What would make you Catholic?


Well-known member
Rather, the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, as opposed to the mere opinions of your favored recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect.
:nono: Your human-decision to endorse your favored church rendition.
I did. That's just the way you "came across" to me.

Gaudium de veritate,


True. In the exact same fashion I did as well. Glad we are on the same page.


New member
:nono: Your human-decision to endorse your favored church rendition.
The Catholic Church either is or is not that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself, thus possessing the very same doctrinal authority as its founder. Likewise regarding your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect.

True. In the exact same fashion I did as well. Glad we are on the same page.
Your insistence on utterly missing my point---and thus merely proving it---is noted.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Daniel 7:25

Daniel 7:25

"The belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith is unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and destructive of unity." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII, "Protestantism", Section III A - Sola Scriptura ("Bible Alone"), Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1912 by Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor, Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. (online source: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12495a.htm )

"Unfortunately many of these books were lost during the persecution of the 17th century, and only those books and ancient documents sent to the libraries of Cambridge and Geneva by Pastor Leger were perserved. The Papists took care, after every persecution, to destroy as much of the Waldensean literature as possible. Many of the Barbes were learned men and well versed in the languages and science of the Scriptures. A knowledge of the Bible was the distinctive feature of the ancient, and now the modern Vaudois. Deprived for centuries of a visible church and forced to worship in caves and dens, this intimate knowledge of God's word was their only light. Their school was in the almost inaccessible solitude of the deep mountain gorge called 'Pra Del Tor', and their studies were severe and long-continued, embracing the Latin, Romaunt and Italian languages."-Bompiani - A Short History of the Italian Waldenses

Their refusal to surrender the scriptures was an offense that the Papacy could not tolerate. The Papacy was determined to exterminate the heretics from the face of the Earth. The heretics greatest offense, was that they refused to worship God according to the will of the Pope. For this crime, the heretics suffered every humiliation, insult and torture that man could event: ( Fox's Book Of Martyrs)




New member
"The belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith is unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and destructive of unity." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII, "Protestantism", Section III A - Sola Scriptura ("Bible Alone")
Absolutely true. :up:

...to destroy as much of the Waldensean literature as possible.
See this.

(Fox's Book Of Martyrs)
Try again. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
The Catholic Church either is or is not that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself, thus possessing the very same doctrinal authority as its founder. Likewise regarding your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect.

"Our" expectation is at odds regarding how He did that. Regardless, it 'your' preferred church. Somehow, that you 'choose' it and I mine eludes you.

Your insistence on utterly missing my point---and thus merely proving it---is noted.
Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Hardly. What matters is the objective nature of what we've chosen. Back to Post #464.
Basically, the RCC is full of rhetoric, not objective truth.

The Roman machine continues to twist history in an effort to convince themselves and others that they are the one true church.

The one, holy, catholic and apostolic church embodies those Christians who hear the voice of Christ and follow Him, over and above false teachers.


Well-known member
Basically, the RCC is full of rhetoric, not objective truth.

The Roman machine continues to twist history in an effort to convince themselves and others that they are the one true church.

The one, holy, catholic and apostolic church embodies those Christians who hear the voice of Christ and follow Him, over and above false teachers.

Yet objective truth most certainly exists in the teachings of Christ's true Church, right? It must.


New member
Basically, the RCC is full of rhetoric, not objective truth.
For example...?

The Roman machine continues to twist history in an effort to convince themselves and others that they are the one true church.
For example...?

The one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church embodies those Christians who hear the voice of Christ and follow Him, over and above false teachers.
Proof, please.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Still waiting for you to provide the information requested in Post #472 above.
Surely you won't believe proof that I post, as I don't believe those you post.

I'll continue to state that I am already a member of the catholic church, founded on Jesus Christ.


New member
Absolutely true. :up:

See this.

Try again. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,


Lets not forget about your queen of heaven.

"God has entrusted the keys and treasures of heaven to Mary." Thomas Aquinas

"Holy Scripture was written to Mary, about Mary, and on account of Mary." St. Bernard

"No one ever finds Christ but with and through Mary. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Mary seeks Him in vain." St. Bonaventure

"What will it cost you, oh Mary, to hear our prayer? What will it cost you to save us? Has not Jesus placed in your hands all the treasures of His grace and mercy? You sit crowned Queen at the right hand of your son: your dominion reaches as far as the heavens and to you are subject the earth and all creatures dwelling thereon. Your dominion reaches even down into the abyss of hell, and you alone, oh Mary, save us from the hands of Satan." Pope Pius Xl

"Mary, not one of thy devout servants has ever perished: may I, too, Be saved!" Pope Benedict XV

"O Mary Mother of Mercy and Refuge of Sinners! We beseech thee to look with pitying eyes on poor heretics and schismatics. Do thou, who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds wretchedly enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, that, thus being united with us by the sweet chains of charity, there may soon be but one fold under one and the same Shepherd; and may we all thus, O Glorious Virgin, exultantly sing forever: ‘Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! Thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world!’ Amen." (Pope Pius XII, The Raccolta, Benzinger Brothers, Boston, 1957, No. 626).




Well-known member
Hardly. What matters is the objective nature of what we've chosen. Back to Post #464.
You chose it. We both used pretty much the same objectivity and subjectivity in choosing our man-preferred rendition. 1) God's sovereignty over that choice 2) which embraces the central truths of scripture without confusion 3) our motives and reason for choosing our church preference, etc. Both objective and subjective reasons are employed for choosing what we preferred. The overall reason there are Protestant and Catholic churches is beyond us and in God's hands. We chose what was available based on our expectations and preferences. Rather than asserting the superiority of your choice, realize it was 'your' choice. After that you can knock yourself out with why 'you' chose it, subjectively and objectively.

As far as it being the 'only' choice in your mind, such doesn't not come from outside looking in. We stand on perception of truth and make that call, but the superior peak idea is to be held suspect.
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New member
You chose it. We both used pretty much the same objectivity and subjectivity in choosing our man-preferred rendition. 1) God's sovereignty over that choice 2) which embraces the central truths of scripture without confusion 3) our motives and reason for choosing our church preference, etc. Both objective and subjective reasons are employed for choosing what we preferred. The overall reason there are Protestant and Catholic churches is beyond us and in God's hands. We chose what was available based on our expectations and preferences. Rather than asserting the superiority of your choice, realize it was 'your' choice. After that you can knock yourself out with why 'you' chose it, subjectively and objectively.

As far as it being the 'only' choice in your mind, such doesn't not come from outside looking in. We stand on perception of truth and make that call, but the superior peak idea is to be held suspect.
Lon, this is right on.

Excellent links, too, worth taking a look.