ECT What's MAD?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
No, just trying to understand how some things are relevant, worth all the raging over.

Seriously? If this is true, then you know nothing of God.

2 Corinthians 5

11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.
Seriously? If this is true, then you know nothing of God.

2 Corinthians 5

11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.

How fortunate I am, to have anonymous Nick M, who doesn't even know anything about me, sit in judgment and finally set me straight. You're amazing! Before you came along, it was looking like a cesspool of trolls around here. May I grovel at your feet?
No such thing as "luck/fortune" in the book, as you employ it, as the LORD God is in control. You talk like the Christ rejecting world. They talk like you.

Thanks for checking in.

Third unprovoked, hateful troll comment in a hour. Thank you for getting to know who to ignore, like a couple other sociopathic people doing the same.


Well-known member
How fortunate I am, to have anonymous Nick M, who doesn't even know anything about me, sit in judgment and finally set me straight. You're amazing! Before you came along, it was looking like a cesspool of trolls around here. May I grovel at your feet?

Hey slick, you're the one came in with guns blazing to a thread you admit you don't even understand.


You are verbally attacking individual on a personal level and their families... whats that verse say under you name?

Nang is no different from those bullies. She is one of very vicious and hateful Trinitarians in this site when it comes to her enemy.


Originally Posted by Doom View Post
You lack the capacity to evaluate anything concerning "MAD" or non-MAD, because you don't know who Jesus is, and are essentially in a Universalism cult. Until you repent of your false religious system and your false god, you carry as much worth in any meaningful conversation as meshak, keypurr, LA, or oatmeal.

This is trin believers elitism which is hate. It is not of God.

Elitism and hate have nothing to do Jesus' followers.

They need to repent.

but since this is organizational behavior, sin, they need to come out of this kind of wicked organization.

Jesus says to come out of Babylon.


Well-known member
Yeah, for having 18,710 pages (and counting) it's kinda repetitive after the first 1/2 paragraph. Needs a proofreader. Already has a part-time ghost writer, though.