. Always read and study it with an open mind


New member
September of 1946, Teresa, then 36 years old, was sent to her annual
retreat and a needed rest, to the Loreto convent in Darjeeling, a town
nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, some 400 miles north of Calcutta
(a.k.a. Kolkata). On the 10th, she experienced a "mystical encounter" with
Christ. That experience would be only the first of several that would occur
that year.

Lest someone makes the mistake of assuming that Teresa actually eye
witnessed an apparition, or that she actually heard sounds with her own
ears; let me explain something that's crucial to keeping Teresa's testimony
in the proper perspective.

Her experiences are what's known as locutions (supernatural words) viz:
manifestations of God's thoughts; which may come through words heard
externally (exterior or auricular locutions) or in the imagination (interior
imaginative locutions) or immediately without any words (interior intellectual
locutions) viz: intuition.

Teresa's locutions were of the interior imaginative variety; viz: she didn't
actually hear any voices nor did she see anybody; no, it all took place in her

I'm not making this up. I own a copy of Teresa's personal letters, published
with commentary by Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C. the director of the
Mother Teresa Center, and Postulator for her canonization. Father Brian is
not one of Ms. Bojaxhiu's enemies. No, they were friends for like twenty
years: he's a great admirer of hers and obtained his superior's approval
before publishing Teresa's letters.

One of them, containing excerpts of some of her "conversations" with Jesus
that took place in her imagination, is on page 47. What really caught my
attention in the letter is a promise Teresa claims the locutions made to her
that went like this : "Do not fear— I shall be with you always."

Was Jesus with her always? Not even! The poor woman went on from that
year forward to endure virtually five decades feeling abandoned by Christ;
and yearning for even the slightest glimmer of The Lord's presence. She
came to the point of actually referring to Christ as "the absent one".

Q: If the locutions were only in Teresa's imagination; then why did they go
silent? Couldn't she have kept them going?

A: Teresa wondered why the locutions stopped too. However, that's really a
question for either a professional psychologist or a neuroscientist. Our minds
seem at times to have a mind of their own.

As an example, no doubt there's been times when you heard someone call
your name; when actually nobody did. I don't know how to explain things
like that any more than I know how to explain the immoral, and oftentimes
violent thoughts and imaginations that flood our minds totally against our

How does the human brain, a 3-pound lump of flabby organic tissue,
consisting of 60% fat, produce the phenomena of memory, consciousness,
and self awareness? How does it make us all behave so similarly at times,
and yet endow each of us with a unique and irreproducible existence? I can't
answer those questions any more than I can resolve Teresa's interior
imaginative locutions nor the mental activity of clairvoyance and horse

Teresa died in 1997 at the age of 87; distraught with anxiety that God not
only maybe didn't like her, but also that He may never have actually
approved of any of her work in India.

Let that be a lesson. NEVER listen for a so-called "still small voice" in your
head; because it just might be nothing in the world but your 3-pound lump
of fatty organic tissue getting to you. Following the lead of your own
imagination is like hitching your buggy to a tumble weed. You'll never get to
town like that.

†. 1John 4:1 . . Beloved, believe not every wind, but test the spirits whether
they are of God

Don't be gullible. Fantasized voices are the most unreliable form of
communication with God that I can possibly imagine. People actually commit
murders because they hear a voice from God telling them to do so.

I'm not alleging that Teresa was schizophrenic-- she didn't claim to hear
audible voices. Her locutions were more like impressions than speech. I'm
only pointing out that Teresa's reality did not jive with her locutions; and she
was really disturbed by it too.

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Greg Jennings

New member
September of 1946, Teresa, then 36 years old, was sent to her annual
retreat and a needed rest, to the Loreto convent in Darjeeling, a town
nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, some 400 miles north of Calcutta
(a.k.a. Kolkata). On the 10th, she experienced a "mystical encounter" with
Christ. That experience would be only the first of several that would occur
that year.

Lest someone makes the mistake of assuming that Teresa actually eye
witnessed an apparition, or that she actually heard sounds with her own
ears; let me explain something that's crucial to keeping Teresa's testimony
in the proper perspective.

Her experiences are what's known as locutions (supernatural words) viz:
manifestations of God's thoughts; which may come through words heard
externally (exterior or auricular locutions) or in the imagination (interior
imaginative locutions) or immediately without any words (interior intellectual
locutions) viz: intuition.

Teresa's locutions were of the interior imaginative variety; viz: she didn't
actually hear any voices nor did she see anybody; no, it all took place in her

I'm not making this up. I own a copy of Teresa's personal letters, published
with commentary by Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C. the director of the
Mother Teresa Center, and Postulator for her canonization. Father Brian is
not one of Ms. Bojaxhiu's enemies. No, they were friends for like twenty
years: he's a great admirer of hers and had his superior's approval to
publish Teresa's letters.

One of her letters, containing excerpts of some of her conversations with
"Jesus" that took place in her imagination, is on page 47. What really caught
my attention in the letter is a promise Teresa claims the locutions made to
her that went like this : "Do not fear— I shall be with you always."

Was "Jesus" with her always? Not even! The poor woman went on from that
year forward to endure virtually five decades feeling abandoned by Christ;
and yearning for even the slightest glimmer of The Lord's presence. She
came to the point of actually referring to Christ as "the absent one".

Q: If the locutions were only in Teresa's imagination; then why did they go
silent? Couldn't she have kept them going?

A: Teresa wondered why the locutions stopped too. However, that's really a
question for either a professional psychologist or a neuroscientist. Our minds
seem at times to have a mind of their own.

As an example, no doubt there's been times when you heard someone call
your name; when actually nobody did. I don't know how to explain things
like that any more than I know how to explain the immoral, and oftentimes
violent thoughts and imaginations that flood our minds totally against our

How does the human brain, a 3-pound lump of flabby organic tissue,
consisting of 60% fat, produce the phenomena of memory, consciousness,
and self awareness? How does it make us all behave so similarly at times,
and yet endow each of us with a unique and irreproducible existence? I can't
answer those questions any more than I can resolve Teresa's interior
imaginative locutions nor the mental activity of clairvoyance and horse

Teresa died in 1997 at the age of 87; distraught with anxiety that the Bible's
God not only didn't like her, but also that He may never have actually
approved of any of her work in India.

Let that be a lesson. NEVER listen for a so-called "still small voice" in your
head; because it just might be nothing in the world but your 3-pound lump
of fatty organic tissue getting to you. Following the lead of your own
imagination is like hitching your buggy to a tumble weed. You'll never get to
town like that.

†. 1John 4:1 . . Beloved, believe not every wind, but test the spirits whether
they are of God

Don't be gullible. Fantasized voices are the most unreliable form of
communication with God that I can possibly imagine. People actually commit
murders because they hear a voice from God telling them to do so.

I'm not alleging that Teresa was schizophrenic-- she never claimed to
actually hear audible voices. Her locutions were more like impressions than
speech. I'm only pointing out that Teresa's reality did not jive with her
locutions; and she was really upset by it too.


She was really old when she died. Her "fear that God didn't approve of her work in India" sounds like textbook dementia, perhaps developing into Alzheimer's.

If there is a God, and he doesn't approve of helping the poor and needy regardless of belief, then why did Jesus instruct his followers to do just that? Did you forget the parable of the Good Samaritan?


Well-known member
heir;4557124]You reject 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). That has nothing to do with anyone in the dispensation of the grace of God.

Both letters are suspect, do women obtain salvation through child bearing? 1Tim 2:25 is ludicrous and other portions of these letters show them along with Acts to be fraudulent. How are you going to say that isn't for you're delusional dispensation of grace.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

So Romans, and especially chapter 9 would also have to be seen as none grace territory if the will of God is no longer part of the selective process according to the letter, The main reason I left the mid actors guild was from counting the number of OT quotes found through Galatians and Romans, that Elephant in the theater exposed the mid actors as being selective dyslectics.

John 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Still a valid verse for right dividers who properly do it 2Cor 3:6, Galatians 4:24.

Acts 1:4 And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

I don't trust this letter for obvious discrepancies with Galatians.

Acts 1:5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.

Paul was baptized to wash away his sins, most likely to help Rome validate that dogma Acts 22:16, so it was yoked on the Paul of Acts as well as having him bow to the gang at Jerusalem likened to the future Roman hierarchy.

I already answered this. Never a moment of trusting the Lord believing the gospel of Christ=no salvation/outside the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV).

Still doesn't let God of the letter of the hook, she had just as much right, and more so, to experience a Divine event as Saul. The Esoteric foundation of the scripture perverted into a historic sitcom is the reason you have no real compassion for anyone outside you're dysfunctional actors troupe.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Ma Theresa does testify of receiving peace and pardon at the cross as a young nun, PERSONALLY she received it.

She is a Catholic Mystic...that is someone who has been saved but stays within the RCC and seeks to serve God through her sacraments and rituals....which God will never, never

Never bless....hence the soul darkness these good folks speak about.

She will be in heaven