What would make you Catholic?


Well-known member
There is no evidence the Roman catholic church could provide that would validate Trent, nor it's inherent 'rite' to dictate man's traditions upon the gospel of grace. The "catholic" church of scripture, I do abide.

So after Trent, Christ had no Church?


New member
Why did you want to be a member of the Catholic Church?

I had wanted to ever since I saw the Sound of Music when I was young, but I drifted away before I was old enough to join. However, it's changed quite a bit since then, and my church doesn't and hasn't changed, which to me is better. I harbor no ill will towards the Catholic Church, however it seems most people here harbor hateful feelings towards both the Catholic and Orthodox Church. Even Catholics here who look down on the Orthodox Church, which I have found to be rare. It's sad. Not much Christian community here.


New member

You asked whether a church must conform to my specifications.

My reply is that the church must conform to the specifications of the Bible, not to my specifications.

There are many things the Catholic church could change to conform to the specifications of the Bible.

After you purge the church of idolatry and the heretical Augustine doctrines, we can discuss the rest.


New member
Neither the RCC nor it's Protestant counterparts resemble any church in the Holy Bible.

That's only because you only look at the Bible for it, when it isn't put in the Bible, because everyone in the Church knew what it was. And they still do. You really miss out on a lot that way. Not to mention that everything in the Church IS Biblical, you just don't or won't see it.


New member
Idolatry is Biblical, it is mentioned 119 times.
That does not mean that idols should ever be seen in a Christian church.

Icons are a representation of spiritual things, not idols. God became man, which means he can be represented. Tradition has it that St. Luke painted the first icon (of the Virgin Mary) as he had become very close to her-as evidenced by the Gospel of Luke. Icons are found in the Roman catacombs.

Iconoclasm is as offshoot of the influence of Islam, which is very iconoclastic. Protestant iconoclasm joins Muslim iconoclasm in heresy.

Right Divider

Body part
He was still God. She was still His mother. If you deny that, you deny Christ is God.
Another stupid response..... and illogical too!

She had NOTHING to do with His divinity, therefore she is NOT the mother of God. There is NO such thing.

Now go back to worshiping your idol.

P.S. The only queen of heaven in the Bible is a pagan goddess.


New member
Another stupid response..... and illogical too!

She had NOTHING to do with His divinity, therefore she is NOT the mother of God. There is NO such thing.

Now go back to worshiping your idol.

P.S. The only queen of heaven in the Bible is a pagan goddess.

Oh, you are SO much smarter than the doctors of the Church who dealt with the heresy of Nestorianism. Are you Nestorian? I guess so. The same council which gave us the Nicene Creed made the determination that Mary was Theotokos. Do you also deny the Nicene Creed?


Well-known member
Another stupid response..... and illogical too!

She had NOTHING to do with His divinity, therefore she is NOT the mother of God. There is NO such thing.

Now go back to worshiping your idol.

P.S. The only queen of heaven in the Bible is a pagan goddess.

If you were incorrect about this (or about any theological truth), who would correct you?

Is it possible for you to believe a false doctrine, or conversely, to disbelieve a true one?

Or... is every religious belief you hold 100% true, simply because it's your belief.


Well-known member
Oh, you are SO much smarter than the doctors of the Church who dealt with the heresy of Nestorianism. Are you Nestorian? I guess so. The same council which gave us the Nicene Creed made the determination that Mary was Theotokos. Do you also deny the Nicene Creed?

I agree with you. But be careful - it's not a matter of IQ. It's a matter of authority.


New member
I agree with you. But be careful - it's not a matter of IQ. It's a matter of authority.

True, but a response that deems the title of Theotokos "stupid" is severely lacking in IQ.

The Church declared that both Divine and human natures were united in the person of Jesus, the son of Mary. Hence, Mary may be called Theotokos, since the son she bore according to the flesh, Jesus, is truly one of the Divine persons of the Trinity. This Marian title is really a Christological statement, which affirms that the second person of the Trinity, who was born into history as fully human, is really 'God with us'.
Mary is the Theotokos, the one who gave birth to God. This single word sums up the meaning of Luke's phrase: 'Mother of the Lord' (Lk 1:43)


New member
True, but a response that deems the title of Theotokos "stupid" is severely lacking in IQ.

The Church declared that both Divine and human natures were united in the person of Jesus, the son of Mary. Hence, Mary may be called Theotokos, since the son she bore according to the flesh, Jesus, is truly one of the Divine persons of the Trinity. This Marian title is really a Christological statement, which affirms that the second person of the Trinity, who was born into history as fully human, is really 'God with us'.
Mary is the Theotokos, the one who gave birth to God. This single word sums up the meaning of Luke's phrase: 'Mother of the Lord' (Lk 1:43)

I see you are trying the old ploy of claiming that Mary is greater than God because she changed God's diapers.

Right Divider

Body part
If you were incorrect about this (or about any theological truth), who would correct you?

Is it possible for you to believe a false doctrine, or conversely, to disbelieve a true one?

Or... is every religious belief you hold 100% true, simply because it's your belief.
Do you ever get tired of talking nonsense?

Mary is NOT the "mother of God". That idea comes from paganism.

Marys relationship to Jesus Christ in regards to HIS DEITY is ZERO.

God's WORD, the Bible, is the measure of true doctrine. It is GOD BREATHED and therefore fully able to allow me to determine what is good and bad doctrine.
2Ti 3:16-17 KJV All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (17) That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Your "church" constantly rejects scripture in favor of your corrupt 'tradition'.


Well-known member
Do you ever get tired of talking nonsense?

Mary is NOT the "mother of God". That idea comes from paganism.

Marys relationship to Jesus Christ in regards to HIS DEITY is ZERO.

God's WORD, the Bible, is the measure of true doctrine.

Feel free to respond to the questions I actually asked.

If you were incorrect about this (or about any theological truth), who would correct you?

Is it possible for you to believe a false doctrine, or conversely, to disbelieve a true one?

Or... is every religious belief you hold 100% true, simply because it's your belief?