What would make you Catholic?


New member
I see you are trying the old ploy of claiming that Mary is greater than God because she changed God's diapers.

No one ever said Mary was greater than God. She is the mother of the second person of the Trinity however, which makes her the mother of God the second person of the Trinity.


New member
Hall of Fame
No one ever said Mary was greater than God. She is the mother of the second person of the Trinity however, which makes her the mother of God the second person of the Trinity.

Its impossible for her to be the mother of God, since God includes the Father and the Holy Spirit.

She is not the mother of His Deity. She bore the flesh that He took on. She did not bear His Spirit.


New member
Do you ever get tired of talking nonsense?

Mary is NOT the "mother of God". That idea comes from paganism.
Paganism?? :rotfl:

Marys relationship to Jesus Christ in regards to HIS DEITY is ZERO.

Divorcing Jesus' divine nature from his human nature is an old heresy, as I have already documented.

God's WORD, the Bible, is the measure of true doctrine. It is GOD BREATHED and therefore fully able to allow me to determine what is good and bad doctrine.

Um hmm. So why do Protestants have so many conflicting and contradictory interpretations? How do you know yours is right and the other Protestant's isn't?

2Ti 3:16-17 KJV All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (17) That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Your "church" constantly rejects scripture in favor of your corrupt 'tradition'.
Not at all true, and shows the depth of your ignorance about what my church teaches and believes. And your quote above in NO WAY says that the Bible is the only thing to abide by. In fact Jesus never said that. He only talks about establishing the Church. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to only go by the Bible. Which of course was given by the Church in the first place (the NT). I have already given Scripture to show why Bible only is a fallacy.

And doesn't that remark about "good works" make you a little itchy?

"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle."

Right Divider

Body part
Feel free to respond to the questions I actually asked.

If you were incorrect about this (or about any theological truth), who would correct you?

Is it possible for you to believe a false doctrine, or conversely, to disbelieve a true one?
True for everyone

Or... is every religious belief you hold 100% true, simply because it's your belief?
Ha ha ha ha

The church that Jesus had with His twelve apostles for the TWELVE tribes of Israel was NOT handed down to Rome. That is a thieving myth made by evil men.


New member
No one ever said Mary was greater than God. She is the mother of the second person of the Trinity however, which makes her the mother of God the second person of the Trinity.

Jesus existed way before Mary ever came on the scene... so she is not his mother in the same sense that our mothers are to us.

God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit created this universe.. they spoke and it came into existence.... to infer that Mary created part of the creator is nonsense.


New member
Paganism?? :rotfl:

Divorcing Jesus' divine nature from his human nature is an old heresy, as I have already documented.

Um hmm. So why do Protestants have so many conflicting and contradictory interpretations? How do you know yours is right and the other Protestant's isn't?

Not at all true, and shows the depth of your ignorance about what my church teaches and believes. And your quote above in NO WAY says that the Bible is the only thing to abide by. In fact Jesus never said that. He only talks about establishing the Church. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to only go by the Bible. Which of course was given by the Church in the first place (the NT). I have already given Scripture to show why Bible only is a fallacy.

And doesn't that remark about "good works" make you a little itchy?

"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle."

Almost all of Romes 'developed' doctrines have their roots in pre-Christian Roman traditions.

Sacraments are not in scripture, nor is it something that 1st century Jews would be involved in... yet Sacrimentalism was a core concept of Mithraism which was the required religion of the Roman Army. As a matter of fact, scripture is pretty plain that we should not be involved in such things.

Transubstantiation also has it's roots in pre-Christian Roman pagan traditions. In Mithraism, a tauroctony was a core concept where they fed on the flesh of a sacrificed bull and the flesh became the flesh of Mithras.. sound familiar? Mithras was born of a rock... Peter is the rock... and I could go on.

The immaculate conception and perpetual virginity doctines are pretty much direct copies of the doctrines that arose around the god Diana/Artimis... where she gave birth, yet petitioned Zeus to restore her virginity perpetually.

You really need to understand just how much Rome has negatively influenced RCC doctrine.


New member
No one ever said Mary was greater than God. She is the mother of the second person of the Trinity however, which makes her the mother of God the second person of the Trinity.

Catholics may have avoided saying the words, but their action of praying to Mary proves that is what they believe.


New member
Almost all of Romes 'developed' doctrines have their roots in pre-Christian Roman traditions.

Sacraments are not in scripture, nor is it something that 1st century Jews would be involved in... yet Sacrimentalism was a core concept of Mithraism which was the required religion of the Roman Army. As a matter of fact, scripture is pretty plain that we should not be involved in such things.

Transubstantiation also has it's roots in pre-Christian Roman pagan traditions. In Mithraism, a tauroctony was a core concept where they fed on the flesh of a sacrificed bull and the flesh became the flesh of Mithras.. sound familiar? Mithras was born of a rock... Peter is the rock... and I could go on.

The immaculate conception and perpetual virginity doctines are pretty much direct copies of the doctrines that arose around the god Diana/Artimis... where she gave birth, yet petitioned Zeus to restore her virginity perpetually.

You really need to understand just how much Rome has negatively influenced RCC doctrine.

Even if true, (which I do not grant), how does that explain the same beliefs in all the rest of Christendom outside of Rome? (Byzantine, Palestine, Africa)
You do know that Luther and Calvin also believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary?

And Luther said:

". . she is rightly called not only the mother of the man, but also the Mother of God. . . . it is certain that Mary is the Mother of the real and true God."

"The veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart."

John Wesley:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as when she brought him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin."

You guys have no idea how unhistorical you are, do you?

Right Divider

Body part
Even if true, (which I do not grant), how does that explain the same beliefs in all the rest of Christendom outside of Rome? (Byzantine, Palestine, Africa)
You do know that Luther and Calvin also believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary?

And Luther said:

". . she is rightly called not only the mother of the man, but also the Mother of God. . . . it is certain that Mary is the Mother of the real and true God."

"The veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart."

John Wesley:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as when she brought him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin."

You guys have no idea how unhistorical you are, do you?
So there you have it!

How could Luther and Wesley and Calvin possibly be wrong?

Mary was His BIOLOGICAL mother and she had NOTHING to do whatsoever with His DEITY (i.e., His divine nature). Therefore it is blasphemous to call her the "mother of God".


New member
So there you have it!

How could Luther and Wesley and Calvin possibly be wrong?

Mary was His BIOLOGICAL mother and she had NOTHING to do whatsoever with His DEITY (i.e., His divine nature). Therefore it is blasphemous to call her the "mother of God".

Suit yourself and separate yourself from thousands of years of Christian doctrine. It's no skin off my nose!
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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Suit yourself and separate yourself from thousands of years of Christians doctrine. It's no skin off my nose!

By the middle of the first century, all that were in Asia had turned away from Paul's teachings.

Is it possible that the things you've read from 100ad and forward are not entirely correct?


New member
You are part of an ungodly organization that does everything that it can to deceive. If that's what you want, go for it.

The 'Christian doctrine' in the RCC is anything but true Biblical Christian doctrine.

Your hostility towards the historical church that includes so many martyrs and saints, is shocking. Even in the 20th century more Orthodox believers have been martyred than the whole total of martyrs since Jesus' time. They died for the faith you mock and disparage. Suffered terrible deprivation and torture. Yet you have the arrogant nerve to say they were part of deception and ungodly. :cry:


New member
By the middle of the first century, all that were in Asia had turned away from Paul's teachings.

Is it possible that the things you've read from 100ad and forward are not entirely correct?

Do you ever have any kind of facts, reasons, or evidence to back up your assertions?

Any "history" you go by is certainly far, far removed from 100 AD. I'll stick to the people who actually knew the Apostles.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Do you ever have any kind of facts, reasons, or evidence to back up your assertions?

Any "history" you go by is certainly far, far removed from 100 AD. I'll stick to the people who actually knew the Apostles.

Does the scripture not jump out at you?

By the middle of the first century, all that were in Asia had already turned away from Paul's teachings. Is it possible that you what you've read from 100ad and forward is not entirely correct?


New member
Even if true, (which I do not grant), how does that explain the same beliefs in all the rest of Christendom outside of Rome? (Byzantine, Palestine, Africa)
You do know that Luther and Calvin also believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary?

And Luther said:

". . she is rightly called not only the mother of the man, but also the Mother of God. . . . it is certain that Mary is the Mother of the real and true God."

"The veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart."

John Wesley:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as when she brought him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin."

You guys have no idea how unhistorical you are, do you?

Luther was a Catholic Priest, so it would be logical for him to carry on a lot of its beliefs.

John Wesley was an Anglican... there was not much difference between Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism when he lived.

The Early church fathers of the 1st and 2nd centuries didn't have much to say about any of the Marian doctrines of today... so its no suprise that the Pagan Romans imposed this on Christianity

So history isn't on your side.
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