Have you seen that new mystery picture at the theater yet?
I saw "The Monster that Ate Minnesota" with Efrem Goober, Jr.-Goob's son.
Have you seen that new mystery picture at the theater yet?
No, just trying to understand how some things are relevant, worth all the raging over. I only wish there were more attention to deeper Bible study, but, myself, don't seem to be the one in need of attention. With all due respect, I'm not hanging around here all day, like some others?
Is that like "the basic truth?" "Basically saved....alive...pregnant......?"... how the basic gospel is attacked these days.
You have NO Spiritual discernment that GM can see?
Glad you're not the judge then, brother.
Don't call me brother until I know you're truly a believer!
I don't know, I really rely on that hot mike to make me sound like Glenn Cripe.
Can a MAD rep please explain their doctrine, specifically salvation? Keep it to a paragraph and please supply scripture.
Can a MAD rep please explain their doctrine, specifically salvation? Keep it to a paragraph and please supply scripture.
People's minds are corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ 2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV. Salvation is so simple. Trust the Lord believing what Christ died for you and be saved 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV).It's a more recent phenomenon I've noticed, how the basic gospel is attacked these days.
People's minds are corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ 2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV. Salvation is so simple. Trust the Lord believing what Christ died for you and be saved 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV).
I believe in salvation by grace alone through faith alone, apart from any works, rituals, rites,etc., in Christ alone.
That is the end result. You have to know how to get there. I have yet to see you post the good news (gospel) of your salvation. And you have been asked a few times and have said a few things that don't cut the mustard. He is not "coming into your heart", that is unbiblical. Paul is very explicit about what salvation is.
The Lord Jesus Christ died for sin in our place. He was raised again for our justification. When we trust what he did, we move from death to life. We are seen as crucified and raised up with him by the Father. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
It has nothing to do with what we do or don't do. Anybody that takes away or adds to conditions is outside the faith. Paul said let them go to hell for perverting the simplicity that is the gospel.
How is it the end result?
was drawn to Him by the Holy Spirit
convicted of my lost condition
that without Him I would die and go to a devils hell prepared for satan and his demons
I was given the faith to trust in His finished work at the cross as the propitiation for my sin and being baptized into His body I was now dead to sin and alive and risen with Him.
Furthermore His Spirit bares witness with my spirit that I am eternally saved.
For I know whom I believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.
One thing that MAD got right; the church is Jesus' followers. It is not building.
We sure can serve God without organization.
I have been serving God without joining the organization.
Yeah and how? With the Holy Spirit.The Lord Jesus Christ says he draws all men. Not the Holy Spirit.
Gal_3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.That is what the law does.
YepYep. All do because of the transgression of one man.
YepEveryone was given the faith to trust him. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Nobody believes the gospel until they hear it.
Nope, I sure haven't. I have said things through scripture against your doctrine of more than one gospel and when the church started.The witness is what people say, not what they do. You have said evil wretched things against the faith attacking those that defend the gospel. That tells me all I need to know.
Well take that up with Paul then because that was a darn near word for word quote of our Apostle Paul.He has no interest in what you commit to him. You have to trust what he committed to you. Faith has two definitions. One is allegiance to a duty. His faith saved us.
Yep, it was all from Him.Faith has two definitions. One is allegiance to a duty. His faith saved us.
The witness is what people say, not what they do. .