ECT What's MAD?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Again, your whining and complaining about this is pointless. Although you might show respect to say... a Scientologist, a Muslim, a Mormon, or a Hare-Krishna about Biblical doctrine, I would only do that knowing that they are actually interested in the truth. It is apparent when they are not teachable, but only concerned with spreading their false religion to corrupt the minds of others. You are worthy of no respect, as it is obvious that you are a wolf looking to deceive as many sheep as possible with your convoluted and less than forthright message.

If you really believed the nonsense you preach, you would not try and hide behind it by carefully choosing your words when speaking about the identity of Jesus. Wolves hate it when they are exposed. You are no exception.

Good post!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As Christians, we should show respect to all people by default, even if they aren't there to learn about Christ. Or how do you plan to reach people? By insulting them? Paul tells us to become all things to all people that we might win some over to Christ.

And I have been very straight-forward in all my beliefs, including Christs identity. I hold to the scriptures, not councils. You might have trouble understanding my position - but that is due to your lack of familiarity with the scriptures rather than because I haven't been straight-forward. Unlike some people, I don't resort to red-herrings and such to avoid discussing the matter at hand.

At any rate, you have made it clear that you refuse to discuss MAD any further - you would rather lower yourself to red-herrings and personal attacks than to provide honest answers to questions about your beliefs, knowing that they are indefensible. Good day.

Are you a "Baloney salesman?" I thought so!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As Christians, we should show respect to all people by default, even if they aren't there to learn about Christ. Or how do you plan to reach people? By insulting them? Paul tells us to become all things to all people that we might win some over to Christ.

And I have been very straight-forward in all my beliefs, including Christs identity. I hold to the scriptures, not councils. You might have trouble understanding my position - but that is due to your lack of familiarity with the scriptures rather than because I haven't been straight-forward. Unlike some people, I don't resort to red-herrings and such to avoid discussing the matter at hand.

At any rate, you have made it clear that you refuse to discuss MAD any further - you would rather lower yourself to red-herrings and personal attacks than to provide honest answers to questions about your beliefs, knowing that they are indefensible. Good day.

You need to go back and read/study Paul's writings. You don't
have it right yet!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Yep, because church people love to observe the holy sacraments of baptism and communion.

The ungodly are reviled by such practices of righteousness, even though they are ordained by Christ, Himself!

Should we be sprinkled or dunked in water?
How often should we partake of communion?

john w

New member
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God is not looking for those who subscribe to the correct set of beliefs. Rather God is concerned with one's heart and one's actions. We are not judged by the doctrines we hold to, but by our actions.

Deception-God is not looking for those who subscribe to the correct set of beliefs.

="anything goes"

You made that up, winged it, as "sound doctrine" is what separates truth, from error.

A Muslim(or JW, Mormon, or Buddhist,....substituting their "God"/"god" in the below) to you:

God is not looking for those who subscribe to the correct set of beliefs. Rather God is concerned with one's heart and one's actions. We are not judged by the doctrines we hold to, but by our actions. Thus, Allah is God, and my actions, including sending my son on a suicide bombing mission, is according to the Koran, my ticket to a bunch of chicks, in the after life.

You: Right on!!! May I shake your hand, brother?!!!

A Mormon, to you:

God is not looking for those who subscribe to the correct set of beliefs. Rather God is concerned with one's heart and one's actions. We are not judged by the doctrines we hold to, but by our actions. You must work your way to heaven, God the Father has many wives, and "Jesus" is the archangel Michael.

You: Right on!!! May I shake your hand, brother?!!!

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Of course, Tet. "holds hand" with perverters of the gospel of Christ, such as mess-hack, and scores of others, as long as they are "non dispies," because he is so obsessed with dispensationalism, and a wimp, w/o a backbone/vertebrae-your typical "man pleaser."

Much like Herod and Pilate.


Well-known member
As Christians, we should show respect to all people by default, even if they aren't there to learn about Christ.

I will agree with that to a point. Believers are to live at peace with all, as far as it depends upon us (Rom 12:18) and to give them no cause to say anything bad about believers (Titus 2:7-8).

What you leave out of your equation is, you cannot respect messages that contradict the cross of Christ (2 Cor 6:14; Eph 5:11; 2 Jn 1:11; Prov 28:4). The message of the cross is an offense to the perishing and believers will be the stink of death and doom to them (2 Cor 2:16) but the savor of Christ and life to those who will believe.

That message is the reason believers are here (2 Cor 5:20, 2 Tim 4:2).

So if you find yourself able to live at peace with all men BUT they are never offended by you because Christ and Him crucified is never an offense to them through might want to look into that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
This is a red-herring - you looked for a way out of answering the questions I posed to you, because you know my evaluation of MAD is correct. Rather than address the issue at hand, you looked for an excuse not to talk to me anymore. Sad. :yawn:

And for the record - I didn't say that all men will be saved. I said that we are judged by our actions - not the set of doctrines we subscribe to.

And your basis of what actions are "acceptable," and which are not would be? How about the Koran, which may assert that we "love" everyone? By that "argument," the Koran is "true." So, shuck "doctrine," which means "teaching," that thou shalt not kill......................we should love others, and.................................?

False dichotomy, as our actions are based upon our doctrine.

Clueless cliches from you, wingin' it, as you go, making things up on the fly.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If one has lived their whole Christian life, not even hearing of this MAD thing, why is it relevant? Does anybody have a new lease on Christian truth all other Spirit filled believers down the ages have missed? I think not. It's just I sometimes tire of thread after thread, where the topics are error, think perverted truth gets too much "air time."


Well-known member
If one has lived their whole Christian life, not even hearing of this MAD thing, why is it relevant? Does anybody have a new lease on Christian truth all other Spirit filled believers down the ages have missed? I think not. It's just I sometimes tire of thread after thread, where the topics are error, think perverted truth gets too much "air time."

That's the second time you've posted a comment like that. Are you feeling neglected? Are you that hungry for attention?
That's the second time you've posted a comment like that. Are you feeling neglected? Are you that hungry for attention?

No, just trying to understand how some things are relevant, worth all the raging over. I only wish there were more attention to deeper Bible study, but, myself, don't seem to be the one in need of attention. With all due respect, I'm not hanging around here all day, like some others?


TOL Subscriber
I suppose I could be considered an inclusionist; God is not looking for those who subscribe to the correct set of beliefs. Rather God is concerned with one's heart and one's actions. We are not judged by the doctrines we hold to, but by our actions.

Romans 2:16 KJV, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

Paul used the term doctrine 23 times in Romans through Philemon. Was that all for nothing?