Fixed it for you, CR.
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David used these words in explaining himself to God:
Psalm 51:4–5 (KJV)
4* Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
And done this evil in thy sight:
That thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
And be clear when thou judgest.
5* Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;
And in sin did my mother conceive me.
I feel sure that, given his relationship with God, God would have corrected him if he was in error or incomplete in his understanding of the facts of His relationship with fallen man.. So with that brief explanation of how life is initiated, we can see he didn’t mean to imply he was born in sin by stating he was only conceived in sin. By implication I believe we can conclude this from David: 'I was conceived in the sin, born innocent but into a world under the penalty of Adam’s transgression from which no man can reconcile'. Let’s read these words from Jesus that support what I am saying:
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me” [no issues of unconquered vanity].*“
But that the world may know that I love the Father” [by my example of obedience to His written word as being the reason for my victory because
“. . as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. .“ John 14:30–31 (KJV)
Preparation for keeping that one commandment is the responsibility of the parents when grooming the child for entering his age of accountability with the hope that he still be found innocent when passing through it into his adulthood. I would say, by the example of Adam, it is an impossibility unless one is born-again from above. No man can withstand the wiles of Satan without the power given him from above.
Vanity, the uninvited issue that when entertained instantly brought about a state of relational death to Adam which sealed the problem to his progeny with no advocate to plead his case with God. The words of Jesus above speak to that as being the truth: “the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me”. This same prince God warned Cain of by these words to him:
“If thou doest well,” [in overcoming vanity]
“shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.” Genesis 4:7 (KJV) This admonition by God was prophetic and purposed to extend beyond the life of Cain to all of the progeny of fallen man. The desire of Satan is for the life of every man, woman and child on earth innocent or guilty, it doesn’t matter. By these words of God given Cain that he should overcome sin, were intended by God for every future man born of woman to take to his heart.
God’s first attempt at helping men to overcome vanity was by his direct hand in their affairs. In the failure of this method that “grieved him at his heart,” Genesis 6:6 (KJV teaches us several things, one of which is the strength of the will of man that God gave him. Why is this except God must have, for HIS PROGENY, the heart of a man that his soul could be proven to be perfect for that which He had created him. I.e., to rule and reign with him from the very Godhead. Jesus would “prove” to be the first __ and He would have many brothers.
By Jesus, vanity can now be dealt with irrespective of one's innocence or guilt. Temptation is the tool allowed by God for the purpose of not only proving such a man in his innocence, but also for fallen man, the integrity of his heart upon hearing the word of God. Jesus used these words to the Disciples that make my point: “You didn’t choose me, I chose you”. (Jn 15:16)
Integrity is what God is after in man and Adam’s transgression or the penalty for it never stripped mankind of his capability to respond to God. If that was true it would have meant man was made reprobate by God by decree without remedy even God could not reverse.