Daft as a brush, Paul was Pentecostal...and he exhorted you to be.
Daft as a brush, Paul was Pentecostal...and he exhorted you to be.
Hi , and wht not explain Acts 1:6 and why they wanted to restore their Kingdom ??:rotfl::rotfl:
Or did the DOG eat your notes !!:nono::nono:
Or are you just a FLAPDOODLER or you do not want me to know ??
dan p
Hi to all and Pentecostals are all over the bible , like a car on ICE on the road with no explanation or Righty Dividing anything and are very BRAZEN in they Intrepretation and no Scholarship what so ever !!
In Acts 1:6 " Lord , IF at this time are you RESTORING the Kingdom to Israel ???
#1 , The first verb tense is in the , " were come together " is in the Past Tense and is done with !!
#2 , The Second verb tense is in the IMPERFECT TENSE , meaning that this question was going on in Past Time and then STOPPED !!
#3 , The Fourth verb " Restore Again " at this Present time !!
The Jew and disciples in Jesus times were looking for the restoration of Israel Kingdom and NOT the MYSTERY that Paul was to preach whatsoever !
In verse 7 Jesus tells His disciples , it is not for you to know when this Kingdom will be restored and Pentecostals keep TRYING to bring back Pentecost with there speaking in GIBBERISH instead of real Languages !
The QUESTION then for Pentecostals , when is this KINGDOM giong to be Restored ??:jolly::jolly:
Try to think rationally.
Before the Holy Ghost came they asked about restoring the kingdom, they were told it was none of their concern but "you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit comes upon you an ye shall be witnesses unto Me.....unto the ends of the earth."
That is what YOU need and have never recieved.
andyc;419694 It's actually 'imperfect active' said:Hi , and I see that you found out it is the Imperfect Tense and in the Active Voice !!
What does the Active Voice then , mean ?
It is also in the Indicative Mood , so explain ?
Good to see slightly expanding your knowledge from Acts 2 !!
dan p
Hi , and I see that you found out it is the Imperfect Tense and in the Active Voice !!
What does the Active Voice then , mean ?
It is also in the Indicative Mood , so explain ?
Good to see slightly expanding your knowledge from Acts 2 !!
dan p
Dan hates any one like the real Paul.
Dan speaks like Saul, not like Paul.
It amazes me still that the ones like the Pharisees and scribes who resisted Jesus, all speak like the Pharisees and scribes and do not know that they do.
And, of course again, you don't know what you're talking about!
So what am I talking about.
why do you have problems with Paul ?:
Hi , and as you said , I dislike there theology and not them as they are Enemies of the Cross of Christ , Phil 3:17 and Rom 16:17 and 18 !!
I like having you all around as Iron sharpeth Iron and it has lifted me up in my understand , bibically !!
Remember I use to be one of them and everything they believed is still very confusing !!
dan p
You were a Pente! Wow I am surprised! So, every Pentecostal on the face of the planet is an enemy of the cross of Christ. That's a big statement to make and not a touch on the arrogant side. As you know I am not a MAD but I would not go as far as to say that. Misguided is more like it. Not the Pentecostals the MADs
No problems with Paul.
MADists here hate anything or anyone of the Spirit of God received as all the believers of Acts did.
Madists hate Pentecostals.
They claim to be baptized into the Body of Christ and claim it is not the Bride of Christ which they say is for the Jews.
Madists claim two gospels.
We can go on and on showing the errors of MAD and you can discover that for yourself by studying what they believe.
Their favourite defence of their heresies is that you are not saved.
They are dispys as well, another damnable heresy teaching the return to blood sacrifices and stone temple in the millennium/.
MAD rejects whole books of the Bible, when they rebuke their heresies, as well as much of Pauls writings.